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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    Hey P. Diddy...

    For the record, there has not been a song that 112 has made that I don't like. I own a LOT of their unreleased material and songs on soundtracks, remixes, etc. I have the version of "Na Na Na" with Sean Paul, which isn't that great. I don't care for the single too much, but it's 112, so I can't hate it. Hopefully, the rest of "Hot & Wet" will be better. I actually support 112....I buy instead of download. Dames
  2. He writes just like he talks...RVD-ish. That is awesome. Dames
  3. The Dames

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    No one would have remember Jesse though, unless they were DIE HARD fans from the beginning. Also, I heard somewhere (it might have been this thread) that Amber Benson was asked to be The First in CWDP, but she declined because she said that it would have been too cruel for Willow. Dames
  4. The Dames

    Hey P. Diddy...

    Haha, very funny. I have to disagree with you on their album releases. Their first and second are on par with each other, in my opinion, with the third slightly below. They tend to have themes, in case you haven't noticed. The first one is all about getting the girl and being totally in love with her... The second one is that they're having problems, but they're trying to work them out. The last one, they done broke up and now they're playas. Yes, Slim in the man and so is Q. Dames
  5. The Dames


    I just read your column and I want to congratulate you on a well written piece of work. Dames
  6. The Dames

    shawn vs vader

    Was that really called for? I'm watching you... Dames
  7. I tend not to, to be honest. I'm not a bigger TNA fan over WWE. I have no preference. Dames
  8. So, would "Saved by the Bell: The New Class" and "Saved by the Bell: The College Years" be considered separate shows and therefore have different sets to them, i.e. Saved by the Bell: The College Years Season 1? Dames
  9. Not to say that TNA is better than WWE at all, but probably because of the small size of the arena they NEVER play the music of someone interfering in matches and it definitely tends to help the shock value. Case in point, Christopher Daniels attack on Jeff Jarrett this week. If his music had started up first, it wouldn't have had nearly the same effect. Dames
  10. The Dames

    THE Smackdown Spoilers

    Then don't post it in the WWE folder. Dames
  11. The Dames

    Here's my new column

    Bps, without a shadow of a doubt...the BEST work you've ever done. I'm pimping the shit out of this in my Diatribe ... Dames
  12. The Dames

    Hey P. Diddy...

    Actually, I think 112's album sales have increased with every subsequent release. Those albums are some of my favorites of all time as I'm a HUGE 112 fan. I expect nothing less when the new album comes out on Sept. 9th. The 2nd and the 9th are going to be KILLER release dates. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I have to side a bit with RRR here. Glory could have fucked with Dawn... Plus, I'm sure Buffy would have been intimidated by the person who killed her. You saw how she wigged out way back in Season 2 when she thought that Master was going to be brought back. People who kill Buffy....intimidate her. Dames
  14. The Dames

    This week's Diatribe.

    On the site itself, just click on TV reports. Dames
  15. The Dames

    This week's Diatribe.

    You know the deal. Feedback me and all that. Dames
  16. One of my best friends is buying that for me as a belated birthday present. Oh yeah. Dames
  17. The Dames


    'Flow, I changed it and I'm changing it back to hidden. There are way too many new things on the main page and I don't want it crowded. You can change it back tomorrow, but everyone needs a fair amount of time on the top of the main page. Dames
  18. The Dames

    Favorite Sandwich Shop

    I'm a Blimpie's fan. Dames
  19. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    Bps was right...it WAS a 4-parter. Dames
  20. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    I thought it was two...I'll have to check tvtome.com Dames
  21. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    Hell no..."To Shanshu in L.A." ruled, especially the cliffhanger ending. I didn't care for "Home" the season 4 finale, although RRR creams all over it. I didn't see the latter half of Season 3. I too, stopped watching when Connor was born. Not his fault, but that damn timeslot. Dames
  22. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    4 parter? I just remember the 2 parter when they went to Pylia. That was a weak season finale. Dames
  23. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    Well, it did get a GREAT times slot, right behind Smallville. Bps, Darla gave birth in season 3. Why did you stop watching then? Dames
  24. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    What! I started watching again in mid Season 4 to catch the Faith/Willow crossovers. Excellent, excellent shit. Also, the amulet that Angel gave to Buffy which was given to Spike was given to him at the season finale of Season 4 by Wolfram and Hart. I did catch the end of The Beast. Poor RRR. Dames
  25. The Dames

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    Here's some good news for you, Bps. Drew Goddard is going to the Angel writing crew. Dames