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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Avast ye Smart Marks!

    Hey...The Fonz is entertaining... But yeah, you'll never kill the gimmick posters of the U.S. Not all of them...
  2. King Cucaracha

    Eddie Guerrero get into a confrontation with a fan

    I was all set to use the Goldberg/Eddie double standards arguement when I got here, knowing everyone would side with Eddie. But seeing what happened, Eddie had every right IMO. I mean, it's not just the fact the guy was a total fucking twat, but for it to be beer thrown on him, it's like a red rag to a bull. I doubt the guy doing this knew Eddie was a recovered alcoholic, but still. Plus you could argue heat of the moment for Eddie and all that. Saying that, the guy'll try and claim for loss of earnings or something stupid like that...
  3. King Cucaracha

    Pitbull Anthony Durante Dead

    The bald one right? Cause Gary Wolfe (the non bald one) still wrestles in 3PW, right?
  4. King Cucaracha

    My MLW.

    Good stuff my soon to be ex European Champion... Nah, but seriously, good stuff...enough to encourage me to start my one back up soon.
  5. King Cucaracha

    Angle vs. Cena

    I'd try Taker/Angle face/face. First off, I'm a Cena fan. If they don't go goofy with the feud, it should be a success...and it's not really a midcard feud. Cena's about upper midcard, and the WWE is obviously trying to make him into the next SD! main eventer after Eddie and Steph. So the obvious step to make him look good is to put him with the best worker they've got not involved in a feud. And since Eddie and Benoit are supposedly in feuds, Angle fits the bill. But I'd rather see Taker/Angle too. Face vs face is tougher to pull off, and Taker/Angle will result in McMahon Mania for Angle...but Taker's proved he can have a good match with Angle.
  6. King Cucaracha

    The Diatribe is up people.

    Looks ok to me...not as weird as I thought it'd be.
  7. King Cucaracha


    King Cucaracha
  8. King Cucaracha

    The Diatribe is up people.

    Woah...they're stealing stuff off of Deacon! Spongebob MikeyPants. Sounds like a decent enough show...which sucks, because we still don't get TNA here in Britain. Now Dames...please feedback me on my article now... please...
  9. King Cucaracha

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Youth N Asia Choken One Zack Malibu Downhome RavishingRickRudo evenflow Incandenza IDrinkRatsMilk Ripper DangerousA Corey Lazarus Wrestling Deacon FrozenBlockOfPissReborn Jhawk The New Me Agent of Oblivion
  10. King Cucaracha

    What do you think of these rules?

    Kike's an anti-Semitic slur. But what the hell's a paki? You sure someone's not just misspelling Pocky? A 'paki' is someone who originates (or in the eyes of the ignorant is perceived to originate) from Pakistan.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Man cuts own penis off

    Ha...that'll teach her. And 'hilarity ensues' has to be the most underutilised phrase in the English Language.
  12. King Cucaracha


    Yes. Only with more caaaraaazy capital letters that slowly started pissing me off.
  13. King Cucaracha

    What do you think of these rules?

    That's all cool...except the first rule. One topic a day? Bad idea IMO. For one, people in different timezones will end up trapesing through 10 or so pages or other people's comments before posting themselves, so they don't bring something already said up again. Two...SJL and SWF. Guys like Thoth can't obide by this rule, as the card and results are seperate threads. Three...PLEASE REPLY TO MY COLUMN IN COLUMN CORNER DAMES!!!
  14. King Cucaracha


    Dude, you should use your own judgement...if you haven't watched TNA, and you want to see it, then order it. You have to watch a show at some point if you want to know about TNA. Plus, there's no guarantee on any show. You could see a good card and a lot of 'yesses' on here...and the show could still suck. Ont he other hand, people could say don't order, but you might still enjoy it. So in other words...do what you want to do. We're not phycics...hell, we can't even spell it(or I can't ).
  15. King Cucaracha

    Garrison Cade, Mark Jindrak & Maven

    I wouldn't really mind. It's new faces getting some exposure. Sure, they're not great wrestlers, but they're young so have time to improve. And they can and will improve, if they really have the passion for the business and really want to succeed. Give me Jindrak and Cade over APA anyday.
  16. King Cucaracha

    TSM Poster Tournament IIa

    Maybe you get get a job while you're there...and stay there...that way we wouldn't get any more threads where we all feel obliged to make you look like an ass.
  17. King Cucaracha

    TSM Poster Tournament IIa

    And somewhere, The Man In White weeps.
  18. King Cucaracha

    Countdown to Genesis predictions!

    TV TITLE HARDCORE MATCH Brian Bowers© vs. Jay Morrison ~ Bowers...he's gonna rival my unbeaten run methinks. TAG MATCH Jimmy “The Demon Liston” & Craig McLennan vs Dominic Korgath & Brian Kingsmen ~ Double Ks...or whatever they're called. EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH LADDER/SUBMISSIONS Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix vs Todd Royal© ~Oh boy...I've got my work cut out. I just hope I can get the ladder/submission mix sorted. Major g'luck to Todd. WORLD TITLE CONTENDERSHIP Manson vs “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins. ~Manson. MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE MATCH English Dragon© vs Insane Luchadore vs Aecas ~ This should be an awesome match too...ED as a total guess, seeing as he'll want to go out on a high.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Loser's matches!

    Meh, that one got a cheap laugh out of me.
  20. King Cucaracha

    SJL Countdown To Genesis Card, 9-28

    Oh my god best show ever!!! 8000 words, Euro Title shot, Submissions/Ladders... Thoth
  21. King Cucaracha

    ~Guilty Pleasures~

    There isn't anyone I really don't like at the moment, so everyone who could be considered a guilty pleasure is for me. Main ones would be DA COACH, Hogan, Test, Randy Orton, Orlando Jordan, Chucky Palumbo...Stevie Richards doesn't count in my book. Everyone should like Stevie. Ooh and Velocity. I love Velocity for some reason. Last week with Tazz and Matthews on commetary was awesomely cool. Tazz- 'I have one T in my name too. And two Z's. I used to have one...but that's a totally different story.' 'Shannon Moore is the leader of the morons...you can be the leader of the Jerks Josh.' Tazz rules.
  22. King Cucaracha

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    And Orton can be put in charge of Evolution, beginning the start of his power trip. And that will eventually lead to him causing HHH and Flair to turn face. In the meantime, Maven can turn heel, Orton can bring him in as new Evo member, much to Flair's chagrin...Flair gets mad, see above. It's all so easy.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Parent appeals daughter's expulsion

    That's not usually my reaction, no.
  24. I'm gonna, if he doesn't soon REPLY TO MY COLUMN IN THE COLUMN CORNER THREAD!!!!!
  25. See what you're doing to me Dames... THAT DOUBLE POST WAS A SYMBOL OF MY ANGER!!!