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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    This Week in College Football 12/2 - 12/4

    Do you know anything about college football at all? First off, if Texas passes Cal for #4, they get an automatic BCS berth, and it doesn't matter what the Rose Bowl committee thinks. Second, if Cal does go to the Rose Bowl, Utah automatically gets the other at-large berth as a Top 6 team. The Big 12's representative will be Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl. I obviously know more than you, the guy trying to act like he knows everything when you don't know a fucking thing. Texas will not pass CAL unless CAL looses, it's just not going to happen. The Rose Bowl will select Cal as I already stated. What I meant for Big 12 rep in the Fiesta is Texas over CU should CU happen to defeat OU, dumbshit. Quit trying to put my ideas down because you think you know what's up. In truth, judging by your sad rankings you put up every now and then, you really don't know too much yourself.
  2. Secret Agent

    This Week in College Football 12/2 - 12/4

    Hows that? Unless CAL looses Saturday, the Rose Bowl Comittee is going to want to put a team in that will pack the stands, and that is CAL. The deal is as good as already done. However, I think Texas should go to the Fiesta Bowl as the Big 12 represenative. That is, of course, if OU beats CU tomorrow.
  3. Secret Agent

    Breaking News: Urban Meyer accepts Florida job

    If I was Notre Dame's AD, the first call I'd make would be to Bob Stoops. Sure, he could sit comfortable down in Norman and contend for national titles year after year, but turning around Notre Dame and leading them to a national title would make him a legend. Meyer probably would've been fourth or so on my call list. He's already a legend here for turning Oklahoma around and leading them to a National Title. I think it'd really take a lot to woo Stoops from Oklahoma, as the people here worship the ground he walks on, and treat him like a hollywood celebrity. Where else can you get that?
  4. Secret Agent

    OaO Oklahoma Football Thread

    Well, I bought some OU barbque sauce at the grocery store yesterday. I wonder if other schools have that much mass marketing going on. Of course, USC does have the condoms.
  5. Secret Agent

    Who deserves the Heisman Trophy

    Well if Peterson keeps those numbers up he should win in sometime in his college career. I guess the question on that is when though. EDIT: according to this poll this year should be Peterson's year.
  6. Secret Agent

    Who deserves the Heisman Trophy

    Am I the only one who feels the Heisman should go to a running back? As far as Leinart goes, both White and Smith are far beter QB's, and should be ahead of him. My pick is Adrian Peterson. This guy has helped to establish the run in Oklahoma once again, and put up almost 1700 yards in doing so. I know White is a good quarterback and has more TD's than Peterson, but I honestly feel that having the threat of Peterson in the offensive line helps with White having more options to throw.
  7. Secret Agent

    This Week in College Football 11/18 - 11/20

    I think i'd rather see OU/Auburn at the Orange Bowl if OU goes, but oh well.
  8. Secret Agent

    BCS Week 5 Standings

    If Ou and Auburn both lost they'd have the same win/loss ratio as Cal. I don't see how it'd be possible for Cal to jump ahead at that point still.
  9. Secret Agent

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    If I was over there I'd be damned if I followed any so called rules of war, especially when the enemy doesn't. I would do what ever it took to insure my ass got out of there alive, and take the court marshal when I got home.
  10. Secret Agent

    Seed of Chucky

    Surely I wasn't the only one on these boards to see this movie, but if I was then let me warn you, save your money. Now I don’t think I was the only one to have seen the Bride of Chucky, and as far as I can remember I seemed to enjoy that one for all it was worth. So I decided I might as well go check out the next one. While this movie has a somewhat interesting premise; adding the offspring of Chucky and Tiffany to the mix, this movie seems to really suffer from any real direction. It’s just Chucky, Tiffany, their kid (and by the way I don’t know how it was possible for a child to be born—I forgot how Tiffany died in Bride, but anyway.) doing a bunch of pointless killings while wanting to possess the bodies of Jennifer Tilly and Redman. I don’t usually post reviews to movies so I tried to leave out any potential spoilers, hope I didn’t ruin anything.
  11. Secret Agent

    Seed of Chucky

    Even still, it's the same plot once again. Plus the Kung Fu fight at the end really needed to go. Also, the movie within a movie concept is getting old.
  12. Secret Agent

    BCS Week 5 Standings

    Don't worry, one team will fall before it's all said and done with.
  13. Secret Agent

    Seed of Chucky

    It has it's fun and campy moments, but I think bride did it far better. It spoofs the "Psycho" shower scene and The Shining where Jack Nicholson was peering with one eye through a hole in the door as well.
  14. Secret Agent

    Need some opinions......

    The Heisman is a running back trophy to begin with. It'd also go down in the record books if Peterson won, and honestly I want Peterson to win and become the first Freshman to get it. I have nothing against White and I think he is an excellent quarterback, however I believe it is because of Peterson that White has people to throw to. When Peterson steps onto the field watch the defense fill that box up and try to stuff him. In turn it gets receivers open for White to get the ball to. White's doing a good job making those passes connect as well the last few games. To be a national championsip calibur team I really think you have to establish a run, which Ou has this year.
  15. Secret Agent

    Iggy's college football rankings for 11/14/04

    Hell, I say Auburn and OU play each other for a chance to play the Orange Bowl against USC. I don't think anybody would mind seeing that.
  16. Secret Agent

    This week in College Football 11/9 - 11/13

    How in the hell did they try to run up the score? Look at USc and Auburn's score's; they're all about the same spreads.
  17. Secret Agent

    This week in College Football 11/9 - 11/13

    Just wondering: Does the fact that Auburn and OU both have to play an extra game for their division's championship and USC doesn't, have any implication on the rankings? As in if OU and Auburn both win could USC slide down to third?
  18. Secret Agent

    Iggy's college football rankings for 11/14/04

    Your beloved Auburn also had to have the ref's cheat for them to get past LSU, lets not forget about that either. Oh, and when did the late season flounders of teams OU has beaten start coming into consideration for OU's ranking? "Texas is barely edging by so let's drop OU's ranking." that's even more stupid than your rankings having the number 3 leap frog to number 1.
  19. Secret Agent

    Iggy's college football rankings for 11/14/04

    I agree with Dama; Iggy has no idea what the hell he is talking about with regards to schedule. it should be this: 1. Oklahoma 2. Auburn 3. USC
  20. Secret Agent

    This week in College Football 11/9 - 11/13

    Honestly I think the Orange Bowl right now should be OU/Auburn if we end up with 3 undefeated teams. I don't get the whole USC deal with them having such a weak schedule compared to Oklahoma and Auburn and having such a firm grip on the number 1 spot.
  21. Secret Agent

    OaO Oklahoma Football Thread

    The only game I want to see is OU/Missouri or OU/Iowa State. The only two games that we haven't already seen. If it has to be a sequel game then make it OU/Texas or OU/A&M, otherwise I'm not intrested.
  22. Secret Agent

    OaO Oklahoma Football Thread

    I think it's pretty much down to the KSU Vs Iowa State game to see which one of those two will be the Big 12 north winner. Which is sad considering they both suck huge amouts of ass.
  23. Secret Agent

    OaO Oklahoma Football Thread

    Come off one of them tickets!!! BTW, Dama, I got the Heisman Trophy winner in my avatar, what's your avatar going to come away with?
  24. Secret Agent

    Should College Athletes Be Paid?

    I don't see why they shouldn't get paid if they are making the school 15 million off one BCS game. Maybe they could save it as a graduation present though.
  25. Secret Agent

    OaO Oklahoma Football Thread

    I don't know about that score, Dama. You have to remeber that everyone seems to try and play well when its against OU, like they all want to hand them the upset. Besides, OU could have all ready ran up the score to 80 or 90 against Houston, but they didn't.