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Everything posted by iamsherm

  1. iamsherm

    Rob Conway's anti-American promo

    I agree. He seemed very comfortable on the mic for his first time out there. My only suggestion to him would be to pause a little bit every few sentences to let the crowd react.
  2. iamsherm

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Question: Is Zach Gowen in the game?
  3. iamsherm

    Women's Wrestling and RAW

    The crazy thing is, I find the women's wrestling segments to be one of the most entertaining parts of the show these days. Sure, they don't put on the smoothest of matches, and aren't the greatest actresses to ever grace the small screen, but you can tell they really care out there and are working hard. This is more than I can say for a vast majority of the men on the RAW roster. That said, I think the women's division is stale, and it's not Trish's fault either. Each week on RAW, you can count on one segment reserved for a women's match, usually involving 4 or 5 of the "divas." I'm probably in the minority, but I would like to see them have TWO women's matches a night once in a while ... just to shake things up.
  4. iamsherm

    I just cannot make myself care for Raw anymore

    Then color me anal retentive too. It's just so hard to watch something so bad that was once so good.