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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    HD Booking pour 2/22/07

    Damn right. There'll be a 10 Man Tag, but who's involved in it isn't confirmed yet. Booking worthy of Stamford ladies (yeah, right!) and gentlemen!
  2. King Cucaracha

    State of the SWF, 2007

    I've been debating whether to volunteer for CC work for a while now actually. I do my far share at the *coughcough* other place, so I know the ins and outs of posting threads and trivial stuff like that. The problem with me is the time difference between me and everyone else (and the fact that sometimes I can't get lengthy time on the net itself) and the fact I'm still active and writing and don't want to be seen to be having divided loyalties when it would come to booking Landon. If those things aren't a problem to the other CC guys and if there's nobody else suitable then I'd love to help out.
  3. King Cucaracha

    From: Character Specs

    Name: Landon Maddix Nicknames: 'La Cucaracha' (between names), 'The Next Generation', 'The Saviour Of The OAOAST' Age: 23 Height: 5ft. 10 Weight: 208lbs Hometown: Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain Alignment: Heel Stable Affiliation: Leader of Cucaracha Internacional (w/ Nathaniel Black, James Blonde and Faqu) Wrestling style: US Junior Heavyweight. Not the greatest technical wrestler, he tried to improve but it didn't work that great. Theme music: Incubus, "Megalomaniac" Entrance Style: "PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!" ...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM* "Megalomaniac" by Incubus hits, as from behind the curtain steps Megan Skye, heralding the arrival of Landon who stops at the top of the ramp and thrusting his hands out to his side to boos. Landon likes to be the centre of attention and he'll make a grandious entrance, taunting and posturing as and when needed. ***BUFFER'S INTRO*** Landon leaps to the apron, looking out at the crowd as Megan climbs the steps. Megan holds open the ropes and Landon bounds into the ring, spinning himself into the centre of the ring HBK style and posing with Megan. Entrance attire: Long, black, sleeveless leather jacket that reaches to the back of his knees. Has an elaborate little design on the back which really doesn't need describing, more than it being 'Spanish' and having the words 'La Cucaracha' on. Ring attire: Half red, half yellow shorts with yellow trim around the waist and leg bottoms, colours reversed on the back (think KENTA, but bright red instead of deep red). 'MADDIX' on the back written in white. Black kneepads and elbowpads, black boots with red and yellow kickpads. Taped wrists. Finishing Move(s): Land of Nod- Dragon Clutch. It's not impossible to escape and it's not OMG INSTA DEATH~!, but it is effective. Go 2 Sleep- Fireman's Carry thrown into a knee strike to the face. For those he can actually get in a fireman's carry. Shining Wizard- Main striking move. B-Boy 'knee you in the mu'fu'face' style, rather than the boring 'knee you in the back of the head/side of the ear' style. More for 'out of nowhere' victories or used when the Land Of Nod doesn't seem to work. Signature Moves Crash Landon '05- Alex Shelley's Shell Shock. Starts off like a regular Downward Spiral/Flatliner. Maddix then leans the opponent back in STO direction, before whipping himself back, with about a 90 degree twist before the opponent lands face-first. Capable of scoring an out of nowhere victory with and less risk than the regular Crash Landon, but not quite finisher strength. Cucaracha Cutter- Jumping Diamond Cutter/RKO Complete Shot Lungblower Seated Shiranui- Sitout Sliced Bread #2/Contra Code Flying DDT Frog Splash Topé Especial- Suicide Dive through the bottom and middle ropes Basic moveset: Wet Cement- (Front guillotine choke applied with a body scissors. Opponent is usually seated. Blatantly and shamelessly stolen from former SWF rival Tom Flesher. Softener for the LON.) ¡Buenas Noches!- (Starts off with an arm-wringer. With a wristlock to control, Landon then doubles the opponent up somehow, steps a-straddle the held arm with the near leg before bringing the far leg up underneath the jaw. See CM Punk or Rico Constantino for reference.) Thesz Plant- (Leaps at the opponent like a Thesz Press, but lands with his knees on their thighs. He then pushes back off and brings the opponent with him with a faceplant.) Landon Eye- (Eye Of The Hurricane/Final Cut.) Hurri-Lanrana- (Frankensteiner, old-school-off-an-irish-whip variation) Macho Neck Snap Jawbreaker Samoan Drop Mushroom Stomp Dropsault Straight Kicks Kawada Kicks Dragon Kicks Forearm Strikes/Flying Forearm/Leaping Forearm Smash/Diving Forearm In The Corner- (Forearm-fu! Forearms are the staple of Landon's offence.) Knifedge Chops Get Licked- (Dropkick to a seated opponent in the corner, aimed to basically land on their face and smush it against the bottom turnbuckle. Sometimes becomes a double bootscrape with Landon going through the middle and bottom ropes.) Double Stomp/Back Senton- (An instantanious combo, with Maddix dropping straight off the double stomp and into the back senton.) Quebrada Rare moves: Spaceman Plancha Crash Landon- With Landon on the middle rope, and the opponent stood in front of him on the mat, a Tornado Downward Spiral. Maddix's former #1 finisher, it's been deemed surplus to requirements because of risk and because it was being kicked out of more. Maddix will still use it sometimes because he's stubborn like that. If he does, on a rare occasion use it, it's still Finisher strength...but still not instant 100% doom. The Wrath Of Maddix- Figure Four Leglock. He's not devoted enough to the move to work the legs, unless it happens for him. A submission move is a submission move though. Tombstone Piledriver- Landon isn't the strongest wrestler in the world, making this a rare move. Also more of a 'Japanese' swift execution than a slow death-move. Busted out in a fix when a headdrop is required and never really premeditated. Manager/valet/sidekick: Megan Skye Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: "Prepare for Landon" "I/We Always Have A Plan!" History/Background/Career Highlights: Long and convoluted. Been involved with the SWF and it's old feeder promotion the SJL for 3 years. A lot of stuff has happened in that time. Started out as a face and had a successful early run. Dip in form prompted him to join forces with old rival Todd Royal and Megan Skye to form The House Of Todd. Started his long (looong) feud with Alan Clark aka Bloodshed. Bumped up to the SWF, where eventually Royal left. Maddix went on another successful singles run. Turned face again before Genesis V and joined up with Todd Cortez and Alan Clark to form Martial Law. Eventually won the SWF World Title. 1st reign didn't last long. Won the SWF's Royal Rumble, the Clusterfuck. But lost title match at From The Fire, almost being crippled by Toxxic in the process. Went on a downward spiral from there, losing his place at the top of the card, his partners and his manager as Cortez and Megan become romantically entangled. Fueded with Cortez, a feud which Cortez won. After more lack of success, started a campaign to lure Toxxic back to the SWF for revenge. During that time, Landon went a little psycho, but did get back Megan and win his 2nd World Title. Despite being uninterested in this conflict, Toxxic came back and won the World Title. By now, Landon had gotten over things though. Currently teaming with Toxxic because tag partners who hate each other = money! Now, OAOAST wise, before Landon's big match with Michael Stephens (as Toxxic was now known), a commercial aired for OAOAST HeldDOWN~! That along with his massive ego and need for glory prompted Landon to join the already present trio of The Wildcards in the OAOAST, despite being sworn enemies of two and far from best friends with the other. Landon being Landon though, he sees himself as 'above' his trio of partners, which will no doubt make his alliance with The Wildcards a tumultuous one. Sure enough, after Blank and Bloodshed went their own way, the relationship between Landon and Cortez fell apart. Landon started to gain singles success and superiority over Cortez, which he milked to it's most. Landon won the Money In The Bank Battle Royal at AngleMania VI and, at the second time of asking, beat Zack Malibu for the World Title. He soon after fell out for good with Cortez, who was convinced by Zack to 'see the light'. Maddix beat Cortez and put him out temporarily, in the middle of the continued feud with Zack and PRL, who soon injected himself into the equation. Titles Held OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship - June 28th, 2007 - October 31st, 2007 OAOAST 24/7 Championship - August 10th, 2006 - September 21st, 2006 (SWF World Championship (x2) SWF International Championship SWF Tag Team Champinship (x4) SWF ICTV Championship (x3) SWF USJL Championship (x2) SWF Hardcore Gamers Championship SJL World Championship SJL European Championship (x2) SJL Television Championship) And, the manager... Name: Megan Skye Nicknames: The Perfect 10 (or Landon's perfect 10 more specifically) Age: 26 Height: 5ft. 10 Weight: 150lbs Hometown: Pawtucket, RI Alignment: Heel Wrestling style: Night-class level kickboxer with some scattered wrestling ability. Think Trish, I guess. Theme music: Rogue Traders, "Voodoo Child" Weapon/Prop: Carries a towel with her, which 'comes in handy' during Landon's matches if you catch my drift. And if not, he uses it to cheat sometimes. Finishing Move(s): Skye Lyte- Tornado DDT. Signature Moves Skye Dive- Top Rope Crossbody. The Skye Is The Limit- Sweet Shin Music and a DDT Chick Kick- Not exactly kick-boxing. Hard roundhouse kick to the head which does considerable damage. Skye Rocket- Top Rope Crossbody, only with Maddix throwing Megan from the top, Rocket Launcher style. Basic moveset: Kickboxing Offence- Yes, Megan can kickbox. Betcha didn't know that, eh? Yeah. Quick jabs and kicks are the staple of Megan's offence, as she can hit and move to hopefully avoid actually...you know, wrestling, more experienced opponents. Manager/valet/sidekick: Landon Maddix Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: "I always have a plan." History/Background/Career Highlights: Megan Skye was possibly the only person other than Todd Royal and Landon who believed/believes Royal's hype and was dubbed the one and only "Toddess". She led Todd and subsquently Landon through the SJL and into the SWF, until Royal left. Megan stayed with Landon though and the 'dream team' worked, leading Landon to numerous titles. Their business partnership with Chris Card and Natasha didn't work out though, to say the least. Heroic Landon saved Megan from a beating from Card and suddenly, the fans got behind Landon and, for the first time, Megan. However, when Martial Law came along, the partnership between Megan and Landon became strained. Megan came romantically entangled with Todd Cortez (must be a name thing, huh?) which didn't sit too well with Landon, who only found out after he thought he'd slept with Megan but actually hadn't. Landon and Megan went their seperate ways and Megan led Cortez against her longtime former associate. Megan's on screen role diminished as time went on though and sure enough, when the Cortez/Megan relationship fell apart, Megan found herself back by Landon's side...and, this time, in his bed too. It's been a while since Megan's days alongside Royal and her bad girl days with Landon, but now she's getting back into the swing of being a bitch again and damn, it feels good!
  4. King Cucaracha

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Would we be moving the TSM archives (ie. every show, every promo, etc.) to MySpace? And wouldn't that take forever?
  5. King Cucaracha

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    On the subject of re-releases (sort of)...
  6. King Cucaracha

    HD: Landon vs. Caboose

    *DINGDING!* BUFFER The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with NO Disqualifications and NO Count-Outs!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Alright, here we go Coach! The 'Boose is back to defend the OAOAST's honour tonight, against Landon Maddix. COACH Let's hope he shoves that cricket bat right up his fu... "REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH!" "Personal Jesus" powers through the arena and it's main event time, as the birthday boy Landon Maddix emerges onto the stage. Stretching his arms out to soak in the abuse of the fans, Landon seems defiant in the face of the match he's about to compete in. Especially with a bright green party hat wedged on his head. Megan Skye appears at the side with a party streamer, but not a the matching party hat, despite Landon's insistance. BUFFER Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by MEGAN SKYE! He hails from Madrid, Spain, by way of Huron, South Dakota... weighing in tonight at two hundred, eight pounds. Buffer produces a cuecard from his pocket, under the duress of Landon. BUFFER He is the number one contender to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship... COACH Who cares? BUFFER ...and, today, celebrates his twenty third birthday... COLE Again, who cares!? BUFFER ...here is LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MMMAAAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Ignoring the deadpan delivery, Landon thanks the world's most famous ring announcer for his intro once he's spun into the ring. Maddix then takes the microphone and calls for the music to be cut, grinning from ear to ear as he looks out across the fans. No birthday cheer from them, their presents limited to middle fingers and abusive cries. Still... MADDIX Thank you Albuquerque! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" MADDIX Now, I'm sure you're all itching to see the guy who's spent the last few years hiding behind a microphone come out for his 'triumphant return', but before we get to that, there's one more thing to be taken care of. Today is my twenty-third birthday. Which comes with many traditions. Cake. Presents. And festivities. And seeing as I don't trust any of you people to give me the bumps without trying to bump my proverbial uglies, male and female, I will instead settle for a rendition of Happy Birthday before I start this match! COLE Oh, come on! How egotistical can one person be? MADDIX So, everybody, after three... "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" The fans don't even wait for '1' before starting up a song of their own! Maddix scowls a little, waiting for the rendition to stop. However, as it does, "Cochise" by Audioslave hits and Landon's birthday celebrations will have to go on hold, perhaps indefinately if the man on his way to the ring has his way. Lowering from the rafters, Caboose finds safe ground on the stage and points his cricket bat threateningly in Landon's direction as the crowd go wild! BUFFER And, introducing his opponent! Hailing from Derby, England... weighing two hundred and twenty five pounds... please welcome back to HeldDOWN~!... CCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE It's been a fair few months since we last saw Caboose, destroyed by Landon's on again, off again running buddies The Wildcards and becoming one of the first OAOAST victims. We know that Leon Rodez is on his way back and now, Caboose is fit and ready to go, although how long his in-ring comeback will last is anyone's guess. COACH Hopefully long enough so Maddix gets what he deserves! As Caboose slides into the ring Landon promptly slides out, perhaps forgetting about the party hat still on his head which makes his reminstrations to the referee about Caboose's cricket bat all the more ludicrous. COLE Landon got himself into this at AnglePalooza, by involving himself in Bruce Blank's plan to win Survive Or Surrender, which basicall consisted of hanging Zack Malibu. Luckily Caboose was waiting in the wings, Zack obviously covering every angle on that night just incase. And with Zack busy in training for his huge main event showdown with Drek Stone at AngleMania VI, it's left to Caboose to exact some revenge for the number one contender. *DINGDINGDING!* Continuing to stall for time, Landon talks strategy with Megan, the sumb of which seems to be 'don't get hit with the bat'. A wise strategy, one which comes into immediate effect as Caboose tires of waiting and rolls out of the ring with the bat in hand... COACH HOLY CRAP! *WHOOSH!* ...narrowly missing Landon AND MEGAN with a wild swing, BUT KNOCKING THE PARTY HAT CLEAN OFF OF LANDON'S HEAD! Landon, having pulled Megan down to safety, has to shove his manageress out of the way before crawling away in fear of his life! The barricade stops his progress, unable to maneuver over it quickly enough... *CRACK!* ...and JUST AVOIDING the bat as it instead slams into the guardrail!! COLE Woah! Caboose is trying to knock Landon's head clean off his shoulders! I've been hit by that bat more than my fair share of times and let me tell you folks, it's not a pleasant experience. COACH Not where 'Boose hits you it ain't. COLE What does tha... actually, nevermind. Going into reverse, Landon skips away, pleading for mercy. After all, it's his birthday, even without his party hat. Caboose is hot on his heels though and Landon is finds himself trapped again, bumping into the ringpost... *CLUNK!* ...but DUCKS again, the willow bat proving it's lethal strength by withstanding the colission with the steel in one piece! Caboose growls at his latest airshot and turns around looking for Landon, who's suddenly disappeared. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Where'd he go, I didn't see. COACH He's under the ring Mikey. And he might wanna stay there too with the mood Caboose is in. Unfortunately for Caboose, this is the one time he wouldn't mind being hooked up to a headset with Jonathon Coachman and there not one in sight. So he's still clueless about where his opponent has gone, looking through the crowd for any signs of movement. As his eye is taken Megan Skye begins to sneak up, eyes on the cricket bat. But before she can grab it, Caboose's eyes lock on her and she finds herself in the same position Landon was earlier. Trapped like a dear in the headlights, with a cricket bat being aimed at her head! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEAAA..." *WHAM!* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Caboose takes his mind off of Landon though and doesn't see him emerging on the other side of the ring and subsequently wiping him out with a Suicide Dive through the bottom and middle ropes! The low trajectory makes the dive more of a tackle and sends Caboose crashing shoulder first into the guardrail, the cricket bat going flying in the other direction as Megan rushes over to tend to Landon! COLE As sneaky and as unconventional as it was, that was one heck of a momentum changer by Landon Maddix! Pushing to his knees, Landon brushes Megan's concern away and tells her to 'get the bat'. Frantically Megan does just that and under Landon's direction she rushes off down the aisle with it, heading backstage with Caboose's trusty equalizer in tow! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE And now, Megan Skye, taking the cricket bat out of the equation! Not a moment to soon for Landon's liking I'm sure! COACH Much as I hate to admit it, that's a smart move right there. Get that thing as far away from 'Boose's grasp as possible before he smashes you for six like an Australian spinner. COLE ... COACH What? I've been doing my research. Picking Caboose back up, The Next Generation rests the Brit against the guardrail... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and lashes him with a knifedge chop! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and a second! He then pitches Caboose back into the ring, shrugging off the chance to take advantage of the no disqualification stipulation and taking things into his domain. Climbing to the apron, Landon measures Caboose as he gets back to his feet. The shoulder is still a concern for 'Boose, nursing the right arm at his side as he turns around, unable take evasive action as Landon springboards to the top and knocks him down with a Springboard Dropkick! The cover follows... 1... 2... But Caboose kicks out! "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" Scooping 'Boose off the canvas, Landon targets the shoulder briefly with an arm wringer, only really to set-up an irish whip into the corner. As the Brit settles in the turnbuckles Landon then follows in, landing a Running Forearm against the buckles. Another whips now sends Caboose across the ring into the opposite corner and Landon looks for the same again, running in with the forearm wielded...AND EATS A MOUTHFUL OF BOOT!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Coming out of the corner with a clothesline, Caboose says to hell with an aching shoulder and mows Landon down! A second clothesline follows! And a third, forcing Landon to stop, drop and beg off from the Brit! COLE Oh no no. Wishful thinking to say the least! COACH Well, it was worth a try. Or, maybe not, Caboose never going to give Landon a reprieve. Pulling him up, he sends Landon into the corner with an irish whip. His version with enough force to cause Landon to bounce back out of the turnbuckles on impact, stumbling into Caboose who presses The Next Generation up and lets him plummet all the way back down, face-first! Landon bounces hard off the canvas, back to his feet, Caboose running off the ropes behind and using Landon's long blond locks to plant him again, this time with a Facecrusher! CABOOSE C'MOOOOONN!! Caboose is ALL fired up right now! Something which Landon doesn't want to deal with anymore, rolling out of the ring to safety. Caboose isn't fooled by the attempts to escape under the ring this time though and reaches out of the ring, grabbing hold of Landon by the hair again... *CLANG!* "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...AND TAKING A TRASH CAN LID OVER THE HEAD!! COACH Why the hell do they keep the trash cans there? COLE I'm sure that's what Caboose is thinking right now. You know, in between the pain and all. Caboose slumps further into the middle rope as Maddix disposes of the bent metal lid and slides back in. Off the ropes, a full head of steam accompanies Landon back into Caboose with a Dropkick to the back, whiplashing his throat off the middle ring rope! 'Boose then falls back into the cover from La Cucaracha... 1... 2... NO! "CA - BOOSE!" "CA - BOOSE!" "CA - BOOSE!" "CA - BOOSE!" COLE The OAOAST fans, solidly behind the former voice of HeldDOWN~! The crowd support doesn't seem to be doing Caboose much good at the moment, Landon able to pick his spots as he stalks over the Derby native. A straight kick to the gut rocks Caboose back onto his knees, 'Boose pulling himself up only to get another hard kick driven into his chest! He remains on his feet though, so Maddix loads him into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Caboose comes back swooping, ducking underneath Landon's final attempt at a kick. Keeping his run going, Caboose bounces off the ropes again and as Landon turns around, the two-time former OAOAST Champion is charging headlong at him, tackling the two-time former SWF Champion down with a Spear!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" With the wind driven out of him, it's all instinct that drags Landon back up to his feet. His instincts are wrong however, regretting not staying down as Caboose pulls him down with the End Of The Line!! COLE Flatliner from Caboose! COACH But he's not going for the cover, 'Boose isn't done yet! Indeed, climbing to his feet, Caboose walks across the ring to where he expects his cricket bat to be laying. Of course, it's not there anymore thanks to Megan Skye though. So Caboose is forced to make a little bit of a longer walk, grabbing Michael Buffer's chair from underneath him. COLE Caboose isn't here for a victory or a payday. He's here for revenge in Zack Malibu's name! And what's revenge without a chair in the face, really? Folding up the chair, Caboose slides in and circles The Next Generation. Landon is having a distinctly unhappy birthday at the moment and it's only about to get worse, as Caboose is set to deliver him one last, special present, rearing back... *CRACK!* ...AND GETTING THE CHAIR KICKED BACK INTO HIS FACE BY [B]TODD CORTEZ!?[/B] "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE WHAT THE HELL!? COACH We should have known it! We should have known Landon wouldn't be alone tonight! The Albuquerque crowd give Cortez the traditional hostile welcome as he picks up the chair, measuring Caboose. The Brit is dazed from the first shot and although he sees the second one coming, he can't do anything to avoid it. *CRACK!* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE A second time with that steel chair! This is turning into a glorified handicap match! Caboose goes down in a heap and Cortez throws down the chair, Landon watching on and trying his best to look surprised. The Urban Legend tells the birthday boy to 'finish it' as he sits back in the corner and Landon is happy to oblige. Draging 'Boose up, Maddix slowly lifts the deadweight Derby native up onto his shoulders, struggling a little even after all the work Cortez done for him. But, eventually, Landon manages to power Caboose forward... *SMACK!* "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...INTO THE KNEE TO THE FACE!! GO 2 SLEEEEEEEP-UH!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Give me a break! Cortez does the work and now Landon's going to try and claim the victory off of this? Landon makes a typically theatrical deal over making the cover, Cortez watching on with arms folded... 1... 2... COLE C'mon 'Boose, C'MON 'BOOSE... 3!!! COLE DAMNIT! *DINGDINGDING!* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" BUFFER Here is your winner... LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MAAADDIIIIXXXX!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Nobody in the arena likes it, Buffer included. Not even referee Nick Patrick, who begrudgingly calls for the bell but doesn't make the slightest move to raise the winner's hand. Landon doesn't care though, as he's already on his way out of the ring before Caboose comes back around. COLE Thanks to Todd Cortez, Maddix survives his birthday intact. I guess Cortez is taking Landon up on his offer... and even without Bruce Blank, the OAOAST is still in the grip of these damn invaders! What a sickener to end HeldDOWN~! From Coach, this is Michael Cole and well, you make your own comments. I've got standards to keep up with and right now, I don't think I can. We'll see you next week. Cortez stays unemotive about the result but leaves by Landon's side, taking the abuse from the crowd just as La Cucaracha does. Retrieving his battered party hat and placing it back on his head, Landon poses for the baying crowd. Nevermind that there's a huge dent in it, to the point that it sits almost horizontal on his head. Landon doesn't care, singing a solo rendition of 'Happy Birthday To Me' as we... FADE OUT!
  7. I assume they won some matches in the run-up to getting a tag team title shot(s). And they must have won at All Star Extravaganza 2 when they were managed by Heenan now that I think of it, unless my memory's playing tricks on me. I guess the singles feud is long enough ago now to be written off. EDIT: No, ASE was Cabana and Jacobs. Third Anniversary Night 3 was Cabana/McGuiness.
  8. Did I miss something as to why Cabana and Nigel are tagging together again? Arbitary choice, or are they a regular team again?
  9. King Cucaracha

    PWG Presents "Holy Diver Down" On February 24, 2007!

    PAC vs. AJ was supposed to be darn good too. PAC's the hottest British prospect since the Williams/Fleisch/Storm trio.
  10. King Cucaracha

    OAO No Way Out thread

    If they had known what they were doing, then either: a) The Ladder Match wouldn't have been scheduled b) The Ladder Match would still be scheduled That they made a major booking change like that just days before the PPV with no injuries from the participants shows that they do not in fact know what they are doing. Not quite. We've seen countless schedule changes to PPV including taking off hyped matches before. If anything, this just indicates they decided to close shop on the Hardyz/MnM tag team feud and willl split it up across the respective brands. Nothing to this scale though, surely? I guess it's better than cutting it because of Melina's 'ego, like I was expecting to be revealed.
  11. King Cucaracha

    HD: AC- Blonds vs. Diablos

    [B][COLOR=purple] C'MON MAN DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK, I'VE BEEN HERE FOR YEARS ROCKIN MY PIECE, PUTTING SUCKAS IN FEAR MAKIN' THE TEARS RAIN DOWN LIKE A MONSOON LISTEN TO THE BASS GO BOOM EXPLOSION! OVERPOWERIN' OVER THE COMPETITION I'M TOWERIN' [I][SIZE=4]DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK LEON RODEZ RETURNS FEBRUARY 24TH, 2007![/SIZE][/I] I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT [/B][/COLOR] "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" SCHIAVONE That's right Jesse, a huge announcement officially confirmed! Leon Rodez will return at OAOAST Syndicated, February 24th and he will joining us live at ringside to commentate on the Anderson Cup Finals! We haven't seen Leon since our last Syndicated broadcast in October, when he was so infamously injured in the aftermath of War Games by Todd Cortez. But he will make a long awaited public appearance in just nine days! News which I'm sure you'll agree is long overdue. VENTURA He's a kid who's OAOAST through and through. That's good enough for me Schiavone. We could do with all the guys like him we can get. SCHIAVONE That right now is an issue for another day right now though. The issue at hand is the Anderson Cup Conference Finals, or more specifically the Los Infernales Conference Final. The number two seeds The Beverly Hills Blonds take on the surprise package of this year's Anderson Cup, number five seeds Los Diablos De Fuego, in a rematch from their non-tournament grudge match at AnglePalooza just under three weeks ago. This time however, OAOAST officials have acted in advance to prevent a repeat of what happened at AnglePalooza by banning ALL outside parties from ringside. No Mackenzie DeCenzo, no Christian Wright or Theodore Moneymaker and no CPA, the guy who helped Ned and Simon to victory. If The Beverly Hills Blonds are to make it to Syndicated and the Anderson Cup Final, they're going to have to do it on their own merits. VENTURA Which they're perfectly capable of. Los Diablos have been lucky to make it this far, but luck always runs out in the end. Usually against class, class like The Beverly Hills Blonds possess. SCHIAVONE Los Diablos out for payback, The Blonds simply out for themselves, it's the Finals of the Los Infernales Conference and without any further ado, let's send it to Michael Buffer for the introductions! "Call me (call me) on the line Call me, call me any, anytime" BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest in the 2007 Anderson Cup is the Conference FINAL in the Los Infernales Conference, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, hailing from Beverly Hills, California! (*boo!*) At a total combined weight of four hundred and sixty pounds... the number two seeds in the Los Infernales Conference... they are the former HI-YAH World and three-time OAOAST World Tag Team Champions... NED BLANCHARD and SIMON SINGLETON... THE BBEEEVVEEEEEERRRRRLLLYYYYY HHHIIIIIIIIIILLLLLSSSSSSSS BBLLLLLLOOOOOONNDDSSSSSS!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Unaccompanied tonight, The Blonds certainly don't look too happy about it as they stride down to the ring, discussing the matter on the way. Ned and Simon slide into the ring and for some reason decide to take it up with referee Charles Robinson, who obviously didn't have anything to do with the decision. Eventually Simon calms himself and his partner down though, pointing out that they need to focus. Just in time too, as "It's Raining Men" starts to play. BUFFER And their opponents! At a total combined weight of three hundred and fourty pounds... they are the number five seeds in the Los Infernales Conference. From sunny Cabo San Lucas... the sexist team in AAAAALL of Mehico! MORACCA and MARIACHI... LLLOOOOSSS DDIIIIIIAAAAAAAABBLLLLLLOOOOOOOSSSSS DDEEEEEEEEE FFFFFUUUUUEEEEEEEGGOOOOOOOOOO!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The New Mexico crowd go nuts for their counterparts from across the border in the Original Mexico, Los Diablos. In return, no sugary gingerbread treats and very little bump and/or grind. Los Diablos look noticeably more serious than we've ever seen them as they jog out onto the stage and RUSH THE RING!! ADRENALINE RUSH-UH! The Blonds are ready and waiting unlike at AnglePalooza however and jump Moracca and Mariachi as they skid under the bottom rope! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Haha! A case of less haste more speed for Los Diablos, they just ran right into a Beverly Hills beatdown! *DINGDINGDING!* Ned and Simon look to stomp the fire out of Los Diablos as the bell belatedly sounds, Charles Robinson trying in vain to gain some order. Out of the ring goes Mariachi, unable to take the attack any longer, leaving his partner in wrestling and life alone in the ring with The Blonds. A double irish whip sends Moracca across the ring and The Blonds set near the ropes, backdropping the flaming Mexican up and over the top on his return... ...right onto Mariachi with an unintentional planchaa!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Talk about revenge all you want Schiavone, but The Blonds are just as fired up tonight. They thought they'd dealt with these Mexicans once and for all at AnglePalooza and now they find themselves stuck in yet another match with them, with the unjustice of a ban on Mackenzie DeCenzo. Los Diablos got away lightly at AnglePalooza if you ask me! As Los Diablos pick themselves up on the floor, Ned and Simon yuck it up at their opponents' expense. Simon poses in front of the wreckage, with Ned capturing the moment for posterity with his imaginary camera. Like a couple of Japaense tourists, they take far too long on this one picture opportunity however and suddenly Moracca appears in the back of Ned's shot! The Handsome Hustler panics and warns Simon, shoving him out of the way when he doesn't get the message... and taking the Moracca springboard dropkick for his trouble! Moracca leaps right back up and dropkicks Simon in the mush anyway, shoving Ned out of the ring for Mariachi to take care of while he stays on Singleton. SCHIAVONE Los Diablos are no pushovers Jesse, as we've seen in the past few months. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" A knifedge catches Simon by surprise as much as anything. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" As does the second. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" And even the third, all in quick succession. SCHIAVONE Moracca only a buck seventy-one, but try telling Simon Singleton's chest that! Moracca pushes Simon back and whips him into the far corner. In he follows and looking for a Stinger Splash he soars through the air. Seeing the pink Mexican blur heading towards him Simon drops and crawls to safety, pointing to his temple as he climbs back up. Little realising that Moracca saved himself and stays perched on the top rope! Withou Mackenzie, Simon takes a little longer to realise what's going on than usual, turning around to see Moracca setting and dropping down... ...but Moracca faked him out, Brian Pillman style, re-positioning himself on the top as Simon AGAIN points to his temple to show he has the brains. SCHIAVONE Irony alert. VENTURA Quiet! Again, it takes Simon a while to sense there's a problem. And this time by the time he turns around, Moracca is already in mid-air, soaring down with a HIGH Crossbody Block! 1... 2... Kickout! Both men are back up and Moracca waits on Simon with some big overhand rights, as big as he can throw with his frame. Simon cuts the flurry off with a knee to the gut though, latching on a sudden facelock and DRIVING Moracca down with a Snap DDT! SCHIAVONE OH! Right on the top of the head! VENTURA That's the difference between a frenzied attacker and a true wrestler. When the going gets tough, the wrestler can always pull out a tide turning move. The spiked landing leaves Moracca facedown and motionless, allowing Simon a breather. On the outside meanwhile, Ned and Mariachi show no signs of letting up. Ned goes to the gut on Mariachi much like his partner, grabbing the mask and tossing the Mexican face-first into the ring apron! And again! Both times the head bounces off the hardest part of the ring violently. But as Mariachi stumbles backwards, he still has enough wits about him to sidestep Blanchard's charge... *CLUNK!* "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" ...CAUSING HIM TO RUN HIMSELF INTO THE RINGPOST!! SCHIAVONE How about that for a tide-turning move? VENTURA That wasn't a move, that was a lucky dodge. Big difference! SCHIAVONE Same result though. Blanchard might have KOed himself! With Ned down, into the ring slides Mariachi, commencing hostilities with Simon Singleton. Simon comes off the worse as Mariachi opens up with his own special brand of 'latino heat' and a flurry of wild right hands! No counter is coming as Simon is caught totally off-guard from the attack and ends up backed into a corner, beaten down against the bottom turnbuckle with kicks and stomps by the enraged Mexican! VENTURA What the hell has gotten into these two? Passion, of a whole other kind. Mariachi finally lands a final stomp and leaves Singleton dazed in the bottom of the corner, adding a little bit of Los Diablo flavour with some simulated oral action! Back to more serious matters, Mariachi then leaps up to the middle rope and backflips off, gaining extra momentum with a Moonsault into a Front Basement Dropkick RIGHT TO THE FACE!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA WOW! Now [i]that[/i] was something! Singleton's head weebles and wobbles on his shoulders before coming to a stop, cross-eyed and with little to no idea where he is! Back up climbs Mariachi and he fires up the Albuquerque crowd before pulling Simon out and making the cover... 1... 2... SHOULDER UP! SCHIAVONE Not a convincing kickout at all from Simon Singleton! The Blonds are reeling here! If only that were the worst of their problems though. Back at ringside, Ned Blanchard is back up. But he's walking around like a drunk on his way back from a Saturday night bar crawl. A very rowdy bar crawl, judging from the BLOOD oozing from the side of his head!! SCHIAVONE Ned Blanchard has been busted open already! Man, this has been a crazy start to this Anderson Cup Conference Final and already we've got a casualty! VENTURA This feud has taken a sudden, violent turn here tonight. We thought it was over at AnglePalooza, but we were very much mistaken! With Ned in no shape to help out, Mariachi stays on Simon and pulls him to his feet. Up to the middle rope goes the luchador, hooking the head for a Tornado DDT. Simon lands some kidney shots to free himself however, firing upwards with an uppercut that almost knocks Mariachi off his perch! Almost being the operative word, as Simon cannot follow up and gives Mariachi time to recover and lunge with a Diving Clothesline from the second floor! As he lands, Mariachi is quick to follow up, making the cover... 1... 2... No! Back up climbs Mariachi and this time Ned is an issue. Until that is he's dropkicked off the apron by Mariachi, leaving him to convalesce at ringside. Mariachi then helps Moracca up, checking his life partner is okay before calling for a double-team on Singleton. SCHIAVONE The referee not wasting his time looking for a traditional tag team format here, this issue is beyond that. VENTURA That's all very well, but this is the Anderson Cup! This isn't about grudges, it's about finding the best team and best potential challengers to the Tag Titles in the company, the old fashioned way. I don't agree with this. But then again, I don't think we wanna see this thrown out. SCHIAVONE Definately not, we want a winner and a definative Final match at Syndicated. Together Los Diablos stop Simon Singleton's attempts to escape the ring, dragging him back in and up. Simon is in dire straights now, no chance of getting his appearance money for nothing here tonight (bad pun, sorry everyone), as Los Diablos are dominating. A double irish whip sends Simon into the turnbuckles, Moracca first to follow with the ever popular Flying Asshole in the corner! And Simon has little time to digest that (again, sorry everyone) before Mariachi lands a Stinger Splash! The double squashing leaves Singleton breathless and he stumbles out of the corner, Los Diablos catching an arm each on the way out. With a leg each too, the Mexicans then plant Simon with a Double Half Nelson Facebuster and seperate, Moracca keeping guard, Mariachi making the pin... 1... 2... NO! The kickout distracts Moracca for a second, all the opening the crafty Handsome Hustler needs to slide into the ring and blindsight the luchador with a lethal clothesline. Bundling on, Ned lays out Mariachi with a clothesline too, no longer taking anything for granted tonight. VENTURA Ned Blanchard has stepped it up a notch right now! The sight of your own blood can do powerful things to a human being and we're seeing it in full effect! With his blond locks now stained red on the left side of his head, Blanchard cuts a pretty intimidating figure as drags Mariachi up and tries to MURDER him with a Short Clothesline, almost turning the luchador inside out this time! Instead a high and tight landing awaits Mariachi, scant consolation for the lack of a backflip as he still ends up hurting in the worst way. "BLAN - CHARD SUCKS!" "BLAN - CHARD SUCKS!" "BLAN - CHARD SUCKS!" "BLAN - CHARD SUCKS!" Blanchard now targets Moracca and whips him into the ropes. A closed fist buried to the gut doubles Moracca over, setting him up as Blanchard comes off the near side and pulls a page out of his co-hort's book with a Billion $ Kneelift! Down goes Moracca, Ned not wasting any more time in homage to Mr. Moneymaker. Instead he sits Moracca up, growling under his breath as he takes a last look at the masked luchador... and prepares to turn him into an UNmasked one! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA He's gonna rip his mask off! Oh, I love it! SCHIAVONE No, he can't do this! That mask is an identity to Los Diablos, the ultimate sign of disrespect to try and remove it! VENTURA That's why I love it! Getting a grip on the bottom of the mask, Blanchard starts to tug away, Moracca reacting quickly enough to grab the mask himself! A tug of war ensues over the pink hood, Ned ripping and tearing as Moracca desperately tries to protect his honour and his identity. There's only such much fabric can take before tearing though... *WHAM!* ...so it's lucky for Moracca that he's able to land a Jawbreaker! "YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Ned goes reeling backwards, the ropes altering his direction and putting him back towards Moracca. The Diablo ducks his head and snakes behind Ned, grabbing the blond mane and pulling him down into an inverted DDT! An instant cover accompanies the move... 1... 2... Singleton drags Moracca off the pin! And from there, Singleton then drags the Mexican to his feet and lifts him for a back suplex. Moracca tries to block the move, all for nought as Simon shifts gears and sits out, planting the luchador forwards with a modified faceplant! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Rolling his man over, Singleton stacks Moracca on his shoulders with the legs in hand... 1... 2... NO! SCHIAVONE This is all action here, a lot of punishment being dished out in a short time. We've got Blanchard busted open, Singleton is clearly weary, both Diablos are hurting now. This is gutcheck time. Who wants to go to the Anderson Cup Final? We'll find out, right after the break... don't go anywhere!! [b]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/b] We are BACK on HeldDOWN~! and there's no let up in the action! Simon stomps away on Moracca as he waits for Ned to get back up, Mariachi still virtually motionless across the ring. He'll have to wait a while for that as Ned is feeling the effects of the blood loss, so Simon instead pulls Moracca up. By the mask he tosses him head-first into the top turnbuckle, Moracca falling back out into a clubbing strike over the back. And again. Singleton then sets Moracca up on the top, sat facing out into the Albuquerque crowd and in a very precarious position as The Video Voyeur scales the corner behind him. SCHIAVONE What could Singleton have planned here? VENTURA Whatever it is, it won't be fun for Moracca. Up on the middle rope, Simon 'rolls cameras' before hooking up for a Back Superplex. Moracca wraps his legs tight around the metal turnbuckle to prevent being taken over however and starts to slam his elbow down into the back of the neck, softening Simon up until finally he falls off the turnbuckle. With Singleton down, Moracca then positions himself more comfortably up top, getting his footing and tumbling with a MOONSAU...NO! Singleton gets the knees up!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA Well, a round about way of getting there, but definately not fun for Moracca. Singleton sits up and waits on Moracca to get back up. Or possibly for Ned to get him back up, The Handsome Hustler lifting Moracca up for a back suplex and Singleton assisting with a clothesline to add more impact to Moracca's eventually dumping!! Cover! 1... 2... SAVE BY MARIACHI!! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Singleton jumps all over Mariachi for his insolence, clubbing away on the Mexican before manhandling him out of the ring and to the floor! Deciding there's no time like the present, The Beverly Hills Blonds now turn to each other and give the signal to end it. VENTURA I think that's a wrap Schiavone! SCHIAVONE It could be a wrap as far as Los Diablos' Anderson Cup campaign goes, if The Blonds can take advantage of this opportunity. Dragging Moracca up, Blanchard plants him centre of the ring with a scoop and a slam. The Blonds then head for opposite corners of the ring and for some rare high-risk for the duo, both exiting the ring and scaling the turnbuckles! Moracca is a sitting duck it seems as Singleton and Blanchard reach the top on their opposite sides, pointing to each other and milking the moment... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." ...before taking off, showing great timing as they soar together with stereo splashes... *wham!* *wham!* "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...and they BOTH find NO WATER IN THE POOL, narrowly avoiding a collision of heads as Moracca avoids both splashes!! SCHIAVONE Nobody home on the Atomic Blond! That's one for the Outtakes! Both Blonds hold their ribs as they help each other to their feet, the duo turning to see Mariachi back on the apron. Ned instinctively ducks but Simon isn't so lucky, taken down with a Springboard Seated Senton and getting a faceful of crotch on the compromising pin... 1... MORACCA CUTS OFF NED... 2... ...AND NED IS HELD OFF... KICKOUT!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Two and nine tenths, it doesn't get much closer than that! SCHIAVONE Los Diablos came within milliseconds of another huge upset! Mariachi waits on Simon, Ned and Moracca continuing to hold each other away from the action. As Singleton gets to his feet in comes Mariachi, leaping up and looking for a Hurricanrana...BLOCKED! Simon catches the legs and manoeuvers his man into a BOSTON CRAB!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Before Mariachi can even contemplate tapping though, Moracca breaks away... *SMACK!* "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...and clocks Simon in the back of the head with a Leaping Enziguri!! SCHIAVONE Back and forth, this is tremendous action here! VENTURA And all for a spot in the Anderson Cup Final! As Moracca turns around, Ned rushes at him with a wild clothesline. Moracca ducks the bloody Blanchard's swing however and hits the ropes, The Handsome Hustler turning around as the Mexican dives back at him. And he CATCHES him in a Bearhug, making a quick 180 and falling back, dropping Moracca throat-first across the top rope with the STUN GUN!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA THAT'S IT! HE GOT HIM! Blanchard is frantic as he crawls over, turning Moracca onto his back and making the cover... 1... 2... 3 -NOO!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA WHAT!? SCHIAVONE He kicked out! Jesse, he kicked out!! Yes, Moracca kicked out from the Stun Gun! Blanchard is beside himself, as surprised as Jesse Ventura at the kickout and furiously berating Charles Robinson for not coming up with the three! Wiping the blood from his eyes, Blanchard curses to himself. But he knows he has to finish sooner rather than later and drags Moracca back up, the choking luchador held by the mask... *SLAP!* ...and PAINTBRUSHED across the face! SCHIAVONE Come on! Applying another bearhug, Blanchard then hoists Moracca up and turns him towards the ropes for another Stun Gun. Back he falls, Moracca sent plummeting into the ropes... ...but he gets his hands up, pushing off the top rope AND COUNTERING WITH A SWINGING DDT!!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE UNBELIEVABLE COUNTER!! Momentum rolls Blanchard through, right into Mariachi! A boot doubled Ned up, cradling the arms with his back to The Handsome Hustler and dropping to his knees PLANTING HIM FACE-FIRST WITH THE SHEEP DIP!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" As Blanchard's head bounces off the canvas for the second time in quick succession, Moracca dives on top with the cover, Mariachi dives on top of Singleton to prevent any chance of a save... 1... 2... 3!!!!!! "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE YES! YES! THEY DID IT, THEY PULLED IT OFF!! LOS DIABLOS ARE GOING TO THE ANDERSON CUP FINAL!! Jesse can't believe it. Simon can't believe it. The crowd can't believe it. Los Diablos can scarcely believe it either. But as "It's Raining Men" hits its confirmed, Los Diablos have defeated The Beverly Hills Blonds and won the Los Infernales Conference! The flaming luchadors leap into each other's arms and embrace as Singleton can be seen glancing up open mouthed, eyes wide as saucers as the luchadors celebrate their unexpected victory! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen... your winners of the match... AND, the winners of the Los Infernales Conference of the 2007 Anderson Cup... LLLOOOOOSSSSSS DDIIIIIIIAAAAAABBLLLLLLOOOOOOSSSSS DDEEEEEEEEE FFFFFFUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEGGOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Los Diablos slide out of the ring and metamorphasise into something like their old selves, celebrating with the first group of viral young fans they can find! The fans, possibly drunk, lap up the celebration with the masked Mexicans and don't mind the physical closeness the Diablos provide. In the ring, Simon Singleton kneels beside his fallen partner, still open-mouthed and in disbelief! SCHIAVONE Unbelieveable scenes in Albuquerque, New Mexico! What a meteoric rise for Los Diablos! From perennial underdogs, mocked for their flamboyant liestyle, to this moment... Los Diablos are going to the Anderson Cup Final! And I don't think many would have put money on this five weeks ago! VENTURA Not many would have put money on this five [i]minutes[/i] ago! Especially not me! SCHIAVONE But it's happened regardless! Los Diablos, going to Syndicated, February 24th! Who will they face? We'll find out later on here on OAOAST HeldDOWN~!
  12. King Cucaracha

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Put it this way, at the moment we're done. A MySpace page, although I'm not on it and never ever intend to be in my life, can't do any more damage.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    Yet, when he did the dark match run last they said he couldn't be called Colt Cabana anyway, right? Although, I guess if Carlito is in the doghouse it's not an issue anymore. Anyway, fingers crossed it falls through. I'm surprised Colt would even want to go to WWE if the stories about Punk are anything to go by, I guess he's done everything else worth doing.
  14. King Cucaracha

    OAO No Way Out thread

    Now you're just speculating what we think.
  15. King Cucaracha

    State of the SWF, 2007

    I think I suggested the cross-over slash co-operation thing already (I'm sure I pitched doing a joint show at one point) but somebody shot it down pretty quick. Well, there's Bruce, who (and this is as good an opportunity to say it as any) has fit in amazingly quickly and become a big part of the fed now. The amount of characters isn't neccessarily a bad thing imo, I like having more options available to me like that. Maybe if people were allowed more than one character here, say a maximum of three if they were interested, with them specifiying which character they wanted booked each week, that might freshen things up. No offence to him, but every time I see I'm booked against Michael Cross I die a little inside because I've used pretty much everything I've got against him. Guys like Johnny and Wildchild who I've been writing against for three and a half years are worse. The thing about writing OAOAST is I can be writing a different match with different characters every week for who knows how long. We haven't got that many more active writers over there than here, but our shows are five times as long. There's got to be SOMETHING in that, surely?
  16. King Cucaracha

    The Greatest Wrestling Figure Of All Time

    It's his WrestleMania VI 'attire'.
  17. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    'Matt Classic' is Cabana, right?
  18. King Cucaracha

    OAO No Way Out thread

    If they new what they were doing with them, they'd be doing it. They wouldn't make the teams active, then inactive, then active, then inactive over and over again. They've been doing it since Survivor Series. They clearly don't know what they're doing with them. Point out one person in this thread who says they hate the new match. That's not the issue.
  19. King Cucaracha


    Well, this wouldn't be a seperate brand as such. If anything, its more a way to better organise the roster. There's no reason why this and Alf's idea couldn't both run, there'd still be a good few unused characters (we only need like 20 to run a weekly show, 40 maybe for two, me and Tony could probably cover that alone hypothetically). Maybe this idea can sit until after Alf's idea goes up and running, see if this is really neccessary.
  20. King Cucaracha


    Okay, so it seems everyone's using HI-YAH characters and HI-YAH titles now. So, in a lull during my oh-so enthralling day, I came up with an idea to basically 'flesh out' HI-YAH and use it like a second brand. Sort of. Basically, what would happen is we'd create a new folder, like the HeldDOWN~! one but it'd be a HI-YAH one. In that folder there'd be a 'sign-up sheet' of sorts and anyone who's got a character or characters they know they're not going to use for the next two months, they put that name in the thread and they'd be officially on tour with HI-YAH. There'd be a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 10 or 12, to keep everything balanced. And basically, the premise is if a character is on tour with HI-YAH, they're on tour in Japan so they're not going to show up on HD every few weeks to get squashed. There'd also be a stats thread for 'HI-YAH regulars', they being the guys that never get used what-so-ever so will always be touring. This is the likes of The All American Boys, but also anyone who's been booked as a HI-YAH regular, like Kenji Kawada or James Blonde. Once the roster is set, that's the touring group for the next two months. Every fortnight there'll be a small level show, posted in the HI-YAH folder, which would basically be me writing up results in a format something close to when Patty did a house show report last year. And at the end of every two months there'd be a big HI-YAH event at the Budoken Hall, the blow-off to the tour. This would be basically the same as we have now. The booking thread would go up earlyish and the list of all available workers would go up. Basically, the big show would consist of the regulars, the touring workers, the HI-YAH HV Champion, the HI-YAH Tag Champions and maybe one or two big name guests if someone's desperate for it. People can write whatever match they want from that list. Obviously, you'd clear using the touring wrestlers with whoever controls them, incase they're planning on writing them. Those matches would be just like any other we do, except of course it'd be a Japanese crowd, Japanese set-up, all of that. And the show would go up in Home Entertainment. The only difference is, the workers left on the list that aren't being written would have matches too. Just results, so 'Wrestler X beats Wrestler Y in 15:29 with the Spinning Do-Hiky'. But they'd be on the show regardless. At the end of the two months, the cycle starts over. The roster is full to bursting as it is with secondary, tertiary and beyond characters and they usually get one match every two months. Like this, they'd officially have a match every fortnight plus the big show at the endand would actually be 'doing something'. Then, as those characters would be 'written off' HDs for that time period, the HDs would focus more on the characters people are developing and would therefore expect to be seen on the TV show. The touring characters could be used on HDs in special circumstances, like tournaments, so long as it was explained that they're off the tour for this week or off the tour and replaced with so and so. So long as it's not a regular thing, in which case it defeats the object. And of course there can be promos to build the HI-YAH shows and matches. And there's no reason why touring characters couldn't have promos recording from Japan if really neccessary. Obviously, the HI-YAH Champions are exempt and can be used on HD shows. The regulars, if in a HD feud, can be taken off the next tour if need be and anyone can 'become' a regular if the character's dead in the water. As far as writing, aside from me, it'd only mean a potential one or two extra matches for those who want them every two months. I'm more than happy to be the 'HI-YAH Mod' or whatever and basically run the entire operation, post the shows, organise the threads, keep the folder clean, that sort of stuff. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. The workload would be pretty minimal, but it'd seem a lot richer in terms of quantity. Basically, I just need people to say it's a good idea and give me the okay to run with it, if they think it'd work. (It would happen post-AngleMania, if people are cool with it, btw.)
  21. King Cucaracha

    State of the SWF, 2007

    I, honestly, try to read every word of every show during some sort of downtime. I'm just terrible at feedback, or at least relevant feedback. Now, when I say it's pointless going on if there's an end date, that's just my personal feeling. Maybe I feel differently because eitherway I'm not retiring my character. I'm just, personally, not interested if this place becomes an extended funeral procession. Personally, I guess I could stick around and try to do the Grand Slam of titles, have a quick feud with someone from my past, find a big match for Genesis. But, would any of it matter in the end? Would having won all the titles, besides being a nice trivia bit, be worth it for me? That's all I'm saying. If it's a case of drawing out till October, then maybe I can find time to become a marker or something. I've been here 3 and a half years without any official hiatus and part of me wants to stick around and try to make this place good for the next half year and hopefully longer. But it's just I don't know if I could summon up the enthusiasm. Tom, if JJ had shown for the World Title Match, would you have honestly felt the need to post this thread? Because before that, I thought the moving to one show a week was working okay. I'm not involved in everything like you so obviously I don't know the full story, but still.
  22. King Cucaracha

    OAO No Way Out thread

    Did you not read the post explaining it? I'm not one to take dirtsheet writers' word as gospel, but that basically said they changed it because they STILL don't have a clue what they're doing with The Hardyz and MNM. The Ladder Match idea was dumb in the first place, D&D should have had the title match in the first place. If it makes such sense for them to get the shot (which btw I agree it does), then why did the WWE go completely against sense? Or, is that too obvious? They didn't and it's lead to a booking trainwreck. Nothing. So why did they book it in the first place, THAT'S what I've been saying ever since the Smackdown Spoiler thread a whole week ago!
  23. King Cucaracha

    OAO No Way Out thread

    Announce a needless but sure buyrate gaining match two weeks before a PPV, spend the first half of Smackdown talking about it and encouraging people to buy the show for it, drop the match a few days later on a booking whim because they've flip-flopped for about the tenth time in four months on whether to tag The Hardyz and MNM or not, then make it out to be Duece and Domino's fault so the marks who paid to see the Ladder Match already will crap on them when they don't get it. That's logic for you. I wasn't that interested in the Ladder Match anyway, as I said a couple of times. But the way they announced and dropped it and the reasons for doing so are ANYTHING but logical.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    And wrestlers from no-name backyard federations like Ring Of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Dragon Gate, AAA, Combat Zone Wrestling, right?
  25. King Cucaracha

    State of the SWF, 2007

    It's a little bit of each. As I said, if we can change the conditions that are causing this, then yeah, the fed's going to stick around. However, if we're going to go out, the people who have ideas as to how they want to go out deserve the chance to do that. I know some active writers have fairly elaborate plans for their retirements, and if I can help people enjoy the last few months, I'd like to. Alternatively, if the end being in sight is making you question the point of sticking around, then I'd advise you reconsider whether you want to stick around. That's not personal, it's just a matter of having limited energy and not wanting to spend it convincing someone who doesn't want to stay to do so. Well, I know all this e-fedding is just a means to an end in the long run. But so long it's up and running and there isn't an end date, there's a future and something to build to. If it turns out we're just sticking around to end legacies, then I'd rather go out on the back of the Clusterfuck. I mean, it's not like any of it'll matter once the company finishes, but if I'm going to remember it or be remembered, might as well be for that. I'll see how things go the next few months.