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Everything posted by iamsherm

  1. iamsherm

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I was only half paying attention, but the William Regal testimonial seemed a bit ... off. I think I've read in the past that he lives in Atlanta as well.
  2. iamsherm

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'd imagine the news organizations are triple-checking their sources given the company's track record.
  3. iamsherm

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread- June 11, 2007

    I loved how Brisco was holding coffee. Reminded me of the skits where he and Patterson offered to grab him a cup.
  4. iamsherm

    Mr. Kennedy.....injured

    How does that work? My presumption is that Czech intended it to imply in spite of a lack of talent ... but I might be wrong. That's what I presumed as well, but how would he know if he's talented (or not) if he hasn't seen him?
  5. iamsherm

    Mr. Kennedy.....injured

    How does that work?
  6. iamsherm

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    I've never really been a fan of the Elimination Chamber, but he really shouldn't use the reaction tonight as a indicator of what the buyrates will be like for New Year's Revolution. Bischoff made it clear that the Elimination Chamber was his baby and thus the crowd was torn on how they should react.
  7. iamsherm

    72 band names

    Maybe the gold dude represents Outkast?
  8. iamsherm

    72 band names

    I thought it might be the Spice Girls?
  9. iamsherm

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    You know, in situations like these, WWE.com should really remove the "headlines" on the other side of the "Eddie Guerrero: 1967-2005" graphic. Candice Michelle's Playboy spread and some arbitrary top 25 list seem pretty irrelevant at this point.
  10. iamsherm

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    I agree. However, to say one is more grating than the other simply because people are showing their affection is asinine.
  11. iamsherm

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    Yes. God forbid people enjoy what they're watching.
  12. iamsherm

    HUGE Maven news

    I'm pretty sure Steve Harwell is the frontman of Smashmouth. No idea who Andrea Lowell is.
  13. iamsherm

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Was there ever any resolution in that Big Show-Masters feud? Or did they just concede that Masters defeating Show with the Masterlock was too far-fetched?
  14. iamsherm

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I think they've been doing that for the past 4 or 5 years now.
  15. iamsherm

    40 year old virgin

    I disagree. The "vulgar senior citizen" character in the movie is cliche and hardly original. I enjoyed the movie, but I think it's been a little overrated.
  16. Sounds like Hogan's getting a head start on that Wrestlemania 22 build.
  17. iamsherm

    Do you like WWE.com's new approach?

    I really don't see much of a difference between the WWE.com of today and WWE.com of 3-4 years ago. They've always noted on the website who was fired, who was hired, and the like.
  18. iamsherm

    Chris Masters

    I agree. Master's looks like one of the most comfortable guys on the mic these days. I like these Masterlock segments better than the run-of-the-mill squash matches they had him doing for the first week or two.
  19. iamsherm

    Rob Thomas - "Lonely No More": Ummmm.......

    Sounds like his label took note of Maroon 5's success and tried to replicate it.
  20. iamsherm

    Taboo Tuesday Buy Rate

    Would it kill Dave Scherer to just report the news for a change and save the commentary for the WWE PR department as well as the fans in chat rooms and message boards such as this one? I swear to God, I see this same exact paragraph every month after a new Pay Per View buy rate comes in or every week after the ratings for RAW are released. I honestly don't give a shit whether he feels the show was a bust or not. The WWE is doing poor business ... we get it.
  21. You know, before, I was against a E&C reunion. But really, as long as they're not a tag team, I wouldn't mind a little stable with E&C, Trish, and Tomko. Especially since Evolution looks to be breaking up soon... Have them dump Tomko and I'm right there with you.
  22. iamsherm

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.05.04

    Yes, he said he wanted change, but why? His anger seemed so misplaced when he came out a couple months ago and berated Orton for running his mouth, and tonight was much of the same. He needs to spell out his grievances rather than just rely on the fans standing behind him simply because Evolution is "bad" and he is "good." I like Edge. I think he's capable of much better delivery than what we've seen since he returned. "You're going down" and "I don't like you" seem to indicate that he's dumbed down his promos a bit.
  23. iamsherm

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.05.04

    I wonder if the same people writing the Eugene/HHH/Benoit story are the same people writing the Edge/Evolution story. So far I have been given no reason to CARE about why Edge wants to systematically take out Evolution. His promo tonight was one of the more basic, cookie-cutter segments I've seen in a long time.
  24. iamsherm

    Big Show

    Forgive my ignorance, as I don't get UPN - and therefore don't watch Smackdown - but will somebody please explain how the Big Show has improved so much?