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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    AS, your opinion isn't what's going to be held down. It's the way you used to hijack threads with it that will be. Dames
  2. The Dames

    KidKrash: Which PBP is he?

    The funny thing about Eagan is this... Should he ever surface again, the mods and I have found his home address and phone number, which was actually pretty easy to find. His parents will either be receiving a very disturbing phone call...about why their internet service provider has reason to cancel their contract. Dames
  3. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    I mean you said we can make some jokes. But we don't have to all become serious anti-smarks that have to take a 180 on our opinion of everything do we? Why would you ever have to reverse your opinion about anything? As long as it isn't deterring from the conversation (like 1inchpunch and Anglesault have done in the past), there's no reason to change how you feel about anything. Dames
  4. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    ...And this needs to get back on-topic NOW. See how simple it is folks? Back to discussing the WWE Folder situation. Dames
  5. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    You'd be surprised at how many of them slip up with something so simple as where they store their webspace, their e-mail addys, etc. Dames
  6. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    Tommorrow, Kotz will tell us that water is wet. However, unless he breaks any rules, he can't be banned. Not true. Once a pbp is found, broken rules or not, they're gone. The evidence for KidKrash being a pbp is overwhelming at the moment... Dames
  7. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    We don't want to punish anyone for joking around, but we don't want to halter a discussion because it's been hijacked by too many people joking around. The occasional joke is fine but when things get extremely off topic, then it's a problem. Dames So basically jokes that keep on topic but not ones that go and just turn the thread into something else, like your Diatribate for something or other that turned into some sort of feminist convo? Precisely. Dames
  8. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    We don't want to punish anyone for joking around, but we don't want to halter a discussion because it's been hijacked by too many people joking around. The occasional joke is fine but when things get extremely off topic, then it's a problem. Dames
  9. The Dames

    The WWE Folder

    Says the guy with 58 posts. To be honest, I don't see you helping much. I see Loss and Sass trying to do something to help. What are you doing? Dames
  10. The Dames

    So I was doing a member Search...

    The answer has been posted... Check "The WWE Folder" post in Site Feedback Dames
  11. The Dames

    So I was doing a member Search...

    I'll answer that in a minute... Dames
  12. To get back on topic, I'd put Charisma's acting skills this way. She started out as someone who really wasn't great, but eventually improved to become second billing on the spin off show for four years, playing a character with strong growth and depth. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Zack Malibu:Teacher

    I'll probably stick with the special needs kids, at least for now, but once I get my Bachelors, I might look into elementary schools. Gotcha. I wasn't sure if you were working with elementary aged special needs kids or what. Hell, it's cool to see a guy teaching special needs kids--I don't think I've ever seen that. *Sigh* Looks like Zack has roped another one with his charm. Sorry John, your girl is gone. Dames
  14. The Dames

    Ted Dibiase

    DiBiase is THE person who really should have been World Champion. Ted DiBiase practically had it all. He was a very good worker, had killer mic skills, tons of charisma and finally, a gimmick that would have drawn a shit load of money. No one's ever had this many tools and been denied the World Title more. Dames
  15. The Dames

    What kind of old person will you be?

    Thanks to technology, we'll be able to more or less be able to listen and watch the same things we watch today. Think about it. Now that TV Shows on DVD have become so popular, you can be 60 and pop in a clear version of Thundercats to watch with your grandkids if you want. Go pick up your 50 year old mp3 player and listen to a song from any era you wish without any audio distortion. ...Imagine how you'll feel when Ice Ice Baby is an 80 year old song....that you can listen to at ANY TIME. I'm not changing much at all. Dames
  16. The Dames

    Cellphone ringtones

    The Motorola v300 (which I'm buying next week) allows you to upload mp3s into the phones. I'm going to make my own ringtones out of hip hop instrumental beats. My default ring tone will be Party to Damascus. Dames
  17. The Dames

    What in the world is this about?

    He was drunk at the Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Convention last week and made an ass out of himself. Dames
  18. The Dames

    Favorite BtVS Season

    Even when she was with Tara, she considered herself gay, never bisexual. She already made up her mind at that point. Besides, Xander was with Anya, which killed any of Willow's feelings towards him romantically. Makes sense to me. Dames
  19. The Dames

    You Kicked My Dog

    I think that guy has been lying to you. This is not only mega old, but the Jerky Boys took credit for this. Dames
  20. The Dames

    What a way to wake up in the morning.

    Flik, this was the 24 hour Times Square...and we were walk ins. No driving involved. Dames
  21. The Dames

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Don't start silly rumors of dissention because there is none. It's the last thing I need right now. Dames
  22. The Dames

    Explain THIS TO ME

    ...Since the people are clamoring as to how this story will end, I've re-opened this stupid thing. Rawmvp...you get one last post to wrap things up and then this post is done. Dames
  23. The Dames

    Okay, Explain THIS to Me.

    Oh alright... I'll let him finish the stupid thing. One last post to satisfy you...odd people. Then we'll close it and as I said on one of the previous pages, put it into Classics. Dames
  24. The Dames

    Okay, Explain THIS to Me.

    You've got to be kidding me, right? I know some people believed him at first... Dames
  25. The Dames

    What a way to wake up in the morning.

    I didn't say you lived in the area, Sooner And how did you not know that I'm short? It's been a running gag with everyone here for almost 2 years now. Dames