Guys I have an even better idea! I say they turn Kane into a MONSTER! Unmask him and tell everyone that his scars only exist in his head (but when he's unmasked the first time put a lot of dark makeup on him so the people aren't confused). Then have him set Jim Ross on FIRE! It will be over huge and give Jonathan Coachman another chance at being the lead guy on RAW. Then, to get even more heat he can TOMBSTONE Linda Mcmahon! To play up on the whole monster thing Kane can be led by chains wherever he goes and they can say he's under "house arrest" while JR thinks about pressing charges (but he'll be allowed to come to RAW to work anyway, need him on the show, right?) As for RVD? phffft. Forget him, Kane's rival? SHANE MCMAHON. It will be awesome after Kane tombstones Linda, Shane makes his return and just demolishes Kane. I know this is all fantasy booking which isn't encouraged on the board, but it would totally turn WWE around if they would just try something like this. Hey, if it happens, you know who to thanks!