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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    SJL WRATH CARD 10-26-03

    No matches assigned to moi. Pete, you read my mind!
  2. JST


    Anybody wanna remind me why the hell I'm doing this? I haven't got a damn thing.
  3. JST


    Oh so I have to write now? *calls up Brick...
  4. JST

    SJL Crimson October 16th

    I haven't got a damn thing. Damn TV title's gonna go in my closet.
  5. JST

    Quick Question

    Cool wrestling icons? Flesher. Tom Flesher.
  6. JST

    SJL Crimson October 16th

    Having met Brick, I can say no one can own him. He's four feet LARGE.
  7. JST

    SJL Crimson October 16th

    If I get a double no-show, I'm awarding the TV title to Brick. Good luck getting it off him.
  8. JST

    SJL WRATH CARD - October 12, 2003

    You've got mail, champ.
  9. JST

    Booker's losing Cards

    Here's mine: Everyone but Spike Jenkins VS "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins, with an arm tied behind his back Glass Ceiling Match Guest Referee: Tod deKindes What. It had potential.
  10. Try sending in a match, doofy.
  11. JST

    SJL Metal Card for Oct 7th!

    Nice card! *pencils Liston to go over.
  12. JST


    I would, but y'know, I'd end up holding 3/4 of the roster down and book one No Gravity Match per show. That, and I'm actively looking for a job. I'll content myself with remaining a marker.
  13. JST

    I'm the New Ask411 Movie Guy

    Heh. Sorry 'bout that. I'll make sure to come up with some good questions and send 'em your way.
  14. JST


    You mean the Test Of Strength?
  15. JST

    I'm the New Ask411 Movie Guy

    Leonard Hayhurst. Bahahahaha!
  16. JST

    SWF Soundtrack

    As for the Niner themes, I remember us using Operate, Annihilate by Powerman 5000 as well as Figure 8 by Trust Company. Of course, I never bothered to use any of them in tag matches. Yes, Longdogger Pete once came out to some Slipknot.
  17. JST

    SWF Soundtrack

    My non-activeness may not make me eligible to be on this soundtrack, but I've used some good tracks in my day: "Shock" - Fear Factory "I Am Hated" - Slipknot "Cold" - Static X "Antichrist Superstar"[Radikal Mix] - Marilyn Manson
  18. Hell, count me in. But in kayfabe terms, Tod "works backstage at the JL shows". Shouldn't he technically be backstage doing whatever the hell it is they do? If not, just put me in there with the others.
  19. JST

    SJL Wrath -- 9.21.03

    To anyone I'm marking, consider yourselves unofficially extended until 10-11:00 PM EST, as I'll be busy most of the night. My apologies to Z if it postpones the posting of the show. Which I don't think it will.
  20. JST

    "The Best Of The SWF"

    This year's Clusterfuck is also worthy of mention.
  21. JST

    "The Best Of The SWF"

    TNT vs Tod deKindes, Career Match.
  22. JST

    SJL Wrath -- 9.21.03

    That's three small d's in 'Tod deKindes', for anyone who'll be sending a match my way. Which of course, won't happen.
  23. JST

    SJL Metal Card - 03.09.17!

    One match coming your way, just as soon as I'm done typing this.
  24. JST

    New Topic

    While I'm certainly happy with my feud with TNT, I would've loved to have feuded thoroughly with my fellow graduates at the time of my bumping; those being Frost, Z, Danny, & Ced. And while my brief feud with Flesher was fun, we all know it was just an excuse to get the US belt off him. A longer feud with him would've also been nice.
  25. JST

    SJL Metal Card - 03.09.17!

    Hell, I'll book.