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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    Your hottie of the moment...

    Either way, being on this redhead kick, I present you a naked April Hunter, young eyes beware. As well as a shot of one of her best assets. Heh.
  2. JST

    Your hottie of the moment...

    C'mon, you guys are stopping ALREADY? I doubt it's that hard to find pictures of good looking women on the internet. Here's a saucy redhead that no one has mentionned yet, the ultra-yummy Nikki Cox.
  3. JST

    Pictures of Taker

    What's Leslie Nielsen up to these days?
  4. JST

    Gimmicks that overshadowed the person

    Four words: Rocky Maivia - Smilin' Babyface
  5. JST

    Your hottie of the moment...

    Alicia Witt. Eh, Laura Prepon owns her anyways.
  6. JST

    Your hottie of the moment...

    One Donna for the king.
  7. JST

    Your hottie of the moment...

    This also doubles as my desktop.
  8. JST

    Survivor Series 2000

    Isn't that where Taker wore those snazzy brown grandpa pants?
  9. JST

    He is Coming!

    ...Is it who I dare to think is it...?
  10. - Mr. Perfect. With such a lavish song, you just knew you were about to see one of the best wrestlers around. - Stone Cold. Glass Breaks, Hell Breaks Loose. Need I say more? - nWo. Yes, the porn music. Back then it was edgy and different, much like the group itself. - Ric Flair. One of the greatest song ever, THE greatest wrestler ever. Nuff said.
  11. JST

    Greatest auctions ever!

    Dibs on the Warlord figure.
  12. Nice. Best advice I can offer is patience, patience, and a hell of a lot of patience. I've seen some of our trainees totally lose hope when they couldn't get a certain bump down. Tell me, what size ring do ya'll have? Ours is 16 square feet, inside the ropes; 18 outside.
  13. JST

    Wrestling 101

    I been meaning to change that...
  14. JST

    Who does the best Frog Splash

    Gotta go with 1996 Eddie on that one. Mike Awesome also had a pretty decent frog splash for a big guy.
  15. JST

    Major Announcement & Schedule

    Wait, so Spike's finally moving up? It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine...
  16. Yeah, go for it Matt.
  17. JST

    I need your help.

    Interesting. I write myself, so that looks like an interesting concept. How 'bout centering one story on one particular promising wrestler who just got hired, and tries to make his way to the top of said fed; by putting on constant solid matches, is entertaining, etc.? But then he's got obstacles to go through, ie: clashing egos, older wrestlers, politics, etc. Hell, if you want general details on how a wrestling lockerroom can be, hit me up through PM.
  18. Well, Cross told me he's no-showing, and I got nothing from other dude. The more things change...
  19. JST

    Wrestling 101

    94. Even if the Almighty God himself ran the company with all the power given unto Him; a referee's decision is always final, set in stone, concrete, unbreakable. But a rematch can always be booked on the spot.
  20. JST

    Wrestling 101

    Being a man in stripes, I can answer a few of those. That's what I call putting my foot down. Actually, 3/4 of the time now, we have to be woken up. As in, being shaken by the heel's manager or ally.
  21. JST

    A few questions

    The Truth Commission originally consisted of Sniper, Recon, Interrogator, Tank (I THINK that was John Tenta in a mask before becoming Golga), led by the Kommandant. One week, Kommandant was gone for no reason, to be replaced by Jackyl (dressed one week in the fatigues, as an actual wrestler, then as the cult leader).
  22. It is my honor of marking the debut match of such a young and great comedian. Tod "gradual fan of Arrested Development" deKindes
  23. JST

    Serious Issue with Stats!!!

    *superkicks Tom Oh yeah, I just did.
  24. JST

    Serious Issue with Stats!!!

    *DVX's Dace They're boxers.
  25. JST

    Serious Issue with Stats!!!

    Aha! I'm not WEARING pants.