King Cucaracha
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COLE Earlier this week, budding film student followed a... well, an 'interesting' subject, Biff Atlas. Let's take a look. [size=3][color="purple"][i][b]BIFF ATLAS: THE HERO WITHIN?[/b][/i][/color][/size] [i]A maybe or maybe not heroic story By Molly Nerdly[/i] [QUOTE=OAOAST ZERO HOUR, SCAFFOLD MATCH]Unaware to both Mister Dick and Biff is Malaysia wielding her trusty whip, climbing up the ladder. COLE Somebody has to get her down from there! She doesn'’t belong! Biff quickly becomes aware of her presence, but only because her whip takes a bite out of his backside. Coupled with Mister Dick kicking at his face and he’s in a miserable predicament. LASH! LASH! LASH! COLE Someone stop her! LASH! LASH! LASH! The whips cut through Biff’'s back, and weaken him severely. Joined with Mister Dick’s kicks this attack wreaks havoc on Biff’s grip. COACH Its gonna end soon! Finally Biff Atlas tumbles past Malaysia, beginning his unfortunate journey to the ring. But Biff spreads his "“wings"” and lets his graceful power of flight take over… SPLAAAAAAAAAAT! "“OHHHHHHHHHHHH!”" Apparently Biff’'s power of flight might have run into a bit of problem with a little thing called gravity. Biff lies face down on the canvas, motionless, breathless, and perhaps in a world of pain. BUFFFER Your winner….....MISTER DICK! The crowd lets their negative opinion be heard as Malaysia fondles the lower regions of the celebrating Mister Dick’s body. A referee slides into the ring to check on Biff'’s possibly injured condition. What he finds is Biff smiling in the face of defeat. "“I…I…I.....SURVIVED THE FALL! That fall should’ve killed me! But I’m alive! Do you know what this means? Can you imagine the possibilities? Invulnerability? Regeneration? I must tell Vinny!”" With those comments made, Biff makes a mad dash to the back to share his good news with Vinny.[/QUOTE] Watching this footage back on a TV monitor, Biff Atlas sits in deep thought. Molly's hand reaches and turns off the monitor and Biff snaps back to life. MOLLY (off-screen) So, watching that back... what do you feel? BIFF I feel... empowered. I mean, I didn't believe it at first myself. But the signs are all there. There have been just too many coincidences. Before, I was weak. Afraid. Cursed by luck. When I think back to those times, all those injuries I suffered in the ring. My foot seemed magnetically attracted to every crack and raised edge in the pavement. Papercuts would leave me bed-ridden for days on end. And now... I mean, the car, the fall from the ring, the scaffold... what other explanation can there be? I must have been blessed. MOLLY (off-screen) So, you believe that you have these powers, but you don't actually know what they are? BIFF Not yet. But when I finally do find out, then and only then can I really come to terms with the fate that has befallen me and try to discover my true purpose in life! MOLLY (off-screen) *clears throat* ...uhm, right, okay. Anyway. You want me to catch this on film, so you can be sure. What exactly have you got in mind? [COLOR=purple][b][size=3]~~~TEST 1: SHAPESHIFTING~~~[/size][/b][/COLOR] Stood outside of a women's bathroom, Biff Atlas holds an 8 by 10 picture of Mister Dick in his hand. A signed picture. So he's already $20 down. BIFF Okay, my theory is, that instead of it being speed or power that saved me, perhaps I merely morphed into something that could survive those situations. So I'm going to try it. I saw Malaysia go into here. If I look at this picture hard enough and concentrate hard enough, like I must have been concentrating during that fall off the scaffold, I can morph into Mister Dick and surprise her. Biff locks eyes with the pictures and starts to concentrate. Hard. MOLLY (off-screen) Wait... what do you mean "I must have been concentrating"? Surely if you [i]were[/i] concentrating, you'd know? Biff, now shaking, suddenly drops the picture. He turns to Molly and slicks back his hair. BIFF (southern drawl) Cram it already! Or else, I'll cram it for ya, with my giant hunk of man meat, ya hear? Dumb broad! Grabbing his not-quite so impressive man meat, Biff struts into the women's bathroom. For a moment, there's silence. Before, suddenly, a loud tinny thud. And then screams. *LASH* [i]"AAAHHHH!"[/i] *LASH* [i]"AAAHHHH!"[/i] *LASH* [i]"AAAHHHH! That's the good stuff baby, give it to The Dickman!"[/i] *LASH* [i]"AAAHHHH!"[/i] ... *FLUSH* MOLLY (off-screen) Oh dear. [COLOR=purple][b][size=3]~~~TEST 2: REGENERATION~~~[/size][/b][/COLOR] With his hair looking suspiciously wet and ruffled all of a sudden, Biff perseveres on. Now, in the parking lot BIFF Okay. It occurs to me now that I can still feel pain. MOLLY (off-screen) Mmm-hmm. BIFF And yet, I seem to suffer no long-lasting damage. Infact, I'll bet that if I slam my fist through this car window, I won't even leave a scar. Opening the driver door, Biff takes aim. MOLLY (off-screen) Are you sure about this? BIFF Trust me. MOLLY (off-screen) WAIT... Biff stops just short of punching the window, as Molly pulls up his shirt, revealing marks from where he'd been whipped. MOLLY (off-screen) You've already got scars! BIFF Where? Let me see! Biff arches his head around, trying to look over his shoulder at his own back. Sadly, he forgets about the car door. A passer-by accidently nudges it and it slams shut, trapping his arm with a thud. BIFF :O MOLLY (off-screen) Oh my goodness, are you okay! BIFF ...AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH... [COLOR=purple][b][size=3]~~~TEST 3: RESISTANCE TO ELECTRICITY~~~[/size][/b][/COLOR] As Morgan Nerdly stands patiently in line for coffee, Biff Atlas walks up behind her, tapping her on the shoulder with his heavily bandaged arm. BIFF Excuse me, but I couldn't help noticing that you are very undersized and not at all attractive. So, saying that, I thi... [b][color="#808080"]*ZZZAAAAAAAAPPP*[/COLOR][/b] BIFF ......BBLAAAARRGHGHAAHAGAHAGRRRHGHGHAAA!!!!! Zapped, Biff lays on the floor quivering. MOLLY (off-screen) What does that even have to do with falling off a scaffold and surviving? BIFF (in immense pain) I... don't... know. [COLOR=purple][b][size=3]~~~TEST 4: MAGNETISM MANIPULATION~~~[/size][/b][/COLOR] Movely very gingerly, Biff sits, flipping a coin. MOLLY (off-screen) So, I take it you've given up finally? Not a moment too soon. BIFF Given up!? Are you crazy!? Call. MOLLY (off-screen) Oh, uhm... BIFF Tails! Biff lets the coin hit the ground and it indeed comes up tails. BIFF That's the answer! I can control magnetic fields. Think about it. The car was metal. The scaffold was metal. MOLLY (off-screen) What about the car door thou... BIFF Tails! ...YES! As Biff goes to pick up the coin, he feels a twinge from the punishment he's taken. Molly picks it up for him, but then happens to inspect the coin. MOLLY (off-screen) Biff, this is a two-sided coin. The reason you keep guessing right is because both sides are tails and that's what you keep calling. BIFF Did I do that? MOLLY (off-screen) No! Suddenly, Officer Bosley walks up. BOSLEY HEY! Gimme back my coin punk! I need this to get girlies outta their clothes! Dumb bitches always call heads. BIFF Tell you what, I'll flip you for it. BOSLEY Okay, you call. Biff's eyes light up. BIFF Haha! TAILS! Bosley flips the coin... right into Biff's eye. BIFF .....AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! I'M BLIND!! Picking up his coin, Bosley strolls off, leaving a blinded Biff behind. [COLOR=purple][b][size=3]~~~TEST 5: TELEKA...OH WHAT'S THE POINT?~~~[/size][/b][/COLOR] Sulking, Biff sits and takes a sip of water, before adjusting his eyepatch. MOLLY (off-screen) And so, no closer to discovering his true superpower, or whether he even has any at all... or even if he is at the level of a normal human being, let alone a gifted one... Biff Atlas must continue to struggle with the dreams of grandeur and a lack of understanding for the concept of pure, dumb luck. This is Molly Nerdly, reporting. BIFF Is the number you're thinking of... fourty two? MOLLY (off-screen) No Biff. No. BIFF Damn.
COLE Hang on Coach... apparantly... apparantly there's some sort of a commotion going on backstage, can we get a camera back there? We can, as backstage we find LEON RODEZ, swinging a trash can repeatedly at the body of one of Los Diablos De Fuego! COLE That's Leon Rodez! And he is just beating the HELL out of Los Diablos, what is going on here! COACH It's retribution Michael. Retribution for what happened earlier. As Mariachi is beaten to a pulp, Moracca returns and tries to save his tag team partner, latching onto Leon from behind. Dropping the trash can Leon manages to shrug Moracca off of him and then lays him out with a hard right hand. Leon seethes as he stomps away on Moracca, before throwing aside the trash can and grabbing hold of Mariachi. Gripping onto the mask, Rodez drags Mariachi up and starts to cart him off towards a black curtain in the distance, which from the increasing noise seems to lead into to the arena. COLE Leon Rodez has snapped here and it looks like he's bringing Mariachi, who can barely even stand under his own power, out our way! Letting Mariachi go, a clubbing blow to the back sends the pink luchador stumbling through the curtains and out by the side of the stage. The crowd suddenly find themselves closer to the action than they could have imagined, as Leon retrieves Mariachi and hurls him into the boards at the bottom of that section, before stomping away again. COLE This is just out of control. Leon Rodez is beating this poor guy mercilessly! COACH Well these fruity idiots brought it on themselves Michael. I got no sympathy. COLE Coach, this is crossing the line. Los Diablos were just trying to have some fun. They never meant to do any harm and I'm sure they never meant to scare Morgan the way they did. It's not their fault she has issues. They don't deserve this. Leon drags Mariachi to the ramp, clubbing him across the head as they go. He throws the luchador up onto the steel and climbs up after him, mounting and laying in some punches as the crowd hurl abuse his way. COLE Somebody needs to get out here and stop this! By the mask again Leon drags Mariachi down the aisle, throwing him into the rail at the side. Mariachi slumps down, holding his ribs. Not done yet though Leon drags the Mexican up again, throwing him towards the ring. As Mariachi is dumped inside, Moracca suddenly re-appears and the crowd cheer as he limps to the ring. COLE Here comes Moracca to try and protect his friend... but, I don't know what good he's going to be able to do, he looks hurt too. As Leon slides in and puts the boots to Mariachi again, Moracca climbs to the apron. Grabbing the top rope he slings himself over, landing on Leon's back with a rear naked choke! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" The fans cheer, but Leon is in no real danger and hurls Moracca up over his head with a thud. COLE And finally, we're getting some officials out here to stop this! Referee eventually hit the ring, putting a stop to Rodez's attack as he stomps down on both Diablos. As the bodies start to get in his way Leon lurches away and slides outside, grabbing a microphone amidst a sea of boos. LEON You want to put a stop to this? Fine! Ring the bell! COLE What? LEON One of you make this official and ring the bell. I'll take them both on. I don't care. But I'm not leaving. Get Josie. Get Anglesault. Get whoever you need to get. The referees, en masse, wave this idea off and continue to point Leon off to the back. LEON If one of you doesn't call for that bell, then you will regret it. The only reason I'm out here alone is me. So either someone rings the bell and starts a match, or I say the word and Morgan deals with this problem herself. Your call. COACH And we all know what Morgan'll do to these referees Michael! Toasted zebra! Apparantly the referees start feeling a little more co-operative, as they try to figure out what to do. Referee Mike Chioda can be seen listening through his earpiece as the other officials continue to keep Leon from doing any more damage. Until, suddenly, Chioda starts asking Los Diablos if they're okay to compete. "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" Leon scowls, waiting for something to happen. Despite being down and hurt, Los Diablos seem to be responding. And Chioda starts motioning his fellow officials out and calls for a bell! *DINGDINGDING* COLE I don't believe this. We're having a handicap match? Right now? As the referees leave Chioda behind, Leon slides back in and goes back on the attack of the gutsy but helpless Diablos. Rodez places his foot on Moracca's throat and chokes him, before going over and stomping Mariachi. COLE Los Diablos are in no condition to have a match here, I don't care if it is two on one. COACH Well, it's one on two right now. Leon picks Moracca back up and throws him into a corner. Attacking with punches and kicks he leaves him slumped against the bottom turnbuckle. Mariachi fights back to his feet and tries to help. But he walks right into Leon. A knee doubles Mariachi up, setting him up for an Exploder Suplex, INTO THE CORNER, LANDING ON HIS OWN PARTNER!!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!" Standing over Los Diablos, Leon's eyes narrow. COACH I think Los Diablos might think twice about who's expense they have their fun at in the future. Infact, they're lucky this is all the punishment they're going to get, messing with Morgan. Rodez drags Mariachi back up. Unable to fight back, the luchador is pulled onto one knee and grabbed behind the head. With a scowl on his face Leon then starts firing knees, repeatedly, smashing the masked skull of Mariachi from side to side. After that brutal beating, Leon then steps back... and unleashes the rolling sobat to the face, knocking him clean out!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Ugh! The One Hit Kill, that devestating kick to the face! Looking down at Mariachi, Leon turns his attentions to Moracca who is trying to pull himself up in the corner. With two handfuls of mask Rodez starts bouncing the back of his head off of the turnbuckle. Moracca's body goes limp and Leon steps away. Waiting for Moracca to stumble out, he fires another rolling sobat, this time to the gut. Moracca falls to all fours and is forced to the ground, Rodez grabbing hold of the legs and putting him in the LIONTAMER! And Moracca wastes no time in submitting. *DINGDINGDING* COLE Well Leon has won this 'match', but that's not the story here. And now, he refuses to break the hold! Come on referee! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Rodez keeps Moracca in the Liontamer, the luchador screaming in pain underneath him. Not listening to the referee he tortures Moracca until he's satisfied he's done enough, at which point he throws Moracca's legs to the ground and stalks the referee out of the ring. Meanwhile, the cameras pan up the aisle, to find a troubled Morgan Nerdly making her way out. COLE Oh no... now what? Now what are they going do!? Dishing out some more stomps, Leon keeps Los Diablos down as Morgan slides in. Looking at the two pink devils she sits against the bottom rope, nervously chewing her bottom lip for a second, until she's sure they're both incapacitated by Leon's stomps. Calling Morgan over, Leon holds Mariachi up off the mat, almost like he's offering food to a wild animal. And Morgan stares for a few seconds, before letting out a scream and lunging at the helpless luchador. COACH Oh yeah! She's gonna claw him to shreads Michael! COLE It's not the clawing I'm worried about... WAIT A MINUTE! Suddenly, the crowd cheer as ALIX MARIA SPEZIA dives into the ring. She tackles Morgan off of Mariachi and pins her down... but before she can do any more, Leon runs up behind and boots her in the back of the head! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Oh, Alix got caught! And now the pack of wolves have a new target! Leon and Morgan stomp away at Alix, until KRISTA hits the ring swinging like a wild-woman!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" COLE HERE WE GO! It's chaos in the aisle as Krista and Leon go at it, scrapping around on the mat in a frenzy. They trade short punches, short knees, whatever they can land while rolling around the ring. Morgan stands and watches, unsure of what to do, when back-up arrives in the form of THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS. Flanked by Holly, Logan and Synth climb into the ring and head towards Leon and Krista. The World Champion and #1 Contender battle by the turnbuckles, out of the way... ...and that's when Logan and Synth turn their attentions to Morgan. COLE ...what the... COACH Oh my God, they've got Morgan trapped! Morgan's eyes widen as she finds herself unexpectedly surrounded by the former World Tag Team Champions. And with Holly standing right behind her, waiting for the Women's Champion to make a move. While this is going on though, Leon manages to fight off Krista, bumping her outside. He looks up and seeing Morgan in danger, he rushes over, JUST as Logan and Synth are about to grab a hold of her! COACH Woah! COLE And look at the face-off, Leon Rodez and The Heavenly Rockers! They were after Morgan, but they might have made a huge mistake! Leon glares the same cold, evil glare at Logan and Synth that he did Los Diablos and it's all set to explode, when more bodies hit the ring, this time D*LUX!!! Shayne and Tyler slide in and tackle Synth and Logan down, leaving Leon standing in the middle confused as hell. COLE This is CHAOS! Who's side is who on, I can't keep track of this! With D*LUX and The Heavenly Rockers brawling to the floor, Leon is pounced on by Krista... and Morgan is pounced on by Holly, all hell breaking loose with four seperate fights in and around the ring! The women's champion and her number one contender scrap on the mat, the world champion and her number one contender battling it out in a corner, while D*LUX and The Heavenly Rockers spill into the crowd swinging fists. COLE What a chaotic scene here on HeldDOWN, we need to get some order restored here! Thank you for joining us, we will see you next week, goodbye from a tumultuous HeldDOWN!!! [b]FADE OUT.[/b]
It's almost Halloween! And clearly, some OAOAST superstars are already in the mood for Halloween, namely Los Diablos De Fuego. The devilish luchadors are decked out in full devil costumes. All pink, leather devil costumes. Where you would buy such a thing is not something I wish to think too deeply about. Giggling to themselves, Moracca and Mariachi scamper down the halls creating mischief, as devils are known to do. On their way down the hall, they spy Jumbo and Deuce Deuce Bigelow hanging out. Excitedly they point over and sneak up behind Jumbo, catching him in mid bite of a slice of chocolate cake... MORACCA and MARIACHI BOOOOO!! JUMBO :O ..MMF..HYURGH!! As Jumbo starts choking on the cake, Moracca and Mariachi start humping at his legs, before scampering off in search of more people to spook. And leaving Deuce to perform the heimleich on his choking friend. MORACCA and MARIACHI Tee-hee-hee-hee! Spying another target, Los Diablos titter. OAOAST broadcast colleagues Tony Brannigan and Maggie Nerdly chat, blissfully unaware of the fact they're being watched. And as Big Tone works his ravishing charms on The It Girl... MORACCA and MARIACHI BOOOOO!! ...he's shocked to be ambushed and MOLESTED! BRANNIGAN HEY! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME! Brannigan, still burly after years out of the ring, manages to throw Los Diablos off of him and turns around with a snarl on his face. Los Diablos do a double-take, then take off, as Brannigan thinks about giving chase. He thinks better, not quite so nimble after years out of the ring. And he turns back to find Maggie laughing at what happened. Meanwhile, Los Diablos carry on with their mischief. Still delighted with their brush with T-Bod, Los Diablos giggle like a pair of enfatuated schoolgirls as they head down the halls. As they do, Morgan Nerdly heads the other way, deep in her own mixed-up thoughts. Los Diablos hear footsteps and without looking, they leap out at the oncoming person... MORACCA and MARIACHI BOOOOO!! MORGAN [i]AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!![/i] MORACCA and MARIACHI :huh: :huh: Not seeing the fun in this light-hearted spooking, Morgan hits the floor and curls up into a ball, her eyes panicked. Clearly terrified the Women's Champion shakes like a leaf, convinced she's in some kind of immediate danger from these two devils. Moracca and Mariachi quickly realise that this isn't part of their fun and look at each other, confused. Beginning to get worried, the pink devils then take off, leaving poor Morgan a quivering wreck on the floor.
I don't know if I'll have Holly/Jade done by the time I leave tonight, but I need it to be the opener. If it's not done, I'll edit it in when I can. Sorry!
Sure thing.
After a recap of last week's abrupt OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Title match, we joined Cucaracha Internacional backstage. Megan Skye and Nathaniel Black confronted Landon about his plan last week, as he and Blonde were busy exchanging style tips. It soon became that clear that Megan had never approved of the plan. And although Black was in on it, he didn't see the point either. "If yer so confident about us bein' the best unit in the company, why don't we just kick their arses and prove it?" was Black question. Landon tried to explain that what happened in Ireland was "just a bit of fun" and "of course we could beat anyone, anytime". Not selling anyone on this answer, Landon moved on. Specifically, to tonight, telling Black that if he wanted to kick some arse, he'd have ample opportunity with two fellow Brits. [b]***Nathaniel Black and The Last Kings Of Scotland w/Landon Maddix, Megan Skye and Queen Esther -VS- Baron Windels and Orange County Cobras w/Melody Nerdly and Molly Nerdly***[/b] The British dream team stumbled into some problems early on. Namely, Englishmen and Scotsmen being natural enemies. And these three English and Scotsmen being particularly grumpy enemies. Black pitched himself on the apron and let the Scots do the bulk of the work at the start. Unfortunately for them, all three opponents were out for some revenge. Putting aside their own history, Baron, Ned and Simon worked together to overwhelm Danny Boy. And when Danny Boy finally caught a knee on Simon and got a tag, Scottish Scott ran into the same problem. Ned and Simon used quick tags and VINTAG... oop, wrong show... classic double team moves, periodically tagging in the heavy hitter Baron to get his own licks in. The reprieve for the British came when Landon Maddix got involved, sneakily grabbing onto Simon's foot as he came off the ropes, allowing Scott to pounce from behind. The Queen and Landon basked in that, as The Last Kings took over. In almost a mirror image, Scott and Danny Boy worked over Simon, occassionally tagging in Nathaniel to join in the 'fun'. Not friendly tags, but tags. The physical style of the Brits saw Simon absorbing many forearm smashes, many hard clotheslines, just an all around pummelling. Eventually, B.O.S.S lucked out, avoiding charges and managing to run the Last Kings into each other, opening the door for a tag to Baron! The big Texan ran wild on all three opponents, Ned unable to stand back and watch and getting in on the action too. As it broke down into a pier-sixer, The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club made an appearance. But before they could get involved, Tim Cash and The Christ Air Express ran out to even the odds! James Blonde and Faqu soon appeared, turning the pier-sixer into a pier-thirteener (Landon staying clear of danger, 'guarding' The Queen and Megan). With brawls in the ring and brawls outside, the chaos saw Danny Boy getting hold of one of the spiked clubs. Before he could use it on Simon, Ned made the save with a 90210 Enziguri. Black took out Ned, but in the melee, Baron took aim and landed a big Diving Lariat on Danny Boy, enough to score the pinfall before he could be bundled on. [b]Winners[/b]: Baron Windels and Orange County Cobras, via pinfall Moments after the pinfall, bodies piled into the ring and the wild brawl got even wilder! It took a good 30 seconds, but Landon and Queen Esther were able to restrain their respective teams and get them out of the ring leaving Orange County Cobras, Citizen Soldiers and The Christ Air Express standing tall. [b]***Theodore Moneymaker -VS- Cayden Shepard***[/b] The wealthy former World Champion wasted no time laying into his young opponent. A hard kick after the bell lead to a sound beating. Clubbing away with forearms and chops, Moneymaker dominated, clearly in no mood for messing around tonight. Growing tired of the beating Moneymaker threw Cayden outside for a change of scenery, beating him up at ringside for a little while. Cayden mounted virtually no offense and suffered a hard slam and the diving back elbow drop. After a bit more of a beating, Moneymaker eventually took mercy and slapped on the Bank Vault for the victory. [b]Winner[/b]: Theodore Moneymaker, via submission
Nathaniel Black and Last Kings Of Scotland vs. Baron Windels and Orange County Cobras
Holly vs. Jade Leon Rodez vs. Los Diablos De Fuego (there'll be something to explain this) Something with Biff. Something with Landon and other people. Something something something.
Back in the neglected, darkened areas of the arena, we find Josh Matthews with microphone in hand. Clearly sure of where he's going, even in the gloom, it doesn't take Josh long to find who he's looking for. Apparantly, the dark not a good hiding place anymore for Leon Rodez and OAOAST Women's Champion Morgan Nerdly. Morgan notices Josh and quickly stops whispering to Leon, immediately shrinking into a shell. Leon stands up and walks in front of her. JOSH Leon, if I can, I wanted to get a few words with you. Leon doesn't respond, but he doesn't kick Josh out so that's a win in his book. JOSH Earlier in the week on our sister program Syndicated, you Beat The Clock in order to gain yourself another shot at the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship at The Halloween Spectacular. With a little help, that is. And now tonight, you get a chance, non-title, against Krista. Except it'll be in tag team action... and you're teaming with, of all people, Zack Malibu. LEON How about that. I hear Zack's been having some troubles lately. The sky in Malibu's world maybe isn't quite so sunny anymore. Maybe I misjudged karma all this time. Leon looks down at Morgan, who is still cowering down. LEON Then again, maybe I haven't. Because karma was supposed to be exactly what beat Krista at Zero Hour. Karma was supposed to finally catch up to her and ruin her. I had it all planned out. Title on the line. Ring surrounded by people just dying to see her fall and crumble. And me, more than willing to carry through on it. It was all setup perfectly. And still... [i]still[/i], what Krista had coming to her waited another day. Another day that she got to escape the pain she dished out onto us all. Another day of undeserved good fortune. Another day... and then another... and then another. Well, there will be another day for us, Krista. October 31st. All Hallows Eve. The day when bad things are [i]supposed[/i] to happen. Do you know the story of Halloween, Josh? JOSH ...no. LEON Let me tell you about Halloween. See now, it's just another excuse for people to have a good time at the expense of others. A chance to dress up under cover of costume, coax strangers into handing over candy and scaring other people. But this isn't about the commercial holiday of Halloween. This isn't a story of how 12 years ago, the Nerdly family went out onto the streets of Edmonton, trick or treating. Of course, Morgan being the youngest child, the outcast child, she couldn't afford a proper costume and had to make do with whatever sheets and blankets she could cobble together to drape herself in. This isn't a story about how a couple of years later, her sisters thought it'd be a fun idea to tell her a couple of Halloween stories, then trick her into hiding herself in the basement and locking her inside for three hours, alone in the dark and the cold. But it's in a similar vein. Josh glances over at Morgan, who still sits sadly against the wall cradling her Women's Title belt. LEON I'm not haunted by Halloween. But I've been haunted. Haunted by memories, like Morgan has. I've been haunted by the memories of having my life sabotage too. But I promised her... I looked that girl dead in the eyes and I PROMISED her that after this year, she'll never fear Halloween again. She'll look back with nothing but good memories. This time Leon glances over, Morgan's head emerging from her arms and looking up hopefully at him until he turns back. LEON Halloween is more than spooks and ghouls and carving faces into pumpkins. You know what they used to believe, in olden times? People used to fear Halloween. Because they used to believe, that on that day, October 31st, the divide between this life and the after-life disappeared. They believed that on October 31st, the dead came back to haunt the living and spread disease and destitution. People believed, on that night, that the dead were a threat to their living. Well, how fitting it will be, October 31st of this year. How poetic, that at Halloween, all of those sins that Krista's committed will finally come back to haunt her. But Krista needn't be concerned with the spirits of the dead. Because on this October 31st, the ones she has to fear are the ones who are dead [i]inside[/i]. Leon turns and walks back to his dark corner, sitting himself down alongside Morgan again as we fade away.
Suddenly, the crowd jump to their feet, as "Thriller" by Fallout Boy hits. Maggie Nerdly leads the way out for her men, Baron Windels throwing up the longhorns as MARV and MEL hit a leaping high-five behind him. All manner of pyrotechnics go off behind them as they head to the ring, with Tim Cash apparantly too nice for pyro of his own. COLE And ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, the OAOAST 6-Man 8-Man Tag Team Titles will be on the line! A long overdue shot for Citizen Soldiers and The Christ Air Express and it's coming up, next! [b]*COMMERCIAL BREAK*[/b] Back from commercial and Baron, Cash, MARV and MEL stand waiting in the ring. Maggie amuses herself playing Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII on her PSP. A professional! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall and is for the OAOAST 8-MAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS! In the ring, the challengers. Total combined weight, eight hundred, fifty five pounds. The team of MARV and MEL, THE CHRIST AIR EXPRESS... and BARON WINDELS, TIM CASH, together they are CITIZEN SOLDIERS!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Hands go up from the challengers but their cheers die down the moment Pat Benatar blares through the arena. "We're running with the Shadows Of The Night So baby take my hand, you'll be alright Surrender all your dreams to me tonight They'll come true in the end" Wearing a disappointed expression on his face, Landon Maddix walks out with a microphone in his hand and calls for his music to be cut. COLE What's this all about? MADDIX Man... you guys are gonna be so annoyed with me. Boy. Uhm... whew, how to put this... "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" MADDIX Here's the thing. Unfortunately, there's been more travel problems and honestly, I don't know where the rest of the guys are right now. Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean for all I know. Three of the four challengers's faces sink, while Tim as ever tries to look for the silver lining in the situation. COACH Damn immigration. COLE Not again. This title match must be cursed! MADDIX I really don't know what to tell you. Except to say, I spoke to Josie earlier and she's allowed me to find some replacement partners again. So, everybody give it up for THE QUEEN and her men! Give it up! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The crowd, disappointed at not getting to see a title match, are further disappointed at the arrival of Lucius Soul and The Last Kings Of Scotland. Particularly the Scots. Of course, Queen Esther is oblivious to the hostile reception and waves to the crowd with a cheery smile on her face. She greets Landon and they curtsey to one another. Baron and Melody look on and don't like what they're seeing. MADDIX I'd like to take one second to thank the good Queen here for helping me out tonight. A very gracious gesture from a very gracious lady. The Queen's cheeks flush and she fans herself. MADDIX And before we get going, again, guys, I want to apologise for jerking you around like this. It's not fair on you. It's not what I want either, because everybody knows how committed I am to these OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Titles and the challenge I laid out a few months ago. And I just... I just wish I knew where James, Nathaniel and Faqu were right now. I really do. COLE HEY WAIT A MINUTE! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" As if by magic(!), Faqu slides into the ring and as MARV and MEL turn around, they get wiped out with a double clothesline!!!! MADDIX OH, wait, there they are! Baron and Cash turn around, only to be ambushed by Black and Blonde, also having come through the crowd on the other side! Picking up the fallen Nerdlys, Faqu takes them both by the hair and HURLS them both over the top rope, landing in a heap on the arena floor!! Smiling from ear to ear, Landon turns to Queen Esther and thanks her for her "help" again with a polite kiss of the hand, at which point The Queen's Men begin to leave and Landon slides into the ring. COLE Damnit, it was all a set-up! That's what you get for beginning to take Landon Maddix at face value I guess! COACH Now how do you know that Michael? Maybe they just got off the plane. Maybe they had to SWIM here! You don't know that they didn't! COLE Oh, yeah, Landon looks positively shocked to see them, doesn't he? *DINGDINGDING* Landon and Black stomp away on Baron in the corner while Blonde works over Cash, a shocked Melody trying to get her bearings on the outside. Directing traffic Landon jogs over to Cash and together, he and Blonde irish whip the nicest man in pro wrestling out of the corner, right into the bare foot of Faqu! A combined effort then throws Baron Windels into the jaws of the monster, scooped up and DRIVEN into the mat with a Samoan Drop!! "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" Still looking like the cat that got the cream Landon strolls around the ring, while Black and Blonde put the boots to Windels. Maddix whispers something into Faqu's ear and the Samoan leaves the ring, in pursuit of MARV and MEL. And both twins are whipped into the barricade by Faqu. COLE This is not much more than a mugging! Baron, Cash, MARV and MEL were ambushed! And now, they're just being picked apart. As Faqu takes care of The CAE, Baron is left three on one in the ring. He fights to his feet, but is completely surrounded. Booted in the gut, Baron is rocked with a Sitout Jawbreaker from Blonde. He falls to one knee, where he gets ROCKED by Landon, with a Low Flying Superkick... turning him around into the path of a BLACK LARIAT!! COACH Wow! Look at the teamwork, amazing! COLE Yeah, look at the teamwork, after jumping your opponents from behind! Baron rolls out of harm's way, being stomped on by Black. Rolling back into the ring Tim Cash crawls over to protect his tag team partner. And when the kicks start being aimed his way, he tries to fight Black off, landing some shots to the gut, before Blonde and Maddix pile in. COLE And look at Tim Cash, all heart, trying to fight these three men off. Overwhelmed just like his partner, Cash is beaten down until Landon again begins to call the shots to his team-mates. Black and Blonde pick Tim back up and send him to the ropes. A headbutt to the gut brings Cash to a sudden, painful halt. Black then steps aside, as Landon and Blonde slam Tim's face into the mat before adding further insult to injury by performing a HANDSHAKE over his fallen body. While Landon laps up the boos of the crowd, Blonde just seems ecstatic to be interacting with his mentor. COACH That's a mark of true gentlemen right there. Melody looks un-amused and more importantly, powerless, as Tim is dragged into a corner. Carefully the Champions place Cash up against the bottom rope and call Faqu back in. COLE Come on. Not this. Sat in the corner, Cash is choked by Blonde, until Faqu comes charging in with the running ass, smashing Cash right in the head!!! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" FAQU BLAARGHGHAARHAGGH!!! Cash's head flops around and he lays motionless, the crowd hushed at seeing wrestling's nicest guy being destroyed in front of them. The 8-Man Tag Champs just stand and look at him for a second... before Landon informs them he wants them to "give him to me". COLE And now what? Tim is already out, what more do they need to do? Black and Blonde dutily drag Cash out of the corner and hand him over to Landon. With Tim out of it, Landon is forced to prop his opponent up, before lifting him up into the fireman's carry. Landon then turns Cash into position and with somewhat of an anti-climax, hits the GO 2 SLEEP!! COLE Oh, I get it, I guess Landon has to get the glory. Gimme a break. COACH Never can be too careful Michael. As the troops stand guard, Landon drops down and makes a casual pin... 1... 2... 3!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" *DINGDINGDING* Big smile, Landon rolls back up and asks for the belts, as Melody looks on in disgust. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match and STILL OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Champions... CUCARACHA INTERNACIONAL!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Landon takes possession of the belts from the referee and dishes them out to his partners. Most grateful of all, James Blonde, who gives his mentor a congratulatory hug at a job well done. Faqu snorts and snarls in the background, while Nathaniel Black just watches all this going on. COLE And look, they're proud. They're actually [i]proud[/i] of themselves. After this. COACH Why shouldn't they be? They're still the champions, still the strongest unit in the OAOAST, all that good stuff. Handing over his belt, Landon gets a funny look from Black before he takes it. Faqu resorts to chewing on the strap of his belt as Baron crawls back inside and Cucaracha Internacional leave. The big Texan shows compassion and goes to check on Tim rather than go after Maddix and co, although that's clearly on his mind as he points up the aisle at them. COLE All this bravado about being the unbeatable group in the OAOAST and this is how Cucaracha Internacional chose to defend their titles? I just don't get it. And I just wonder, what's in all this for the Queen, helping Maddix out in this ruse? Cucaracha Internacional leave with Landon and Blonde in high spirits, smiling in the face of the threats from big Baron.
[color="blue"]Beat The Clock Challenge Match[/color] [b]***Leon Rodez w/Morgan Nerdly -VS- J-MAX***[/b] The former World Champion, and former #1 contender, was in even sourer mood than usual after losing at Zero Hour. With the clock working against him, Leon was frustrated by the elusiveness of J-MAX early on. The masked man stayed out of Leon's grasp and eventually sent him rolling outside to collect himself after a variety of headscissors. Leon talked things over with Morgan and got the advantage, as Morgan distracted J-MAX and allowed Leon to attack from behind. Once in control, Rodez slowly picked apart J-MAX, a little too slowly maybe. And the frustration grew again as he failed to put J-MAX away and the clock kept on ticking. With time running down, Leon set up J-MAX for the One Hit Kill, but J-MAX ducked and ALMOST shocked the world by rolling Leon up for 2. J-MAX turned on the burners and started to put Leon on the run again. A blocked hurricanrana lead to a sitout powerbomb by Rodez and a close 2 of his own. Leon would miss a charge in the corner though, leading to a Blockbuster. With Leon down J-MAX headed to the top rope ready to complete the upset. But Morgan provided a distraction again. That allowed Leon to recover, crotching J-MAX on the top rope. Leon then hooked J-MAX by the head and delivered a [i]top[/i] rope hanging DDT, spiking J-MAX on his head and leading to him establishing a time of 4:54. [b]Winner[/b]: Leon Rodez, via pinfall, [b]4:54[/b] [color="blue"]Beat The Clock Challenge Match[/color] [b]***Bohemoth -VS- Mr. Dick w/Malaysia***[/b] The final match in the Beat The Clock Challenge saw two of the biggest and baddest going at it, with Leon Rodez's 4:54 the time to beat. Mister Dick dared Bohemoth to start the match with a posedown. Which confused Bo, trying to remind Mr. Dick they were on the clock. Mr. Dick didn't care, but Bohemoth did, laying MD out with a clothesline. Bohemoth ran wild on Mr. Dick right from the get-go. And it looked like Bohemoth would have no problem beating the time, until Mr. Dick took advantage of a referee misdirection and booted Bo low. From that point Mr. Dick took control. And wary of the clock, he even cut out most of his wacky antics. A big STIFF Kick was the closest MD came to victory, before deciding he needed to take a high risk. Which didn't pay, Bohemoth catching Mr. Dick in mid-air with a powerslam! With a minute-thirty left Bohemoth ran wild again. A big boot and a Running Powerslam were a prelude for the thumbs up and the thumbs down. But as Bohemoth scooped MD up, Malaysia got to the apron. Bohemoth ran Mr. Dick's back into Malaysia to take care of her, then delivered the Erotic Awakening Of B. But when Bohemoth made the cover, there was no referee, thanks to MORGAN NERDLY's arrival! She kept the referee tied up long enough for MD to recover and kickout at two once the referee finally made his way over. By this point, the time was running down and Bohemoth was distracted by Morgan standing in the aisle. Mr. Dick tried to pounce from behind, but ran right into a Spinebuster! Quick as he could, Bohemoth dragged Mr. Dick back up, looking to hit another Erotic Awakening... which he did, only for the time-limit to expire before he could make the pinfall! [b]Winner[/b]: No winner Bohemoth looked shocked, as Leon Rodez walked out to join Morgan on the stage, a smirk on his face with another second chance at Krista and the World Title at the Halloween Spectacular secured.
OAOAST 8-Man Tag Titles Cucaracha Internacional © vs Citizen Soldiers and The Christ Air Express Plus more.
- the fuck did this happen? I'll put something together, to be edited when I figure out what.
Landon Maddix came to the ring, with only Megan Skye for company. Carrying all three of the 6-Man Tag Titles, plus his makeshift belt, Landon explained to the crowd that his team's visa issues were still, infact, issues and therefore they couldn't defend the titles at the PPV. However, the title match WOULD infact take place next Thursday on HeldDOWN~! For tonight, Landon was left to find a replacement and had called in a "royal favour" to procour one of All The Queen's Men, Rico De Janeiro's services for the evening. [b]***Landon Maddix and Rico De Janeiro w/Megan Skye and Queen Esther -VS- Citizen Soldiers w/Maggie Nerdly***[/b] Landon kindly kissed the hand of Queen Esther, in reverance to her, apparantly oblivious to Megan standing three feet away. The match saw Landon and Rico struggle early on, trying to get some sort of cohesion. On a couple of occassions double-team moves ended with Rico accidentally clobbered by Landon and both men sent outside moments later by Baron and Tim. Which Landon, of course, blamed on Rico. To the point that Rico began to walk out and had to be brought back to the ring by his Queen. Eventually the makeshift duo got their act together as Landon prevented a top rope dive from Tim Cash onto Rico, shoving him off the ropes from the apron. Landon and Rico worked over Wrestling's Last True Good Guy, with Rico doing the bulk of the wearing down and Landon attempting to pick the bones. Cash hung in with the support of the OAOAST Marks behind him. And another series of miscommunications lead to a collision in the corner, Landon accidently nosediving into Rico's crotch and a well-earned tag to big Baron! Baron ran wild with Cowboy Bebop elbows and big Texan right hands, holding both men off long enough for Tim to recover and help out. No problems working as a team for Citizen Soldiers, working over Landon and Rico in stereo. In the end, as Cash and Rico bundled each other outside, Baron went for the big Texas Lariat on Landon, who ducked and hit the Crash Landon '05 for a close nearfall. Calling for the GTS, Landon failed to get Baron up and he switched into the Brigham Young Cocktail. Landon escaped and pushed Baron away, towards the ropes. However Baron managed to put on the brakes, sidestepping Landon and throwing him outside. Rico snuck up behind Baron and hooked him for a back suplex, only for Baron to amazingly flip over onto his feet! A big boot to the porn 'stache rocked the Brazilian and as the ropes pushed him back to the middle of the ring, Baron delivered the Brigham Young Cocktail for the victory! [b]Winners[/b]: Citizen Soldiers, via pinfall Citizen Soldiers celebrated their win, as Landon looked on stunned at his partner (not him, as he made sure to point out) had been beaten by Citizen Soldiers, again. ---------- Lead Interview Type Guy Tony Brannigan conducted an interview on the world-famous interview stage with his guests, The Heavenly Rockers. Accompanied by Abdullah and Holly, The Rockers looked bummed. Logan vowed to keep his cool and his composure as he lead the talking, claiming that Synth was in a sombre mood mourning the loss of his precious, irreplacable, sentimentally valued Poison drums. When Tony pointed out, "I thought they were from Whitesnake?", Logan predictably flipped out. Ranting and raving, Logan went off on 'Old Man Brannigan', D*LUX, Jade, Maya, Krista, Josie Baker, Anglesault, The OAOAST Board Of Directors, the state of Nevada, President Obama and God himself. At which point Abdullah stepped in. Long story short, they vowed revenge on D*LUX and warned them that whatever advice they were getting from Duncan girls, they ought to stop listening, before they do something they'll live to regret.
Superior genetics? I'll do Landon/Rico vs. Citizen Soldiers and a Heavenly Rockers interview.
I'm still less than 100% too, so that works for me also.
BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your MAIN EVENT of the evening... and it is a LUMBERJACK MATCH, scheduled for one fall, for the OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" BUFFER Introducing at this time, the Lumberjacks! ...MISTER DICK! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER MALAYSIA NERDLY! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY and THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER RICO DE JANEIRO and LUCIUS SOUL, THE MARDI GRAS HELLFIRE CLUB! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER VINNY VALENTINE! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BUFFER SHAYNE BRAVE and TYLER BRYANT, D*LUX!! "YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" BUFFER And, THEODORE MONEYMAKER and CHRISTIAN WRIGHT, THE ENTERPRISE! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The lumberjacks assemble around the ring, smiles on the faces of Mister Dick, Abdullah, Moneymaker and Wright, all eager to oversee Krista's downfall. And a smile on Vinny Valentine's face. Because he's in a PPV main event. Something to cherish, while it lasts. The only two lumberjacks to get a positive reception, D*LUX, take up the aisle-side of the ring, very much seperate from the rest of the lumberjacks. COLE Twelve OAOAST superstars surrounding this ring, twelve who have been on the recieving end of Krista's wrath more than most. And twelve who have been hand-picked by Leon Rodez to help him regain the OAOAST World Championship here tonight. COACH And just think of the things Krista has done to these people. The suffering, the pain, the humiliation she's dished out. Just think of it all. And just think of the payback that can be dished out here tonight! I guess you could say it's an unlucky 13 for Krista! COLE Well, the wildcard here will be D*LUX, hand-picked by Leon despite their loyalties to the OAOAST World Champion. Somewhere deep down, Leon believes that his former friends will, as he puts it, open their eyes tonight. Will he be right? [COLOR=purple]"Oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long Just tryin' to find my way back home But the old me's dead and gone Dead and gone And oh (hey!), I've been travelin' on this road too long Just tryin' to find my way back home But the old me's dead and gone Dead and gone, dead and gone..."[/COLOR] The opening to "Dead And Gone" by T.I. fades into "Numb" by Linkin Park and jeers fill the arena. None of the lumberjacks show any support to Leon Rodez either, as he stalks through the entrance way. Leon looks down at the human bear pit he's set up and wipes a hand across his mouth. BUFFER And now, introducing the participants. First, he is the challenger this evening. Hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan... weighing in tonight at two hundred, eighteen and one quarter pounds. He is the former two-time OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the world, surrounded by hand-picked mutual enemies, hoping to orchestrate their retribution on their tormentor... ladies and gentlemen, "THE FALLEN IDOL"... LLLEEEEEOOOOOONN... RRRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Slowly Leon walks down the aisle, deep in thought. He comes to a stop and looks out, as the song suddenly erupts and the lights flash back and forth from purple to white static. [COLOR=purple][b][i]"I'VE BECOME SO NUMB I CAN'T FEEL YOU THERE BECOME SO TIRED SO MUCH MORE AWARE! I'M BECOMING THIS ALL I WANT TO DO IS BE MORE LIKE ME AND BE LESS LIKE YOU!"[/b][/i][/COLOR] Leon walks to the end of the aisle and finds himself face to face with D*LUX. He walks between the middle of the two, but before entering the ring he turns back, looking at them both dead in the eyes. No words are exchanged, as Leon turns again and climbs inside. COLE The irony of this situation, is that in his career, Leon has had his own run-ins with all of these lumberjacks, [i]apart[/i] from D*LUX, the two lumberjacks who don't share his motives. Leon has no friends around this ring. But he does have allies against Krista Isadora Duncan. COACH As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. [COLOR=red]Give me those bright lights, long nights High rise, over time[/color] "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" [COLOR=red]Give me them bright lights, long nights Party till the sun is rising High rise, over time Working till the moon is shining Hot guys, fly girls Never thought I'd say I feel on top of the world I feel on top of the world Hey[/color] BUFFER And introducing the opponent! Hailing from Los Angeles, California! She is a Hollywood Walk of Famer, the 2009 Wrestler of the year, best selling author, and star of the world famous FIT with KID line of exercise videos. Tonight, she steps into hostile territory and comes face to face with those she has overcome in the past, hoping to come out the other side victorious once more. She is the MASTER of the Kidology and a two-time, reigning and defending OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WWOOOORRRRRLLLLLDD... KKRRRRRIIIIIISSSTTTAAAAAA... ISADORA DDUUUUUUUUNNCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!!!! "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Showing no fear in the face of her enemies, Krista climbs to the apron and hangs upside down with an alluring look to the camera. Trying to win friends, she blows a kiss to Tyler and Shayne before levering herself into the ring. Leon's eyes narrow as he spies the grins on D*LUX's faces, while Krista plays to the crowd. COLE Nobody in OAOAST history has faced a situation quite like this. Krista is quite literally surrounded by people not only wanting her to lose tonight, but wanting to see her suffer. But like a Roman gladiator, sent out to face the mighty lion, she is steely nerved in the face of danger! Krista goes to hand over her World Title belt to Theodore Moneymaker, but remembers just in the nick of time that "oh, this isn't yours anymore, is it... my bad". Moneymaker just scowls. COACH That's all well and good. But I wouldn't tug on the tiger's tail if I were her. Especially when there's twelve of them... well, ten and her fanboys. As Krista gets the checking over from the referee, Leon stares across at her from the opposite corner. *DINGDINGDING!* Stepping forward, The Heavenly Rockers start to bang their fists on the ring apron. Pretty soon the rest of the lumberjacks, besides D*LUX, have joined in, trying to form a wall of noise to intimidate the World Champion. Leon watches on, satisfied. "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" D*LUX get the crowd chanting though, the Pittsburgh crowd doing their level best to drown out the vengeful lumberjacks. COLE Krista may be surrounded by her enemies, but those enemies are also surrounded by thousands of Krista supporters. They're outnumbered and they're out-voiced. COACH But the fans can't help Krista up when she gets thrown to the floor. That job's taken by the people who want to tear her limb from limb. In amongst all this noise, Krista and Leon square off. After an exchange of words, Krista lets him know what she thinks of his plan by aiming her middle fingers right around the ring at all the lumberjacks, right the way back into Leon's face! Leon angrily slaps the fingers away and swings with a big right hand, but Krista ducks and starts to unload with a flurry of her own! Shots back Leon up across the ring, up against the ropes. The moment Krista pauses to get a big wind-up though, Leon suddenly bails and leaves the ring, Krista' path to his blocked off by The Heavenly Rockers and Abdullah. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Leon takes a timeout, knowing Krista won't leave the ring and risk being attacked. Left to stew in the ring Krista berates the referee for letting Leon get away with this. COLE Don't tell me Leon is going to hide behind these hand-picked lumberjacks! As if they weren't an advantage enough to begin with! Making his way around the ring, Leon goes back over to D*LUX and gets in their face for some reason. As he lays the law down to his former friends Krista leans out of the ring behind Leon and slaps him in the back of the head. And as Leon turns around, Tyler and Shayne shrug AND THROW LEON BACK IN! Leon gets up fuming, but before he can go after D*LUX, Krista spins him around and picks up with some more right hands! Irish whip sends Leon to the ropes... but he grabs the top rope and brings himself to a stop, sliding back out of the ring on the safe side. Boos ring out again as an irritated Leon stalks around and the rest of the lumberjacks begin to have words with Tyler and Shayne. "D - LUX!" "D - LUX!" "D - LUX!" "D - LUX!" COLE We've got some dissention in amongst the lumberjacks already. Leon, I thought, made an odd decision picking D*LUX to be lumberjacks in this match and he found it out there. COACH Leon's merely trying to show D*LUX the error of their ways. They're in the same boat as the rest of these lumberjacks, they took the same humiliation from Krista. And yet here they are, still lusting after that sweet ass. Don't get me wrong, it's a sweet ass. But it's got a sour aftertaste. COLE ...what!? COACH ...they should be helping Leon, is the point! Leon hangs out behind the protection of The Mardi Gras Hellfire Club and Vinny Valentine until he's ready to get back in. As he climbs to the apron Krista moves forward and catches Leon with a knee through the ropes. And a right hand. As Krista attempts to punch Leon off the apron however, Lucius Soul reaches in and grabs the foot, providing enough of a distraction for Leon to catch Krista with a cheapshot. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Now, these lumberjacks are only supposed to intervene when somebody is thrown to the floor. They're not allowed to reach in, grab and pull at people. Sneaking back in, Leon clatters through the back of Krista with a shot, then lays the boots in as she hits the mat. The lumberjacks bay for blood and that gets into Leon, dropping to his knees and choking at Krista. Referee puts a count on and Leon breaks at four, but the baying continues. Leon backs away, before moving the referee aside and aiming with a kick... but Krista gets her head out of harm's way! Leon ends up in the corner and Krista pops up, jumping at Rodez with a forearm smash. Krista whips Leon out, into the opposite corner, flying in with another forearm. Dazed, Leon tries to bail outside again. But this time Krista catches him by the seat of the pants, dragging Leon back inside and dishing out a backhand pimpslap! LUCIUS Yo! KRISTA Hey, a pimp's gotsta do what a pimp's gotsta do, you feel me? LUCIUS .....she got me there. A shaken up Rodez tries to exit the ring again, but Krista pulls him right back in and dishes out another slap! COLE Leon trying to get to the safety of the arena floor and his common allies, but Krista not letting it happen. Krista goes to whip Leon to the ropes, but is reversed off. Desperate, Leon ducks his head for a backdrop but Krista puts on the brakes and uses her BUNS OF STEEL, striking Rodez in the ear with a hip attack. And another. And, after a little grind action, a third! Ear ringing Leon tries again to get out of the ring, but is again dragged back inside and rolled up... 1... 2... No! Reaching out, either for the ropes or for Mister Dick to drag him out of the ring, Leon finds neither with his legs crossed over. Held in an Indian Deathlock, Leon has his arms wrenched up as Krista does a little 'body' surfing. Leon manages to wrestle his arms free and gets them onto the bottom rope, forcing a break. And the moment that break comes, Leon shimmies out of the ring. COLE I don't know if Leon is just trying to run, or trying to goad Krista out to fight on the floor... and if it's the latter, it looks like it's worked! Krista risks life and limb, going outside after Leon. Catching up to her challenger she throws him face-first into the guardrail! The lumberjacks stand guard and watch for now, as Krista CRACKS Leon across the face with another hard slap. Krista glances over her shoulder, checking the lumberjacks are keeping their distance, before beginning to kick at Leon. The threat still in the back of her mind, Krista glances around again, thinking Mister Dick is about to make a move. And that moment is all Leon needs to snatch out, grab Krista... *THUD!* "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" ...and throw her BACK FIRST against the steel ring steps!! COLE OH! Man, Krista back and possibly the back of her head struck those steps hard. And that was the opportunity Leon was looking for. Shaking out the cobwebs Leon rolls back inside and gives the signal, at which point Mister Dick, Moneymaker and Wright all jump into action and start to put the boots to Krista on the arena floor!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" COLE And now the lumberjacks go to work, this isn't supposed to be their job, they're supposed to just get the competitors back into the ring! But this is no ordinary lumberjack match! COACH No, it's payback! Leon keeps the referee tied up incase he frowns on the over-aggressive tactics of the lumberjacks. D*LUX try to move The Enterprise and Mister Dick off, doing little good as Krista is overwhelmed by the three on one attack. Eventually Moneymaker calls a halt and grabs Krista, throwing her roughly back into the ring and letting out a mighty laugh. Back inside, Leon drags Krista away from the ropes and covers... 1... 2... Kickout! Leon mounts Krista and bounces the back of her head off the canvas, repeatedly, rattling Krista's brains. Jumping to his feet he dishes out some stomps, getting another warning from the referee. COACH We're really seeing it Michael. After all these years, it's actually happening. The comeuppance of Krista Isadora Duncan! Pulled back to her feet, Krista is forced against the ropes... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and hit with a knifedge chop across her ample assets. Leon backs her up again, realising that plan isn't his best and instead forearming her across the face. Krista falls down against the middle rope and as Leon is backed away, Mister Dick reaches up from the outside and chokes Krista on the rope!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" COLE And again, these lumberjacks are SUPPOSED to do just one thing, throw anyone who comes outside back in. None of this is legal. COACH No, but it is deserved and should therefore be legal as far as I'm concerned. Leon drags Krista off the ropes, ignoring the makeout session Mister Dick and an aroused Malaysia get into. Slamming an elbow into the back of the head, Leon backs off the ropes and with Krista fallen on one knee, he rocks her with a running boot to the side of the head! Cover... 1... 2... No! Leon slaps on a chinlock, Krista forced to look out at the smiles on her enemies faces as she's punished. COACH Can you not see the beauty of this Michael? Imagine a bank manager getting thrown into a circle of bankrupt customers. Imagine a politician out amongst the public, with no security to protect them. This is what the world needs to see more of! COLE More angry mobs? COACH More comeuppance! Fighting back to her feet, an elbow from Krista sets up her escape. She lands two more, before surprising Leon with a hook spinning superkick as she frees herself! Leon wobbles, while Krista goes to hit the ropes... ...but has her ankle caught by Logan Mann! And she leans over to grab Logan, Krista is ambushed, clotheslined from behind by Leon and sent over the top, to the floor and more punishment! COLE And now look at this, like a pack of wolves, The Heavenly Rockers, Abdullah, Mister Dick, they're all in there, kicking away at Krista! Once the damage is done Krista is thrown back inside. Synth and Abdullah pray to the greater gods, as Krista is pinned down... 1... 2... No! COLE If Krista makes it out of here with her title, it may be the greatest achievement of her career. This is essentially eleven on one! A snap suplex sets Krista up, Rodez heading for the corner. Propping himself on the middle rope he waits for Krista to get back to her feet. Slowly she does, unaware of what's waiting as she's bent down, getting clubbed across the back of the head with a flying axehandle blow! Leon looks out at the booing crowd, the lumberjacks encouraging him to stay on Krista. Calm and methodical, he takes his time though. "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" Leon drags Krista up with two handfuls of hair. Rearing back, he dishes out a forearm shot. Krista falls back into the corner and is whipped across the ring. Leon gets a head of steam and charges in looking for a clotheslinez in the corner, but Krista gets her feet up! Kicking her feet up again, Krista goes over Leon's head this time, pushing her feet into his neck and forcing his face into the bottom turnbuckle pad!! COLE Oh, face first! What a move that was. Holding the back of her head, the World Champion waits for Rodez to stand, then hits the ropes. No-one grabs at her this time and Krista is able to knock Leon down with a flying crossbody... 1... 2... No! First to her feet, Krista aims with a high roundhouse, but it's ducked. Leon shoves Krista in the back, hard enough to run her chest first into the turnbuckles. As she staggers out Leon comes off the ropes, aiming at her with a clothesline. Krista manages to duck though, countering with a quick neckbreaker! Another cover... 1... 2... No! COLE Krista, not going down without a fight. And there's some worried looks on these lumberjacks now, they've been in this situation many times before against Krista! Krista now goes to the middle rope, keeping her eyes on the lumberjacks around her. Guarding against any outside attacks, she takes off, throwing her feet forward with a dropkick... but Leon manages to step back, causing the back of Krista's head to bounce off the mat! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!" A hurting Krista sits back up, but is scythed right back down with a Sliding Lariat!! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE Krista may just have been a half a second slower than usual coming off that top rope, distracted by these lumberjacks all around her. Even when they're not getting physically involved, they're a psychological factor working against the World Champ. D*LUX try their best to route Krista on, but she's turned over and forced into a camel clutch. Leon turns out and fixes his eyes on Tyler and Shayne as he wrenches back on Krista's head, almost warning them not to stay on Krista's side. But they ignore him and start to rally the crowd behind Miss California! And to Leon's dismay, Krista fights back up. Breaking the hold, Leon stomps Krista in the back of the head, then walks over and looks to go after D*LUX. COLE Uh-oh... well, now it's [i]Leon[/i] who's being distracted by his lumberjacks. Spotting Krista getting back up out of the corner of his eye, Leon turns his attentions back to the match. He lays Krista out with a running back elbow, then covers her... 1... 2... No! Leon growls and drags Krista back up, before tossing her carelessly through the ropes to the feet of D*LUX. Tyler and Shayne look up at their former friend and he demands that they attack her, but Tyler and Shayne just fold their arms and shake their heads. COACH These morons. Shaking his head back, only in disbelief, Leon leaves the ring and gets in the faces of D*LUX. Krista picks herself up behind Leon, who's too busy with D*LUX to notice at first. And when he does finally notice, he makes a rash charge, which Krista avoids CAUSING LEON TO RUN HIMSELF INTO THE RINGPOST!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Krista quickly dives back into the ring before less friendly lumberjacks come her way. COLE A miscue from the challenger! Standing around, not looking sure of what to do, Tyler and Shayne look up at Krista who yells at them to "throw him back inside, dummies", asking them if they're waiting for a written invitation. Krista's sarcasm doesn't have the effect she was hoping for though. Instead, Tyler and Shayne stand back and refuse to get involved again. COACH Ah ha! That's right, that's what she's like! She doesn't care about you! Listen to Leon! COLE Would you pipe down? Krista gives Tyler and Shayne a funny look, before leaving the ring. She throws Leon back inside and goes to follow, hesitating for just a second as she climbs to the apron, glancing back at Tyler and Shayne. They stay out of it and Krista heads to the top rope, taking flight with a corkscrew moonsault press!!! 1... 2... NO! COLE Beautiful move by Krista, but an awkward moment there between her and what are the closest two to being 'her' lumberjacks. As Leon gets up, Krista goes Chun-Li, with some rapid fire kicks to the chest. Brushing past Leon, she then goes to hit the ropes... but again encounters problems with errant hands. This time it's Vinny Valentine grabbing her ankle and allowing Leon to attack from behind! COLE Way to go Vinny V! Rico and Lucius dish out high-fives to the Disco Duck and they celebrate just getting involved, as Leon clubs at the back of Krista. Sending her to the ropes with an irish whip, he swings out with a clothesline. But Krista ducks underneath and keeps on going, THROWING HERSELF OUTSIDE WITH A SUICIDE DIVE INTO RICO, LUCIUS AND VINNY V!!!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" COACH Wait a minute! COLE Krista has had enough! And she's going to start taking the fight to some of these lumberjacks!! Kicking at the three lumberjacks in irritation, Krista warns them "let that be a lesson to you" and goes to climb back into the ring. Leon keeps the referee's eye though, as Theodore Moneymaker runs around the ring and grabs onto Krista's leg, stopping her halfway into the ring! As Krista tries to kick Moneymaker away she's then caught from the inside, hooked into a front facelock! Dragging Krista over the middle rope, Leon dangles her so that just her feet hang on the middle, hovering her over the canvas for a second... before DRILLING her with a DDT!!!! "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE OH NO! DOWNFALL DDT! Krista is motionless and Moneymaker's eyes light up, as she's turned over onto her back. COACH New champion! 1... 2... KICKOUT!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Moneymaker holds his head in his hands, as does Leon. COLE Only two! And the amazing resiliance of the OAOAST World Champion rears it's head again! None of the lumberjacks can believe it and D*LUX start the crowd going again, as Leon stalks around the ring. Hands on his hips, he tries to get his head back in the game and suddenly sees an opening. He lines up, as Krista slowly climbs back to her feet. Waiting for her to get to one knee. And as she does, Leon takes aim with the rolling sobat... ...DUCKED!! Leon quickly snatches a front facelock trying to recover, but Krista flips him over into a northern lights... 1... 2... No! Pulling himself on the ropes Leon runs at Krista... and right into a SUPERKICK!! COLE BAM! The Enterprise, Heavenly Rockers and Mister Dick all throw their hands on their heads, as Krista rolls on top... 1... 2... KICKOUT! It's Krista's turn to be disappointed and she hangs her head, sure she had retained right there. COLE Boy, these lumberjacks are living and dying with every pin cover here. They desperately want to see Krista lose this World Title tonight, with the exception of D*LUX who I'm sure are desperate to see her come out on top. Holding her head in pain, Krista rolls over to the corner. There she finds a water bottle, giving her a chance to replenish her energy. Or, alternatively, spit water in the face of Logan Mann! LOGAN :angry: COACH Oh, now you gone and done it! The hotheaded MACHO Macho Mann flips out and scrambles to get into the ring, with Abdullah and Synth desperately trying to hold him back. As he thrashes around like a wildman, the referee becomes distracted. And Krista capitalises, with a LOW PUNT on Leon!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE Krista going south! As Logan is dragged back outside by the rest of the lumberjacks, Krista smirks to herself. The crafty World Champion then hooks up Leon and delivers the Life In The Fab Lane (Twist Of Fate)!! COACH NO! That manipulative bitch!! Krista hooks the leg and blows a kiss at the restrained Logan... 1... 2... CROWD 3!!! ...no! The referee stops counting, to the confusion of everybody, not noticing that Malaysia had placed Leon's foot on the bottom rope!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" COLE Oh come on! Krista seethes and turns her attention to Malaysia, who unchallenged, climbs onto the apron. COLE This is getting way, way out of control! COACH Well what do you expect, Krista's antagonising all these lumberjacks! It's her fault she's her and it's her fault they all want to rip her head off! As Krista and Malaysia go eye to eye, Leon manages to reach up and pull Krista down with a schoolboy... 1... 2... NO!! Krista runs at Leon, who sidesteps, causing Krista and Malaysia to collide!! "YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH..." Which goes down well, until Krista staggers backwards into a Blue Thunder Bomb!! 1... 2... NO!! Leon stares down the referee, moving towards him but wisely stopping short of attacking. Instead he takes the frustrations out on himself, pulling at his own hair. "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" "KRIS - TA!" Slowly getting back to her feet it's clear that Krista is rattled and unsure of where she is, she gets to one knee. Leon quickly shuffles into position and aims with the rolling sobat again... but again Krista ducks... AND APPLIES THE BLUEBALL SPECIAL!! Leon's eyes bulge as other areas of his body are forced to bulging point. But before much damage can be done, he manages to swat Krista's hands away and BLAST her in the face with a knee strike!! COLE Oh, what a vicious shot to the jaw! He may have knocked Krista out! Krista collapses backwards, her legs folded underneath her and Leon falls on top sensing victory... 1... 2... KRISTA PUSHES UP AND KICKS OUT!!! COLE No, a miraculous kickout! COACH This is the time Leon's gotta be thinking "what do I do?" COLE And there's no point asking for advice from his lumberjacks, because they wouldn't know either! Dragged back up, Krista is thrown into the corner and overwhelmed with right hands, frustration beginning to get the better of Leon. The referee drags Leon away as Krista is beaten down into a defensive position against the bottom turnbuckle, covering up to protect herself. Leon backs away into the opposite corner, ready to strike. His attention is taken by an arguement on the outside though, as JADE and MAYA have come to the ring to route on their mother. Leon's eyes widen and he immediately protests to the referee that they're not lumberjacks and should be sent to the back. But he's beaten to it by an angry Abdullah Abir. Which leads to D*LUX getting in his face and a brawl breaking out between the boybanders and The Heavenly Rockers!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" COLE It's breaking down between the lumberjacks! And you had to expect this, the hostilities between The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX! Rico, Lucius and Vinny all pick themselves up and try to seperate the warring tag teams, Mister Dick and Malaysia eventually wading in as well. Watching all this in despair, Leon finally notices Krista is up and charges into the corner, taking off with the Superman Spear... ...but Krista moves out of the way!! And Leon dives headfirst into the middle turnbuckle!! COLE Nobody home! COACH These stupid lumberjacks... come on guys, get it together! Focus! Pulling himself up in the corner, Leon slowly turns around, right into KIDOLO... ...NO!! Leon trips Krista up and looks for the LIONTAMER... ...but Krista counters, pushing her feet against Leon's chest and pushing him back into the turnbuckles! As Leon staggers out, she then sits up and rolls Leon up with an inside cradle... 1... 2... NO!! COLE Not often you see Krista use a move so elementary as an inside cradle, but it almost worked! The in-fighting between the lumberjacks continues up the aisle, D*LUX and The Heavenly Rockers still refusing to be pulled apart. The Enterprise remain at ringside, the only two lumberjacks who haven't lost sight of their job. COLE Leon's plan is falling apart before his eyes here! Krista attacks Leon with a series of open handed shots, then leaps up and cracks him with an enziguri! A full frontflip leaves Rodez prone on the mat and Krista gets a smile on her face. Blowing a kiss to the crowd, she bends over and prepares to shake what God gave her. Before, suddenly, Abdullah returns and climbs to the apron. COLE And now, another distraction! COACH He's just trying to get the referee to restore order, that's all! COLE Well this is a funny way of doing it, look at Wright! Sliding into the ring with the briefcase, CW sneaks up behind Krista as she cusses out The Speaker Of The Prophets and prepares to strike. The Pittsburgh crowd scream out, trying to warn Krista of the dangers waiting as she slowly turns around... ...and DUCKS the briefcase shot! Wright just about stops short of running into the referee and quickly turns around, looking to try again. But Krista pops up and hits A BRIEFCASE ASSISTED KIDOLOGY!!!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The briefcase going flying, as does Christian. But before Krista can retrieve either, Theodore Moneymaker appears and traps her in the BANK VAULT!!! MONEYMAKER HIT HER! HIT HER! Holding Krista in the cobra clutch, Moneymaker motions to the briefcase as Leon hauls himself back up. Seeing the referee is out of position Leon quickly snatches up the briefcase and glares at Krista. A cold, satisfied glare, as he takes a running swing... ...and NAILS MONEYMAKER ACROSS THE HEAD!!!!! COLE OOHH! Right to the SKULL! And not the intended one! Leon sheds no tears for Moneymaker, but soon sheds them as a result of KIDOLOGY FROM KRISTA!!!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" COACH GAAAAH!! Krista makes the cover and the referee is drawn away from Abdullah, as Jade and Maya tear him from the apron and hold him down... 1... 2... 3!!!!! COLE Incredible! Krista, the defier of the odds for so long, has survived the greatest of great odds! *DINGDINGDING!* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... and STILL OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... KRISTA ISADORA DDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNCCCAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Rico, Lucius, Vinny and Mister Dick all look up from the brawl they'd been drawn into and their faces drop as Krista's arms are raised in victory. Just as dejected is Abdullah, overpowered by two teenage girls, who roll into the ring to congratulate their Mom. COLE The deck was stacked against Queen Krista tonight, Leon with plenty of Aces up his sleeve. But in the end, maybe it was too many. Because for all the common enemies surrounding her, Krista still managed to come out the other side with another soul crushing victory! Looking down at the three bodies around her, Krista is handed the World Title and shrugs, ice-cool as always, as if humbling all her humbled adversaries one more time was no trouble at all. She raises the title over her hand with an alluring smile to the cameras, taking great joy in celebrating over Christian Wright's body. Giving him a great view upwards. If only he were conscious. COLE And in the end, the decision to add D*LUX as lumberjacks came back to bite Leon. The decision to have lumberjacks in the first place came back to bite Leon. I guess karma really is a bitch, huh? COACH Oh very funny. Don't you realise how horrible a scene we've just witnessed? All of Krista's enemies lined-up to knock her down and together, TOGETHER, they couldn't stop her. The woman already thinks she's invincible, just imagine how she's going to feel after this! We're fucking screwed! COLE And on that cheery note we bid you farewell from Pittsburgh, thank you for joining us at Zero Hour! Krista continues to celebrate with the Duncan clan, kneeling down to pose next to a KOed Theodore Moneymaker as we [b]FADE OUT.[/b]
Woo, second wind! The Heavenly Rockers in a special performance.
Where usually stands the OAOAST's interview stage, now stands a stage holding musical equipment, with three OAOAST technical crew members scurrying around like beavers trying to get everything prepared. Four more stand at the back, waving down a giant sign rig, shaped like The Heavenly Rockers' logo. COACH Alright, let's get this show started already! COLE Coach, we're halfway through the show already. COACH That was just the warm-up act. This right here is the real show, the show these people paid to see. The sign is lowers into position, hovering behind the stage. And it lights up, showing no expense has been spared. A mic check is carried out, drowned out by chants of "ROCK - ERS SUCK". LOGAN LAS VEGAS ARE YOU REEEAAADDYYYYYY!!?! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" With the stage set up, the crew are run off by THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS, lead to the stage by a SEA of security personnel. Logan jogs out in front and bangs his head like a wildman before jumping onto the stage and raises his arms in the air. To boos. Not exactly the start you want to a concert. LOGAN I SAID LAS VEGAS ARE YOU READY, MAKE SOME NOISE BITCHES!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" COACH What a commanding presence! He tells them to do something, they do it. We are in the presence of greatness. Holly takes up her position on stage, but there's a hold up, as Synth first stops to join in prayer with Abdullah, stage-side. LOGAN HEY! Couldn't you have done that crap backstage?! This is Las Vegas, God's blindspot, don't waste your damn time! Trying their best to block out Logan's ranting, Abdullah and Synth finish their prayer and head onto the stage. Yes, Abdullah as well for some reason. After a warm-up drum-roll from Synth, Logan calls for quiet and is met with yet more boos from a restless Vegas crowd. LOGAN Alright, we're gonna kick this damn thing off properly. We're in LAS VEGAS, NEVADA... "YYYAAAAAAYYYYYY!!" LOGAN ...the city The Heavenly Rockers built... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" LOGAN ...SO LET'S KICK IT OFF!! And so begins a Heavenly Rockers intepretation of Viva Las Vegas, Synth laying into the drums and Holly tearing at the guitar, while Logan's raspy voice LOGAN Bright light city gonna set my soul Gonna set my soul on FIYAH Got a whole lot of money thats ready to burn, So get those stakes up higher There's a thousand pretty women waitin out there And they're all livin devil may care And I'm just the devil with love to spare So... ABDULLAH ۂۅەڿڼڜڙڜڗڕ ۂۅەڿڼڜڙڜڗڕ "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" LOGAN How I wish that there were more Than the twenty-four hours in the day Cause even if there were forty more I wouldnt sleep a minute away Oh, there's blackjack and poker and the roulette wheel A fortune won and lost on every deal All you needs a strong heart and a nerve of steel ABDULLAH ۂۅەڿڼڜڙڜڗڕ ۂۅەڿڼڜڙڜڗڕ ABDULLAH ۂۅەڿڼڜڙڜڗڕ LOGAN ...with your neon flashing And your one armbandits crashin All those hopes down the drain ABDULLAH ۂۅەڿڼڜڙڜڗڕ LOGAN ...turnin' day into nighttime Turnin' night into daytime If you see it once You'll never be the same agaaaiiiiiiin!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Even with a flourishing ending, the performance doesn't go down well and boos sound out. COACH That's the best version of Viva Las Vegas I've ever heard... at least, I think that's what it was. LOGAN Oh yeah, we're rocking tonight Vegas! You're looking at the best in the world right here. I wanna point out real quick, these drums right here. These are no ordinary drums. These right here are drums used, on tour, and signed, by Whitesnake. You idiots heard of Whitesnake!? You better have. And these are their drums, as used by Whitesnake. Don't get it wrong, they weren't actually a gift of nothing. They didn't want to give them to us. But we MADE THEM! YEAH! *drumroll* LOGAN Alright, let's get down to another song right now. We're gonna slow it down a little bit, take the mood a little softer... HEY, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! Annoyed by the boos, Logan flips out and has to be calmed down by his band-mates. LOGAN We're gonna slow things down with this next song and I'm gonna dedicate to my babygirl, Holly. The girl this company couldn't keep down! They tried to put her out to pasture, but it ain't happening! This is the baddest bitch in the motherfucking world right here! And Sunday, she's gonna tear it up Heavenly Rocker style and take back that OAOAST Bitches Championship like you know she's gonna! And then... .:CUE: "HERE COMES THE PAIN":. COLE What the... The fans are confused, but not as confused at The Heavenly Rockers at being interrupted. The confusion gets even ore confusing as a rap beat starts to play over Here Comes The Pain. Logan demands to know what's going on, yelling at the security surrounding the stage to go find out what's causing the interruption. Before suddenly, a huge cheer goes up and out walks a tracksuit wearing, baseball cap backwards flaunting, cuckoo clock around the neck swagging, Alix Maria-Spezia aka [color=purple]GLOCK LESNAR[/color]!!!! COLE OH SNAPOLA!! GLOCK LESNAR Yo yo, cut the beat, can it like "My Name Is Earl". What the deal, Vegas? The Glock up in this piece, feelin' the love, feelin' the blood, no doubt about it. Yo, lemme apologise real quick, I don't mean to tread on no toes but I can't be doing with it no mo'! I been chillin' back in my domain with my crew, tryin' kick back on the cold ill, you know and then I hears this whack noise and I'm like did somebody turn on the audition portions of America's Got Talent where none of them actually have talent raising serious questions of irony? What the deal? So I goes roamin' and I gotta say you guys ain't doin' it real. Nah nah. See, where I come from, you gotta do it real. Life ain't a rehearsal where I come from. But you guys need a little more rehearsal, no disrespecting meant. How you gonna come up in here and claim like you the best in the world? Huh? How you gonna do that? LOGAN ENOUGH OF THIS! Security, get her the HELL out of here, NOW, before I kick all of your fat donut chomping asses! Nobody interrupts the greatest rock 'n wrestling band of al... GLOCK LESNAR Yo, yo, Logan! Logan! I'm real happy for you that you got your chief groupie and I'mma let you finish... BUT GLOCK LESNAR HAD THE GREATEST MUSIC VIDEO OF ALL TIME! OF. [B]ALL. [I]TIME.[/I][/B] "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" LOGAN GET HER OUTTA HERE! NOW! Security begins to make a move on Alix and she throws her hands up in the air, telling them to "be cool" and protesting she's not "carrying no heat". The Heavenly Rockers watch on from the edge of the stage, furious that their homecoming performance has been ruined. With the security all out in front though, there's nobody guarding the back of the stage, from D*LUX, JADE AND MAYA!!! COLE HEY! The crowd erupt as Maya picks up Holly's discarded guitar and takes a wild swing, sending Abdullah running for the hills. Logan and Synth turn around and are met with right hands from D*LUX, crashing the stage in a big way! Holly is tackled to the ground by Jade and a scrap breaks out between them, while Logan and Synth are sent tumbling off the stage courtesy of dropkicks from Tyler and Shayne!! COACH How dare these young punks ruin this great moment! HOW!? Tyler and Shayne encourage The Heavenly Rockers to come get some more and Logan is ready to go, absolutely losing it. He's held back by Synth, as Abdullah drags Holly to safety from Jade. Security come back to restore some order and turn their efforts on The Heavenly Rockers to try and get them safely to the back. Which allows Alix to join D*LUX and the Duncan girls on the stage. GLOCK LESNAR Vegas, you want an encore!? "YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!" Jade immediately protests that she really can't sing and tries to talk Alix out of her idea. But singing isn't on Glock's mind. Together, she and Maya drag The Heavenly Rockers' prized Whitesnake drum set and tip it over, pointing Shayne and Tyler to the mic stands. SYNTH :O COACH Oh no! Smiles form on Tyler and Shayne's faces, as Logan flips out again and has to be restrained by the security personnel. As does Synth, all spiritual peace and serenity vanishing the moment he sees his drums in danger. And The Heavenly Rockers can only look on as Tyler and Shayne raise the mid-stands in the air... *THUD!* *THUD!* *THUD!* *SMASH!* COACH AAAAHHHHHHH!! COLE There go the drums! Once both drums are smashed, Maya jumps up onto the fallen set and breaks out into an air guitar solo. "Makes Me Wonder" hits and Logan vows death and disembowling as he's carted away, while Synth is close to tears. COLE And this Las Vegas crowd is most definately prepared to GLOCK! COACH Only way this could have been worse is if D*LUX had sung. Still, a travesty. D*LUX and Jade watch The Heavenly Rockers and Holly being removed from the arena with satisfaction, as the air concert continues behind them with Maya and Glock rocking out.
OAOAST World Title, Lumberjack Match Leon Rodez vs. Krista Isadora Duncan LJACKS: Mr. Dick, Malaysia Nerdly, Theodore Moneymaker, Christian Wright, Rico De Janeiro, Lucius Soul, Logan Mann, Synth Abdul Jabbar, Abdullah Abir Nerdly, D*LUX, Vinny Valentine
Booking for this week's Syndicated
King Cucaracha replied to Patty O'Green's topic in Brandon Truitt
I haven't been hospitalised, but I've been flu'ed up/down, so I don't know if I'll have anything for either this or HD this week. I'll see what I can do. -
This should happen. No need for renaming though.
Walking through the hallways, we follow Leon Rodez, who gets booed as he shows up on the big screen. Leon can't hear the boos, but probably wouldn't care either way. And he brushes past all sorts of backstage personnel without a second glance, on his way to what turns out to be The Deadly Alliance's locker room. No knock, he soon wishes he had, as when he enters he's confronted by the sight of Mister Dick, laid up on a massage table, being rubbed down by Malaysia. MR. DICK Oh yeah that's the good stuff. Work those kinks. Malaysia immediately starts forcing her knuckles into Mr. Dick's back, which doesn't seem to trouble him. What does trouble him is being watched and he jumps up when he spots Leon, just about keeping his towel on. MR. DICK Hey! What the hell!? What is this huh, you wanna jump me while I'm BUTT naked, or you just wanna watch? Spit it out perv! LEON Save it. And... put some damn clothes on. I'm hear to talk. Eyeing Leon with suspicion, Malaysia walks over and hands Mr. Dick another towel. Mr. Dick proceeds to wrap it around his head, not what Leon had in mind. MR. DICK You got some damn nerve tryin' ta talk to me, punk. I oughta slap the taste right oughta your mouth as soon as look atcha. But I guess it's your lucky day... I'm saving my aggression up. Mr. Dick eyes up Malaysia, a kinky look between them. Leon's face doesn't change. LEON What the hell are you getting massaged for anyway? MR. DICK Duh, because I'm a frikkin' adonis? LEON Right. So it's not some kind of match preparation. Ready to fight Biff Atlas again? Barely sneak a win over the lowest guy on the totem pole? How the mighty have fallen. But hey, at least you've still got your body, right? Nevermind about success, or respect, or titles. That's why you kicked Baron to the kerb, right? To show everybody how great your abs looked? MR. DICK What the hell are you tal... LEON Face it, you're just another guy, [i]Jock[/i]. Just another face in an endless sea of people nobody cares about. Like I said, how the mighty have fallen. Wasn't so long ago, you and me were fighting over the World Title. What was that, January? February? And now look. You're running around fighting a goofball, flying to differenty countries to make up numbers and getting babyoil massages because you're not needed after all. And I'm... Leon stops, and trails off. LEON ...you used to be someone. And then what? What happened to us? Maybe the only thing we've got in common. MR. DICK Woah woah woah. Cut the crap pencil dick, okay. I know why you're here. I ain't some moron. You're hear to make me a lumberjack. You want a little lumberdick backing you up, right? It's okay. You can some out and say it. It ain't nothin' to be ashamed of, wanting the Dickman's help. Listen, I ain't forgotten a damn thing that dyke bitch did to me, so you ain't gotta gimme the hardsell. I'm in. Shaking his head, Leon looks at Mr. Dick, with his towelled waist and towelled hair, hardly the most respect earning look in the world. And he scowls. LEON I wasn't trying to give you the hardsell. I was [i]trying[/i] to remind you of [i]why[/i] you want to be a lumberjack. Because THIS Mister Dick... I don't want around that ring. THIS Mister Dick is no good to me. [i]THIS[/i] Mister Dick is a complete joke, a pathetic excuse of a man who's only contribution will be to screw things up for me and fail at Krista's hands again. I wanted to remind you that Krista RUINED you. She took the hottest guy in this entire company, a guy with momentum like nobody's ever seen and she took that giant dick of yours that you keep boasting off in some self compensation for a lack of masculinity and she tore it of and put it on her trophy cabinet!! She HUMBLED you! And unless you can convince me that you've still got the heart and the desire and the hunger to see Krista's soul get raped and pillaged, the way you used to, unless you can convince me all that hasn't been drained out of you by Krista already, then you're no damn use to me at all! Now face to face, Leon and Mister Dick stare each other down. Clearly this has had some effect on Mister Dick, now seething as he glares down into Leon's eyes, even the towel wrapped around his head struggling to make the man look effeminate now. MR. DICK Count me in. Leon immediately takes a step back and smirks to himself. LEON Good enough. With another lumberjack signed off on, Leon turns to leave... and finds the doorway blocked by the rest of the DEADLY ALLIANCE. Cheif among them, Reject, who stares Leon down. After a tense few seconds, Leon finally walks past, Reject watching over his shoulder as Rodez leaves.
Backstage we find D*LUX looking troubled, Tyler and Shayne still regrouping after their run in with The Heavenly Rockers. As they talk over what happened, they suddenly find themselves with more troubles to worry about, as Leon Rodez walks over. TYLER Man, don't even start. LEON Oh, I think you're gonna want to hear this. See, I don't know what the hell you two were thinking last week, coming out and interfering in my business. Funny way of making out like you've severed all ties with me. So, since you're still so interested in what I do. How about being lumberjacks at Zero Hour? Tyler and Shayne look at each other. LEON Do you want me to wait for you to ask permission? Or are the girls not around? SHAYNE No. We'll do it. TYLER Yeah, somebody's got to make things fair. Smiling to himself, Leon nods. LEON I see. You go out there as lumberjacks, at least Krista's got somebody on her side? I feel so sorry for you. I do. You're blind. Blind to fact that you're just like me. SHAYNE We're nothing like you, man. LEON Oh, you are. More than you'll ever know. What? Let me guess. You think if you help Krista out, someday she'll return the favour. Friends helping out friends? Maybe even more? How'd that work out for you tonight? No answer from Shayne, or Tyler. Leon smiles to himself again, then becomes serious. LEON I'm not interested in being fair. But if you're going to help out Krista, so be it. Who knows... maybe standing outside that ring, next to so many other people Krista humiliated, the way she humiliated you two... maybe you'll figure it out for yourselves. Leon gives his former friends a look, before turning and walking away, leaving D*LUX with much to think about.
"HEY WAIT I GOT A NEW COMPLAINT!" The stage is lit by multicolored spotlights as "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana hits. Abdullah Abir Nerdly, in a light cream suit, leads the way making great proclaimations of his man, the goggled Synth. BUFFER The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by "The Speaker Of The Prophets", ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY... from Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing one hundred, ninety seven pounds... SYNTH AAAAAAABBDDUUUUUUULLLLLLL... JJJAAAAAAABBAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Synth falls to his knees and gives praise, Abdullah trying to elicit the same praise out of the crowd. And failing. COLE The battle between The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX continues here tonight, as Synth takes on "Showtime" Shayne. And last week it was their respective partners doing battle as Logan took on Tyler... [QUOTE=LAST WEEK ON HELDDOWN~!]Tyler rolls out and both men spring to their feet at the same moment. Seeing red Tyler charges forward only to be kneed in the grits and gravy by his unscrupulous foe. MAYA Hey, ref, are you blind? CLEM Yes, Krista, I am. MAYA On the embarrassing scale, this ranks about a solid 7! Logan twirls his finger towards the disdainful crowd, and then falls backwards with the lethal Percussion DDT! A pinfall is then made, which Buzzlefoxer counts… ONE! TWO! THREE! DING DING DING DING MAYA Awwwww man! Logan exits the ring, forgoing his usual celebration with Holly in order to berate Jade for her failings as a manager. BUFFER Your winner- Buffer’s announcement is cut short by the shock and surprise of Tyler leaping over the ropes and flattening Logan with a lariat! The fans offer huge cheers for Tyler unexpected attack, and the cute boybander fires both himself and them up. COLE Oh my! Tyler Bryant letting Logan Mann know exactly what he thinks of him! MAYA And he doesn't think too highly![/QUOTE] COLE ...and although Tyler got a small measure of revenge after the match and defended the honour of his manager, it still goes down as one in the win column to The MACHO Macho Mann. Synth and Abdullah consult the great book, looking both angered and for some reason surprised when "Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5 hits and distracts them. As if they'd somehow forgot this was a wrestling show and not a prayer meeting. Shayne Brave bounds through the curtains and plays to the crowd in green denim pants and a yellow denim jacket, backed up by the Duncan daughters. BUFFER And his opponent. Led to the ring by the managerial team of JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN and MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD! Hailing from Detroit, Michigan and weighing one hundred, eighty three pounds... one half of D*LUX... "SHOWTIME" SSSHHHHAAAAAAAYYYYYYNNEEEEEE... BBRRRRAAAAAAAAVVVVEEEEEEEE!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Tagging hands, Shayne makes his way down the aisle, outdone in the crowd friendly attire stakes by Maya in an Australian rugby top. COACH That girl knows more about pro wrestling than half of our roster. COLE And yet you and The Heavenly Rockers still think that she's overpaid. COACH She is! In which case, half of our roster is overpaid. I'd go along with that assessment. Shayne slides in and like last week, Jade stays at ringside while Maya joins the commentary team. *DINGDINGDING* Clapping gets the crowd behind Shayne, forcing Synth to duck through the ropes and call for a timeout. MAYA G'day guys! COLE Hi Maya. Good to see you. MAYA Don't patronise me. COLE ..... MAYA I'm just kidding, good to see you too! High-five! Having consulted with Abdullah, Synth ducks back inside and is ready to lock up. And he grabs a side headlock. Shayne struggles and manages to force Synth back against the ropes, getting a clean break. Once broken apart Synth throws a not-so clean right hand, trying to get in a cheapshot, but Shayne blocks it and returns fire! Repeated right hands set up an irish whip, Synth sent over with a BAAAAACK bodydrop, enough to send him bailing to the outside! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Abdullah comes over with the book again, apparantly pointing out a verse that'll help Synth out. MAYA Ya know, some of these religions are kinda funky and are responsible for wacky things happening. And I only got a D- in Religious Studies. But I'm pretty sure no religion's intention when writing an all-powerful book was to help someone win a pro wrestling match. Synth slides back in, enlightened. Shayne goes to lock up with him again, but Synth is expecting just that and buries a knee to the gut! COACH Praise be! Clubbing away at the back Synth works Shayne down to one knee and does just that, praising the greater powers watching over him. However, at that point, the powers decide to take a coffee break, leaving Synth to get cut down with a crossbody having whipped Shayne to the ropes... 1... 2... No! Shayne knocks Synth backwards with an elbow, staggering him into a corner. Winding up, Shayne then flies at Synth and hooks him with a monkey flip, sending him for a BUTT-scraping flight. Once he skids to a halt Synth tries to beg off, but Brave has none of it and slings right hands. COACH Attacking a man while he's on his knees, when he's at his most vulnerable, wailing away on him and just letting him have it, right in the face... disgusting. MAYA I'm too young for innuendo, so I'm gonna say nothing. But know that that was kinda gay. Picking Synth back up Shayne goes for an irish whip, but it's reversed. Approaching the turnbuckles, it takes an innovative evade from Shayne to avoid them, pushing off the top and floating onto the apron. And just in time to catch Synth charging with a right hand. Shayne runs down the apron and up the other set of turnbuckles, taking flight with a high crossbody... 1... 2... No! Shayne keeps the pace quick and Synth struggles to keep up, dropping down as Shayne comes off the ropes. Shayne leaps over and hits the opposite ropes. Synth ducks his head for a backdrop, but Shayne counters with a sunset flip... but Synth rolls through to his feet and hits Shayne with a seated crossbody!! MAYA Lame! COLE Synth, not [i]quite[/i] so high on his high-cross. But the damage was done. 1... 2... No! Both men get back to their feet at a stand-off. Which doesn't sit well with Synth. Reaching up, he lowers his goggles down over his eyes and charges right for Shayne... MAYA LOOK OUT! ...and Shayne drops down, sending Synth sprawling through the ropes to the outside!! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Goggles or no goggles, Synth isn't flying too high or too accurately tonight in Sydney. Shayne celebrates in the ring, to applause from Jade. COACH You know, if you really know what's going to happen before Synth and Logan do, why are you here and Jade's in the corner? MAYA This way, everybody knows I'm here. At all times. COLE You have much to teach us, oh wise one. Angrily picking himself up on the outside Synth climbs back to the apron, getting into it with the Aussie fans. That distraction doesn't help, as Shayne hooks him and gives Synth a hiptoss back inside. Synth backs off from "Showtime", but manages to lure him in and deliver a boot to the gut. Synth goes to work with shots across the back... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and a knifedge chop. As Shayne clutches at his chest, Synth quickly snapmares him to the mat and drops a quick knee to the forehead. Cover... 1... 2... No! MAYA What sort of a name is 'Synth'? SAJ traps Shayne in a rear chinlock, trying to control his opponent. "LET'S GO SHAYNE!" "LET'S GO SHAYNE!" "LET'S GO SHAYNE!" "LET'S GO SHAYNE!" The Sydney crowd's chants start to will Shayne (or Shaaiiyyne, when in an Australian accent) back to his feet. But as soon as he gets close to both feet on the mat, Synth reaches up and uses a handful of hair to help pull Shayne back down to the mat in the chinlock. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Jade complains to the referee of a hairpull, but when he asks Synth, he protests his innocence. MAYA I'm serious. Here's a dude who's first name is 'Synth'. You go on the website and his first name is 'Synth'. I'll bet his contract has his first name as 'Synth' and he probably signed it 'Synth'. And nobody thinks this is odd or ever makes any comment about this. Fighting up again Shayne draws on the support of the crowd some more, this time reaching his feet. And he digs an elbow into the ribs. A second. And a third. With the hold broken Shayne then hits the ropes. Synth tries to cut him off with a clothesline, but Shayne ducks underneath. Synth recovers though and catches Brave coming back with a jumping high knee to the face! Cover... 1... 2... No! MAYA Like, my Mom knows lots of Hollywood stars and plenty of them have stupid names lined up for their kids, but... wow. Synth pulls Shayne up again and sets him up for a vertical suplex. But first, he stops to give praise. Which allows Shayne time to recover and counter with a small package... 1... 2... No! Scrambling to his feet, Synth is able to cut Shayne off any further with a knee to the gut, before slapping him across the back in irritation. COLE Two halves of two of the finest tag teams in the OAOAST, The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX going at it here in beautiful Sydney, Australia. And man, the OAOAST has always prided itself on tag team wrestling, but I can think of few times where the tag team division has been so competitive as right now. Synth hooks on a side headlock and backs Shayne up, aiming at a certain point in the canvas which he plans to smush Shayne's face into. The bulldog is countered, as Shayne manages to push Synth off. Stopping himself short of the turnbuckles, SAJ turns around to find Shayne leaping at him, hooking him for a flying headscissors... but Synth manages to throw Shayne off of him! Shayne lands hard on the mat and is quickly sent into the turnbuckles with an irish whip, then caught with a POWERSLAM on the way out in quick succession... COLE This could do it! 1... 2... Kickout! Abdullah leads the protests about the count. Even though the referee isn't fluent in Arabic, the message is clear, "count faster". Mounting Shayne, Synth fires away with illegal punches until the referee threatens a disqualification. Synth immediately apologises and becomes a man of peace again, backing away. MAYA It's so heartening to see what spiritual enlightenment can do, isn't it? Not. COLE Maybe Logan Mann could do with some of that calming influence, he's been a wildman lately. Once it's 'morally right' to compete, Synth creeps up behind Shayne and throws him face-first into the turnbuckles. Synth then fires away with more right hands in the corner. Another clean, spiritual break, before whipping Shayne across the ring. Shayne hits the opposite corner hard... but still manages to get a foot up! Clearing his head, Synth charges again... and eats the foot again. Suddenly, Synth gets an idea. He pulls down his goggles for protection, giving a thumbs up... and running right into two feet to the face! MAYA "Ze goggles, zey do nothing!" Get it? It's a Simpsons reference! COACH That show aired before you were even born you wannabee poser! With Synth dazed, Shayne climbs to the middle rope and plants his two feet again, this time into Synth's back with a mushroom stomp!! "YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" COLE The Showtime Stomp! Synth's head hits the bottom turnbuckle and he sits in a daze in the corner, goggles now wonky. Crawling over, Shayne drags Synth out and hooks a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Going outside, Shayne begins to climb to the top rope. COLE Shayne going to take a risk here, going up. As Synth pulls himself up Abdullah screams warnings from the outside. His screaming, in a different tongue, don't do Synth any good and it takes some wild gesturing and pointing to get him to turn around. And by that point Shayne is in the air and hitting a Flying Clothesline!! COLE Connects! MAYA Cover cover cover cover cover cover cover! Shayne does cover... 1... 2... Kickout! MAYA Faster faster faster faster faster faster! Trying to catch a break Synth rolls into a corner and tries to plead spiritual timeout, which is presumably more effective than a normal timeout. Shayne doesn't want to give it though and moves in, but falls into the trap, Synth headbutting him in the stomach. Synth then goes behind Shayne, setting him up for a back suplex. Floating up and over, Brave lands on his feet though, shoving Synth's chest into the corner before rolling him up... 1... 2... Synth grabs the jeans and reverses so he's on top... 1... 2... NO! COLE Synth almost stole it right there with a handful of the jeans! COACH If he didn't want his jeans pulled, he shouldn't be wearing jeans. MAYA Thumbs up idea! Finding himself in the corner after the kickout, Synth sees Shayne charging towards him and sidesteps. Shayne hits the corner, but when Synth tries to hit the ropes for a clothesline, Shayne comes out and meets him with a high standing dropkick! COLE Great dropkick by "Showti... MAYA Yo, Michael, I'm really happy for you, I'm gonna let you finish... but Scotty Static had one of the best dropkicks of all time! Cover by Shayne... 1... 2... No! Shayne pulls Synth back up and gives the signal for the Shaynedrop... but Abdullah climbs to the apron... and Synth goes to the eyes! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" MAYA Nuts to this! COLE Hey! THROWING down her headseat, Maya leaps into action, as Abdullah steps off the apron to be confronted by Jade. Not quite a fair fight, Abdullah shows no fear in the face of the former women's champ and rants at her. Not realising that behind him, Maya has snuck up and is preparing to PANTS HIM!! ABDULLAH :O "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" COACH AAH! THAT'S A SPIRITUAL LEADER! COLE And those are the spiritual leader's underroos! Abdullah is in shock and collapses, trying to cover his dignity. The Duncan girls laugh and high-five over Abdullah's attempts to shuffle underneath the ring to safety. Meanwhile in the ring, Synth can't believe what he's seen, but tries to tear himself away. Re-adjusting the goggles, Synth scoops Shayne up for a slam, only for Shayne to float over the back. Shayne lands on his feet and as Synth turns around, he hooks him with the SHAYNEDROP!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE Cover by Shayne! 1... 2... 3!!!! *DINGDINGDING!* COLE And Shayne Brave evens things up in singles competition! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... "SHOWTIME" SSSHHHAAAAAYYYYNNEEE... BBRRRRAAAAVVVVEEEEEEE!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Shayne pumps the fists at the victory and Jade and Maya prepare to join him in the ring to celebrate. But before they can do so, HOLLY appears and pulls Jade off the ring apron, before SHOVING HER INTO THE STEEL STEPS!!!! COLE HEY! COME ON! Hearing the thud, Maya realises something is up and quickly goes to tend to her sister, just as LOGAN MANN slides into the ring. Catching Shayne by surprise, he spins him around and drills him with the PERCUSSION DDT, right in the middle of the ring! Boos ring out, replaced with hopeful cheers as TYLER BRYANT hits the ring, trying to make the save. But he's cut off as soon as he slides in. COLE This is breaking down, The Heavenly Rockers aren't taking this loss with a whole lot of good sportsmanship. COACH Well neither did Tyler last week. And he's going to get his too. Tyler tries to fight back on Logan and manages to get to his feet, only for Synth to strike from behind. And two on one, Tyler is simply overwhelmed. The Heavenly Rockers beat Tyler down, before positioning him and delivering the DOUBLE Percussion DDT, leaving Tyler laying right next to his tag team partner. "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" "YOU SUCK!" Logan flips out on the fans, luckily not coming to blows with anyone, as poor Abdullah is re-pantsed and helped to his feet by Synth. Pleased with their work The Heavenly Rockers leave with Holly and Abdullah, leaving three laying at their hands. COLE I understand this is personal animosity, but this was uncalled for. Holly's got her job back, every's right in The Heavenly Rockers' world. There was no reason for this. Except to prove they're sore losers, in which case job done. COACH The man's PANTS were pulled down Michael! That's not the kind of crime you commit and expect to get away with! COLE Give me a break.