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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    Best Movie Tweeners

    The man in my sig. Admit it... He's a bad guy, but you're rooting for him at the end of the movie. You don't WANT him to die and you marvel at his one man badassedness with his little friend. Dames
  2. The Dames

    Sosa gets busted

    No, he didn't say they were for Derbies, he said batting practice. There's no harm in wanting to give the fans a show. Dames
  3. The Dames

    Sledge Hammer!

    I remember the show! Didn't it end on a cliffhanger with a nuclear warhead being launched...and then it never came back on the air? Dames
  4. The Dames


    There's already a topic on this. Dames
  5. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

    Vern, upon a second good look, it looks fine. Resizing doesn't mean changing your resolution, Dawn. It means actually making your pic smaller, which can be done in any image editing programs, even Paint, i believe. Dames
  6. The Dames

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    I want Austin/Hogan at WM XX. Dames
  7. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

  8. The Dames

    Does Anyone Need a Video Reviewer

    Just curious, Eyebrow, did you ever read my review of the 1st ROH show? Its in the Archives. Dames
  9. The Dames

    Shows cancelled too early

    I found Family Guy to be a hell of a lot funnier than the Simpsons. Yes, sue me. Dames
  10. The Dames

    Shows cancelled too early

    I agree with you there. The first season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer was just NOT good to me at all, but since it was given a second chance, it was able to flourish into the show that it did. Smallville is a good example, but I am really getting annoyed by their cliffhanger season finales. This seasons wasn't NEARLY as bad as the "to be continued" at the end of Season 1, which will annoy me to my wits end when I get it on DVD. The second episode of Season 2 could have easily been the season premiere and they should have just made Smallville's Season 1 finale a two parter shown IN Season 1. Dames
  11. The Dames

    Boy Meets World

    Wow, this show was a favorite of mine during its early run. Once they got to college, it "jumped the shark" so to speak. Oh, and when that tall girl Rachel joined the show. But everything else was gold to me. I'm a silly emotional bastard and even I've got to admit that some of the episodes get to me....including the one where Topanga moves away. Dames
  12. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

    Yours is fine River City Rocker. Vern, if yours didn't have the text it would be of perfect size. If you can resize the pic a bit, it would be fine. Dames
  13. The Dames

    Feedback on the TSM Rules

    I think he was talking about Kahrans. Dames
  14. How about I ban someone else instead!!!
  15. The Dames

    Jeter! Jeter! Jeter!

    Shit, where can I get in the line for Mariah? Dames
  16. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

    Oh...once you're done checking your sig, put your settings back to where they were. Dames
  17. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

    As an explanation, its not just for cosmetics. The large images take longer to load for anyone with a slow connection and it makes the board slower in general, having to produce so many images. Since many users here use quick reply, in a thread where someone replies 6 or 7 times, their sig alone takes up about 6 pages that you have to scroll past, if you add it all up. Dames
  18. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

    Ok, you need to go to your desktop (minimize everything or just click on the desktop icon in the system tray) then right click. Select properties. A few tabs will come up, one with "settings". Select that one and slide the "screen resolution" over to 1024 x 768. Your screen will flicker and get noticably smaller or bigger, depending on the resolution you have now. Then, take a look at any of your posts. If your sig passes the halfway mark on your screen, its too big. Nanks...yours is about 3/4's of a page and still needs to be cut down. Dames
  19. The Dames

    Ban tank abbott...

    Yes. Dames
  20. The Dames

    Sig Crackdown.

    Actually, Death Angle, I believe the rules were put up before the Bankywood sigs. It looks fine to me and I'm running the right resolution. Dames
  21. The Dames

    DVDR 500 came out tonight....

    Considering DEAN made the big thread on this already, consider this one closed... Dames
  22. The Dames

    Feedback on the TSM Rules

    Well, as long as you don't go in every folder and every thread you post in to do so, no. At least you contribute to the forums. Dames
  23. The Dames

    TSM Poster Tournament

    *Pops da collar* (Credit: EL DANDY~!) Dames