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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST


    I'm still around! In some fashion... Respect.
  2. JST

    Ring Crew

    Been there and still do that on occasion. What do you believe is the most annoying part of the job? I always hate tightening the damn ropes (I can never get the damn thing right) and putting the pads on the turnbuckles (not the corner, but the thing that joins the corner and the post).
  3. JST

    Manager Name

    Jingus wins.
  4. JST

    Manager Name

    Bodyguard, mentor, publicist, best friend. All of those.
  5. So, the pussy eats YOU... Far out.
  6. JST

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    Smackdown HCTP. Just a cool visual. Triple threat with me (CAW, dressed as ref), Rock and another who eludes me. Rock is, of course, having his way with the third one, with me getting a shot or two in. Rock gets set for the Elbow, and just as he bounces off the first set of ropes, I run like hell and BLAST him with Hurricane's crazy-ass leaping clothesline.
  7. JST

    I feel like

    On one side; you have a fully trained Jedi Knight. Proficient with a lightsaber, entrenched in the light side of the force. In times of great duress, fear is never an option for him. He doesn't like violence, but WILL defend himself if the need arises. On the other; standard United Federation Of Planets crewman, trained in phaser handling and advanced hand to hand combat. He's fully armed with handheld and rifle phasers and is willing to die for the cause of the Federation. So it's very simple. They fight. Who wins?
  8. JST

    Would you rather....

    To answer the topic: Bitch would wait in the car while I swapped ring stories with the Hulkster.
  9. JST

    Would you rather....

    He should teach her some self-defense like he did that kid in Mr. Nanny. Basically, hunch over and look menacing.
  10. Being in the biz, this was just THAT extra-painful for me to watch. But I definitely loved the brutally honest announcer. Nice counter to the Figure Four Counter, though.
  11. Picture Muhammad Hassan's Flatliner finisher. Now, after delivering the move, maintain the hold on the opponent's head and then reach back with your left leg to torque the opponent's head back.
  12. JST

    1992 royal rumble

    I liked the out of nowhere "Best president since Noriega."
  13. JST

    I feel like

    Yeah, them. I put them in there based on the fact that they can "phase" out when things get too rough but I didn't take into account how badly they jobbed to Morpheus in Reloaded.
  14. JST

    I feel like

    Agent Smith VS The Twins Discuss.
  15. JST

    Favorite Wrestlers

    Chris Benoit: Ditto pegasus' reasons. Bret Hart: The first wrestler I've ever really marked out for as a kid. When I started to smart up a little about the business, I noticed that hey, this guy was good! It stuck all these years and he remains firmly at the top with Benoit as my favorite. AJ Styles: I know I've bragged that I reffed him before, but he's actually a pure joy to work with in the ring. Plus, while chatting I asked him what he thought of my work, compared to what he's used to. He said he loved it. Emphasis on love. You're in the wrestling biz. AJ Styles says he loves your work. How can you NOT develop an ego? Refs: (I wear the stripes myself, so what the hey) Mike Chioda, for being one of the best at putting his foot down and appearing like the MF'in authority in the ring, despite being a 160-lbs referee. Charles Robinson (WCW era), Brian Hebner for their attention to the little details. Like, emphasizing that a guy kicked out, demonstrating just how close that two-count was, etc. Plus, Brian can beatbox. I pattern my style mostly after these three, heck on occasion I'll even flash Chioda's "devil sign" after a two-count.
  16. JST

    I feel like

    This is fun. Klingon warrior VS Wookie I'm bored, come up with more.
  17. What's funnier is that he casually described Kazarian having a bruised sternum and a rung bell from the whole thing. From his reaction, I'd lean more towards "Stupid fuck." Even funnier: AJ asks Chris Daniels (also there that night) about the spot in particular, to which he replies he was in Japan that night. But his look definitely meant "Oh yeah. THAT."
  18. JST

    I feel like

    Do the astronauts have weapons?
  19. JST

    I feel like

    Good point. Subject revised. Han Solo vs Borg Drone. Heh.
  20. Funny enough, I DID get to ask AJ about that.
  21. JST

    Er. Que? o0;

    Titanic II: Jack's Revenge
  22. All the way. The ECW belt, while kickass was too much overshadowed by the TV title.
  23. JST


    Howdy folks. We have a show coming up on july 22, featuring Austin Aries in a ROH-sanctionned title defense. Now since I'll most likely get the privilege of doing the match, I was hoping to turn to you fellow smarks. Since I follow ROH just about as often as I do General Hospital, I was hoping to get any kind of information possible on the guy so I can know what to expect. Ring style? Heelish/faceish? Charisma? Nice person behind the scenes? That, plus anything you can think of. Thanks!