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Everything posted by JST

  1. JST

    SWF Awards Help

    Me/TNT, if only for the lengthy goodness of it. Also, me/Annie, which led me into my heel turn, producing many underrated matches. Personally, I had a ball doing this feud.
  2. JST

    SWF Awards Help

    My retirement match. I'm serious. And Frost/Flesher, Window Pain. Also serious.
  3. JST

    SWF Awards Help

    My retirement match with TNT. No five-star classic by any means, but it damn well deserves mention.
  4. http://www.wewantyoursoul.com/quote.php For those of you not living in the UK, you can do the conversion here: www.xe.com/ucc My soul is a whopping 39 692.30$ canadian!
  5. JST

    August Superstars of the Month

    I feel you, man.
  6. JST

    How old be you?

    21 here.
  7. JST

    Forgotten Match

    Three words. Kick. Wham. Pedigree.
  8. JST

    SJL Wrath Card, 9/7/03

    You're getting a match just as soon as I'm done typing this message. There's no guarantee I'll be around a computer tomorrow, so in my mind, the match I have is already winner.
  9. JST

    Rock on... Rock out.

    Damn, man. You were there when I started. You were there when I got bumped. And you were there when I retired. It's a shame you didn't get bumped. ... Wait, you're married?!
  10. JST

    SJL Wrath Card, 9/7/03

    I would like to point out that your opponent has ALREADY sent in his full match.
  11. JST

    Metal Comments

    Best world title match ever~! On the other hand, both of my guys actually showed. Yes, BOTH!
  12. JST

    SJL Metal Card - 03.09.02

    Message to Kingsman & McClennan: If either of you don't show, you WILL go face to face with my good friend Brick.
  13. JST

    Two Dollars for That?!

    Bahahaha! Play Guitar Freaks.
  14. JST

    SJL Metal Card - 03.08.19

    Hey, how 'bout that title match and whatnot. Alls I ask is two matches in my box, as usual.
  15. My damn ICTV title shot. Nope...
  16. JST

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Heh, s'cool. I know all too well. Nothing like your net going out on you for three days, especially when you're in the middle of writing a good promo/match that you're sure the others will love...
  17. JST

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    It's all good. *awaits the other guy's reason
  18. JST

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Why? I can still mark.
  19. JST

    Archived Stats Thread

    the Retired Edition. I'll leave the moveset for reference's sake. Also slight look change. --- Smarks Board Name: Tod deKindes Wrestlers Name: Tod deKindes Nickname: none Height: 6'2" Weight: 225 lbs. Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Age: 26 Status: retired Face/Heel: originally heel, but left to a respectable ovation Quote: nothing particular, but will often use " THANK YOU........ very much" in order to end a promo. Looks: Now retired, he'll spend his time backstage as a road agent for JL shows. Gone is the long black hair, making way for a shorter Christian-style haircut, dyed a yellowish blond. He'll just wear casual hip clothes now. Ring Entrance: A few bars from Carmina Burana - O Fortuna will fire up, leading right into Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" (I have the mp3 of this if anyone's curious). As the guitars kick in, Tod paces out with a step matching the beat of the song, with a smartass smirk on his face. He rolls in under the bottom rope, paces a few circles in the ring, then climbs up to a second turnbuckle, quickly flashing the old reverse Guns To The Head symbol - the old signal for the Spirit Breaker; indifferent to whatever reaction the crowd has for him. (like the Hardy'z Guns hand symbol, though only done with the left hand, aimed at the temple and with the thumb pointing down). After that, the music fades out and then the opponent can enter. Or the match begins. Write accordingly. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 5 - While he won't win any strongman contests, he can do almost any of his moves to a guy like, say, Frost with a bit of effort. Obviously he works best with an opponent in HIS weight class. Speed: 6 - Dropping a couple of pounds since his JL days has allowed him quicker, more crisp offense. He can be a fast lil fella, but his speed can easily be matched by guys lighter than him. Vitality: 6 - After a break to get in better shape, he's found that he's increased his endurance and can go a bit longer in matches. And he's taking a few more risky bumps now. Charisma: 5 - Same old sneaky cocky bastard. Game Plan: Attend Maple Leafs games and follow the Avalanches. Style: Tod's style is best described as technical high-flying, though he can adapt to brawling and hardcore as well. Also now trying to incorporate more submission holds. His preferred tactic is working the leg, when the context calls for it. As for covering method; when he's not doing a pinfall reversal sequence with the opponent (which is frequent in 75% of his matches), Tod will usually prefer a simple lateral press with the forearm grinding into the opponent's face. He rarely hooks the leg. Signature moves: - Cerebral Driver; modified neckbreaker starting from a suplex position. (former finisher, now more used as a signature move) - Formula For Failure: spinning bodyslam into sitdown Rock Bottom (that move D-Lo Brown does, the Sudden Impact) Done on smaller or same size opponents, it'll usually be by countering a cross body attempt, shouting out a sure but intense "Aw HELL no!" then delivering the move. - spear in the corner - which is now followed up by a T-Bone suplex. - Sunset powerbomb: Most likely done after suplexing the guy stomach first on the top rope. With the opponent hunched over (can also be on second rope), he runs the ropes and sails over the opponent in a sunset flip to the outside. If the opponent is willing, the move will end in a seated powerbomb; if not, Tod will simply yank out the struggling-to-hold-on opponent's legs from under him/ her, causing his/her face to smash onto the ring apron. - snapmare w/dropkick to back of head - Shawn Michaels top rope elbow - DVD (sets up the HBK elbow, most of the time) - german suplex (switches freely between bridged and overhead release version) - Spirit Breaker. You know what this is. Common moves: - any basic forms of a superplex - tornado DDT - jumping piledriver - floatover DDT - springboard spinning heel kick - reverse DDT; basic or Christian-style - brainbuster - tilt-a-whirl sideslam (from Irish whip) - pescado to the outside - sommersault flip to the outside - spinebuster - seated dropkick to the head with opponent layed stomach first over the top or second rope - swinging neckbreaker, followed by throwing himself in the ropes and connecting with a kneedrop to the head - press slam drop, into a gutbuster (done on guys smaller or of similar size) Rare moves: - backdrop driver (more of a face move, used once or twice as a desperation move. use only in big payoff match with fierce rival) - Backdrop/stunner: lift the opponent in a backdrop suplex, only to backflip his body around in mid-air and catch him in a stunner. Never used due to the obvious risk of neck injury. PM me if you need a good reason to use it. - Reverse figure four, or Jamie Noble's Trailer Hitch. The move of choice when Tod's been working on the leg. Finishers: - DVX: An inverted front facelock, with victim's near leg hooked with your own; swung backwards into a killer Russian Legsweep. This is MUCH more powerful than a mere Reverse DDT, folks. Try not to kick out of that one. - Silent Scream: The submission finisher of choice; it's your basic Tazzmission. When both are standing while the move is on, the victim has a chance to fight it off and reach the ropes. But once the body scissors is locked in, good night Irene. Brief Career Overview: SJL - After a slightly rough start in the JL, he embarks on a friendly rivalry with Taylor Nicholas Thompson. - That rivalry turns into a partnership (T & TNT Connection) when TNT abandons mentor Danny Williams. - Tod goes into a feud with Danny Williams, where he manages to win the European title from him. - A week later, he loses it back to Williams as TNT turns on him. - The feud is later settled in the epic Three Stages Of Hell Match, won by Tod. - A few months pass as Tod remains a high profile figure, earning an almost spotless record. - After his final JL match (a win in a Hardcore match over Mike Van Siclen), Tod is called up along with TNT, Williams, Frost, Z and Ced Ordonez. SWF - Another rough start, as he sees his shoulder pinned in a contender's match for the US title. - He wanders alone for a few weeks, namely scoring a win over veteran Fallout in the process. - Expressing his respect for XF9, he wishes to join but Longdogger Pete isn't immediately keen on the idea. - After a series of matches, Tod defeats LDP to earn a membership in XF9. - Another another series of tag matches with Pete, Tod makes his intentions known: the U.S. title. - After a long chase of the title, he finally nabs it from Tom Flesher. - Goes on to proudly defend it, until Annie Eclectic severs her ties with XF9, promptly going into a feud with Tod over the title. - Annie and Tod embark on a grueling Best Of Five series for the U.S. title, which Tod won 3-1, in the process slowly turning his back on the fans. - Annie reveals a scandal involving Tod and a woman, effectively turning the crowd on him. The double turn is complete. - In a "last title shot EVER" match, Annie upsets Tod to take the title. - Months pass as Tod scores an impressive list of wins and starts to set his sights on the ICTV title, of which a title shot never came. - Later wins the right to choose his own entry number for Clusterfuck 2003, oddly picks #19. - After an inconclusive brawl with Longdogger Pete, he's eliminated from the Clusterfuck match and takes a leave of absence. - He returns a few months later and makes his intentions clear: Dispose of TNT. - After months of mind games and sneak attacks, the two finally meet at 13th Hour in a Career Match; where TNT gets the upper hand, effectively sending Tod into retirement ... Title history: - SJL Euro (1) (from Danny Williams, lost it back to him) - SWF U.S. (1) (from Tom Flesher, lost it to Annie Eclectic)
  20. JST

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Hey, your card man. Not my problem if they don't show.
  21. JST

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Why should McClennan and Liston be in the main event? They never bothered to send me anything for Wrath.
  22. Hell, even I showed ...
  23. Well, time's up. I got a whole heapin' lot of nothin'.
  24. At the time, it gave a "this guy's special, so we don't want anything to happen to him" kinda feel.
  25. JST

    Board Madness: The Aftermath

    How bout the stat thread for us retired windbags? Edit: What the...? My old sig?