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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    SJL Metal Comments 12/3

    Well, I would have wrote, but I got over-run with a school assignment, and started my match at about 7o'clock on Tuesday...your time. In the end, after getting nowhere, I kinda gave up...so, yeah...apologies and stuff.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Anyone Miss Kurt Angle?

    The sad thing is, I've hardly noticed his absense. The whole face Angle skit is so boring, I'm not waiting for Angle to appear like I was in say 2000. Mainly because other than his in ring work, he brings nothing interesting anymore. Hell, if he left the WWE...the sad thing is, it wouldn't be to big of a big loss to them anymore. Benoit can fill Angle's spot, Cena can fill Benoit's.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Taker Not The Only One Returning From The Dead!

    Well, Tazz mentioned it last week.
  4. King Cucaracha

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I care that Nunzio is not in the game. I still haven't been able to make a really good CAW of him. As we're all suggesting improvements...the Rumble needs to be tweaked and tweaked until it's as realistic as possible. Have submission style bars when you go to throw someone out, have Rumble style elimination animations... And the Cage Match needs a 'throw into cage' move, or something.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Post-PPV HeldDOWN~! booking

    Well, we've now got the tag match between Rodez/Lyne and J.Arthur/Gunner to add. I take it from the UGS convo that you're writing it Parka...if not, I can if needed. And there'll be a promo for the team probably...
  6. King Cucaracha

    End of Year Awards

    MVP of the year : Eddie Guerrero Match of the year : Tie between Angle/Benoit and HBK/Y2J Raw wrestler of the year : Shawn Michaels Smackdown wrestler of the year : Eddie Guerrero Rookie of the year : Shelton Benjamin Tag team of the year : TWGTT Feud of the year : HBK and Jericho PPV of the year : Vengeance Storyline of the year : Jericho/Trish/Lita/Christian...and Matt I guess Announcer of the year : Tazz
  7. King Cucaracha

    The Wrestling Channel(Again lol)

    Frontiers of Honor! Jack-a-nack-a-nory~! Any idea on when the channel goes full-time, rather than just test transmissions?
  8. King Cucaracha

    SJL Metal Card for December 2, 2003

    I also assumed the house was up for raiding also. Then again, there are no countouts in this match... So, I'd assume you can.
  9. King Cucaracha

    The OAO NWA-TNA 27/11 Thread

    Another gimmick poster? Good god. And why do people ASK to be banned. If you don't want to be part of the board, why don't you just fuck off. Please?
  10. King Cucaracha

    Smackdown Spoilers

    That Rumble 94 finish is being over-used to death. Once was plausible. Twice devalued it no end...but THREE TIMES!?! Besides that, the battle royal lineup looks pretty craptacular. Oh well...at least there's Akio-Noble to look forward to possibly.
  11. King Cucaracha

    SJL Crimson Card

    I call opening promo, because there's something planned...
  12. King Cucaracha

    Super News About TNA

    Wrestlers unhappy at a less talented 'higher-up' getting pushed over them. OMG STOP DA PRESSES!!! As long as Jarrett is in control, he can push himself. Who's going to stop him? That's why HHH is in control, and that's why Jarrett is still in control. That's why Flair was so great in WCW and why Hogan ran the WWF in the early 90's. It's why the Funks were top of the Texas area back in the day. They had the control, they booked who went top of the company. If they thought it was they who should be top, in the end it's their business. Believe me, people being 'unhappy' won't stop Jarrett. Just look at Trips, how long he's been on top, and what's been done about it.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Comments of WRATH~!

    Apologies for my lack of showing...congrats regardless to Clark. I'll make up for it on Crimson, and expect a little 'switcheroo' of my stats before then. Other than that, big congratulations to Todd and Casey...and well done to us for a good show.
  14. King Cucaracha

    WrestleMania XX Could Be 5 Hours

    Sees $50 price... Gets Mania for free. Laughs.
  15. King Cucaracha

    wcw classics

    I watch the show too...just to see the crap like the Desparados and P.N News. Watching the show this week, Austin's sure changed from his early days huh? And I can't wait to see the rush-job build they do for Luger-Windham now Flair's about to go.
  16. King Cucaracha

    Stevie & Victoria turning face

    Just watched Heat...opening match is Stevie w/Victoria vs Rico w/Jackie, and Stevie/Victoria play face the whole match. Jackie winds up Victoria, referee eventually has to seperate them as Stevie gets a pin...crowd pop when Victoria finally gets to Jackie, Stevie gets a crowd pop after the match too. So, yeah...they've seemingly turned them. Stevie finest moments were as a face, when he was in ECW...but really, it doesn't mean a thing if they're turning him against Rico. They have no history, neither have been given any worthwhile TV time...basically, it's not a good idea. There are enough female faces around as it is too. But if it gives them a worthwhile push, I could care less.
  17. King Cucaracha

    WWE Survivor Series 2003 Diatribe

    I re-watched the show again, and agree with most of the ratings... ...anyway, on the subject of the Buried Alive Match...the shovel looked too fake, minor hitch. Taker obviously pulled something on the truck to set off the explosion, minor hitch. The fact we're supposed to believe that Taker is actually under that dirt without dying a slow, agonising death while Goldberg and HHH is going on...(insert anti-Goldberg joke here)...that really bothered me. I mean seriously...surely if Taker was really under the dirt, he'd have suffocated about half way through the main event. Yet the commentators were like 'That damn Kane, burying his brother alive...Taker's buried alive under all that dirt... ...anyway, time for the main event.' That was really ridiculous.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Christopher Nowinski Cleared To Wrestle

    I hope he doesn't come back... ...not because he's 'a Tough Enough guy', but because if he's really that messed up, he should stay the hell away from the ring. It's not worth messing your life up for, and he'll only get re-injured quickly anyway.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Character developing survey...

    What is your real name? Roland Maddix. Seriously...who'd call themselves Roland by choice? Where do you live? Pierre, South Dakota...not too far from my family in Huron, but nearer to travel access than Huron. What's your marital satatus and do you have kids? Available, and I sure hope not! Who's your best friend outside of kayfabe? Probably Todd...you can't really feud with someone your whole career without getting to know, like and respect them. Who's your favourite WWE Wrestler? Well...duh. Shawn Michaels, hands down. The guy who inspired me to get into the business, and still going strong despite his age. An inspiration. Who's you favourite Other wrestler (US Indies or Japan)? I grew up watching Hogan, so I always have a soft spot for him. Other than that, Raven for his character and story-telling abilities, D'Lo Brown who is vastly underrated, and the Great Sasuke. What's your favourite match to watch? Showing my love for ECW...any of RVD-Lynn's matches. But of course there's HBK in his prime against Mankind from IYH 10, and showing he's not past it with Jericho at Mania XIX and HHH at Summerslam the year before. Who's your favourite Band or singer? From my past I've got a soft spot for bands like Queen...The Rolling Stones...Metallica, the old stuff rather than the new. But right now, it's got to be the Red Hot Chili Peppers. As soon as I get to the hotel or squat the SJL puts us up at ( ), I put some RHCP on to unwind. What's your favourite album? By The Way by the Chili Peppers. There's not many albums I can listen to the whole way through, non-stop so long after buying it...this is one of them. What's your favourite song? Seek and Destroy by Metallica is my 'warm-up' music usually, so there's that. Can't Stop by the Chili Peppers comes close too...and of course, there's Bohemian Rapsody by Queen. Classic. What's your favourite film? I don't have much time for films nowadays. You've probably had everyone say Rocky, because it's a fighters movie. But I've got a REALLY soft spot for Shrek. Can't beat a good animation film. Which sporting teams/franchises do you support? REAL MADRID! Which is a 'socca' team in Spain, for all you Americans. I'm not at all into American 'Football'...I won't give you a run down of why, because we'll be here a while. Give me rugby over American 'Football' anyday. What sports do you play? I'm a great soccer player. And by great, I mean hardly any of the other SJLers can play worth a dime. *laughs* Just explaning the offside rule is bad enough for most of them. and finally... if you weren't a wrestler what WOULD you be? Being an actor would be kind of cool. T.V actor rather than movies, less pressure on you. A spot on I'm Alan Partirdge would do me just fine. AH-HA!!! But I honestly can't see myself doing anything other than wrestling. It's my whole life right now.
  20. King Cucaracha

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    Whiny bitch. I thought it was from the explosion myself at first...oh well. I find it funny that Taker is the one with the 'nasty cut', despite the manly blade jobs from Shawn and Vince. As for Rey, he holds a clean victory over Benoit and Angle, plus a triple threat victory against the two together...and around Summerslam was booked pretty highly. But then again, that 'one wrestler' was probably Kidman or someone, so I'll take it with a pinch of salt.
  21. King Cucaracha

    SJL Wrath Card - 11/23/03

    I'll try and promo for this show...considering the beating I took last show and all. Other than that, good luck to Rando...although, not too much luck to you I hope.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Hate to say I told you so...

    Sledge, I stopped reading after the 'Kane looked credible' arguement...the ROH stuff didn't help either. I get your point and all, and it's nice to see someone positive about the WWE product, but insulting ROH isn't a good idea. As for the show... I like Randy Orton. So shoot me. I'm an Orton fan, and I enjoyed him out there tonight. The selling of the Stunner was funny as hell. Admitedly, I got a kick out of the guys in the front row with derogatory signs for each hell Raw guy in the tag match...the Orton one with his head, and 'total idiot' on was funny. Michaels saved the show for me. Awesome stuff. The blade job made the whole match memorable for me. **** for the match...I don't know, it seemed a little plodding in places, D-Von needs to do soemthing over than a flying shoulderblock and the tag moves, Jericho's chair shot, Austin hitting Bischoff and Orton without physical provocation and Bubba was one of the last two for the face team. But I enjoyed it. Back to Orton...that skit with Cuban pissed me off. WHY couldn't that time have been given to Noble/Tajiri, which had a STORYLINE...had big time crowd heat, yet ended up as a 3 minute Heat match. Vince's bladejob made me smile. In a good way. Gave the match a better feel, just like the Raw Tag. The SD Tag was ridiculous to begin with. Why put A-Train and Bradshaw in a match, so they can get eliminated within a couple of minutes. I felt sorry for the Train out there, considering that he's had not too bad matches recently, and gets treated like that. But, it's nice to see Benoit and Cena getting the rub. I too noticed the digger saying 'HOSS' on it. Too funny. I dug the women's match tonight, and the tag title match was tolerable. Credit to Kane for trying his best with Shane. I still dig some of Shane's stuff, in a markish sort of way, but the feud's run it's course with even me. That ambulance door shot to Kane was sick as hell. HHH-Goldberg was boring. Enough said. All in all, a decent enough show. Nice to see the WWE pushing the new talent...even if it is Randy Orton who most people here seem to hate, and Cena who's not exactly a smark favourite in the ring either. Plus the Benoit push begins. Hopefully there's less McMahon-o-mania at Armageddon.
  23. King Cucaracha

    WWE News From The Torch

    Haven't seen this anywhere else, so here'll do. Just want to say kudos to Shelton Benjamin for his little tribute to Crash on Velocity, wearing the name 'CRASH' on his right wristband during his match. Nice to see that despite the company not showing proper respects, the talent has enough class to.
  24. King Cucaracha

    A new breed of topic...

    EURO-DISNEY~!!! You could sing your opening Disney songs, and then hand the mic over to me...so I could sing it in French for all our buddies over in Europe! "c'est un petit monde après tous..." You can bring kids into the arena to meet Mickey, and while your back is turned I'll give them rich, Belgian chocolates, causing them to hurl and bawl like all kids should. Or I could teach them about how Mickey really comes from Liechenstein. Seriously, it writes itself! On the other hand, me and Todd would make a good team as well if I turned heel and dropped the European stuff.