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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Marty Jannetty Interview

    Just to clarify, Wayne Bloom was Blake Beverly. Beau was the bigger Mike Enos.
  2. JST

    Where to exchange opened games?

    Any EB Games over there?
  3. JST

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Angel fan here, who doesn't feel like going through 200 pages of this thread to find what I need. So, has there been a date set for the release of season 5 on DVD?
  4. JST

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    A routine I've done that's garnered a few laughs: Heel wrestler complains about a nearfall, and I insist it was only two. And so, I proceed to re-enact the entire pinfall by myself, playing all the roles. Oh and once there was thumbtacks in the ring. So I counted with my foot.
  5. JST

    AWA Backstage Gossip

    You'd think he'd stick the guy's face in his arm pit instead.
  6. JST

    Favorite submission finisher/hold

    Nagata Lock III Good old Figure Four. Relatively simple, but painful as hell when really cranked on.
  7. JST

    SNL Review

    Swear to God, ya'll need to pop in some Metallica.
  8. JST

    SNL Review

    Some of you are criticizing this show as if it were a ball game. This show is meant to make you laugh (as bad as it seems to be lately). Just go the old fashionned route of "if you don't like it, don't watch it". I was a huge fan of the show, but stopped watching when Ferrell left.
  9. Only one name is worthy of consideration...
  10. JST

    New IWS Bloodstream for October

    Witness! Having met and worked with Franky numerous times, I can attest to the fact that the man is gold. If most of ya'll can understand french, I'll try and hook you up with a promo where two of his buddies basically tease him about his finisher being nothing but a sitdown chokeslam. Funny stuff.
  11. Wouldn't recommend the Shining Wizard. I've seen so many people do it without never really doing it justice. Depends on your strength level, too. I've seen a guy do a pretty cool variation of the F-5 where he lands seated in an X-Factor position. Hell, call it X-5.
  12. JST

    Strangest Kayfabe reasons for a heel turn

    "It's me, Austin! It was me aaaaaaall aloooooong!!"
  13. JST

    Wrestling dreams

    Back in 96, I dreamt I was in my basement, hanging out with Chris Benoit. I ask him what makes him so good as a Horseman. He says it's because he's the best. Fair enough. So I gave him a backbreaker. One time, I'm in my home and Pierce Brosnan is chasing me. He catches me and sets me up for a Pedigree. I counter it into a Sharpshooter. We both fall over laughing. As for dream/aspirations, well, I've always actually wanted to meet Chris Benoit. Oh wait, I did! Seriously though, as a referee, it's always been a dream of mine to work with a renowned indy star from the U.S. Oh wait, I did! Twice!
  14. JST

    Least imposing wrestlers

    I could beat Nunzio. At Nintendo.
  15. JST

    Ugliest WWE Belt

    Is this limited to WWE only? [EDIT: Failed to read topic title carefully. Vote still stands anyway.] If not, my vote goes to the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team belts. Yech.
  16. JST

    Weirdest Choices for Wrestling Themes

    There's a team in Montreal that came out to Phil Collins' In The Air Tonight. Beat that.
  17. Don't care what ya'll say. Still proud of my 49 days.
  18. JST

    2004 PWI 500

    Each year I wonder what the hell's the point of debating this list. I mean, you all know it sucks.
  19. JST

    IWS Freedom to Fight (09/25/2004)

    Exactly. Plus, the ring smelled of cheap italian cola.
  20. JST

    IWS Freedom to Fight (09/25/2004)

    - 2.0 VS T-Unit, where 2.0 educates the rabid Montreal crowd to the count-out rule. - Kurt Lauderdale VS Evil Ninja, in one of Kurt's best matches ever. - Fred La Merveille VS Crazy Crusher - Dan Paysan VS Beef Wellington, in an Italian streetfight and where I reach a new refereeing low; I count the winning pinfall with my foot. - PCO VS Kid Kamikaze, where PCO thought Kid K was X-Pac. - El Generico VS Franky The Mobster - Kevin Steen VS Sexxxy Eddy VS Excess, IWS title match - Hurricanes VS Syndicat de Lutte Internet, IWS Tag Team Title match, TLC.
  21. JST

    Ahem, Frisco, we need to talk...

    @ this topic.
  22. Didn't I used to do that? I can always try to whip something up.
  23. JST

    Genesis Booking Thread

    No, I'm just quite skinny.
  24. JST

    Genesis Booking Thread

    I wanna referee the main event and retire again.
  25. Then try to remain modest about it? Fuck it. Look at my sig.