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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Double dang (for Candido).
  2. King Cucaracha

    Botches that actually improved matches

    Perfect timing. Nasty Boys versus Cactus and Maxx Payne, Superbrawl IV. Knobbs gets utterly destroyed by taking a belly to belly suplex chest first. Sure it didn't feel great for Knobbs, but it added to the crazy feel of the match they were going for.
  3. King Cucaracha

    The WKO 100 is Finally in!

    Oh, you're those "to cool to conform" kinda boards. Well, why didn't you say so. You guys are cool. U wanna cyber?
  4. King Cucaracha

    The WKO 100 is Finally in!

    Did you ever wonder why every other board has the same general reaction to this "international panel of wrestling historians" (read: dumb wrestling fans who've been dumber for longer than newer dumb wrestling fans) created list. Because in addition to your comment, I've seen this posted a couple of other places, to the same general reaction that it's an awful list. Maybe there's a common denominator there? Who?
  5. King Cucaracha


  6. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

  7. King Cucaracha

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Source plz?
  8. King Cucaracha

    Impact spoilers for Feb. 26 and March 5, 2009

  9. King Cucaracha

    The WKO 100 is Finally in!

    *brain explodes* This is like doing the PWI 500 by drawing lots from a fishbowl. Right down to the random Puro names near the top to give the list 'credibility'. Awful. Okay you people seriously know nothing about wrestling.
  10. Seeing it mentioned... am I the only one who thought Duggan's commentary at WM VII was shockingly good? Maybe I just had low expectations, judging the book by the character so to speak. But he actually made good, coherent points at times. And yes Kamala, the commercial with the Bushwhacks and Dusty on the garbage truck definately existed.
  11. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    Leaked Raw script had him listed as out until Mar 20, in the same way Bourne and Candice were listed with a date. So, possibly injured.
  12. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Backlund and Bossman were both on my prospectives list. I'd been looking at Backlund ever since my third pick and almost took him instead of Snuka as top babyface versus Edge. After that, I couldn't think of enough guys to pair him with so didn't risk it.
  13. King Cucaracha

    HD: Blonde/Megan promo

    Over at the catering tables, we find Megan Skye on a coffee run. Which, she quite clearly doesn't enjoy having to do. With a scowl on her face she drains another cup, muttering something about "respected managers" as she does so. As she does this, a frantic looking James Blonde walks by. Oh, and he's wearing this brand-new shirt. [IMG=http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii59/KingCucaracha/shirts/WWLDshirt.jpg] Spotting Megan, James rushes over, almost spilling the tray of coffees in his rush to get Megan's attention. BLONDE Megan, we gotta talk. MEGAN What is it now? BLONDE I need you to speak to Landon for me, because he's not listening to what I'm trying to tell him. And if he doesn't, we're all going to hell in a handbasket and I can't let it happ... Sighing, Megan picks up one of the coffees and sets it aside. MEGAN Sounds like you've had enough caffeine as it is. BLONDE This is SERIOUS Megan! Real serious! I need you to convince Landon to sign off on a US Title match for me. MEGAN And why would we do that? BLONDE Look, if I tell you, you've gotta believe me. Okay? Todd's not conformed at all. He's planning to ruin Cucaracha Internacional and tear us all apart! He told me so himself! And as long as he's got the United States Title and he's in Landon's good books he's got a good chance of doing it, which is why I need the belt instead. To restore the balance of the group. Because Landon won't hear it! MEGAN This isn't another cry for attention is it James? Pouting, James takes offence to the very suggestion. BLONDE I don't know what you mean. MEGAN This thing with you and Todd. I don't know what's really going on and I'm not getting drawn into these squabbles between you now, just because he's suddenly popular again. All I know is Landon believes he's finally gotten through to him and I doubt he's going to change that point of view just because I say so. BLONDE But he listens to you. Megan raises an eyebrow in an "oh really?" kind of way. BLONDE Then what are we going to do? MEGAN [i]We[/i] aren't going to do anything. But if you want my advice, if you're really that desperate to be the United States Champion, you're going to have to go about it a different way. Everything is finally going smoothly again for Cucaracha Internacional. He's not going to want to rock the boat just because you might be jealous of Todd. BLONDE So what do you suggest? MEGAN Just ask yourself one simple question. Megan points to the letters on Blonde's shirt. MEGAN What would Landon do? Picking up the coffees, Megan walks off muttering again, this time something about "at least someone asks my advice". Left to muse over what Megan meant Blonde grabs his discarded coffee and sips thoughtfully.
  14. King Cucaracha

    HD: THR vs. CAE

    A wide shot of the audience can be seen as "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana begins to waft through the arena. Boos greet the appearance of The Heavenly Rockers, all smiles between the four people on stage. A big smile adorns Logan Mann's face, playing some killer air guitar before pulling in wife Holly for a hug as she sneers at the camera. Behind them Synth is coached by his spiritual advisor, scourge of the family of many scourges, Abdullah Abir Nerdly. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is set for one fall. On the way to the ring... COLONEL ABULLAH NERDLY presents, the only rock n' wrestling band that matters... also accompanied to the ring by HOLLY... SYNTH ABDUL-JABBAR... LOGAN “MACHO MACHO” MANN… THE HHHEEEEEEEAAAAAVVVEEEEENNLLLLYYYYYYYY... RRRRRRROOOOOOOCCKKEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE A couple of guys who've been having some problems recently with Jamie O'Hara on our sister program Syndicated. It seems like, for whatever reason, Synth and Logan have taken it upon themselves to try and discredit and embarrass O'Hara and try and make him a laughing stock. COACH With a huge assist from O'Hara himself. Logan climbs to the ring apron, turning to the crowd on the far side and encouraging them to "SING ALONG, YOU KNOW THE WORDS!" Unfortunately this isn't a rock concert and nobody's paid to see Logan, so they respond by booing him. As he and Holly enter the ring, Synth bows his head at ringside in solemn prayer. COLE The Rockers seem to have some sort of chip on their shoulder that guys like O'Hara are getting respect and adulation for what they bring to the OAOAST, where-as they claim to be the greatest rock n' wrestling band going and they don't get any. COACH Well can you blame them really? These guys are three time Tag Team Champions, bonafide superstars. A guy like O'Hara can do a bunch of flips, but what else does he bring to the table? Nothing! He's a scrawny punk with zero intelligence. That's why the One And Only Jamie O'Hara Federation is tanking so badly. COLE Oh don't even bring up that abomination, that farce from the mind of Abdullah Abir. Much to Abdullah's annoyance his prayers are interrupted noisely as "Like The Angel" hits and the crowd climb to their feet. As the lyrics kick in the twin Nerdly brothers run out and hit the always awesome leaping high-five, setting off a pair of pyrotechnic rockets, one orange and one blue. BUFFER And their opponents... from Edmonton, Alberta Canada! Total combined weight, three hundred and seventy pounds... the team of MARV and MEL... THE CHRIST AIR EEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPPRRRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" MARV and MEL sprint to the ring and slide in, going up onto adjacent middle turnbuckles to salute the roaring crowd. Hanging back Logan watches from halfway through the ropes, urging referee Charles Robinson to keep the amped up twins back as they leap down in his direction. COLE A great reaction for The Christ Air Express, who look to be in [i]high[/i] spirits here tonight! COACH Canned laughter. COLE ...Coach... usually when people mock bad jokes, they actually make the sound of canned laughter, not just say "Canned laughter". COACH My way's better. Continuing to lean between the ropes Logan waits until Synth has done meditating and initiates a team conference. It's decided that Logan will start and he carefully comes out from between the ropes. *DINGDINGDING!* As Logan leaves his corner, MARV gets the crowd clapping. Not happy Logan yells at the people to knock it off, before going to the corner and getting Synth to cover his ears for him. COLE You'd think 'the greatest rock n' wrestling band' would be used to the sound of crowds clapping. I guess they don't get much of that at their concerts. Go figure. COACH Canned laughte... COLE Would you quit that already!? Composing himself, Logan locks up with MARV. Quickly he grabs a side headlock and takes him over, nodding his head confidently. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU GREEN BAAAAYYY!" he yells, to a chorus of boos rather than cheers you'd expect. MARV fights back to his feet and shoots Logan off, getting put down with a shoulder tackle. Off the ropes again, Logan delivers on a second shoulder tackle. Off a third set of ropes Logan tries a shoulder tackle, but gets too lazy with it and takes a drop toehold! MEL jumps in and the referee holds Synth at bay from coming in, while Logan is legdropped across the back of the head! First by MEL, then by MARV! Then by MEL! And again by MARV! MARV I CAN'T HEAR YOU GREEN BAY! "WHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Logan rolls over to his corner and tags out, nursing the back of his head and a bruised ego. In steps Synth and he squares up to MEL, shoving him in the chest. Not appreciating that, MEL balls up his fist for a right hand, only for the Muslim convert to drop to his knees and pray for forgiveness! COLE What is this now? COACH He's a man of peace. You don't hurt a man of peace! A little confused as to what to do MEL turns to his brother for advice, the opening Synth needs to attack from behind! He clubs MEL repeatedly across the back, putting him against the ropes. Synth turns MEL around and delivers a couple of bodyshots, then looks to the heavens. He then looks for an irish whip... but MEL reverses, catching Synth on the way back with a drop toehold. In comes MARV, running the ropes with the legdrop! Legdrop from MEL! Legdrop from MARV! Legdrop from MEL and Synth is out of there as well!! COLE The Christ Air Express are giving Synth and Logan the run around! COACH Come on with the double teaming already referee! I know they're twins, but even if you can't tell them apart, surely you can tell there's two of 'em! The Heavenly Rockers look to regroup on the outside, but suddenly look up in horror as MEL soars over the top... ...NO! He fakes them out! Synth and Logan had ducked and think they're safe, not seeing MEL leap back inside. As MEL drops to all fours, MARV charges, USING HIS BROTHER AS A LAUNCHPAD TO DIVE ONTO THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Sliding back inside, MARV hits the double high-five with MEL as the crowd go wild. COLE I'm sure MARV and MEL's good buddy Jamie O'Hara's got a smile on his face watching this somewhere. COACH Nah. That'd require a personality. Getting the troups properly regrouped Abdullah pats Synth on the back. Which does him no good, because as soon as he's on the apron, MEL brings him in THE HARD WAY~! Synth walks into a dropkick. And a second. As MEL goes to take a run at him SAJ takes a swing, missing wildly as MEL goes behind into a crucifix... 1... 2... No! Wringing the arm MEL brings in MARV, who comes off the top with an axehandle. MARV takes over the arm-wringer but gets caught in the gut with a knee. Shot off MARV goes up and over a dropdown. As he comes off the other side though, Logan sticks out a knee! Caught right in the kidneys MARV stumbles forward, into a swinging neckbreaker by Synth! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Cover by Synth... 1... 2... No! COLE Like it or not that's why The Heavenly Rockers are one of the most successful tag teams in OAOAST history. They know tag team wrestling inside out. Every trick, every shortcut. Tag is made to Logan, who stomps MARV right in the ear and then taunts MEL. Taunted to the point that he's drawn into the ring, distracting the referee while Synth comes in and chokes MARV. COLE And there we go again. The supposed 'man of peace', that didn't last long did it? COACH Perhaps he's trying to heal him. You don't know that's not his intention! As Synth makes a quick exit, Logan follows up by dropping an elbow and covers... 1... 2... No! Logan brings MARV back up, elbowing him in the back of the head on the way. Hooking him up, the MACHO Macho Mann executes a vertical suplex in the centre of the ring. Logan positions himself at MARV's side and gives the signal for... something not usually in his repetoire. Back turned, he tucks, sets... fakes out on the standing moonsault and kicks MARV in the head instead. COLE That was a blatant shot at Jamie O'Hara right there. COACH That was more entertaining than anything O'Hara has done in his entire life. Angered by the kick, MARV surprises Logan by rolling to his knees and unleashing with some right hands to the gut. Logan stops him by dropping a double axehandle though. Picking him back up, Logan delivers a short arm clothesline and hooks MARV up... 1... 2... No! Dragging MARV to the corner, Logan makes the tag before bringing him back out. Scooping MARV up, Logan hands over to Synth to assist with a Double Sidewalk Slam! COACH The Christ Air Express, they think that they're 'party dudes'. They wouldn't last 10 minutes at the Heavenly Rockers aftershow parties. Just like they can't last with them in the ring. Synth walks around the ring, watching as MARV tries to pull himself up. Out of sight of the referee Logan reaches in and grabs the back of MARV's tights, keeping him in Heavenly Rocker territory for a flying knee in the corner... NO! MARV lands an elbow and manages to move out of the way! Synth lays splattering across the turnbuckles as MARV starts to crawl to try and make the tag. Able to shake off the elbow Logan manages to tag himself in though and cuts MARV off before he can get the tag, then runs MEL off the apron with a double axehandle just to be sure. COLE That Heavenly Rockers advantage was almost the thing that didn't last. Watching MARV get to his feet Logan lures him in, pulling him into a standing headscissors. As he sets up for a piledriver though, MARV suddenly wakes up and counters with a backbody drop! "YYYEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Logan gets back up and loads up the double axe again... but MARV ducks behind and counters with a Backslide! 1... 2... No! Back to his feet, Logan is unable to prevent MARV from crawling through his legs and lunging forward, getting the tag to his trusty twin! COLE Oh there we go, tag is made! COACH How'd he do that!? Scooting up the turnbuckles, MEL comes off the top with a fist to the top of Logan who's routed to the spot in surprise. Whipping Logan off the ropes MEL delivers a standing dropkick. A dropkick then sends Synth off of the apron and to the floor. MEL fires up and Logan spies an opportunity, running at MEL with a double axehandle. A sidestep puts Logan into the turnbuckles chest first, stumbling back into a schoolboy rollup... 1... 2... NO! MEL grabs a hold of Logan and whips him across the ring into the CAE corner. Charging in MEL leaves his feet and delivers a big flying clothesline in the corner landing in a seated position on the middle rope! COLE And MEL, just chillin' on the middle buckle a lil' bit. Logan staggers out and MEL goes up top. He waits for Logan to turn his way before wiping him out with a Flying Crossbody... 1... 2... NO! Logan rolls outside, just as Synth comes in trying to ambush MEL. That doesn't work though, caught running in with a spinning heel kick! COLE Caught him! Synth ran right into that one! Back in crawls MARV and the twins set Synth up with a double irish whip. Double fists to the gut double Synth up and they hit the ropes... but only one comes back, as MARV gets tripped up and pulled to the outside by Logan! The one who does come back doesn't fare much better, MEL spun around the world into a Gutbuster! COACH That was one trip that MEL didn't enjoy! Synth hooks a leg... 1... 2... Kickout! With Logan and MARV battling on the outside Synth gives a signal to the outside. And right on cue, it would appear, Abdullah Abir Nerdly appears on the apron. His presence instantly takes the attention of the referee, which allows Holly to slide in Abdullah's holy book! COLE Hey! COACH Synth looking for some inspirational words. COLE Or something nice and heavy to hit somebody with! COACH Yeah, either or. As Synth snatches up the book though, a disruption in the crowd distracts him. Leaping over the barricade is JAMIE O'HARA, ripping Abdullah Abir off of the apron to the mass approval of the fans! COACH Unhand him! That's a spiritual leader of men, he's not to be touched by the unwashed! O'Hara does more than touch Abdullah, LAYING HIM OUT WITH A RIGHT HAND!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" As O'Hara yells at Abdullah, Synth leaves the ring to come to his aid. He grips the book in his hands and leaps from the ring apron towards O'Hara... who moves, causing Synth to wipe himself out on the barricade!!! COLE God moves in mysterious ways. Synth just moved in a rather misguided way. COACH Jamie O'Hara should not even be out here! He's got his own fed to go to now so we don't have to put up with him! With Synth down and out, Logan re-enters the ring to complain about the presence of O'Hara at ringside. Up from behind from MEL, turning him around looking to go on the attack. Logan still has enough concentration to land the first blow though, booting MEL in the gut. He pulls MEL into the front facelock, setting him up for Percussion. Again his attention is taken by O'Hara though. Too busy yelling at him, Logan is surprised by MARV, coming off the top with a Missile Dropkick!! Managing to avoid landing on his head MEL floats over on top with a jacknife pin... 1... 2... 3!!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" *DINGDINGDING!* COLE That's it! MARV and MEL, with a little help from their friend, are gonna pick up the win in this one! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... MARV, MEL, THE CHRIST AIR EEEEEXXXXXXXPPRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Sliding out of the ring double-quick, MARV and MEL embrace on the outside in celebration. Having left Abdullah nursing his jaw O'Hara comes over to join them, dishing out some hand slaps and fist daps. Logan looks shocked and simmers as he looks on from the ring. COLE Well, a little bit of retribution for Jamie O'Hara tonight, seeing his buddies put away The Heavenly Rockers here on HeldDOWN~! Hey... maybe the One And Only Jamie O'Hara Federation have got an opening for a new tag team? COACH Yeah, you and your left nut! That's about the best that guy could do. Hitting a man of dignity in the face... no class! No class at all! As Holly comforts her husband, O'Hara encourages Logan to "come and get him". Logan is content to swear revenge from a safe distance for now, still fuming at what just happened.
  15. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

  16. King Cucaracha

    Heel Characters That You Agreed With?

    Ditto Lacey with Sunny in ROH. Christopher Daniels' farewell promo in ROH can get a mention too.
  17. King Cucaracha

    HD: Opening World Title recap

    COLE A lot to come here tonight but of course, we are coming off of an historic event last week in Boston, The Celtic Spectacular throwing up a major happening as we have a new OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. Zack Malibu is once again the World Champ, he beat Leon Rodez, but not without some amount of discussion. As we take you back to some of the highlights of that match. As Cole continues talking, still photos of the match play. COLE And as you see, it was a back and forth classic as we had expected going in. Both men igniting the Boston crowd. Arguably one of the best World Title matches we've seen in a long time. Back and forth they went, almost going to a double count-out after a dangerous suplex saw both men crashing to the floor, only to return at the count of 9. Eventually, Leon would manage to fight off Zack and put him in position for the 450 Splash. At this point, we all thought it was over. Leon connected with the 450, referee Mike Chioda counted the one, two and the three and we assumed that was it. However, that wasn't the case. The still of Leon noticing Zack's foot on the bottom rope stays up. COLE There you see, Zack Malibu's foot placed on the bottom rope. It went unnoticed by the referee and the match was over, but Leon refused to take the victory. He refused to win that way, after the controversy mired around his title defence against Mister Dick at AnglePalooza and also at the 300th episode of HeldDOWN against Krista. So Leon demanded that the match was restarted, Mike Chioda realising his mistake agreed and that proved to be perhaps the biggest mistake of Leon Rodez's career. The last shots show Zack connecting with School's Out, the three count, Zack celebrating with the title and Leon leaving dejectedly. COLE With the match restarted, Zack would go on to score with School's Out and win the World Heavyweight Championship for a record fourth time. Back to Cole and Coach (ew.) COLE We're told that the former World Champion will not be in attendance tonight, but we are hoping to hear from the new World Champion Zack Malibu in the course of this broadcast. Of course, all that means that the face of AngleMania VIII in Indianapolis has changed dramatically. The main-event is now signed and sealed for the biggest show of the year. And it will be, one year on from the match that you the OAOAST fans voted as your Match Of The Year, Zack Malibu and Bohemoth one on one. They tore the house down last year in Los Angeles. In Indianapolis, it's Zack/Bohemoth 2 and this time it's for the Heavyweight Championship of the World!
  18. King Cucaracha

    The Youtube Thread

    0:28. Before there was Snitsky, there was Rick Steiner.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Yeah, the cowboy boots guy is Barry Windham. Pretty sure the guy in the blue trunks would be Z-Man.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Retrospective Moments Thread

    The two Austin attacks would be great even now. The problem is, there's a reason for it and that's because it involved Stone Cold Steve Austin. And there is nobody that good anymore on the face side of things. Ditto with Jake/Warrior. It wouldn't work in this era because there's nobody like Jake to sell it. (Although saying that, I'm still unsure whether the Jake/Warrior segment is great or awful as it is.)
  21. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    It's a calculated risk. If you take the right part of the team, then you just have to time it right. While there's still strong options on the board people would be less likely to take the weak link of a popular tag team. But if people get cheeky and try and drag their follow-up picks out until round 36, they're probably going to get burned. I'd say there's been one very risky tag pick so far and the rest make sense. Unless you include me going for The Brainbusters and hoping Tully would make it 28 picks. What's interesting so far is that I'm seeing a lot of my midcard options going, rather than big names neccessarily. It helps that I really didn't plan a big cruiserweight division.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    www.onlineworldofwrestling.com is my main haunt.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I honestly scanned down and thought you picked Virgil for a second. Stevie's winning the best pic competition I think.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    My next pick is a bit of a 'safe' one in many ways. He's being drafted for one gimmick, the one pictured. However should I have a change of heart or some awful luck, he's got a couple to change to as insurance. So he'll be useful either way, but he is being drafted with a strong babyface tag team in mind. And also, great, GREAT theme music. Russian or Repo man, Hole in one or Power and paint. Either way, he'll kick ya stinkin' teeth in! DEMOLITION SMASH/BARRY DARSOW