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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    Bryan Singer In Talks To Direct X-Men 3

    No one technically "died" in the first movie. Toad was just struck by lightning and fell into the water. Sabertooth fell through Magneto's boat. Pyro was definitely cool yes, but Iceman had more character development, in my opinion. His revealing of his mutant abilities to his parents and their disapproval, combined with the fact that his brother called the cops must have left a lasting impression on him. Plus, he did make that ice wall to protect Logan, it's not like he didn't do ANYTHING useful. Dames
  2. The Dames

    Satellite vs. Cable

    Unfortunately, I have older (very antiquated) parents, meaning any little thing that raises the cost of a bill by 5-10 bucks results in continual bitching (moreso from the old man), not to mention they have that old person fear of newer technology. Welcome to my world. That describes my household to a T. Besides, anytime I try and convince them to get something that will obviously benefit me, they think I'm trying to scam them. Dames
  3. The Dames

    Strange things you eat

    I'm pretty peculiar in the manner in how I eat, mostly because I'm so picky. I don't like many condiments at all, so I tend to order a lot of things plain. I don't eat ketchup at all, I don't mayo on anything except for when I make tuna fish, etc. I eat canned Spaghetti & Meatballs from Chef Boyardee as well as canned tuna fish with saltine crackers (unsalted) and make little sandwiches with them. Dames
  4. The Dames

    Bryan Singer In Talks To Direct X-Men 3

    If they can't get most of the people back, then just forget about it. It would cheapen the film. You know Halle Berry doesn't want to come back. Hugh Jackman, James Marsden and Famke Janssen are essential in order for the third movie to work. Dames
  5. The Dames

    Satellite vs. Cable

    To be fair to cable, digital cable also has the whole East/West thing going on. My friends would watch the West Coast showing of the Sopranos most of the time, since they didn't get home early enough to watch it the first time around. The only negative to doing that is if say you're watching an award show or something...and someone curses on the air, it'll be edited on the West Coast feed. Dames
  6. The Dames

    Damn You Oprah!

    Now Menudo was definitely a boy band. They kept replacing members with boys (not MEN) and they were keen on making pop music and dancing all the time while being backed by a production team. Dames
  7. The Dames

    Satellite vs. Cable

    Check out my cable problems in the TNA folder in the thread "I Must Apologize, No 12/4 Diatribe". That should answer a few questions on how I feel about cable. A few things to ask yourself is this: Would you be able to install a satellite into your home without any bad feedback ensuing? Trees in your way or living in an apartment building can affect things like that, as can the weather. Digital cable SOUNDS good, but can often get frozen for a few seconds. Dames
  8. The Dames


    I bet it must feel really good Bryan. I can't wait until Trish Stratus reveals that she did an interview with Retro Rob for TSM in a shoot video a few years from now. Dames
  9. The Dames

    Ric Flair DVD

    I was thinking of doing a special in depth Diatribe on the Flair DVD now that I'm done with everything on it. Should I? Dames
  10. The Dames

    I Must Apologize: No 12/4 Diatribe

    Why couldn't you guys send me feedback every week, dammit! I get like 5 emails an article tops. Dames
  11. I still can't believe they put that stupid fucking puppet in the Buffy game. Dames
  12. The Dames

    Damn You Oprah!

    Which they wore in only Motownphilly...once again, their first single. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Damn You Oprah!

    Zack is absolutely right. Besides Motownphilly, when did you ever see Boyz II Men bouncing around singing pop songs and dancing on stage? Their emphasis was on their music and their vocals and they were the premier r&b/soul band in the mid 90's. Dames
  14. I would say Season 4 is better than 1 because even though 4 is the weakest of the overall season arcs, only FIVE episodes in the first season deal with the main story arc, The Master. Everything else is just throwaways. At least Season 4's "throwaways" consisted of Hush, Restless and Something Blue. Dames
  15. The Dames

    I Must Apologize: No 12/4 Diatribe

    Sadly, in my current living situation, it simply isn't. First off, as my real life friends like EQ can attest to, I live in a VERY strange building where the entrance is the 3rd floor. The reason for this is because my building was built in the middle of a cliff. The 2nd and 1st floors are actually underground...I live on the 2nd floor, so I get VERY little radio reception, shitty cell phone reception and it's practically a require meant to get some sort of hard line cable in order to view TV. No satellites work down here. Dames
  16. For once, I agree with Mole 100%. I didn't like the first season much and the only reason I liked it all (aside from Prophecy Girl and Angel, which were awesome) was because I had already gotten accustomed to the characters in later seasons, so I viewed it as a prequel of sorts. Dames
  17. The Dames

    Damn You Oprah!

    Actually, I WANT to see Backstreet back together. JUST to see if the girls who were into them still are of if the fad is over. That would be a harsh, harsh reality check, wouldn't it? Dames
  18. The Dames

    I Must Apologize: No 12/4 Diatribe

    Thank you everyone. I have a feeling that the other sites that I write my TNA Diatribes will end up dropping me, so TSM may be the only place you can read my material very soon. Hopefully, my readers will carry over and come here, which was the intention anyway. Dames
  19. The Dames

    Do You Wish To Write for TSM?

    TheSmartMarks.com is in need of new writers for various weekly positions. WWE Raw WWE Sunday Night Heat WWE Velocity NWA:TNA Xplosion If and ONLY IF you are willing to make a commitment to produce quality write ups or reviews on these shows in a timely manner every week, please send me a sample write up of one of these shows to [email protected]. I do NOT accept attachments, so please make sure to cut and paste the article into an e-mail. Knowing HTML is a plus, but it is not necessary. Every article that qualifies for consideration will be checked for plagarism, so beware. I expect to receive many submissions, so if I do not respond back to you, don't be offended. What I am looking for most of all is originality, knowledge of the product, personality, proper spelling & grammar and most of all...a commitment. We all know that these shows haven't been lighting up the wrestling world, but we need someone who will stay focused and pump out quality stuff weekly. Good luck. Dames
  20. The Dames

    How many of you...

    I had an offer to live with one of my best friends, but after agreeing to it for months (telling him that I would as soon as I found a job), I realized that it wouldn't work so I turned him down. I enjoy my peace and serenity and I can't see myself getting any downtime with him. I'd rather pay a little more to have my privacy and 100% of the say in my household. Dames
  21. The Dames

    I Must Apologize: No 12/4 Diatribe

    I've thought about it...but I can't afford to go back to school right now. Dames
  22. The Dames

    What happened at the VGAs

    CONGRATULATIONS... You just made me crack up. Dames
  23. The Dames

    I just realized

    I could have sworn I heard that Superman also defeated the Hulk, but I'm not too into comics anymore, so I don't know. Dames
  24. The Dames

    What happened at the VGAs

    What happened at the VGA's? Quite possibly the worst awards show I've seen since RAW X. Dames
  25. The Dames

    The Spike VGAs

    I agree, Downhome. I've never been a fan of David Spade, but as a host, he didn't do much of anything besides the opening monologue which was terribly unfunny. Funkmaster Flex introduced the rest of the segments. Most of the people who showed up to "present" didn't really do much of anything and the fact that they simply announced winners was just retarded. The musical acts sucked too and most weren't even video game related. In what game can you hear the song "Milkshake"? This was pretty goddamned terrible. Dames