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Everything posted by LaParkaYourCar

  1. LaParkaYourCar

    booking for next weeks show

    NYU I thought most of that was going to be built up during the show?
  2. LaParkaYourCar

    Tales from the Crypt : The TV Show

    I loved the Joe Pesci episode. That one was good stuff.
  3. LaParkaYourCar

    Tom Sizemore arrested

    Yeah Dreamcatcher was dreadful...which sucks because the book was good. I've only seen Sizemore in Dreamcatcher and Black Hawk Down so I don't know if he dies in all his movies.
  4. LaParkaYourCar

    booking for next weeks show

    Sorry SJ someone already replied and I have plans now.
  5. LaParkaYourCar

    Feedback for the 8/12 show

    I used to do video packages all the time. Mine were less recapping of a feud and more those cool music videos to hype up a match. I need to start doing those again.
  6. LaParkaYourCar

    Feedback for the 8/12 show

    I'm sorry if Rick/Cain seemed half assed. I was very tired when I wrote that match because of my new job.
  7. LaParkaYourCar

    booking for next weeks show

    Anyone wanna face Rick for the X Title?
  8. LaParkaYourCar

    Kill Bill Vol 1, Anime and pedophiles

    All right, what I'm saying here is that the scene in question that I've talking about didn't have to be shown. They also could've done the backstory differently if they wanted to. The scene in question is something I believe pedipholes would like and as a result it is fanservice for them. I also believe it's there for shock value (as a lot of this movie is) and a lot of shockvalue comes down to being "cool". Cool is about being different -- away from the norm or shock -- wether it's wearing sunglasses, someone's attitude or killing people in movies (an ultimate shock). A lot of males wouldn't kill in real life but a lot of those same males consider killing in movies cool. Not that that's wrong because for certain reasons if males were completely desensitised to killing humans than I'd be scared. Now people might not think that the scene in question is cool but really it's there for the same reasons that a lot of other cool stuff in the movie is. It's different from the norm, it's an ultimate shock and it's a scene that makes the charactor distinctive from not only normal lives but movie lifes as well so in theory it holds a lot of the same distinctions as "cool". People may not walk out of the theatres literally saying your quote there but a lot of your quote is actually true in certain ways. Why didn't it have to be shown? That whole section was to show what a deeply disturbed woman O-Ren is and just saying that it happened wouldn't have the same effect on the viewer as showing it. With that said there's no sex in the scene at all. She's sitting on top of him, but you see no nudity, no bouncing, no penetration. I don't see how it does fan service to pedophiles when a pedophile is being brutally murdered in the scene. The whole thing with him being a pedophile was that was how she got to him. She used it against him to get close enough to kill him. So it also fit the storyline. It was needed to properly give us a feel of what she was going through. So when we see her lob off the head of that one guy later in the film we don't just think she's a little wacky...we know she's full blown mentally scarred.
  9. LaParkaYourCar

    Urban Legends Reference Pages

    I've had that site bookmarked for about a year now. Great stuff.
  10. LaParkaYourCar

    Joe's Caving Page

    I love how in that one pic of him crawling through Floyd's Tomb he's wearing a "Macho Man" bandana like the one that Randy Savage used to wear.
  11. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy cleared of "indecency"

    This is the PTC we're talking about. They're not the brightest people around.
  12. LaParkaYourCar

    History of the WWE Title Box Set

    Except it distinctly says "full size replica Championship belt", but it's fake so it doesn't matter.
  13. LaParkaYourCar

    Buffy cleared of "indecency"

    Which Buffy/Spike sex scene was it? There were a bunch that season.
  14. LaParkaYourCar

    Happy Birthday Tom

    Happy Birthday! Did anyone bring the cake?
  15. LaParkaYourCar

    Joe's Caving Page

    Awesome story, but the ending was a little cheesy. Oooh no he didn't come back~!!!
  16. LaParkaYourCar

    Judge warns teens.... clean up your act or

    Geez...look at how many prior convictions these guys had. How many more times will they get off with a slap on the wrist?
  17. LaParkaYourCar


    I had an 85 Cutlass...it burned, the engine that is. It was a mess. I think they said it was an electrical problem. EDIT: Cars I've owned: Ford Grenada...mine was baby blue though 77 Impala...mine was bright yellow (faded) and not as sporty as this 85 Cutlass Supreme...mine was grey and not as shiny or nice 88 Subaru...mine was white and it was a piece of crap 93 Grand Prix...mine is blue and it's what I drive now
  18. I'm pulling for Tim to hook up with Amanda. They live in the same town and he's already offered her work at his bar. EDIT: That makes me wonder. Now that the show has aired did Tim have special screenings at his bar so that the patrons could watch him make a fool of himself on TV?
  19. I don't know about Joe Schmo 3, but if the writing/producing team that made the Joe Schmo shows were to make another show I'd watch it. What great TV the to Schmo shows have been.
  20. Well they showed the "Mo Joe Schmo" on Spike after the first one, so I figured they'd do the same for this one. This finale wasn't as heart warming as the first one, but still good. The first one was heart warming because by the end Matt was so likable that you wanted to see it work out for him.
  21. So are we gonna get "Mo Joe Schmo 2"?
  22. I don't think Tim is mad...I think he's embarassed and he doesn't like being embarassed.
  23. Ha Gerald will let Amanda pound him!
  24. Haha D.C. represent! Wow I don't think Tim took this real well.
  25. I think Tim wants to hit someone.