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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Preliminary SummerSlam card

    Has there been a bad Summerslam? 95 was no gem, but other than that they've all been pretty damn good. 99 wasn't bad, it just left a bad taste in the mouth by Austin HHHolding down HHH.
  2. King Cucaracha

    "I am a mark"

    Yeah, because Jamie Noble is over AS HELL isn't he... The guy's got a point. A smark is just another level of mark. A higher level all be it, but another level still. It's like thetrendsetter said. By buying merchandise, by watching the shows avidly...hell, by 'marking out' we are still marks. When Hogan returned on Smackdown, and got that standing ovation, there were probably smarks there cheering just the same as the marks. Hogan is no Chris Benoit in the ring, but he's still over. I see what he means about too much knowledge, and as an example take HBK vs Y2J at Wrestlemania. Marks would be happy HBK won and that they saw a good match, smarks thought it was a good match but HAD to concentrate on the fact the 'wrong guy' went over. When you do that all the time, you begin to lose interest in the match and it's quality, and just concentrate on who won and why(backstage terms of why). And what he's talking about with Show is right...in mark terms he is a threat. In smark terms he's not. So feasably, as a mark Lesnar-Show matches are less predictable, so therefore more enjoyable. That's his standpoint. The HHH-Nash feud would be (more) enjoyable if people stopped thinking about workrate. That's what he's saying, and you can see his point.
  3. King Cucaracha

    Kliq members unhappy about something?

    No chance...Russo hates Nash doesn't he? Or vice versa. And Waltman can still wrestle a good match when he's motivated, like his match at the 3PW PPV a while back agaisnt Sabu. Plus he may have improved while in Japan.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    If Goldberg went tweener, he'd be a better candidate. It's obvious the smarks want to boo him ad naeusem, and it's obvious that there are still 'peeps' in the crowd who still cheer for the big moves and still get the Goldberg chants started up. They nearly did it after Backlash, where Goldberg said he doesn't care if people cheer or boo him. They need to go with that, and basically have Goldberg do what he does now. Laugh at the boos, smile at the cheers. Oh, and I still think HHH wants to go agaisnt Goldberg so the crowd will start a Triple H chant like they did with Jericho
  5. King Cucaracha

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    I'm not against people hating Benoit...but I am against people blindly liking everything the guy does, just because he's Chris Benoit. And here we go again. How's it ok to trash people for liking Cena or Hogan, and not Benoit. I know WHY...cause Benoit's a great wrestler. But it still sucks when you can only like people that the majority of other people like, without being criticised. People have reasons for liking Hogan. He pops the crowd, he's more over than about 95% of the roster, at least. That and sentimental value. Cena has charisma, has a fresh gimmick (well, he makes it fresh), and despite being a heel is getting face pops. Like him or not, you can't argue with the fact he's getting face pops as a heel, so he must be doing something right.
  6. King Cucaracha

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    I personally would rather be 'edgey' and like who I want to like than be a smark sheep, hating the hosses and loving Benoit and Angle JUST because everyone else does. Umm......why are they a smark sheep? They like Benoit and Angle because THEY ARE ENTERTAINING and dislike hosses BECAUSE THEY ARE BORING. I don't understand how that makes you a sheep. If anything it should tell you that they are entertaining and they are boring because so many people think so. Hell I like some hosses. Kane comes to mind. I just don't like the incredibley boring ones like Show and Albert. And I like who I like. Because I like them. I can't help it if everyone else does to. And I'm willing to bet 99% of these people are just like me. They like who they like because they do. Can't help it if everyone else does to. Oh, don't get me wrong. The majority of people like Angle/Benoit because of their superior in ring quality. Some newbies though seem to just say it to get on everyone's good side. You know, they agree with everything said. So yeah, most people do like people for their own reason...I wasn't meaning you when I said that.
  7. King Cucaracha

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Goldberg is a cry baby. That's why he doesn't deserve the title shot. Do the marks know that? No. Who cares what the marks think? I know I don't, maybe they should get online and get the real story, instead of sitting there being ignorant wrestling fans. Yes, because every single mark has a computer, can afford the internet, is allowed the internet, knows about the internet...wow, your world must be great. There's no wars, because if people do wrong...we just kill them! Simple! If do wrong, we'll just tell you all about the horrors of war, and then you'll stop. Ah, what a wonderful world. [/sarcasm]
  8. King Cucaracha

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Ok so we bring back Sid, he's won titles in the WWF, and give him the belt. He MOST DEFINETELY deserves it. He deserves it about as much as Foley does. None of these guys should be fighting for that title but if they are atleast it'd be Goldberg who's a full-time wrestler in the company. Especially since we know HHH is going over anyway. heh if Sid didn't have to walk with a cane then sure why not LOL and whats this shit about Goldberg being a Full time wrestler... Goldberg bitches and Moans about doing House shows... the REAL wrestlers do House shows... Goldberg whines that he is doing more than his 6 event a Month deal. I've got it. Spike should wrestle Tripel H at the PPV. He wrestles house shows, and he is a former Hardcore Champion...AND a former European Champion. By god he'll beat Triple H! Oh, btw...Goldberg is a former WCW World and US Champion and compiled the longest winning streak in living memory. Yeah, he didn't do Shit did he? Seriously, if they go with Foley then damn Summerslam is going to be an even lower buyrate than it already is. A predictable main event is all we need...plus Foley is retired. Is he even in shape to wrestle a long match?
  9. King Cucaracha

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    I personally would rather be 'edgey' and like who I want to like than be a smark sheep, hating the hosses and loving Benoit and Angle JUST because everyone else does.
  10. King Cucaracha

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    Eddy's match with Benoit was around ****, so it was anything but boring. RVD's SummerSlam match with Benoit was waiting to be a ****1/4 classic until all the smarks forgot that RVD can't sell for his life. Benoit tried his darndest, and he succeeded. RVD didn't try at all, and he succeeded at sucking in that match. I contend that if RVD tried to sell in that match and made it epic (like it could have been), RVD would not be in the spot he's in right now. Of course, HHH would have still moved him down the card. But, I don't think he would be near the level he's at now if that match worked. And that was all RVD's fault. Jason The match at Armageddon, in my opinion, was not 4 stars. Just my opinion...maybe I expected too much, but I found it quite boring. It had rest holds and the crowd were dead most of the way through it. I didn't say it was a BAD match...maybe broing is the wrong word. It just didn't get you up on your feet cheering or marking out. As far as Summerslam goes, I find it funny that you thought the match wasn't great, and that you've proved my point at the same time. I COULDN'T have been Benoit's fault, it was RVD's. Seriously, the match didn't click. I didn't like it. Simple as that.
  11. King Cucaracha

    Countdown to Smackdown being fucked

    Ok all the evidence is completely circumstancial.... but based on comments made by wrestlers and ex WWE employees about HHH and his politics about him burying every contender to his title I think he will do the same on Smackdown. Also since when did this place become the HHH marks forum? Aw...will no-one rise to your pathetic bait? Too damn bad. It's been around for months, and we're all bored of it.
  12. King Cucaracha

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    See...it CAN'T be Benoit's fault. So I guess his match at Armageddon was boring because Eddie Guerrero is over-hyped. And the same for his Summerslam match with RVD. 4 segments to 7 matches...you know what, for some reason i don't feel like bitching about that.
  13. King Cucaracha

    Vince Russo joins 1wrestling...

    Ok this has been brought up already...but this is 1wrestling right? You really think this is Russo? I mean come on, this could just be random smark writing in to 1wrestling with Russo's name on it, they start going crazy, take the day off of primary school and start posting it. I pretty much doubt it's Russo. Oh, and if it is Russo, when Kane dropped the voic box he wasn't speaking perfect English was he? X-Pac had to coax him into talking, he wasn't going around saying 'DUDE' and 'FREAKS RULE' was he? Read carefully and pick up the point.
  14. King Cucaracha

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    It happened because there match was, and I quote, 'a snozefest'. Benoit may be awesome, but his match didn't suck cause he's being held down. His match sucked cause it sucked.
  15. King Cucaracha

    Official TNA Preview for 6/18/03

    Raven Douglas will probably have a verbal confrontation. After all Douglas was described on West's column on TNA.com as one of the best talkers in the business(I think). So he will talk. They're great promoers, and TNA will take advantage.
  16. King Cucaracha

    Vince Russo joins 1wrestling...

    In others words some agreed with him, and some people can't and won't put the old WCW behind them. It's like 'Russo's saying the same stuff as we are...he must be copying us because he made David Arquette champ 3 years ago.' THREE YEARS. He made some good points, but because he's Russo people can't accept it.
  17. King Cucaracha

    Let's be positive, guys...

    No. When I ask for "new stars" I ask for good new stars. I get Randy Orton. So no, I won't be positive. Ok then AS, who can they pheasably bring in? Good young rookies who are not under contracts elsewhere. Name me some...there aren't many, if any.
  18. King Cucaracha

    hulimation of Lance Storm

    Is it really that different in essence to what they've done since Storm got here. It's like JR saying something after Storm says 'If I can be serious for a minute'. He's beemn booked as boring most of his career...it's just now, they're making it more obvious. HOPEFULLY, the plan is that they make him go 'Benoit'. In other words he begins to take eception to the boring chants and comments, and starts getting angrier, and angrier, to the point of being like Benoit. An intense yet still 'boring' Canadian.
  19. King Cucaracha

    hulimation of Lance Storm

    nope Actually, I think you'll find that whole thing was a one night segment. They did it to build up Storm's match where if he won, he was a WWE employee again after the Invasion. Basically, it was the middle part. Storm is fired as part of the Alliance, Storm is working at WWE New York trying to get his job back, Storm wins his job back. A rare time where a WWE story had a beginning and an end. I hope Storm goes to TNA cause TNA suits his style. He could get over, have good matches again, work his own style...Storm needs to go. There or Japan. Japan would be a big opportunity for him, because he could let his wrestling do the talking. This is going to turn out bad no doubt though. Although they'll dub out "Boring" chants wherever possible. But it's just another Piss Off The Smarks exercise. Storm's a great technical wrestler. The team thinks 'Oh, those smarks probably like him...he needs punishing anyway, we can kill two birds with one stone.' And it worked. Even though the majority don't like Lance Storm, we're all pissed about it. Just another opportunity to annoy us. You think in the mood McMahon was in after Bad Blood and Goldberg, he wouldn't fire Storm on the spot? Sure he'd want to punish him, but I think he'd still think 'screw it' and fire him.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Who is Aj's partner

    I'd love it if it was Lance Storm. After what happened on Raw, I'd love it if he left and joined TNA. Could you imagine a shoot promo from a guy like him? Plus TNA would suit his wrestling style and ability, and he could get over.
  21. King Cucaracha

    Who is Aj's partner

    No, worst case scenario is if Sting were to no show. Say McMahon's signed him on the secret, told him to screw over TNA...Sting doesn't show up, TNA have to find a replacement, and it'd make them look pretty damn small time. Having said that, it's not likely. But that'd be the worse case scenario. That or Russo under the mask of the Black Scorpion. Oh, and as far as the whole Russo thing goes, I could have sworn the whole midget thing was before Russo. But if it wasn't, then I apologise to NoSelfWorth for my comments...but hell, it's what you come to expect round here. Please accept my apology, or if not go to hell.
  22. King Cucaracha


    Damn Scott Steiner...damn him to hell. I can't be bothered to work out how much gained (in other words I'm clueless on htis whole odds thing) but I know I only lost $700, seeing as they went with the bullshit DQ finish on the Book-Xtain match.
  23. King Cucaracha

    video of Steiner slip *inside*

    What are you talking about? It was a diving chopblock from the apron! Just another addition to Steiner's bulging movelist.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Worst Pay Per View Ever.

    It's his finisher...so obviously he'd go for it. That's probably why.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Worst Pay Per View Ever.

    Err...the table spot was the same thing HBK did to HHH at Summerslam. Kinda like his trademark I guess. That's why it was there. Still, the PPV was really bad. The only redeeming factors were those two guys in the front row wearing those Winnie the Pooh and Tigger suits, and their arguement with Goldberg. Oh, and notice how EVERYBODY is clammering to mention how Goldberg the 'NO SELLER' sold the shoulder. Nice how people pick out the bad but never the good. Especially with Goldberg.