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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    Let me know what you think... And most importantly, if I should continue. Dames
  2. The Dames

    What should I change my name to?

    Chief Henry! Dames
  3. The Dames

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    Banky, would you let it go? You came back. Even I stated that your banning was wrong. Let it go. Dames
  4. The Dames

    Moved up?

    Nope, just an error on my part that was just corrected. Thank you. Dames
  5. The Dames

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    For those of you who have claimed favoritism, keep in mind that I brought back a few posters that weren't exactly liked by myself or a majority of the board for things they were unjustly banned for. Tim Cooke and Johnson immediately spring back to mind. Dames
  6. The Dames

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    You know, now that I think about it... The big "scandal" that was going to supposedly bring down Palmer was a bit of a letdown, wasn't it? I think it will get very interesting if someone finds out about the payoff though. Dames
  7. The Dames

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    The difference between Game and Sakura is that Game was fully aware of the rule and had been warned in the past for various violations. Dames
  8. The Dames

    The Reinstatement of Sakura

    Indeed I am paying for it, so any flack should go right to me. As for the "bad precedent", I'm trying to correct things, not make it worse. Now there should be no confusion anymore and I know for a fact that she knows better. Dames
  9. The Dames

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Tony doesn't take shit from almost anyone, he came through CLUTCH in Season 1 when he killed the assassin that came after Teri, stood his ground against Mason in Season 2 when he was being a prick, took over CTU with flying colors, etc. How could you not like the guy? Dames
  10. The Dames

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    OR...he'll die and she'll take the job at Langley instead. Dames
  11. The Dames

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    What's with all the Tony hate? I haven't yelled at my TV in years...but I actually shouted "NO!" when he was shot. He is/was one of my favorite characters throughout the first two seasons. Damn, Michelle is going to take it hard. It's pretty damn fucked up that they didn't even mention Tony in the preview. Dames
  12. Damn Nick. We actually agree about most of this. Here's to hoping for some nice discussion. Dames
  13. The Dames

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    Nope, I wasn't the wrestling guy on Beat the Geeks. I'm not sure if you'd see me anyway, I probably wouldn't be able to see above the podium. Dames
  14. The Dames

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    I would if he asked me to. Dames
  15. The Dames

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    I don't know, I just wanted to get a feel for it. I don't know if I can dedicate myself to 2, sometimes 3 shows a week. Dames
  16. The Dames

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    Could you give me some examples as to how it felt forced? As for the ~!, I'm pretty sure there were much less than usual, actually. Dames
  17. The Dames

    Update on 11/5 Diatribe

    As was previously stated HERE, I went up to my old college town of Troy, NY for an impromptu mini-vacation after The Matrix Revolutions (which disappointed me). I was able to watch the show (twice) using TiVo, but unfortunately, wasn't able to get a tape of the show because my friend's VCR was busted. I wasn't in my element up there and I didn't have access of the equipment I'd need (the TV and exclusive access to a computer near it for 4 hours) in order to do a proper Diatribe. Not to mention, I didn't want to do it when I was piss ass drunk two days in a row...although I considered it. So, instead of doing a half-assed TNA report, I'm just not going to do it at all. I will, instead, add my thoughts on the 11/05 TNA show either at the beginning of the 11/12 Diatribe or before tomorrow's Raw Diatribe....if I decide to finally do one. Dames
  18. The Dames

    Ring Of Honor

    Quite possibly the one and only thing Cooke and I agree on. Shit, even I can't deny it. It's not like I can give a quiz to the stupids that sign up here...just deal with them accordingly. Dames
  19. Holy fucking Christ. The title of this thread is pretty spot on. I think I'd about fucking die if I ever saw spiders chomping on me. Dames
  20. The Dames

    I hope Damaramu dies

    ....Shit. Here's another one of those days where I absolute HATE to be the Owner and Administrator of TSM. Here's the thing. Sakura is a friend of mine (and is a very pretty girl that I've known for years btw for those of you wondering) and I KNOW that she didn't mean it. Obviously, she's upset with me and this seriously bothers me because it truly was an extension of a joke. She didn't know the rules (which I know for a fact)....and I realize that this is actually my fault. They aren't clearly stated. But hey...others have been banned for the same thing, so I can't show a bias. Argh. There's going to be some changes...to make things specific around here. Dames
  21. The Dames

    PPV Buy Rates at Scary Low

    Last word or not, shut the fuck up, both of you with your bickering. You're not even on topic anymore. Dames
  22. The Dames

    PPV Buy Rates at Scary Low

    Sakura, Damaramu... Shut up or take it to NHB. Dames
  23. The Dames

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    No, he said "I'm clean, You got nothing on me." Jack: "Shut up Stupid, you just fired at a federal agent!" Dames
  24. The Dames

    Yankees decline Wells' option

    You DO realize that you're arguing with AngleSault here right? Once again, I'm on his side. Dames
  25. The Dames

    Yankees decline Wells' option

    Alright...I'll admit, I'm not as versed with contract talk as I'd like to be. Why would the Yankees bother to resign him after they just declined Wells' option? How do the Yankees benefit exactly? Paying him LESS? Dames