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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Random thoughts after seeing the Mass Transit

    Any way to get some screen captures?
  2. JST

    What makes a “Good Finisher”?

    Pumphandle MDII I'm copyrighting that name. This detail's a bit less important, but it's also all in the name. Picture the announcer yelling it out loud when your wrestler executes the move. Going back to the Stone Cold example: which phrase produces the most emotion during a match? "The Stunner!! The Stunner by God!! Austin's gonna win this match!" Or. "The neck-crushing doo-hickey!! Austin's gonna win this match!" Keep the name simple, short and catchy.
  3. JST

    Lash Leroux's finisher

    I remember it. Lash held the guy as if going for a cutter, but laced the legs as if for a russian legsweep and, um ... sweeps the guy down.
  4. JST

    New WWE Match Concepts

    You mean thanks me.
  5. JST

    Favourite Opening Credits

    Any Tarantino flick.
  6. JST

    Dean Malenko/Chris Jericho

    Going from memory, he had a guy dressed as Konnan act out various situations where he pulled out a foreign object (belt, chain, shovel) and how "Konnan" won the title. Of course, he thanked the guy for the demonstration by beating him up and putting him in the Liontamer. And now, Chris Jericho takes over the announcing duties at Slamboree: --- DAVE PENZER: "Ladies and Gentlemen, as Slamboree continues, this is the Cruiserweight Battle Royale, the winner to face Chris Jericho tonight. In this contest wrestlers can be eliminated by either pin fall or when their feet touch the ringside floor. And ladies and gentlemen, here are the participants..." CHRIS JERICHO: "Hold on just one second here, David Penzer you unintelligible moronic high voiced dweeb! You know nothing about the sport of pro wrestling and you know nothing about these fine competitors coming out today. So I'm gonna do all the Jerichoholics a great favor. I'm gonna introduce all of the contestants in the cruiserweight battle royale. Let's face it, one of these fine contestants will get a chance at the cruiserweight belt, (they'll never win it), but tonight you're gonna see a great match from a great competitor. Let's get down to the list here..." "Coming out first from (?)(Sounds like Sunchimilko) Mexico, you'll notice his hat NEVER comes off, the master of trick-track, the master of Da Funk, he is Super Calo! Look at those moves ladies and gentlemen. You got about a one in ten chance of winning, maybe." "Next, from El Paso, Mexico, this guy used to be a great bar tender, but it hasn't translated into his wrestling skills, he is the scourge of the illustrious Guerrero family, he is Chavo Guerrero Jr. maybe a two in ten chance of winning." "Coming out next, from Mexico, this is a rags to riches story, from selling chimichangas on the streets to WCW is Ciclope!" "Then we got Damien. He can't afford a mask, he's using paint, but sooner or later he's gonna buy a mask, I'm guaranteein' you that." "Here we go, the winner of the Lou Ferrigno look alike contest, this guy is also from Mexico, El Dandy." "Coming out next is the (?), feather weight pacer(?) champion, El Grillo." "Now this guy pulled up in a nice rusted out '68 El Camino Chevy, he's the ugliest man in our sport today, he's the illustrious Quazijuice Skelerra." "A former champion in many countries, he's gonna rock rock til he drops, rock rock never stop, Marty Jannetty, ladies and gentlemen." "Coming up next from Allentown, PA. He's a lost and lonely soul, his name is Kidman. And Kidman, I've got some Calamine lotion for you after the show!" "This guy's the true shooter of WCW, does he have a chance? No, zero chance, no way, he's Evan Courageous, ladies and gents." "Oh yeah, straight from Minneapolis, Minnesota, I want my Lover Boy tape back, Lenny Lane!" "And of course we've got Psychosis, he's got a lot of hubcaps in his collection, if you need one, he'll procure one for you after the show." "This guy is Silver King, if he wins twelve more matches he'll be upgraded to Golden King." "This guy is Johnny Sinjer? Johnny SSS.... Johnny Swinger? You ever heard of this guy? I haven't. Zero out of ten chance in winning! No chance." "And last but not least, representing Villanos 1 through 62, from the Villano family, he is Villano IV." "Those are your contestants in tonight's battle royale, I'm going in the back for a coffee cause none of these guys will ever ever beat me for my belt!"
  7. JST

    Least appearances on PPV

    That would be him these days, the now former IWS champ.
  8. JST

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    When Big Show nips up, note how he actually grabs onto a rope to give himself a boost. Similar to Rocky, note how he pushes himself up with his hands when he nips up. Anyone with can do a nip-up with the right technique. Well, except the fat people, of course.
  9. JST

    Moves which went out of fashion

    Hammerlock Slam. Wrong. He powerbombs the guy, then floats over into a normal lateral press. Half-crab. Sorry to nitpick, I'm just a details person.
  10. Say it with me: YUH! GUHN! DAHN! YUH! GUHN! DAHN! YUH! GUHN! DAHN! ...
  11. JST

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    Rock busting out the MOVESET~! during the Ironman Match at Judgement Day 2000.
  12. JST

    What matches do you have on your computers?

    My list pales in comparison: Japan stuff: Hulk Hogan VS Great Muta Owen Hart VS Jushin Liger WWF/E: Dark Match: Brock Lesnar & Ron Waterman VS Randy Orton & Rico Constantino IYH Cage Match: Diesel VS Bret Hart [c] Gimmick Battle Royal from Wrestlemania X7 Raw, Tag Team Championship: Two-Man Power Trip VS Chrisses Jericho & Benoit IYH Mind Games: Shawn Michaels VS Mankind Raw 1997: Steve Austin & Shawn Michaels VS Bulldog & Owen Hart Wrestlemania XII: Triple H VS Ultimate Warrior WCW Best of Seven: Booker T VS Chris Benoit [GBA 98] Chris Benoit VS Sid Vicious [souled Out 99] Chris Benoit VS Raven [souled Out 98] Rey Mysterio Jr. VS Eddie Guerrero [Halloween Havok 98] Sting VS Cactus Jack [beach Blast 92] ROH Christopher Daniels VS Low-Ki Amazing Red & Brian XL VS Divine Storm VS S.A.T. ECW Rey Mysterio Jr. VS Psicosis Misc. clips: Kevin Nash tearing his quad. [set to the tune of Chariots of Fire] Booker T VS Austin Grocery Store Fight. Kurt Angle "Interviews" The Rock. The infamous Pedigree Gone Wrong on a jobber. "The Old Stone Cold" returns to clear the ring of the Alliance.
  13. JST

    Moves which went out of fashion

    That one could be out of respect for Droz, who used it as a finisher. Oh and D-Lo accidentally crippled him with a similar move. Eugene does the airplane spin.
  14. Five words. Heroes. Of. Wrestling. Main. Event.
  15. JST

    Patriot down on his luck?

    Don't forget the Patriot Missile. Shoulderblock from the top rope.
  16. Silent's the champ?
  17. You KNOW guys will immediately picture "washing the car with my girlfriends" right away, right?
  18. In my experience, wrestlers wet their hair so it looks better when it "flies" around as they're taking bumps. When you see the guy's hair flail aroud, the casual viewer thinks 'Man, this guy's really taking a beating'. It's a small detail like that.
  19. JST

    SWF Dream Tag Teams

    First post in the WF folder in nearly a year. Wee. - Annie & Tod were a team for all of one or two matches, but the chemistry was there in my view. Wish it lasted longer, but it did lead to a kickass feud. - Tod & Frost. Damn shame the two characters didn't get to work together more often. - Tod & WildChild as the mega-face high spots team. Tag Team No Gravity Match, anyone? - Tod & Tom was another partnership that could've produced quality promos. Good times...
  20. The blank sign is genius. "The Guy Behind Me Can't See." "The Guy Behind Me Snuck In." "Drunk 24:7" "Wait, What?" "Dyslexic 6:13" "I Saw Batista At Wal-Mart." (a favorite of mine) "I Miss Jeff." (this guarantees you a trip to a ringrat's bedroom) "I Got Wasted At The Johnny Nitro Grill." "www.thesmartmarks.com" (nothing wrong with a plug ) "I Can Book Smackdown Better With EWR." "Olé!" This one for the ladies: "Eugene Turns Me On." Better yet: "Kane Lost His Genitals In A Fire."
  21. JST

    Commentary Teams of the 80's-90's

    Lord Alfred Hayes and Pat Patteron teamed up a few times with Ray Rougeau to do commentary for us Frenchies. Hayes' accent is even more annoying in french.
  22. Ugh, yeah. I'd like to superkick the genius who approved Art Donovan's presence on that show.
  23. Also not Old School, but anytime when Paul Heyman mocked JR's orgasmic reactions to Stone Cold Steve Austin.