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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    The Return of The Cheesy!

    The Guerreros and F.B.I vignetes ae brilliant IMO. The point is watching wrestling is for fun...right? Mattitude provides it. Hurricane provides it. Booker T and Goldie provided it, as did Edge and Christian. Same ofr Rock and Jericho. If it's funny, it'll get over usually. That's where the Guerreros Cheat 2 Win stuff comes in to that too...only they get a vignete to build it up. Interesting gimmicks get over too...O'Haire, and Jones come into that. The vignetes just add to it. And well, the F.B.I is somehwere in the middle of fun and interest. All the vignetes work well....probably because most of the WWE writers are soap writers anyway. Just my chance to say the Guerreros vignetes are AWESOME! Oh, and as for Hurricane...he needs to slightly adapt if he wants to become a top star. Take on a serious form when he really needs to. The fun and games are all well and good, but until he does he'll just be another comedy underdog all his life.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Terra Ryzin' WWE

    I don't think I'm sucking his cock by saying he's had good matches since coming back. How is that sucking his cock? Because you HAVE to hate Triple H...you HAVE to hate EVERYTHING he does. God damn it you must, as you are a Smark... [/sarcasm] HHH has got where he is by foul means, and he puts down the midcard. I hate him for that. But I still don't find him deathly boring. And anyway, what's the article supposed to acheive. Popularity for this guy hating HHH? That's all I can think of. HHH wouldn't read this, but even if he did he's said time and time before...he doesn't care about what the majoirty of internet fans say. I don't think he should either. Eventually, if he's meant to get his comuppance, he will. Until then, meh. All I care about is what he does on screen, because that's where the wrestling show is...on screen. Just another HHHater trying to be popular IMO. I'm sure I'll get critisised for it though.
  3. King Cucaracha

    The Mechanics of certain moves.....

    Oh yeah...my bad. Damn, how could I forget that. It looked quality, but it was so damn contrived.
  4. King Cucaracha

    who do you want from XPW???

    Doring and Roadkill OWN! A decent tag team would be welcome in TNA, and Roadkill would be over real easy. All the talk of agile big man...I'd say he's the most agile big man around. And what more can I say than...'CHICKENS'! Lol, Doring and Roadkill no doubt.
  5. King Cucaracha

    The Mechanics of certain moves.....

    Remember the Tombstone The Undertaker did to Booker T at SS 2001...where he pointed down with his thumbs in mid-move...was Booker T magically 'hovering' or something? Also, the School Boy rollup. I saw one on Velocity or something where Crash pinned Albert with a Roll-up...a REALLY weak one at that. There's loads others...like the nerve hold Yoko used to use mid match to catch a breather. And all the moves Albert does to Benoit in full nelson style...why doesn't Benoit just relax his arms and escape? And Edge's faceplant. But the WORST is definatly the Slingshot. HHH makes it slightly believable, but seriously it's just the lamest move.
  6. King Cucaracha

    SPLIT PPV's - will it work?

    RAW Goldberg vs The Rock HHH, Jericho and Flair vs HBK, Nash and Booker T RVD/Kane vs Dudley Boyz(Tag Titles) Jazz/Mack vs Richards/Victoria vs Jeff/Trish Steiner vs Nowinski The Hurricane vs Lance Storm SMACKDOWN Lesnar vs Cena(HV Title) Team Angle vs Funaki/Tajiri(Tag Titles) F.B.I vs Taker/Jones Rikishi vs Sean O'Haire Benoit/Rhyno vs A-Train/Show Matt Hardy vs Brian Kendrick(Crusier Title) You wouldn't need 8 matches if you were to either cut the Brand PPV's down slightly and/or increase the match length. Add some segments in a bit to kill some time. Hell there could definatly be more matches by the tim the brand PPV's come around, but this is just going by right now. If you needed to add matches, there's always Maven/Snow/someone vs 3MW for Raw, and loads of Smackdown cruisers, possibly a battle royal or something. Mysterio, Guerreros, Kidman, Noble...it could definately work. Plus with the slower build ups, we'd hopefully get more HBK/Y2J length feuds, built over months rather than weeks
  7. King Cucaracha

    Return of Piper's Pit

    Hopefully it'll provide something memorable...like the Snuka Piper segment from all those years ago. We haven't had anything TRULY memorable for a long time. A Hogan beatdown would work well, but be too predictable. Saying that, it can't be too predictable. Vince actually needs to remember back to the old days...every big segment and feud needs to be part of Piper's Pit. A Jones heel turn on Taker...Shane McMahon's eventual return to power...interviews that turn into attacks. It's the perfect setting. Remember the Barber Shop Rockers break-up? If it had of just 'happened' in the parking lot or wherever, it wouldn't have had the same effect. If it's gonna be a part of the show, it has to be a BIG part of the show.
  8. King Cucaracha

    Latest WWE.com poll

    My god...whoever wins this poll is suddenly gonna be pinpointed as 'Willie the Worker'. Boy, I wouldn't wanna win this poll. Expect an RVD fix job so WWE has an excuse to fire him.
  9. King Cucaracha

    How to get Nathan Jones over

    Have him and Taker squash the F.B.I at Backlash in a handicap match. Oh...wait...
  10. King Cucaracha

    Piper Press Release

    Expect to see Josh Matthews vs Rikishi next week then... Seriously though, if it is Piper/Vince vs Hogan/Hart, I can see Vince making it Piper/Vince/Shane vs Hart/Hogan/Hogan's kid. It gets more like WCW everyday seemingly...
  11. King Cucaracha

    Brock Lesnar

    Well personally, I reckoned Angle should have played safe and tried to move forward a bit when I first saw it. But if he did, Brock might'a ended up landing neckfirst on Angle, and probably broke his neck there and then as landing on Angle's body would have happened quicker than hitting the mat. It's just one of those things that happens. Can't blame Brock, can't blame Angle...you just gotta give it up to them for saving the match at the end. As for improvised endings, they probably do. When they don't, you can tell as everyone ends up getting lost, not knowing what to do. Most people would agree and do the same spot again, which can end up looking really bad as the crowd then know they fucked up for sure. But Angle was obviously either real smart about what to do, or they had a plan. Knowing WWE though, the plan was probably 'If the SSP misses for some reason, Angle take control.'
  12. King Cucaracha

    The RVD to TNA(?) thread...

    Well, after all this speculation about the 'Willie The Worker' guy leading to RVD as the 'suspect', it's probably only a matter of time before the McMahons accuse and fire him IMO. Sad to hear as RVD is not only a great wrestler but a great guy for and to the fans. So...IF(and it is a big if, I have to say that) RVD is fired and IF(slightly smaller if) he decides to then go to TNA, what does it mean for TNA? If RVD goes to TNA... Will it increase interest in TNA? Increase buyrates? Become the catalyst for a new T.V deal? Encourage more guys to join TNA as a result, possibly from WWE? Hell, even bring TNA up to a 'national level'? So IF RVD joins TNA any time in the future, how big will it be for the NWA? Lynn vs RVD...Killings vs RVD...Low Ki vs RVD...Jarrett vs RVD...Styles vs RVD. The dream matches are there...would it be that big of a jump start for TNA though? Discuss(as Dames would say)
  13. King Cucaracha

    May 5th

    I would LOVE it if you lot boycotted the show, and it turned out that somehow Bret Hart or Foley returned, and everyone on Mya 6th would be like 'OMG, had anyone got the clips! OMG!!!' Won't happen obviously, but I'd be laughing my ass off. Anyway, not much point in boycotting for me, seeing as I'm in Britain. It'd be pretty pointless IMO anyway...'lock the forums, then Vince can't read our opinions!' Lol, if the whole site were to die, Vince wouldn't notice. Oh, and remember...there's ALWAYS the marks.
  14. King Cucaracha

    Colliseum Video Gems

    Flair-Perfect from Wrestlefest 93 Steiners-Harts from Wrestlefest 94 Jannetty vs HBK on Raw Prime Cuts Rockers vs Brainbusters on Saturday Nights Main Event
  15. King Cucaracha

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who fired up the WWF troops before InVasion, prompting the return of the old STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN
  16. King Cucaracha

    Brock Lesnar

    More kudos for the match they put on. Major kudos to Lesnar for actually getting up after it to hit the F-5. And not sure how anyone can say they're happy Brock landed on his head. That is sick.
  17. King Cucaracha

    The RVD to TNA(?) thread...

    Guys, I'm not saying it IS RVD...I'm saying IF. This isn't another Is Meltzer right or whatever discussions...there's enough of them already
  18. King Cucaracha

    10 years ago today

    This year had the atmosphere of an outdoor show...it sort of was I guess as it wasn't a full roof and you could still see the sky. I don't mind it that much, but it sure ain't great. It lacked the inevitable Flair-Perfect that was stopped by Flair moving back to NWA. We get Luger instead...great Steiners/Shrinkers was good, as was HBK/Tatanka. Other than that is was passable I guess...although for a Mania it was nothing.
  19. King Cucaracha

    Sable Interview

    Only on the weekends... Anyway, I didn't say I wouldn't watch the T&A stuff, I'm saying I prefer the women actually WRESTLING. After all, One of the W's does stand for wrestling remember.
  20. King Cucaracha

    Sable Interview

    Yes (Marc)Mero's knackered...I credit him for knowing that it's time to hang up the boots and do something else. As for the T&A comments...it's NOT essential. It just detracts from the female wrestlers, not just in WWE but in Japan who work their asses off. Sure, WWE needs the 'pretty girls'. They've got them. Molly, Victoria and Trish...the ones who can WRESTLE. If a hot chick can't wrestle, they're better off doing what Sunny did. How many times did Sunny wrestle? None that I can remember. She managed, she presented...it worked. It helped she had a personality I guess. Stacy is better as a heel manager, Torrie as a face manager, Dawn as heel manager, Nidia too. I'd rather see Jazz wrestle than see Torrie do her T&A thing... Just compare the Women's Title Match at Mania to Stacy, Torrie and the 'Catfight Girls' attempts at acting. See what I mean.
  21. King Cucaracha

    who should go to NWATNA?

    Uh uh...King of the Ring 1994. Art Donovan. The SINGLE WORST wrestling commentator EVER. No arguement. He didn't have a clue about wrestling, kept asking how much guys weighed for no reason, and it got to the point that Gorilla and Savage had to try and ignore him. Funny stuff when they do, but he just sucked. West isn't THAT bad.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Terrible news concerning Kevin Nash

    Coach-"Kevin Na...." 'Don't call me Big Kev' Diesel-"Kevin...who is Kevin? I am Diesel!" Or... Hogan-"Hey big guy." Diesel-"Do I know you? Weren't you that guy how worked here in 93?" That'd be really funny, because it'd suck on a WrestleCrap proportion. As for Nash, again (like Goldberg) I see the reasons for hating him but I don't really care. If he entertains for a while, who really cares? I'm not gonna follow the rest of the sheep and say he sucks...I don't need to say it just to try and be popular amongst fellow Smarks. (No offense of course)
  23. King Cucaracha

    who should go to NWATNA?

    Every one on the roster would have a good use. No doubt though, if Sting were to sign with TNA then it'd boost their appeal a little, people would be interested to see Sting again...and he fits in with the TNA way. He's a TNA type guy. Tanaka would be great with Awesome in as well, Awesome would be my number one choice. Styles would add something to the product if they got a T.V deal no doubt. Douglas, Sabu, and Candido are decent but a little older now I guess. Sid's retired, Mahoney's a grunge wrestler and dcoesn't fit in with TNA as much. Kaos and Youth would be good additions to the midcard, but for mainstream appeal it has to be Sting.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Hot Shit Wresting EWR Diary

    Ok, that's pure gold.
  25. King Cucaracha

    Hot Shit Wresting EWR Diary

    The Rock and Roll Express, just for the sheer hell of being able to say 'Ricky Morton played Ricky Morton during this match'. Or there's always Gillberg...the ultimate squashing machine. As for Repo...shouldn't he be feuding with 'Carless' Mark Jindrak. Jindrak steals a car, Repo reposseses it...comedy gold! Oooh Oooh...how about Crush! The feud that's 11 years in the making...since the last match they had that is. 'Crush, the man of a thousand gimmicks'...you could change his gimmick every week...and no-one would care!