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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    The ECW ONS Thread

    It's okay for a few matches a card. There's nothing 'fresh' on the card though. And it's okay to have a match happen again, I'm not saying every match has to be new. But the whole point of the card is a re-visit. They're advertising each match as a repeat. 'Come watch Benoit/Eddie again', 'here's Tanaka versus Awesome again', 'hey, remember that cool match we did before...well, here it is again'. Okay, for one match, you could use past matches being good as a build. Absolutely. But an entire show? If it wasn't a reunion show, it'd be chalked up as lazy booking. 'Hey, you wanna watch Tanaka/Awesome again?' 'Sure, le me just find the tape...' 'No, don't worry, let us age them a few years and re-hash the match for you'. I don't see Eddie/Benoit bettering their matches in Japan. Tanaka and Awesome are strongly unlikely to top their previous matches. Crazy isn't the same as he once was, so the triple threat is doubtful, although the ending to the original wasn't great. Ditto Psicosis. Dudleys/Dreamer+Sandman lacks any passion behind it because there's no storyline like the original. It's like a sequel to a film...if it worked before, why not again? Doesn't always work like that though.
  2. King Cucaracha

    IWA:MS/CZW Double Header

    Daniels was getting hot reactions when he first turned and he got a very good reaction at the Midlo show. I wouldn't say he was 'bland', personally. He doesn't work best as a face though. Then again, it's all down to personal opinion I guess. Seeing as Punk put him over strong, I don't see why Delirious couldn't go on to the HV Title now.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Looking to get into Ring of Honor

    Actually, I agree with Jingus. Watching IWA shows, Prazak strays off topic sometimes and gets a little goofy. But he does get away with it because most of the time he doesn't take away from the situation. He does tend to be serious when it's REALLY needed, 95% of the time. Besides that, IWA isn't really a 'dead serious' fed all the time anyway. Punk is okay in small doses. He does tend to no sell people/things sometimes and he's obviously an opinionated guy. Prazak/Kingston works, because Kingston is probably one of the better color guys out there. He's funny enough, he knows his stuff, he puts people over, he remembers past storylines involving him when it's relevant (ie: not instantly liking Hero because he's a heel). Larry Sweeney's decent with Prazak too, although better with Kingston. Bryce Remsburg works well with Prazak as well.
  4. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Spanish football is like that with the over-reaction to tackles regularly enough for it not to cause much of a storm. Part of what makes Spanish football such fun to watch. It's much more open than Premiership football, usually, as well. Anyone see in one of the papers yesterday, where Glazer wants the Buccs to play one NFL game a season at Old Trafford to try and build some interest in the game over here? That would be funny as hell. Especially when hardly anyone turns up.
  5. King Cucaracha

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Eh, I'm not ordering/watching. Call it pesimism or whatever, but I'm so utterly convinced they'll mess this up somehow that I just don't have the desire to watch. Too many guys are there without matches and only there for run-ins and the inevitable clusterfuck which I simply don't care about. There's nothing 'new' on the show. I've got all the matches on DVD or video already, save for one. If it turns out okay, I'll buy the DVD, but they've not won me over.
  6. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 6/16 HeldDOWN~!

    Hoff finally got that pet rock he ordered.
  7. King Cucaracha

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    Considering the WWE dumbing down process, I wouldn't be surprised if he used the Pepsi Twist (hammerlock clothesline) as his finish.
  8. King Cucaracha

    IWA:MS/CZW Double Header

    I still don't see anything 'special' in Abercrombie. Obviously Ian does, seeing as he won the Simply The Best flippy tournament and all. I just don't see it. Don't get me wrong, he's a decent wrestler. He's not going to be 'the next big star' though. Kingston rejoining -BLK OUT- doesn't make sense either. Kingston vs. Ruckus for the title would have been the sensible way to go. Looks like a decent couple of shows though anyway.
  9. King Cucaracha

    Looking to get into Ring of Honor

    I never realised Prazak did any ROH. Man, that guy really gets around. He's probably the best indy commentator out there when he's straight up. Maybe he's a bit too 'smarkish' at times. I don't really mind that most of the time and it's no big deal when he's doing CHIKARA shows. Sometimes though, in IWA:MS, he tends to get a bit too goofy at times. Now all he needs to do is start doing CZW's commentary too. Gargulio does absolutely nothing for me, when he's not being carried by Eddie Kingston.
  10. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 6/16 HeldDOWN~!

    Ah, I see.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Booking for the 6/16 HeldDOWN~!

    Uhm, why does it say 'Awaiting Authorization' under Eski's name? Odd.
  12. King Cucaracha

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    Off topic, they should sign Cabana while they're at it. He's got a decent enough physique to fit in in the midcard, he's got a WWE suited style...and besides that, Punk would be best off as a tag team wrestler if he wants time and exposure on-screen. SCS vs. MNM would be good stuff.
  13. King Cucaracha

    IWA:MS/CZW Double Header

    As announced elsewhere, Punk vs. Homicide will be Punk's last match before joining the WWE.
  14. King Cucaracha

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    It's nice his final match (EDIT: before joining the E, at least) was for IWA:MS, seeing as they 'broke him in' more or less. EDIT: Pity he won't be wrestling D'Lo on the 17th, that would have been an interesting match. As a fan, I wish him all the best of luck, because he's probably gonna need it.
  15. King Cucaracha

    Stupidest wrestler injury?

    I know someone who twisted their ankle and did ligament damage from their foot/ankle rolling to the side, which he can't find a reason for because there was no uneven ground in his path. All HHH really did was step forward awkwardly to tear his quad. Whever you call it 'stupid' or just 'innoccuous', depends on what's meant by stupid I guess. The only real 'stupid' one mentioned is Vince's second quad tear, because it was completely avoidable and only caused because he was too stupid and proud to not walk after the first.
  16. King Cucaracha

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Money. That would be the only reason, since he was (and regularly does) apparantly asking for a whole bunch. Although, how reliable that is, I'm not sure. I'm an RVD fan (probably because I enjoy spotfests), but RVD can only DREAM of being a fifth of Liger in terms of wrestling. What he did from 97/01 worked for him brilliantly. He was one of the top talents in America. He was never near best 'wrestler', but he was a very good entertainer and probably the best at entertaining in the ring. To compare him to Liger is pretty funny though.
  17. King Cucaracha

    Looking to get into Ring of Honor

    When they tell you they 'don't do sports entertainment' every match, don't believe them. They've done plenty.
  18. King Cucaracha

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    Can someone tell me what actual effect this whole X-Net thing has had? We had the Lord David guy, but other than that, I can't think of anything else, except that we had to have a website made.
  19. King Cucaracha

    HeldDOWN~! 6/9 Feedback

    Off topic, but needs to be said...Hoff's picture of Buff with the goatee made me cry laughing when I scanned the stats thread the other day. I'm not sure why, probably the smile, but it's funny as hell. On topic, Hoff's Rock-esque promo gets plus points from me.
  20. King Cucaracha

    The OAO Tony Brannigan Thread

    *obligatory beltshot*
  21. King Cucaracha

    PROMO: Visiting Tom

    PLACE: Rome, Italy TIME: 7:47 am SCENE: Tom Flesher's 'temporary office' Having landed in Italy...whenever...Tom Flesher is settling into his new hotel room. Not seeming best pleased with the standard of his room, Flesher sits frustratedly on his bed. Because now, he's got one boring week ahead of him. Italian TV, Italian bars...he doesn't even like pizza. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* And the small matter of the entire SWF roster continually bothering him. The thought of not opening his door crosses Tom's mind. Seriously crosses it. Unfortunatly for him though, Allison Onita is out of the bathroom and answering the door. Flesher noticeably groans, as Landon Maddix brushes past the departing Allison and scans the room. "Who told you I was here?" "We all got fliers, telling us where to go. Apparantly, this is your office now." Flesher curses. "Nice place you've got here." "If you like sub-par Italian decor, sure." "Ooh, burn..." sneers Maddix. "So, what did you want?" "I'll get to that in a minute." smiles Maddix, making himself right at home as he lounges into Tom's leather upholstered couch. "Before we get down to business...on a personal level, I just wanted to compliment you on the job you did on Smarkdown. Very fresh. I mean, Spike Jenkins, Johnny Dangerous, Toxxic, Ejiro...they all had it coming. All major dissappointments. I've gotta admit...we've never really been friends, but it was so damn refreshing to see you punk those four bitches out. They needed a swift kick up the ass and if someone needs a kick up the ass, it might as well be a Doc Marten, eh?" Flesher smiles slightly, always happy to take a compliment. "It's good to see someone finally taking hold of the reigns with this company, even if you do only have legitimate power over just the one show." Maddix continues. "This place has been missing a leader for some time. And a good one for even longer. But more than that...it's good to see you finally laying down the law, the way it SHOULD be laid down. I mean, hell, you're Tom Flesher! You're the straight shooting, ass kicking former Heavyweight Champion! To see you getting pushed around by some whiney kid and Puff Daddy...just not right." "I agree." sneers Flesher, with some double meaning. "Smarkdown...that was you man. That was you, back to your best. That was the real Tom Flesher. THAT was the Tom Flesher I retire...oh...sorry." A smile creeps onto Maddix's face, as Flesher's head snaps around to glare at the Tag Team Champion sat on his couch, now helping himself to his Cheetos. "As much as I enjoy being 'complimented'...is this going anywhere?" "Huh?" mumbles Maddix, through a mouthful of Cheetos, before his Tag Title belt catches a glint in his eye. "Oh...oh, yeah. I'm sorry Taamo. Sometimes when I get talking, I kinda lose myself. No, you see, I'm here about 13th Hour." Rolling his eyes, Tom hardly seems surprised. "Now, like I say, I enjoyed the no-nonsense stuff on Smarkdown. But, while you were running around after Wildchild and Pretzler...did you happen to catch my match? It's just, I looked over the card...and...judging from that, I wasn't quite sure. So, incase you didn't...here's a recap. Allison, you might wanna take notes." Maddix calls off screen, before standing up. "On Smarkdown...I...BEAT...LIL' BUCK. Right?" "Right..." "Right. Now, for some reason, Lil' Buck is now getting a second bite of the World Title cherry at 13th Hour. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but he had his World Title shot in the Seychelles a couple of weeks ago. And was comprehensively beat, I might add. Now, I can see where you're coming from here Tom. Looking at it impartially, Johnny doesn't deserve the shot. Toxxic and Spike are busy. Ditto Danny and Mak. And I can understand you being stuck for choices. But, looking at it without any impartiality what-so-ever...I beat your number one contender less than 24 hours ago, Tom. 1, 2, 3, right in the middle of that ring, on your show, your 'pure wrestling', only the best wrestling, Tom Flesher show. So I'm kinda wondering...why Buck gets his rematch." "As I said on Smarkdown, Ejiro made such hard work of beating Buck, that he didn't impress me at all. I expect better. So, it was agreed, that a rematch would be in order." "I understand that." sighs Maddix. "But...and no offense to you...but making Lil' Buck the number one contender, no more than an hour after I'd pinned him, makes you look a little...well, stupid. Even worse than that, it makes ME look insignificant. Which you know DAMN well that I'm not." "So, let me get this straight. You're saying that I should have given you the title shot?" chuckles Flesher. "You?" "Yeah, me!" "Why the hell should I!?!" Tom finally snaps. "Last time I checked, you were screwing up MY booking plans by eliminating YOURSELF from the World Title hunt! I've got a newsflash for you kid...the World Title isn't some 'open invitational'! You can't just say you don't want the belt one month, then decide you suddenly do again!" "You know damn well why I took myself out of the title picture." Maddix growls back at Flesher, through gritted teeth. "And you know damn well I've done everything Lil' Buck has and ten..times..more!! I've beaten him. I've beaten Dangerous time after time after time. I beat Toxxic and then pushed him to the edge of Kibagamism. Spike Jenkins was my SJL BITCH for more months than I can remember. I'm worthy of a shot. What more do I have to do, huh?" "How about showing a little consistency?" Maddix stops, caught in something he can't deny. "Remember on Smarkdown, where I said that Johnny wasn't good enough? When I compared him to Ejiro, just without the success? Well, he beat you on Lockdown. So what do that make you, hotshot? All year, you've been like a damn rollercoaster. One minute you're up, next you're down. One minute you win the Clusterfuck, next you through away the match at From The Fire. One minute you're International Champion, 5 days later and you lose it. Your title reign was worse than Ejiro's is, kid." Hanging his head, Maddix bites his lip angrily while he tries to think of a comeback. "I don't want another first half of 2004 on my hands. I want a champion who can defend the belt night in and night out, without me worrying about having 12 champions in twelve weeks. Maybe, just maybe, if you got your mind OFF of Megan's loins and BACK on business..." "You leave HER out of this!" snaps Maddix. "...maybe then. But right now, Buck's far more consistent than you." "Hey, I'm not taking away from Buck. Believe me, he's one tough son of a gun and I've got the bruises to prove it. But Buck/Ejiro is yesterday's news. Think about it Tom. Landon Maddix versus Ejiro Fasaki, first time EVER! That's a dream-match, right there. People would eat that up, Tom. They'd eat it up and they'd want more. More. More and more and more, until they all broke into spontanious song and period-costume dance. But instead, you're making me and Todd Cortez defend our SWF World Tag Titles against...some mystery team..." Maddix is suddenly cut off in mid-sentence, as Flesher laughs to himself. "What?" "Oh, nothing." "No, come on Tom, what?" "It's nothing, seriously. I was just...thinking about your opponents at 13th Hour." "Wha...what about them?" asks Maddix, noticeably nervous. Flesher just laughs again. "C'mon Tom, this ain't funny." "For you, maybe. It's pretty funny from where I'm standing. Then again, I know who they are, don't I?" Despite the nervous look remaining on his face, Maddix tries to pretend it's not bothering him. Smiling, he places his Tag Team Title belt over his shoulder and directs Tom's attention to it. "You know what...it really doesn't matter. Whoever you've got, me and Todd'll handle 'em. That's why we're the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!" "Is that so?" "Yeah, that's so." "Well, if you two are such a 'team'...how come it took you about ten minutes to stop shouting your mouth off about 'Landon Maddix'...and finally remember that it'll be 'Martial Law' in a match this Sunday." Maddix is again at a loss for a comeback. At least, one that wouldn't make him a total liar. Instead, he just points a finger at Flesher, fumes for a few seconds, before sighing and storming out of the room. Flesher casually watches his hotel room door slam behind him and smirks a little. After all, that kid always did kinda bug him... "Heh..." Flesher's smirk turns into a full blown smile. "...he's screwed."
  22. King Cucaracha

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    We're still involved with them? Funny, I'd completely forgotten about them.
  23. King Cucaracha

    The ECW ONS Thread

    RVD's doing a shoot interview? Does he want to be fired or something? Seriously. Half the reason you're not getting pushed is because you keep shooting on the company, Rob.
  24. King Cucaracha

    HeldDOWN~! 6/9 Feedback

    Well, Sly/PFL wrote the Women's Match and I presume he watches CHIKARA, so there's Lucha influence, certainly Big-ups on that Women's Match, very entertaining stuff. I liked the Tag Title Match a lot too. A good show all in all.
  25. King Cucaracha

    PROMO: Visiting Tom

    Coy was Japanese?