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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    WWE Draft 2008

    Raw will get anyone important that they're missing, Smackdown will get a couple of people who mean little on Raw and aren't doing anything anyway so as to make up the numbers a little and ECW will get maybe 2-3 guys total. Serious answer? Batista probably goes to Raw, Punk probably ends up on Raw, judging from recent months booking they do one incredibly bizarre switch just to surprise everybody (JR and Adamle maybe?) and everybody just goes where they want when they're needed anyway within a month.
  2. King Cucaracha

    Booking for OAOAST HeldDOWN 6/5 (6?)

    Women's Championship Maggie Nerdly vs. Melody Nerdly vs. Malaysia Nerdly
  3. King Cucaracha

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Hell, I missed the other one, I'll give this a go.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Zack vs. Bo III-School's Out

    And posted. Sorry I couldn't help out besides that.
  5. King Cucaracha

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Count me in as another guy cursing on missing this. Obviously no name-dropping, but I'm interested in one big drawing name in particular who nobody's picked up on yet. And without knowing everybody's tastes perfectly, looking at who's everyone's gone for so far, he might not show up for at least another round.
  6. King Cucaracha

    ECW tapings to take place before Raw; Heat canceled

    Neat. I miss the WCW Classics series they used to have over here, which IIRC they had to replace the first WWE Classics with due to the WWF copyright issue.
  7. King Cucaracha

    SO: Maggie vs. Melody

    OAOAST School's Out 2008 continues but the action has left the safety of the ring and ran screaming and hollering at the top of it's lungs with lunch money in hand over at the side of the entrance stage, where the OAOAST schoolyard stands. A hopscotch board has been drawn in chalk on the concrete floor and a basketball hoop is set up facing away from the crowd. At the side of the schoolyard sits a box of playground equipment, just like you'd see in any schoolyard. Maybe. Surrounding the perimeter of the schoolyard are the rest of the women of the OAOAST, having gathered to watch the big catfight about to ensue, most getting into the spirit of things by arriving in schoolgirl outfits. A pan of the females sees many vindictive smiles as they await the big fight. One face we can't see is Molly Nerdly's, perched behind the Siclopse ready to capture the action. COACH Got to admire Molly, such a dedicated student, no recess for her. Even now she's busy working on her latest project for her media studies class. COLE Coach, we're not really in school. COACH Hmm. That explains why your pants haven't been hoisted up to your eyeballs..... yet. We continue to pan the assembled schoolgirls, the likes of Holly-Wood, Mackenzie DeCenzo and Jade Rodez who looks to be about the only one worried about the prospect of this fight, with it being between two of her good friends. COACH Man, I wish school was like this when I was a boy though. COLE Why, you wouldn't have been able to do anything back then either. Anyway, our next match will be an unorthodox one in many ways. The first the fact it's not really a 'match', but rather a Schoolyard Scrap. The OAOAST Women's Title will be on the line and it will be sister versus sister! That's right, a sibling rivalry as Maggie Nerdly defends her title against big sister Melody. The two sisters had quite the falling out this past Thursday night on HeldDOWN~! over tensions that have been building, over Maggie's boyfriend Leon Rodez's friendship with Melody. And like most disputes of this kind, it'll be settled on the schoolyard. COACH First of all Mikey, you've gotta understand what life was like in the Nerdly household growing up. COLE Wouldn't you have to be a Nerdly to describe that? COACH I'm good friends with Abdullah. Anyway, these sort of fights are nothing unusual. Brothers and sisters fight, that's just the way it is. So imagine having 30 something brothers and sisters, even Abdullah's lost count, there's gonna be tension. Especially when it comes to romance. Nerdlys can't be choosers. And the talent pool in Edmonton is pretty slim, even before you take into consideration half the people your age share your DNA. Anyway, point is, this ain't the first dispute over boyfriends in the Nerdly household. Just ask Marv and Mel! COLE Wonderful. Let's go over to our schoolyard reporter... that's a new one on me... little Joshua Matthews. Stood outside of the circle of schoolgirls is Josh Matthews, in a typically humilating schoolboy get-up. Even in a grey blazer, loose red tie, grey shorts, long white socks and black shoes, Josh maintains his dignity... ah, who am I kidding. J.MATH Okay folks, gather round for the fight of the semester! You've all heard the whispers and read the notes secretly passed around... there's boy trouble in the Nerdly family. And we're gonna settle it right here in the schoolyard. Rules are simple. Pinfalls, submissions or forcing your opponent to run away to tell a teacher! Time limit... until the schoolbell rings. And the Women's Title is on the line! Introducing first, the challenger. She's a Grade A student all the way, a prominent member of the school debate team, chief editor of the school newspaper and was voted Best Braces And Mouthguards Class Of 1992... MELODY NERDLYYYY!!! The catty schoolgirls boo and jeer the arrival of Melody, having proved her sister wrong from earlier by wearing a schoolgirl outfit after all. With her hair done up in pigtails, Melody carries off her nerdy persona a lot better than she did when she wasn't a smoking hot 28 year old. Still the OAOAST 'in crowd' namecall her way as she makes her way into the schoolyard. Shouts of 'nerd', 'geek' and 'which one are you again?' don't bother Melody as much as they used to either. She's completely focused on this fight, save for a smile over at Jade. J.MATH And ladies and... more ladies, please welcome your reigning champion of the schoolyard! She describes herself as 'too cool for school', which I guess is meant to be ironic or something. A friend to all, from the cheerleaders to the chess club, she's one Nerdly who never had any trouble fitting in. The reigning Women's Champion and the reigning girlfriend of everybody's dream prom date Leon Rodez, looking to get her claws into the rumoured heiress to her throne. Widely considered the top public speaker in all of the Canadian schools system... she is MAGGIE NERDLYYYY!!! No kinder response greets the Women's Champion as she skips her merry way down the school steps and towards the schoolyard. On her back she carries her bright pink rucksack, adorned with snapshots of herself and boyfriend Leon together and with the Women's Title belt hanging from the front compartment. Maggie hands the rucksack to Josh with a cheeky wink. And as Josh reminisces over the moment he hit puberty in a weird moment of déja vú, Maggie steps into the schoolyard. COLE This is already the most bizarre thing we've seen... all week! COACH And that's saying something in the OAOAST! As Maggie and Melody step closer to each other, referee Charles Robinson, also saddled with the humilation of being dressed like a schoolboy, steps out beside them. [i]*BA-RIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!*[/i] COLE There's the... uh, schoolbell? Whatever, this match is underway. The rest of the schoolgirls suddenly start to close their little circle in a little and start to egg the two sisters on to start tearing the hell out of each other. All except Jade of course, who gets a smile from Maggie, stretching her already divided loyalties. Maggie and Melody square up and start exchanging words, words which become more and more heated and more and more bitchy. Melody throws up a big 'L' to her forehead, Maggie responding with a flippant 'W' with her thumbs and forefingers. "FIGHT!" "FIGHT!" "FIGHT!" "FIGHT!" Whipped up by the crowd of onlookers, Maggie and Melody both suddenly make a dart to the left to the box of equipment. Both girls then run right back to their starting positions, both clutching DODGEBALLS! COLE I think it's safe to say we've never in the history of the OAOAST seen two schoolgirls, face to face, clutching tightly onto balls and ready to attack. COACH Rest assured if we did, the ratings, amongst other things, would go through the roof! Maggie and Melody square up and start to play chicken with one another. Maggie feints to throw the ball to see if Melody will flinch. Melody does the same and Maggie does flinch. So Melody quickly throws the dodgeball... incredibly weakly, despite all the effort she seems to put into her throw. The ball passes harmlessly past Maggie by about three feet and Melody curses to herself... *BOING!* ...ALLOWING MAGGIE TO SMACK HER RIGHT IN THE FACE WITH HER DODGEBALL!! COACH OH! SO SERVED! COLE That's why Maggie made her high school volleyball and hockey teams and Melody... well, didn't. Sports, not exactly her fortay. Having fallen on her BUTT, poor Melody is mocked by the cruel hatefilled women of the OAOAST, plus Maggie who breaks out into her own special version of an endzone dance. Different sport, but close enough. Checking her nose for blood, Melody quickly stands back up and makes a dash for the equipment box again. Maggie is right behind her though and as Melody grabs another dodgeball, she's taken down with a schoolgirl (the move!) 1... 2... No! Both girls scramble to their feet, but go back down as Melody forces Maggie into an awkward looking lateral press... 1... 2... No. Both girls again scramble back up, with the assembled OAOAST schoolgirls cheering them on. Angry at the dodgeball in the face still, Melody SHOVES Maggie in the chest. Maggie can't quite believe that Melody just did that, as evident by her "oh no you didn't" reaction, so she proves that "oh yes she did" by shoving her again. Maggie responds by grabbing hold of Melody's pigtails! So Melody quickly grabs Maggie's highlighted blonde hair and the two girls fall to the schoolyard floor tearing at hair and scalp! COACH Yes! Oh that is what I am TALKING ABOUT! COLE It's broken down into a pure catfight again, just like we saw earlier on. Jade Rodez contemplates breaking it up while the rest of the females egg the warring Nerdlys on. As the two scrap on the concrete floor they roll around trying to get control. Their rolling eventually takes them over to Molly Nerdly and bumping into the Siclopse tripod! Molly barely manages to catch the camera before it hits the floor and looks incensed, so much so that she dives into the catfight as well!! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh my! Triple the Nerdlys, triple the fun! COACH My mom was right, God DOES love me! Jumping in, Mackenzie DeCenzo grabs Molly off of her sisters and back into the circle. Ruefully, Molly apologises for what came over her and goes back behind the camera lens. Meanwhile, Melody and Maggie drag themselves back up still clawing onto hair. They back up against the basketball pole and Melody grabs two thick handfuls of hair, before CLUNKING her sister's head off the metal pole! COLE Ooh! This is getting nasty now. Maggie slumps down the basketball pole and is dragged onto her back, allowing Melody to make the pin... 1... 2... Kickout! Going back over to the equipment box, Melody reaches in and produces a SKIPPING ROPE. Not trusting her uncordinated lower body to actually skip (it's a nerd thing, trust me), she instead wraps the skipping rope around her fist and WHIPS Maggie across the back! COACH Oh it gets better. If there is a jar of butter in that equipment box I swear a brother's gonna lose it over here! Again Maggie gets whipped with the skipping rope, before Melody makes another cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE Remember, this is believe it or not a Women's Championship match. Throwing the skipping rope aside, Melody grabs Maggie by the hair again and tries to throw her face into the ground. Maggie fights her off though and quickly tackles her to the ground, grabbing hold of the skipping rope and tieing it around her throat! COACH Okay, that's a little too kinky for my liking. But not for MALAYSIA NERDLY'S though! COLE Wait a minute, what the hell is she doing out here!? COACH This is how Nerdly schoolyard fights always used to end, with Malaysia having to seperate it. DEFINATELY not in a schoolgirl costume and definately not invited either, Malaysia barges her way through the circle of onlookers and grabs a hold of Maggie's hair. She drags the Women's Champion off of Melody... and then throws her face-first forward into the concrete floor to a gasp from the Albany crowd!! COLE OH! COACH Hmm, I don't recall them ending quite so violently though. The other OAOAST women wisely get the hell out of the way, as Malaysia now stalks after Melody. Seeing her friends in trouble Jade Rodez tries to step in and help. But Malaysia just casually piefaces her away, sending Jade spiralling to the concrete as well and coming down with all her weight on her right elbow! With Jade and Maggie down, Malaysia then turns back to Melody... and lays her out with a clothesline! Malaysia stands tall with all three women down and hurting, looking up at the booing people who don't appreciate their up-close schoolgirl action being interrupted. COLE Malaysia has just laid to waste her two sisters, and Jade Rodez. And now what!? Apparantly not done, Malaysia hooks a hold of Melody's feet and locks her in the Inverted Boston Crab!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Melody screams out in pain as he back is tortured from the agonising hold, forcing referees to pile out from the back. It takes fully three male referees to pull the mighty Malaysia off of her sister. Malaysia just smiles in satisfaction, as she's then manhandled back towards the locker room before she can do any more damage. Other referees now tend to the three girls left in her wake as we go back to Sofa Central. COLE Well, unfortunately, I guess that's the end of the Schoolyard Scrap. Neither Maggie or Melody are going to be able to continue after that. Malaysia Nerdly just gatecrashing this match and physically incapacitating her own two sisters, throwing girls around like ragdolls! COACH Don't worry, she's got plenty more sisters where Melody and Maggie came from. COLE I don't know what this Malaysia's problem is, but that was uncalled for. COACH You know what else was uncalled for? The way she was bullied through her childhood by the Nerdly family. Well paybacks are a bitch... in this case, a big mean one who I sure as hell wouldn't cross any time soon. COLE Well, while our referee attend to Maggie, Melody and Jade Rodez we continue on with School's Out 2008.
  8. King Cucaracha

    SO: World Title Main Event

    COLE It is main-event time, the Triple Threat Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! And without any further ado, let's go up to the ring. [b]"PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!"[/b] [i]...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM*[/i] "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" With the main-event atmosphere in the air, Incubus' "Megalomaniac" hits first, to a round of boos from the hostile Albany crowd! Striding through the school doors, Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix sweeps his way down the school steps and does a dramatic twirl, none of which is appreciated by the crowd. Still smiling despite it, Landon marches to the ring with his mouth already running, showing off his Cucaracha Internacional t-shirt under his long sleeveless leather trenchcoat. COLE And I'm sure Landon will be hoping that's the theme of tonight. Cucaracha Internacional, will the ties that bind Landon and Todd Cortez mean anything in this one fall, every man for himself main event? I doubt it. COACH I hate people that answer their own questions. COLE Okay, answer this one for me Coach. Is Landon's gameplan tonight going to be the same as we saw a couple of weeks ago? Let Todd Cortez do all the work and try and steal in to get the pinfall on Tha Puerto Rican? COACH Well, it worked last time so hey, why not? After some discussion with some pro-PRL fans in the front row of ringside, Landon leaps to the apron, looking out at the crowd as Megan climbs the steps. Megan holds open the ropes and Landon bounds into the ring, spinning himself into the centre of the ring HBK style and posing with Megan. COLE It's been seven months since Landon Maddix lost the OAOAST World Title. How he'd love to win it back tonight. Landon and Megan talk strategy, as the opening beats of "Oh No" by Mos Def, Nate Dogg, and Pharoah Monche begin to play. Head down, Todd Cortez steps through the entrance doors and becomes surrounding by sparks. As his pyro dies down, he then marches straight down to the ring, cracking his knuckles as he makes eye contact with Landon. COLE Here comes the rightful number one contender, who by rights should be facing PRL one on one tonight. But that's not to be, thanks to his 'boss', Landon Maddix. COACH He lost fair and square. Deal with it. COLE He's also lost the right to use that devestating Riot Act Plus in the OAOAST, but Cortez is definately the wildcard in this match, no pun intended. Curiously there's applause as Cortez slides into the ring, not coming from the crowd but from his opponent, Landon Maddix. Not looking so sure is Megan and it's easy to see why from the look he gets from Cortez. Landon doesn't give up and tries to talk Todd into it being "you and me" tonight, then offers up his hand for a handshake. Cortez just stares right back at him though and Landon eventually gets the idea, slowly lowering his hand and exiting the ring as Todd slowly walks towards him. COLE I guess that answers the first question, huh? COACH Cortez is gonna regret that, trust me. COLE And yet Landon is the one that's running for higher ground. Cortez may still be under his control, but tonight Cortez's Cucaracha Internacional obligations are out the door. He can do exactly what he wants to Landon Maddix tonight at School's Out! COACH Except the Riot Act Plus. [b]"THE CHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP..."[/b] [i]*DUN DUN*[/i] [b]"...IS..."[/b] [i]*DUN*[/i] [b]"...HERE!"[/b] With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role 2000" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and cheering. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and strobe lights appear on the entrance set. A few seconds elapsed, and out from the school doors and through the smoke strides the reigning Champion, Tha Puerto Rican! Standing on the top step he takes a look out around the crowd, before beginning his walk to the ring. COACH How fitting. PRL's just about tall enough to look right at home walking out of a school. COLE Boy it didn't take you long tonight, huh? COACH Plenty more where that came from. Chants of "P.R.L!" fill the arena already as Tha Puerto Rican continues hus walk to the ring. Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron and sneers at Megan and Landon, who look on unimpressed from the outside. After a look towards Todd Cortez, Tha Puerto Rican then enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans adulation while "Know Your Role 2000" continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose while pyro goes off behind him. Landon bemoans his own lack of pyro as PRL heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his hands. He then heads to another second turnbuckle and raises his hands again. COLE In the past five years, Tha Puerto Rican has found himself on many an occassion as the challenger in World Title matches. Tonight marks uncharted territory. Tonight, he is the Champion. The question is, will the pressure of no longer being the hunter and now being the hunted be too much for Tha Puerto Rican to overcome, with not one but TWO challengers? COACH He's choked before and he'll choke again. Different circumstances, same outcome. PR hits a third second turnbuckle, and raises his right arm in the air and "smells the electricity" a'la The Rock. PRL does the same Rock pose on the fourth second turnbuckle, recieving boos. Tha Puerto Rican gets off the ropes, removes his sunglasses and earring while the lights go back on in the arena. "Know Your Role 2000" dies down as the World Champion locks eyes with The Urban Legend. COACH Don't forget, PR doesn't even have to be pinned to lose the title. Landon could easily pin Todd and walk away with the belt. COLE Or Cortez could pin Landon and do the same. COACH Just like all those other times he's pinned Landon in the OAOAST. Oh, wait, maybe not! COLE Cortez has COST Landon World Titles and opportunities plenty of times before though. COACH Yeah, but that was with the Riot Act Plus. And he ain't gonna be doing that tonight! Cautiously Landon gets onto the apron and back into the ring, ready for the introductions, with each man being sent to his corner by the referee. BUFFER Wrestling fans, the One And Only AngleSault Thread is proud to present, live at School's Out Two Thousand And Eight, your MAIN EVENT of the evening! Scheduled for one fall to a finish, it is a Triple Threat Match with no disqualifications and no count-outs... and, it is for the OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE Wooorrrrllld! ARE YOU READY? "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER Albany, New York... ARE... YOU... rrrrrrrrrrRRRREADY!? "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER Then, for the thousands in attendance... and the millions watching around the world on pay per view, ladies and gentlemen... LLLLLLLLLLLLET’S GET RRREEAADY TO RRRUMBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! All the competitors cut very different figures. Landon jumps around on the spot from foot to foot trying to loosen himself up, looking slightly pensive. Cortez stands totally still, stoicly staring forward and no one thing or person in particular. And the World Champion stands confidently in his corner, belt over his shoulder. COLE You can feel the tension here from all three men. BUFFER Introducing first, the challengers! Hailing from Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain. Weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds... he is led to the ring this evening by his "Perfect 10", MEGAN SKYE... a former three time Champion of the World in two seperate promotions, including a former OAOAST World Championship... he is the leader of Cucaracha Internacional... ladies and gentlemen, LANDON! "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXX!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Landon extends his hands to the sky despite the unflattering boos. With a smile he points over to PRL, who just shakes it off. BUFFER Next, standing in the corner to my right. He hails from 'Hollywood Boulevard' and weighs in tonight at two hundred, twenty six and one quarter pounds... tonight, looking to become the World's Champion for the very first time in his career... himself, a member of Cucaracha Internacional. Here is, "THE URBAN LEGEND"... TTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD... CCOOOOOOOORRRRRRRTTEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" No response from Cortez, still stood deeply focused in his corner. BUFFER And finally, in the corner to my left! He comes to us from San Juan, Puerto Rico... weighing in at two hundred, twenty pounds. He is... the reigning and defending, One and Only AngleSault Thread HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOORRRRRLLDD... THHHAAAAAA PPPPPPPUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEERRRRRRTTOOOOOOOO... RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" PRL walks out from his corner and raises the World Title over his head, drawing a jealous look from La Cucaracha. Handing the belt over to the referee PR then goes back to his corner and limbers up, while the prize is shown to both challengers and then to the capacity crowd in attendance on all four sides. COLE That's what all three men are hoping to leave Albany with tonight. COACH That and the contents of their wallets. With the belt passed to ringside and everybody in place, the referee finally calls for the bell. *DING DING DING* [b]TRIPLE THREAT MATCH FOR THE OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP THA PUERTO RICAN (Champion) vs. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX (Challenger with Megan Skye) vs. "URBAN LEGEND" TODD CORTEZ (Challenger)[/b] The crowd is hot. Tha Puerto Rican, Todd Cortez and Landon Maddix all stand in the ring, staring at each other. COLE And here we go. The main event of School’s Out 2008 is underway. Tha Puerto Rican making his first ever OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship defence. COACH And his LAST OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship defence. The crowd continues buzzing as PRL, Landon and Cortez all stare at each other in the center of the ring. "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" Todd Cortez puts his guard up as he moves closer to Landon Maddix. But then he changes his mind and moves closer to Tha Puerto Rican. COLE All three men somewhat cautious. Quite frankly, very VERY cautious here in the early going. Nobody wants to jumpstart this thing. Nobody wants to make the first mistake. COACH Come on! Fight! Damnit! Fight! Todd makes threats to Maddix, but then turns his attention to the World Champion. PRL seems somewhat surprised that Cortez would run his mouth at him, but that doesn’t stop the Latin Lion from running his mouth either. Cortez lets his guard down and walks up to Tha Puerto Rican. PRL stands in place and engages in a staredown with The Urban Legend. COLE Looks like Todd has some words for Tha Puerto Rican! COACH He’s still bitter that PRL ruined his one-on-one match! COLE This was SUPPOSED to be PRL vs. Todd Cortez one-on-one until Landon butted in! COACH And thank God for that, because who in their right mind would want to see Tha Puerto Rican vs. Todd Cortez one-on-one for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship? COLE I think these fans would have liked to see that. COACH So? Since when do we do things because the fans want to see them? Todd and PRL run their mouths while staring at each other face-to-face. By doing this, they completely ignore Landon Maddix, something he notices. COLE Cortez has got some personal animosity towards Tha Puerto Rican for what happened at the Milan Spectacular. COACH Uh, guys, Landon’s in this match too. As PRL and Cortez continue their trash talk, Landon becomes increasingly annoyed with the fact that nobody is paying attention to him. LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX Hey! Hey! Hey! Hello!? I’m right here guys! HELLO!? COLE Can’t Landon NOT be the center of attention for once!? COACH Of course not! And when he becomes World Heavyweight Champion AGAIN, he’ll have even MORE attention given to him! I can’t wait! Landon flails his arms around to try and get PRL and/or Todd’s attention. When that doesn’t work, he resorts to doing JUMPING JACKS, but that fails to get his two opponent’s attention too. COACH Landon is being ignored! What is wrong with PRL and Cortez!? COLE Frankly, this is what everybody in the OAOAST should have been doing ever since he came here. COACH Oh shush! Landon throws a temper tantrum, and that finally gets PRL and Todd to stop yelling at each other and make eye contact with Landon Maddix. LANDON MADDIX Hey jackasses! Did you forget that I was here!? I’m in this match too, you idiots! Don’t you ignore me! DON’T YOU DARE IGNORE ME! Landon shoves PRL AND Cortez at the same time! MADDIX I’m the next OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! I will not stand here and be ignored! I’M LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX! YOU WILL PAY ATTENTION TO ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!? LET’S GET THIS MATCH GOING! COME ON! Tha Puerto Rican and Todd Cortez look at each other. THA PUERTO RICAN & "URBAN LEGEND" TODD CORTEZ Okay. Tha Puerto Rican and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez both punch Landon Maddix in the face at the same time knocking him down! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COACH OH NO! Tha Puerto Rican and Todd Cortez then begin stomping on Landon at the same time! COACH NOT THAT KIND OF ATTENTION! Todd puts the boots to his fellow stablemate, while PRL resorts to his trademark shaky leg kicks on one of his opponents tonight! COLE Well, Landon wanted them to pay attention to him and he got his wish! Be careful what you wish for, Landon! PRL stops stomping Landon a few seconds before Todd does. Once Todd stops stomping Landon, he picks him up and whips him into the opposite ropes. He follows that up with a dropkick, knocking the former OAOAST World Champion down onto the mat! Maddix quickly gets up and stumbles around the ring. Tha Puerto Rican sees this and rushes forward, clotheslining Maddix over the top rope and onto the floor! COLE And out goes Landon! COACH OH NO! The crowd cheers loudly. PRL runs his mouth at his long-time rival. It is because of this that P.R. doesn’t notice that Todd is in a fighting stance right behind him. When The People’s Champ turns around, he gets hit with an European Uppercut from Cortez! COLE And Cortez with a nice European Uppercut to Tha Puerto Rican! Remember, there are no friends in this match! All three men want to be known as OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! The European Uppercut causes Tha Puerto Rican to stumble across the ring. PRL rests in a turnbuckle corner, which just gives Todd the chance to start laying into the current World Heavyweight Champ. Which he does. A lot. COACH Good, beat each other senseless. Makes it easier for Landon to win it all! COLE Todd probably thinking about the Milan Spectacular as he lays into the World Champion! The crowd doesn’t know how to react as Todd elbows PRL in the corner several times. He then goes to punches in bunches on Tha Puerto Rican. COLE And I am sure that this is what Todd wanted all along. PRL and himself, one-on-one! COACH Once again, thank God for Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix! Cortez switches between punches and kicks, worrying the sold out crowd. Megan Skye can only watch as Todd grabs Puerto and takes him into the ropes. Todd grabs Puerto’s left hand and gives him an Irish whip into the opposite ropes. PRL charges forward, bounces off of the opposite ropes, and then charges forward. Cortez puts his head down, so PRL stops in his tracks, grabs Todd by his head, and simply slams his face into the mat HARD to the crowd’s delight! COLE And PRL is now on offence! Tha Puerto Rican throws up a "Killa B" for his fans, and then waits for Todd to get up. When he does, Tha Puerto Rican strikes with a Rock-style punch to the temple! Todd Cortez staggers due to the punch, resting on the ropes. So, Tha Puerto Rican grabs The Urban Legend by his left hand and whips him into the opposite ropes. Todd bounces off of the ropes, Tha Puerto Rican goes for a clothesline, Todd Cortez ducks the clothesline, charges forward, bounces off of the opposite ropes, charges forward again, and jumps up, hitting PRL with a flying shoulderblock! COLE Flying shoulderblock from The Urban Legend! COACH Big whoop. Cortez quickly gets right back up and grabs P.R. by his left hand. He whips PRL into the ropes--PRL reverses, Cortez bounces off of the ropes--bumping into Landon Maddix just as he gets onto the ring apron! COACH LANDON! Landon’s fall distracts Cortez…giving PRL just enough time to charge forward and clothesline Cortez over the top rope and onto the floor! COLE Todd Cortez joining his ‘leader’ on the outside! COACH Landon as the leader and Todd as the lackey. The way it should be! COLE Oh come on! The leader of Cucaracha Internacional doesn’t seem to care that Todd is in his stable as he picks up his on again/off again ally and starts hitting him with forearm shots to the face on the outside! Landon gets Todd good and dazed before grabbing Todd by his left hand and whipping him into the nearest STEEL ring steps! Todd hits the ring steps with both of his knees, going up and OVER the ring steps onto the protective mats on the outside! COLE Tha Puerto Rican threw Todd Cortez over the top rope where Landon Maddix was waiting! COACH It’s moves like that that made Landon Maddix OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion in the first place! COLE Yeah, sneaking in and taking advantage of other people’s work! COACH That’s not what I meant. COLE It was Coach. You know it was. Landon chuckles at Todd as he lays on the ground holding both of his knees in pain. He mouths off to him as he climbs the ropes to get back into the ring. COLE BOTH knees were driven into the STEEL steps! COACH Good. Now all the ref has to do is count to 10 and Todd is eliminated from this match! COLE This is one fall to a finish, Coach! COACH D’oh! Landon continues mouthing off to Todd as he stands up tall on the ring apron. Little does he know that Tha Puerto Rican is up and walking towards him in the ring. He finally does notice when PRL grabs him by the hair and pulls him over the top ring rope and onto the mat! Megan shrieks in terror watching this! COACH OH NO! COLE Well, Landon is back in the ring at least! COACH Shut up! This is not funny! Landon holds his back in pain as he gets up. Once he does, Tha Puerto Rican nails him with a Rock-style punch to the temple. PRL grabs Landon by his left hand and gives him an Irish whip into the ropes--NO!--Landon reverses, holds onto PR’s left hand, PRL goes for a clothesline, Landon ducks, grabs PRL from behind, and lifts him up for a back suplex! COACH YES! Maddix is on his left knee and catching his breath. PRL lies on the mat flat on his back, already breathing hard. The crowd boos loudly. Despite this, Megan screams out words of encouragement to Landon, applauding her man for his back suplex. COLE Landon with a back suplex on Tha Puerto Rican. These two have grown to know each other over the past 12 months! COACH Except not in a good way. Maddix gets up, takes a deep breath, and then goes over to Tha Puerto Rican and starts stomping on him. COLE Landon Maddix and Tha Puerto Rican are once again going at it. Remember, these two men have duked it out in the past. The Badd Boy Of The OAOAST and The Saviour Of The OAOAST have traded victories several times. COACH And like always, it will be Landon who will come out victorious here tonight! COLE A Triple Threat Match plays out a little bit differently than a regular one-on-one match, Coach. COACH But who has defeated Tha Puerto Rican in more Triple Threat Matches than anybody else? I rest my case. COLE Touché. P.R. tries to rest in a turnbuckle corner, only to get stomped in the stomach some more by Maddix! COLE The former Champ going to work on the current Champ. The belt went from Landon to Stephen Joseph Popick to Tha Puerto Rican! COACH Eh. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. Landon continues stomping on Tha Puerto Rican’s stomach, and then chokes PRL with his right foot. Maddix uses the bottom ring rope for leverage. "COME ON! BREAK IT UP! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIV--" Landon lets go at the count of 4. He glares angrily at Earl Hebner as he backs away from Tha Puerto Rican. The People’s Champion gasps for air on the bottom turnbuckle pad. COLE Landon in control of Tha Puerto Rican. COACH What else is new? Megan Skye has a smile on her gorgeous face as she watches Landon walk with a swagger over to Tha Puerto Rican. Maddix shoves PRL into the turnbuckle. *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE Hard Ric Flair-like knife-edged chops from Landon Maddix! COACH It is better to steal from Ric Flair than The Rock, in my opinion. *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" LANDON MADDIX WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HA! HA! HA! THA PUERTO RICAN GRABS LANDON AND SHOVES HIM INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COACH He’s stealing from Ric Flair now, huh? Great. Tha Puerto Rican whips Landon into the opposite turnbuckle. PRL then charges forward, jumps up, and nails Landon with a Stinger Splash! COACH And now he’s stealing from Sting too!? Just keep the lawsuits coming there, P.R.! COLE Will you stop!? Tha Puerto Rican grabs Landon by his left hand, and then whips him into the opposite ropes--Landon reverses--PRL bounces off of the ropes, Landon jumps up and snaps PRL down onto the mat with a Hurri-Lanrana! COLE Hurri-Lanrana! A trademark Landon Maddix move delivered to the World Heavyweight Champion! COACH Beautifully executed! Maddix gets up and outstretches his arms, drawing more boos from the crowd. Landon still has a cocky smile on his face anyway. "LAN-DON SUCKS!" "LAN-DON SUCKS!" "LAN-DON SUCKS!" "LAN-DON SUCKS!" COLE This crowd in the Pepsi Arena REALLY laying it into Landon tonight. COACH So? Megan Skye is the only person, male or female, applauding Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix in the entire arena. The leader of Cucaracha Internacional taunts the former leader of The Lightning Crew telling him, "I’ve got you now punk!" Maddix walks with a swagger over to Tha Puerto Rican and picks him up. He taunts the crowd while doing so. Landon then grabs Tha Puerto Rican by his head and runs with him towards the ropes. Once there, Landon leaps over the top ring rope and onto the floor while still holding onto PRL’s head. This causes PRL’s throat to meet the top ring rope, and as a result, PRL snaps back off of the top ring rope and onto the mat, back-first! COLE Shades of the legendary "Macho Man" Randy Savage right there! COACH Who is also better than The Rock. Maddix taunts the fans at ringside. The crowd is getting hot, rooting for Tha Puerto Rican to get back into the match. Landon slides back into the ring underneath the bottom rope. He picks Tha Puerto Rican up. Landon grabs PRL by his left hand and whips him into the ropes--NO!--PRL reverses, kicks Landon in the gut, pulls him in, cradles him up, and delivers a DDT on La Cucaracha! The crowd cheers! COLE Cradle DDT! PRL with the Esto Daño De La Cogida De La Voluntad! COACH In whatever language, it STILL hurts! COLE Exactly. Tha Puerto Rican covers Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix. He hooks Maddix’s left leg. Earl Hebner counts. COLE Is this it? 1... 2... 3! LEFT SHOULDER UP!!! COLE And Maddix got the shoulder up just in the nick of time! Maddix immediately rolls out of the ring underneath the bottom rope. He rests on the ring apron, catching his breath, and then slowly walks around the ringside area. Megan stands on the other side of the ring and watches Landon with concern on her face. PRL rolls out of the ring underneath the bottom rope himself and walks after the groggy Landon Maddix. The P.R. Menace grabs Landon by his hair and slams his face onto the top ring step! COACH AAH! PRL then grabs Landon and whips him into the barricade--Landon reverses, and PRL hits the barricade back-first HARD! PRL staggers forward, right into a clothesline from Landon Maddix! Landon staggers forward, right into a clothesline from Todd Cortez! COLE And Todd Cortez is back up on his feet! COACH Rats! Todd points a menacing finger at Landon, who is lying flat on his back on the protective mats. Earl Hebner tries to get Cortez back into the ring, but Cortez lunges after the referee, and the ref stops bothering him. COLE Todd Cortez is standing tall! Both of his opponents are in pain! He has his pick of the litter! Who is he going to choose to attack now? Who is he going to select to punish next? COACH Please be P.R. Please be P.R.! Cortez goes after Landon, but then sees PRL lying on the ground face-down, so he decides to go after him instead. COLE Cortez going after the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, looking for *his* first OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship here tonight at School’s Out! Todd Cortez grabs Tha Puerto Rican and places him against a barricade. He knees the World Champ in the stomach several times! He then switches to punching PRL in the face! COLE Could Todd possibly become World Heavyweight Champion by pinning the current World Heavyweight Champion or making him submit? COACH Not if Landon has anything to say about it! A few more right hands from Todd Cortez daze Tha Puerto Rican! Todd then grabs Tha Puerto Rican and then throws him into the ring underneath the bottom rope. Cortez then enters the ring himself underneath the bottom rope and then stomps Tha Puerto Rican in the back of his head! COLE Todd Cortez not stopping his attack on Tha Puerto Rican! He’s been dying to become World Heavyweight Champion ever since he came to the OAOAST, and that desire has only gotten stronger ever since he broke free from Landon Maddix! COACH And then came back to him like a good little lackey is supposed to. COLE Not by choice, may I remind you. COACH Deep down he always wanted to. I just know it! COLE Oh come on. Todd picks Tha Puerto Rican up. He takes him over to a turnbuckle corner where he proceeds to slam PRL’s head onto the top turnbuckle pad! The crowd is torn on who to cheer for. Todd punches PRL in the face with right jabs in the turnbuckle corner, further weakening the Latin Lion. He kicks PRL in the stomach a few times. Then he goes back to punching PRL. "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" COLE Both Todd Cortez and Tha Puerto Rican are fan favorites, but it looks like Tha Puerto Rican is the guy that the fans want to win this match right about now! COACH Fair-weather fans. Todd is not paying attention to the fans, instead continuing to beat up Tha Puerto Rican with punches and kicks. He punches PRL again and again. Todd Cortez goes for a punch--BLOCKED! PR fires with a Rock-style punch to the temple! He then hits Cortez with ANOTHER Rock-style punch to the temple! And another! And another! And another! The punches take PRL and Cortez away from the turnbuckle and into the center of the ring! The Rock punches daze and confuse The Urban Legend! PRL runs backwards into the ropes, bounces off of the ropes, charges forward RIGHT INTO A CROTCH-DROPPAH~! COLE Crotch-Droppah on Tha Puerto Rican from Todd Cortez! COACH There goes the chances of any offspring from Tha Puerto Rican (thank goodness). As PRL jumps up and down holding his crotch, Todd Cortez follows up the Crotch-Droppah with a STO! COLE And then the STO! STO on Tha Puerto Rican! Cortez goes for the cover. Earl Hebner counts. 1... 2... RIGHT SHOULDER UP!!! COACH Good. Landon still has a chance. Cortez slaps the mat in frustration. Then, from out of the corner of his eye, Todd Cortez sees Landon Maddix get up onto the ring apron. Seeing this, Cortez stands up, charges forward, and knocks Maddix off of the ring apron and onto the floor! COACH Not again! COLE Down goes Landon! The crowd cheers! Todd sneers at Landon, who is lying on the ramp in pain. Todd mouths off to him, and then turns around… Tha Puerto Rican grabs "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez by his neck! Tha Puerto Rican lifts "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez up! Tha Puerto Rican gives "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez a SITOUT CHOKESLAM BOMB~!!! COACH YO~! COLE Oh my! Did I--Did I just see that!? Did Tha Puerto Rican just give Todd Cortez…the Urban Assault!? COACH He did! He did! He did the Urban Assault on The Urban Legend! Now PRL is stealing moves from the guys he’s wrestling! COLE Tha Puerto Rican pulling a page out of Todd Cortez’s playbook with the Urban Assault! COACH He’s stealing! Just say it, Michael! PRL takes a moment to catch his breath after doing the Urban Assault. The crowd is going nuts! PRL then walks on over and makes the cover, hooking Cortez’s left leg. Earl Hebner counts. 1! 2! COLE Will it be enough!? LANDON MADDIX BREAKS UP THE PIN!!!! COLE We’ll never know as Landon Maddix interrupted the count! COACH FINALLY…Landon Maddix…HAS COME BACK…TO THE MATCH! Landon Maddix starts stomping on Tha Puerto Rican! COLE All three men are back in the ring! The match continues, and who knows who will win!? COACH Come on Landon! Come on Landon! Maddix continues stomping on PRL. He then yells at the fans, drawing more jeers from the thousands in attendance. The former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion picks Tha Puerto Rican up. The crowd roots for PRL to come back into the match. Landon sneers at the crowd. He looks at Megan, who motions for him to continue his attack. Landon nods his head and smiles. Maddix taunts Tha Puerto Rican and then punches him in the face several times. PRL is now on spaghetti legs. As a "P.R.!" chant starts up again, Landon taunts PRL some more, smiles evilly, laughs manically, and then runs backwards into the ropes, bounces off of the ropes, charges forward…Tha Puerto Rican scoops Landon Maddix up onto his shoulders! COLE He could be going for a Samoan Drop here! However, Tha Puerto Rican holds onto Landon. He walks around the ring with Landon on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry position. COACH WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP!? Tha Puerto Rican has a sly smile on his face as he parades Landon around the ring on his shoulders. Megan is confused about why PRL is doing this. COLE You don’t think… COACH No way. Landon struggles to escape, but is unable to. Instead, Tha Puerto Rican nods his head, smiles, and then throws Landon Maddix off of his shoulders…sending him right into his right knee! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE GO 2 SLEEP! COACH WHAT!? COLE GO 2 SLEEP ON LANDON MADDIX! COACH WHAT THE HELL!? The crowd (and Megan) are shocked by this! Landon lies on the mat covering his face in pain. Tha Puerto Rican throws up a "Killa B", and then drops down to his hands and knees. COACH HOW DARE HE STEAL LANDON MADDIX’S FINISHER! THAT IS A CRIME! THAT IS A CRIME! ARREST THAT MAN! ARREST THAT MAN! PRL covers Landon, hooking his left leg. COLE Is this it? Will PRL beat Landon Maddix with his own move!? COACH NO! 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO! TODD CORTEZ STOPS THE PIN JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME!!!! COACH THANK YOU GOD! COLE Todd Cortez saving his stablemate right there! COACH Just like a good lackey should. Todd stomps on Tha Puerto Rican! He picks PRL up and punches him in the face a few times! Todd goes for a punch--BLOCKED! PRL fires off with a Rock-style punch to the temple! He does it a few more times! Punch, punch, punch, NOW KISS THAT LEFT~! Punch! Todd goes down! PRL then turns his attention back to Landon Maddix who is slowly starting to get up from the Go 2 Sleep. PRL helps Landon up. He punches Landon in the face a few times, and then whips him into the ropes--Landon reverses, Landon holds on. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix kicks Tha Puerto Rican in the stomach. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix grabs Tha Puerto Rican. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix applies a front facelock on Tha Puerto Rican. COLE What the--? Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix grabs Tha Puerto Rican’s long red tights. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix looks at the crowd with an evil smile on his face. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix jumps up… Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix jumps down DRILLING Tha Puerto Rican’s head onto the mat! COLE P.R. NIGHTMARE! COACH YES! YES! YES! P.R. NIGHTMARE! P.R. NIGHTMARE ON THA PUERTO RICAN! COLE A P.R. Nightmare from Landon Maddix on Tha Puerto Rican! COACH PAYBACK, PUERTO! PAYBACK! COLE Could this do it!? Could Landon Maddix become OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion again by using the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion’s finishing move!? COACH YES! YES! YES! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix covers Tha Puerto Rican, making sure to hook his left leg. 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO! TODD CORTEZ STOPS THE PIN JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME!!!! COACH NOOOOOOOOOOOO! COLE Todd Cortez stopping the count after Landon Maddix used Tha Puerto Rican’s own P.R. Nightmare against The People’s Champion! COACH Well, turnabout’s fairplay! Tha Puerto Rican was using Landon Maddix’s Go 2 Sleep! He was getting what was coming to him! "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez grabs Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix and takes him over to a turnbuckle corner where he proceeds to slam Landon’s face onto the top turnbuckle pad! He then starts punching him in the face repeatedly in the turnbuckle corner. COLE Landon Maddix and Todd Cortez, both men apart of Cucaracha Internacional, but they are not exactly the best of friends DESPITE being in the SAME group! COACH It’s jealousy. Pure and simple. COLE Yeah right. Cortez continues hitting Landon with right jabs to the face, weakening the self-proclaimed Saviour Of The OAOAST. The Urban Legend grabs Maddix by his long blonde locks and takes him into the ropes, where he proceeds to whip Landon into the opposite ropes--NO!--Landon reverses and kicks Todd right in the stomach! Landon then grabs Cortez and scoops him up onto his shoulders in a fireman’s carry position. The crowd groans. COLE Uh-oh. COACH OH YES! OH YES! OH YES! Todd quickly slips out of Landon’s grasp and lands back on his feet on the mat! He turns Landon around and kicks *him* right in the stomach! Cortez then grabs Landon and scoops him up onto his shoulders in a fireman’s carry position. The crowd cheers! COACH WHAT IS THIS!? Megan is panicking on the outside! The crowd is going nuts. Todd Cortez walks around the ring with Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix on his shoulders struggling to escape. COLE Look at this! COACH NOT AGAIN! "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez has a look of RAGE~! on his face! He walks around the ring with Landon on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry position. COLE He could be going for it! COACH UGH! Landon continues struggling to escape, but is unable to. Instead, "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez nods his head, lets out a primal scream, and then throws Landon Maddix off of his shoulders…sending him right into his right knee! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE GO 2 SLEEP! ON LANDON MADDIX! AGAIN! COACH OH MY GOD! COLE GO 2 SLEEP ON LANDON MADDIX! THIS TIME FROM TODD CORTEZ! COACH IT’S NOT FAIR! The crowd (and Megan) are shocked by this! Landon lies on the mat covering his face in pain. Again. COLE First PRL, now Todd Cortez both giving Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix the Go 2 Sleep! What the hell is this!? COACH THAT THUG! THAT MISCREANT! HE’S A LACKEY! HE’S A LACKEY! HE ALWAYS WAS AND HE ALWAYS WILL BE! COLE I guess Todd figured that if he can’t win with the Riot Act Plus, he might as well win using his ‘boss’ finishing move! COACH THAT THUG! I CAN’T BELIEVE WHAT I AM SEEING! "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez takes a deep breath. He then drops to his hands and knees and then crawls over to make the cover. Earl Hebner counts. Megan Skye is shaking her head "NO!" The crowd counts along. COACH NOT LIKE THIS! DON’T BEAT HIM THIS WAY! 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO! THA PUERTO RICAN STOPS THE PIN JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME!!!! COLE And Tha Puerto Rican saving his Title right there! COACH Oh Thank you! Thank you P.R.! I will never say this again but thank you P.R.! Thank you P.R. for stopping the count! AH! Thank you! Some of the crowd is disappointed that that wasn’t the finish. PRL, Todd Cortez and Landon Maddix all lie on the mat. COACH How humiliating would that be? To lose thanks to your LACKEY using YOUR finishing manoeuvre!? A LACKEY for crying out loud! Not even a WRESTLER, but your LACKEY!? COLE Todd Cortez is the furthest thing from a lackey now and you know it! COACH It is who he really is. Why does he constantly keep on fighting it!? Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix slowly rolls out of the ring underneath the bottom rope. Tha Puerto Rican and "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez slowly get up. Both men are sweating, breathing hard, and groggy now. Cortez grabs Tha Puerto Rican and goes for a punch--BLOCKED! Tha Puerto Rican hits "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez with a Rock-style punch to the temple! Another. And a third. Megan tends to Landon on the outside, while PRL sets Todd up in the ring. Pulling Todd into a standing headscissors, PRL elevates him up and over the back, trying to lock him in the Che Guevara Special. Cortez kicks his feet free though and escapes, pulling the World Champ down with a Backslide... 1... 2... Kickout by PRL, who instantly looks for a clothesline. Ducking the line, Todd gets PRL in a waistlock and looks for a German. Standing switch by Tha Puerto Rican, running Todd into the ropes and pulling him back with a roll-up... 1... 2... Kickout by Cortez. Tha Puerto Rican falls into the ropes but avoids going to the outside by grabbing the top rope. He quickly pulls himself back inside and again charges at Cortez with a clothesline... but Cortez has the same thing in mind and BOTH men connect with clotheslines at the same time! COLE Oh, both men go down! COACH Come on Landon, this is your chance! Landon is still down on the outside though and unable to capitalise. In the ring, both Cortez and PRL take advantage of the referee's count andstay down to the count of 5 before they begin to stir. Both start to climb to their feet at the same time. It's at this point where Megan finally gets Landon back up and revived. PRL and Cortez fight to their feet and instantly start fighting again, trading right hands. Maddix watches this and his face suddenly turns into a scowl as he fires up and slides back into the ring, fuming at having been hit with own finishing move twice in quick succession. He slides in, lets out a yell... and runs right into the right hand of Tha Puerto Rican! Away he staggers... into the right hand of Todd Cortez! Another punch from PRL! And another from Cortez! COLE Landon Maddix being turned into a human pinball here! Staggering from punch to punch, Landon is eventually hit so many times that he comes to a stop just trying to stay upright on his feet. Taking a look to each other, PRL and Cortez get the same idea at the same time and deliver stereo punches to La Cucaracha to knock him down! COLE PRL and Cortez doubling up, a little unconvential teamwork from two guys beating the hell out of each other only moments ago. COACH Which is completely unfair if you ask me. It's every man for himself, it's not supposed to happen like this! COLE If Landon had his way, it would have been two on one with him and Cortez doubling up on PRL. COACH Exactly! PRL and Cortez turn back to each other and resume their battle. PRL tries to catch Cortez napping by hooking under his armpit for the Latin Slam, but The Urban Legend elbows his way free. Grabbing the arm, Cortez then shoots Tha Puerto Rican off into a corner. Cortez follows in, but eats boot! With Cortez dazed, PRL runs the ropes and aims for The Urban Legend's head with a clothesline. Todd sees it coming and ducks underneath, only to wind up right in the path of Landon Maddix. With a boot, Landon sets Todd up for a DDT. Turning on his heels, PRL puts aside his miss and goes after Landon. But Maddix ducks the clothesline as well and grabs a hold of PRL while keeping a hold of Todd... *WHAM!* ...and falls back, delivering a DDT to Cortez and a Complete Shot to PRL at the same time!!! COACH BRILLIANT! COLE Maddix gets a two for the price of one'er, what a resourceful move! With both men down, Landon picks his poison and goes for the cover on Cortez to his left... 1... 2... NO! Landon immediately turns over on top of PRL! 1... 2... NO! Quickly climbing back up, Maddix stomps Cortez back down before running the ropes. Coming back, La Cucaracha springs up and delivers the double stomp to Cortez... and the back senton to PRL!! Not taking any chances, Landon then decides to cover BOTH men at the same time... 1... 2... DOUBLE KICKOUT! COLE Landon's going to struggle to keep two men down at the same time like that. COACH But he's keeping them down all the same. If PRL and Cortez want to turn this into handicap match, Landon'll take them both on at the same time, no problemo. COLE I think he'd be better served getting one of his two opponents isolated, personally. Back up, Landon heeds the advice as he picks up his stablemate Cortez and pitches him out of the ring. Dusting his hands with satisfaction, Landon then turns back to PRL... who is back up, surprising La Cucaracha with a double leg sweep and applying the SHARPSHOOTER!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE SHARPSHOOTER! Landon's idea backfired! COACH Landon's idea!? It was YOUR idea! This is your fault! PRL sits back with the hold as the roar of the crowd intensifies. Landon writhes around in pain but simultaneously wags his fingers around, not giving up just yet. Nodding his head, PRL encourages him to go ahead and tap. "TAP!" "TAP!" "TAP!" "TAP!" In a panic, Megan resorts to desperate tactics and actually helps Cortez to his feet on the outside! Much as Todd doesn't appreciate the help, he does appreciate why his former girlfriend is doing so. And he brushes past her to slide into the ring, bundling into the World Champion from behind to break the hold up! Some boos sound out as PRL ends up underneath the bottom rope holding the back of his head. Relieved, Megan mouths the words "thank you, thank you" to Cortez... ...who responds by kneeling down on Landon's upper back and applying THE HOOK UP!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH WHAT THE- COLE Submission hold by Todd Cortez now! Megan's thanks suddenly turns to fury as Landon again squeals out in pain from the submission predicament. He's quickly saved by PRL though, as he runs over and delivers a boot to the side of Todd's head. Away rolls Todd, while PRL takes a rest against the ropes and Landon finally finds some relief from all the submissions. COLE These three men are putting it all out there in pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship, here in your main event of School's Out 2008. And as in most triple threat matches, we're seeing the struggle to not only get one opponent down for a pinfall or submission, but to get the other out of the way for long enough so as not to break it up. Having gotten his breath back, Tha Puerto Rican goes back after Todd Cortez, picking him up and running him face-first into the turnbuckles! Down goes Todd in the corner. PRL delivers a couple of shaky leg kicks, then leaves Todd aside as he sees Landon getting back to his feet. The World Champion goes to pick him up, but Landon proves to be playing possum and springs up, hooking PR for the CUCARACHA CUTTE... NO! A shove in the back from PRL sends him into the ropes, caught on the way back and planted with a Spinebuster, dead centre of the ring, bringing the Albany crowd to it's feet! COACH No. Not this! Anything but this! COLE This capacity crowd can feel it! PRL removes his right elbow pad, spits on it, and throws it down onto Landon's face. He then does some weird hand signals before bouncing off the ropes, leaping over Landon, and then bounces off the opposite ropes... ...BEFORE GETTING MOWN DOWN WITH THE HOLLOW POOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNTT!!~!1!~!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE TODD CORTEZ FROM NOWHERE! We could have a new World Champion! As PRL ends up folded up over himself from the impact (Lol PUN!), Cortez first has to crawl over to where he landed, then push PRL over on his back before finally hooking the leg... 1... 2... 3- NO, LANDON RECOVERS TO MAKE THE SAVE!!! COLE No, so close! We were a half second away from crowning Todd Cortez as the World Heavyweight Champion! COACH That'll never happen, not so long as Landon has anything to say about it! With PRL out of the way, Maddix and Cortez renew their hostilities. Landon unloads with a series of forearm shots, until Todd catches him with a kick to the back of the knee. A kick to the thigh is followed by one to the chest and Landon goes down, rolling to his knees and offering the hand of friendship! COLE Gimme a break! Not falling for that one, Todd brings Landon up to his feet by the EARS! *SLAP!* [i]"AAAAAAHHHHHH!"[/i] COLE Landon HATES those chops! And with that shrill scream of his, sitting about ten feet from the ring, so do I! *SLAP!* [i]"AAAAAAHHHHHH!"[/i] In the middle of his latest shout, Landon finds the inner strength to go to the eyes on Cortez! Away staggers Todd, blinded, while Landon grimaces in pain and rubs at his beat red chest. Maddix then grabs Cortez for an irish whip. Reversal by Todd, but only to arms length as Landon reels him back in with a mule kick to the stomach. Reaching back, he hooks the head and runs for the turnbuckles, scaling the ropes one by one... but getting dumped over top before he can hit the Shiranui! Landing on his feet safely, Landon spins Cortez around and aims with a forearm. Underneath goes Todd, quickly turning around... ...and getting guided SHOULDER FIRST INTO THE RINGPOST!! "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COACH Smart thinking from Landon! COLE And now, look at him stalk Cortez, just waiting for him to turn around. As Todd peels his shoulder away from the cold steel, Landon watches him intently. His eyes narrow as Todd falls to one knee. Landon waves Todd to his feet, all issues of being stablemates cast aside now. As Cortez comes his way, he pulls him back by the waistband of pants and turns him around. A knee to the ribs doubles Cortez up, allowing the scowling Landon to pull him into a standing headscissors. COLE Wait a minute. COACH Oh yes, do it! COLE Is Landon going for the Riot Act Plus!? COACH Yes! The ultimate poetic justice! Landon pauses for a second with Cortez seemingly at his mercy, wiping the hair from his eyes. COLE After all the times Cortez has cost Landon World Titles, World Title opportunities, with this very move. Is this going to be the move that ends Todd Cortez's World Title aspirations!? After his hair is just right, Landon reaches down and hooks his arms around Cortez's waist, setting... ...but suddenly, Tha Puerto Rican darts out in front of Landon... *SMACK!* "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" ...AND DECKS LA CUCARACHA WITH A SURPRISE SUPERKICK!!! COLE WHAM! LANDON IS OUT! COACH Damn, that would have been so perfect if not for PRL. Story of this whole damn year! As Landon hits the deck, Cortez finds his way back to his feet. But he walks right into the arms of Tha Puerto Rican, getting scooped up off his feet and dropped down right beside Landon with a Spinebuster! Popping back up, Tha Puerto Rican jumps over to Cortez's head... then takes a look to his right, noticing Landon down as well. He raises an eyebrow, as he removes his remaining elbowpad and throws it down to the canvas. He kicks Cortez's arm over his chest. Then, he kicks Landon's over his. COACH What? COLE On both of them!? Tha Puerto Rican takes a look around the crowd and does some weird hand signals before bouncing off the ropes. He leaps over Cortez, then leaps over Landon, before bouncing off the opposite ropes. Up and over Landon he goes again, coming to a stop between the perrenially feuding stablemates... ....AND DROPPING DOWN WITH BOTH ELBOWS!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE DOUBLE Puerto Rico Elbows! PRL sits up, nursing his ribs, trying to decide who to cover first. COLE The World Champion has got his pick of the challengers here. COACH This is why they should have worked together. PRL eventually makes the cover, on Landon Maddix... 1... 2... MEGAN SKYE CLIMBS ONTO THE APRON!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Oh come on! That would have been three! COACH Prove it. Standing up off of the cover, PRL throws his arms in frustration as the referee tries to get the steel chair weilding Megan off the apron and back to ringside. She drops the chair into the ring but continues to reminstrate with the ref. COLE Megan Skye just saved Landon from defeat, no doubt. COACH She'd better quit while she's ahead though. We know Tha Puerto Rican has no qualms about hitting women! Just ask Lindsay Gonzalez! COLE Well, she deserved it. COACH Wow. You heard him folks, 'she deserved it', the address to write in with your complaints is... Tha Puerto Rican walks over towards Megan, who stands her ground, keeping an eye over the ref's shoulder waiting for Landon to get back up. Unfortunately, it's not Landon getting up though. It's Todd Cortez. But although it's not who Megan wanted, he does read Megan's plan as he picks up the steel chair! COACH Yes! Go ahead, do it! COLE No disqualifications, Coach. COACH ...crap. Do it, then hit yourself in the head! COLE You realise they can't hear you, yes? COACH I don't care, I'm caught up in the moment! With the chair in hand, Cortez suddenly has what seems like second thoughts as he weighs up whether to hit PRL or not. Megan doesn't realise that though and jumps to the floor. PRL warns her to keep her nose out of the match from now on, before turning around, blissfully unaware of what awaits him... ...CHAIRSHOT... ...DUCKED!! COLE No, he misses! Dropping the chair, Cortez turns around and gets caught with a boot to the gut. Grabbing a front facelock, PRL sets Cortez up as he grabs onto Todd's pants ready to lift. COLE Here we go, P.R NIGHTMARE! COACH NO! Tha Puerto Rican gets a good grip on Cortez before he finally elevates him off the canvas... ...but as he does so, Landon Maddix sneaks into view. COLE Wait a second... With Cortez on the way up and a split second away from being driven into the canvas, Landon rushes over. PRL doesn't notice him coming until it's too late, and couldn't do much about him anyway with Todd in his arms. Jumping onto the World Champion's back, Landon elevates his knees up into the back... ...and as PRL delivers the P.R NIGHTMARE to Todd Cortez, as intended... ...instead of landing back-first on the canvas, HE LANDS ACROSS LANDON'S KNEES WITH THE LUNGBLOWER!!!!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COACH YES! Expert timing! COLE PRL got the P.R Nightmare, but Maddix hit the Lungblower on him at the same time! Cortez goes rolling away on impact, PRL going the other way with his back arched in pain. Eyes lighting up, Landon glances around and scrambles over to The Urban Legend while the Albany crowd jeer wildly. COLE Maddix, ever the opportunist, he's gonna steal this from right under PR's nose!! Cover by Landon... 1... 2... 3- NO, FOOT ON THE ROPES!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh man, Cortez BARELY got that foot out. Not sure if that was great ring positioning or just a lot of luck. COACH Obviously, the latter. Frustrated with his stablemate's resiliance, Landon picks Cortez up, far enough to dump him over the bottom rope to the arena floor with a satisfying thud. Landon then turns back to PRL, finding himself one on one with the World Champion now. COACH Now we're getting somewhere! COLE Landon has Cortez out of the way and PRL is hurt. La Cucaracha may be closing in on his second World Title... four if you count SWF gold! With PRL still nursing his back, Landon stands over him and tells the crowd it's over. They typically respond with boos. Smirking, Landon reaches down and grabs Tha Puerto Rican by the head. Humiliatingly, he slaps PRL across the face a couple of times, yelling "you wanna use my move, huh?" as he picks him back up to his feet. With a finger pointed in the face Maddix then gives Tha Puerto Rican some last words, before scooping him up onto his shoulders, into the fireman's carry! COACH Time for Tha Puerto Rican to Go 2 Sleep! Maddix turns away from the ropes, but his confident look turns to one of fear as he starts to feel PRL squirming around in an attempt to escape his clutches. Shaking his head, Landon refuses to let PR go. But the World Champion has his back against the wall and fires away with a succession of elbows to the side of the head! Three, four, five connect! Landon is wobbly... and he loses hold of PRL! COLE Not yet it's not! COACH Come on Landon, recover! Landing on his feet, Tha Puerto Rican grabs Maddix by the shoulder and spins him around... KICK! *WHAM!* CAPPA KILLA... ...NO!! Maddix pushes PRL away! Heading towards the turnbuckles, in the nick of time Tha Puerto Rican throws up his hands and blocks himself. He then turns around, fists clenched... *CRACK!* "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...AND GETS LAID OUT WITH A CHAIRSHOT!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" COLE Oh no, not like this! COACH You said it yourself, no disqualifications! COLE Yeah, but... NOT LIKE THIS! With a satisfied smile, Landon tosses the chair aside, dusts his hands and drops down with the cover... 1... 2... 3 NO, TWO, TWO!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE NO! THA PUERTO RICAN KICKS OUT! THIS ONE IS NOT OVER! COACH say wat? COLE PRL worked too damn long and too damn hard to lose the OAOAST World Championship like this, Coach! Landon cusses out the referee before storming back to his feet, grabbing the steel chair again. Angrily he slams it against the mat, before screaming at PRL to get back up again. Woozy, the World Champion blinks as he tries to focus his brain again after that mind scrambling chairshot. "P - R - L!" "P - R - L!" "P - R - L!" "P - R - L!" Mouthing off to PRL, Maddix slams the chair against the mat again. COACH He's teeing up. COLE One more shot and it could be lights out for Tha Puerto Rican! Slowly the World Champion stirs and starts to get to his feet. Out of the line of Landon's sight meanwhile, Todd Cortez is pulling himself up to the apron with similar troubles to Tha Puerto Rican. Landon's eyes are focused on PRL though and he waits, as PRL finally starts to get to his feet. COACH Here it comes! PRL's head is gonna fly further than that seventy yarder David Beckham scored this weekend! PRL staggers to his feet with the help of the ropes. Shaking out the cobwebs, he pushes himself off the ropes and Landon rears back... ...just as Todd Cortez leaps to the top rope and springboards towards him... *CRACK!* "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" LANDON SPOTS CORTEZ OUT OF THE CORNER OF HIS EYE AND SWATS HIM OUT OF THE AIR WITH A CHAIRSHOT!!!!!! COACH Going, going, going... *CRACK!* BUT AS LANDON TURNS AROUND, PRL LEAPS UP AND KICKS THE CHAIR RIGHT BACK INTO HIS FACE!!!! "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE GONE!! VAN DAMINATOR!!! COACH AAHHHH! COLE Landon took his eye off the ball and it cost him dearly!! The Albany crowd goes wild as Maddix goes rolling right the way under the bottom rope and out of the ring, at the feet of a horrified Megan Skye. She kneels down and tries to revive her man. But it's clear, he is KTFO! Back in the ring meanwhile, PRL turns his attentions to Todd Cortez. Having taken the chair in the body on the way down and bounced his head off the mat on landing, he's holding virtually every part of his upperbody as he staggers back to his feet. Waiting on him, Tha Puerto Rican stoops down into a crouched position. COLE That leaves just Tha Puerto Rican and The Urban Legend! COACH Do something Megan! Cortez is dazed and walks right into PRL. A kick doubles him up, The World Champion hooking the head, hooking up the tights and lifting... *WHAM!* "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"" COLE A SECOND P.R NIGHTMARE! Rolling Cortez's body over, PRL reaches back and hooks a leg, Megan only able to watch in despair with Landon still not moving... 1... 2... 3!!!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" COLE THA PUERTO RICAN... IS STILL... CHAMPION! *DINGDINGDING!* PRL rolls off of Cortez and checks his own forehead for blood after the chairshot he took not too long ago. No sign of any, not that he'd care either way as his hand is raised in victory. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... and STILL the OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... THA PPPPUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRTTOOOOOOOO... RRRIIIIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE And what a match he had to survive to be so! COACH Ah, damn you Todd Cortez! I knew he'd screw this up for Landon! COLE You are so negative. Collecting the World Title belt, PRL scales the middle turnbuckle and raises the belt over his head in one arm with the Albany crowd on their feet to salute him. PRL smells the electricity, before stepping down and scaling a second set of turnbuckles. On the outside, a groggy Landon Maddix sits and looks up at PRL overhead, unable to believe what's happened. Taking a look down at him, Tha Puerto Rican smiles and Landon starts to throw a fit, before going groggy and having to be calmed down by Megan. COLE Tha Puerto Rican has survived his first test as OAOAST World Champion. One hell of a match from these three competitors and the road ahead may only get tougher for PRL, but he has proven he's a worthy World Champion tonight. As PRL comes off the turnbuckles he stops over Todd Cortez. Looking down at him for a few seconds, he then scales another setof turnbuckles while The Urban Legend is checked on by the referee. Landon is carted away by Megan meanwhile, looking on mournfully at the World Champion's celebrations in the ring. COLE This has been another rollercoaster Pay Per View ride here in Albany. Tha Puerto Rican has passed his first test as World Champion with flying colours. Our next Pay Per View extravaganza will be next month in Minneapolis for The Great Angle Bash! We'll see you first this Friday night, live on TSM on HeldDOWN~! From The Coach, I'm Michael Cole signing off from School's Out 2008 with Tha Puerto Rican... TOP OF THE CLASS! COACH Awful! Tha Puerto Rican continues to lap up his victory and parade the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title belt, as we... FADE OUT!
  9. King Cucaracha

    SO: Maggie interviews Melody

    COLE Right now, let's go backstage to our broadcast colleague, Maggie Nerdly! Over we swoop to the OAOAST School's Out interview set, where Maggie is indeed standing by, with a fixed scowl on her face. Probably because, in a just dumb as hell scheduling decision, her guest is none other than MELODY Nerdly! Maggie is dressed up in her schoolgirl outfit ready for their match later, while Melody is still in her regular clothes. MAGGIE Hey everybody, this is Maggie Nerdly with the hot scoops, not to mention plenty of great interviews too! Right now I'm standing by with my older sister Melody, who apparantly realised she wouldn't be able to pull off the schoolgirl look at her age without coming off like one of those sad, desperate e-dating website dwellers on a hen night in Las Vegas. MELODY Hey, I'm twenty... *incoherent mumbling*. MAGGIE You don't need to tell me 'sis, we can tell! Cue much growling from Melody, trying to keep her cool. MAGGIE Anyway, Melody, my first question is... why are you such a bitch? Melody's eyes widen... ...before she SPEARS Maggie to the ground, causing a full-scale CATFIGHT to break out!!! Nearby referees and security personnel, plus those like Jumbo and Deuce Deuce Bigalow who happened to be watching because Maggie as I've already mentioned is in a schoolgirl outfit, rush over to pull the feuding siblings apart, which is no easy fear. More hair is traded between the two sisters and the claws are out, as Maggie and Melody are eventually pulled apart and separated from each other. Awkwardly, we go back out to Sofa Central earlier than planned to Cole and Coach. COLE Who's bright idea was that? COACH I dunno, but I'd like to buy them drinks after the show for making that beautiful moment possible. COLE Well we're going to see more of Maggie and Melody later on... COACH God I hope so! COLE ...but in the meantime, let's go back up to the ring.
  10. King Cucaracha

    School's Out

    Sorry guys, it's a Bank Holiday over here, so a lost Friday and Saturday bled into a lost Sunday. I'll have all of my stuff by tonight though.
  11. King Cucaracha

    School's Out

  12. King Cucaracha

    HD: PRL video/Landon segment

    [i]A compilation of moments from the five year OAOAST tenure of Tha Puerto Rican plays, with an soft piano chorus in the background. From his debut in January '03, through the IntenseZone days, to the present. IntenseZone Elbows, Latin Slams, shots of PRL on the microphone. PRL with the 24/7 Title, the Puerto Rican Title, even the HI-YAH Tag Team Title.[/i] [b]VOICEOVER He is... an OAOAST mainstay.[/b] [i]Stephen Joseph Popick and Jesse "The Body" Ventura are still in their heated argument. The crowd cheers, hoping for Jesse to get into a physical altercation with Popick. But before Popick and Jesse "The Body" Ventura can come to blows, Tha Puerto Rican sneaks up behind Popick and leaps onto his shoulders. Popick tries to throw PRL off his shoulders, but to no avail. Finally, Tha Puerto Rican rolls forward into a victory roll! NO! Stephen Joseph Popick REVERSES the victory roll into one of his own, wrapping PRL, while grabbing a hold of his tights! Referee Jesse "The Body" Ventura counts. 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DING DING DING* (24:55) CABOOSE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! COLE Stephen Joseph cheated to win again! Stephen Joseph has retained the OAOAST World Title![/i] [b]VOICEOVER After five years of effort...[/b] [i]Maddix quickly knocks down Malibu and lifts PRL up, into the fireman's carry, turning him away from the ropes before delivering the GO 2 SLEE... *SMACK!* ...SCHOOL'S OUT!! COLE SCHOOL'S OUT! HE GOT HIM, RIGHT ON THE BUTT... ONE! COLE WAIT! TWO! COLE WAIT NO, ZACK! THREEEEEE!!!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE NO! Zack, having realised what was happening a second too late in his exhaustion, dogpiles on top of the fall just as the three comes down.[/i] [b]VOICEOVER ...five years of guts and determination...[/b] [i]Zack drills PRL with an ANGLESLAM which rocks the floor of the third cell!! But as he and PRL lay out in the cage, Popick has his hands on the roof of Cage 3 and is on his way to the belt! COLE Popick just sold PRL out! He sold him out to get the belt! ****** Back up, Cortez latches onto the wall of Cage 3 and makes a last, desperate attempt to climb up! But Popick is away now and out of reach. Popick pushes himself onto the roof of Cage 3, looking down 40 plus feet to the ring below, to Landon in Cage 1, to Bohemoth in Cage 2, to Zack Malibu and PRL below him, taking a last glance back at Cortez before steadying his jelly legs... COACH Just don't look down! ...AND GRABBING THE TITLE BELT DOWN FROM THE CEILING, DEFLATING THE CROWD!!![/i] [b]VOICEOVER ...finally, his time came.[/b] [i]Tha Puerto Rican grabs his right elbow pad, removes it from his arm, and then throws it into the crowd. As the fans fight over the prized elbow pad, PRL does some weird hand signals that are still hard to describe five years later, and then runs backwards into the ropes, hits the ropes, bounces off of the ropes, charges forward, jumps over Stephen Joseph Popick, runs forward... COLE It is now time for the most electrifying move in professional wrestling, The Puerto Rico Elbow! PRL hits the ropes, bounces off of the ropes, charges forward, stops in his tracks, puts his right foot into the air, extends his right arm into the air... and then drops his right elbow into Stephen Joseph Popick's chest! The Puerto Rico Elbow! ****** COLE HE DID IT! HE FINALLY DID IT! THA PUERTO RICAN IS FINALLY WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! All 100,000 plus fans in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum go nuts! Tha Puerto Rican bursts into tears! "Know Your Role 2000" starts playing. BUFFER Here is your winner... and NEW One And Only AngleSault Thread Heavyweight Champion of the Woooooorrrrllllllllllllllddddddddddddddddd... THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! COLE He has done it! After 10 long years, Tha Puerto Rican has become World Heavyweight Champion! Tha Puerto Rican's journey has culminated at OAOAST AngleMania VII! COACH OH GOD! THIS IS AWFUL! COLE Tha Puerto Rican has gone through hell and high water! But he has become OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in his career![/i] [b]VOICEOVER For all the blood...[/b] [i]Thunderkid casually walks over to Tha Puerto Rican, who is starting to get up. PRL reaches out for something, anything, but instead, gets grabbed by Thunderkid. Thunderkid gets on his knees, grabs PRL by his hair, and then tries stabbing PRL with that spike! COLE What the hell? What the hell? Is he crazy? Is he doing what I think he is doing? COACH He is destroying PRL! COLE He's going to kill him! PRL fights back the 'spike'. He tries with all of his might to stop the 'spike' from entering his body, but can't. THUNDERKID STARTS CARVING THA PUERTO RICAN’S FOREHEAD WITH THE 'SPIKE'!!! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COACH This is sick![/i] [b]VOICEOVER ...and all the sacrifice...[/b] [i]PRL almost falls, but his fingers are still just about laced around the steel mesh. Until Bohemoth carefully turns side on, reaching out... ...PUSHING PRL... *THUD!!* "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" ...AND HE FALLS FROM HALFWAY UP THE CELL, COMPLETELY TAKING OUT THE CORNER SECTION OF THE BARRICADE ON HIS WAY DOWN!!!!!!! "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" The announcers are silent. A solitary airhorn goes off in the background. PRL lays on the thick, curved corner section of the barricade. Blood is still flowing down his face. His arms and legs are splayed out and security guards have converged around him to keep the fans at bay.[/i] [b]VOICEOVER ...the reward was all the sweeter[/b] [i]Earl Hebner has also left the ring. This leaves PRL all alone in the ring with the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt in his left hand. The camera does a wide pan of the thousands in attendance standing up and cheering Tha Puerto Rican on as "Know Your Role 2000" continues playing. PRL manages to crack a smile amidst all of his tears. He gives the fans The People's Eyebrow, and then raises the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his head to a LOUD pop from the crowd! Tha Puerto Rican lets out a primal scream, tears of joy flowing down his face. [/i] [size=4][b][color="red"]**THA PUERTO RICAN: LIVE THE DREAM**[/b][/size][/color] As the video fades out, we find ourselves on a close-up on none other than LANDON MADDIX. The camera pans out to reveal the rest of Cucaracha Internacional behind him, including Todd Cortez, standing off to the side of the rest. Landon chuckles to himself as Cortez looks on wearily. MADDIX Oh boy. What a pile of crap, huh? Tha Puerto Rican, living proof that if at first you don't succeed, try try again... and again... and again... then, eventually after five years, you might finally achieve what you started five years earlier. Derisive laughter from Black and Blonde behind Landon pauses him for a second. MADDIX Fact is, it took me less than year to become OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. Doesn't make for quite the same emotional story to cut an inspirational video for. But, it does prove that I'm twice the man... or, maybe that should be FIVE times the man that Tha Puerto Rican is. Did I get a video package after I beat Zack Malibu? No. Did I get the accolades and ass kissing that PRL's gotten since AngleMania? No again. Does any of that matter? Not one bit. You see, what I did was I got on with the task at hand. Being OAOAST Champion. I didn't sit at home while announcers put me over and videos played chronicling my career. I got in the ring and, shock horror, I actually competed. Where's PRL the competitor, huh? You guys seen him around? BLONDE Not since you pinned him last week! Cortez scowls at that, scowling at Blonde as he smirks his way. MADDIX Exactly. The fact is, after five years I'm sure you're planning to be in this for the long haul PR. Maybe that's why you haven't defended your title once since winning it? Maybe that's why you spent the European tour sitting on your ass in San Juan while the rest of us put the work in? I don't know, that's merely speculation. All I know is, this five year journey is going to become the biggest anti-climax in OAOAST history when you lose the World Title in your first defence at School's Out! Your proud two month reign of doing absolutely NOTHING is how you're going to be remembered when you're gone, alongside the images of me knocking you senseless with the Go To Sleep again and me standing over your motionless body with the OAOAST World Title held high. Landon turns around to his crew. MADDIX You see, we all have dreams. Every human being in the world has their dreams. The dirty fact of life is though, only a few of us are good enough to live those dreams. It's sad that few will fulfill those dreams. What's sadder still, are those who can't accept that fact. Clearly Landon is directing this little life lesson towards Cortez more-so than the other Cucaracha Internacional members, causing him to straighten up a little. MADDIX This Sunday night, I will become a four-time World Champion. I can either do it the easy way... or, it can be done the hard way. The result will be the same. The repercussions, however, will not. Turning back to the camera, Landon's mood brightens. MADDIX That said, PRL, enjoy your last days as World Champion. I just hope it was worth the wait. Because at School's Out, you're the People's Dunce and I'm the Cucarach-A+ student! (begins to walk off) Puns are AWESOME! Following after their leader go Black, Blonde and Faqu. But before Cortez can, albeit belatedly, join them he's stopped at arm's length by Megan Skye. MEGAN You understand what he was saying, right? CORTEZ As much as any one human could I suppose. MEGAN Look, if you help Landon out Sunday, things are going to be a lot easier for you. He'll be so happy to be World Champ again, it'll be like these past few months never happened. And if you do make the mistake of taking the World Title, Landon'll make you live to regret it. That's not a threat Todd, we both know what he's like. Just... just fall in line already, okay? Cortez smiles to himself. CORTEZ I appreciate the concern. But we're way past that point now Megan. MEGAN Please? Not even for me? Megan gives Todd the old puppy eyes treatment, to which The Urban Legend isn't entirely won over by. CORTEZ What did I ever see in a scheming bitch like you? MEGAN (plumps breasts) These? CORTEZ Yeah... nice try, but if I'm responsible for anybody winning that title on Sunday, it'll be me. Brushing past Megan, Cortez strides off, leaving his former love interest to rue failing to get Cortez onside after all.
  13. King Cucaracha

    BOOKING FOR 5/***23*** HD

    EDIT: Oh wait, it's tonight, isn't it? Nevermind then!
  14. King Cucaracha

    HD: Zack/Bo segment

    ...as "Getting Away With Murder" hits and out to the ring heads the one and only Zack Malibu, to a roaring reception from the Conneticut crowd! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...ZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAACCKK... MMMMAAAAAAAALLLLLIIIIIIIBBUUUUUUUU!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE And the rumours have been flying, the challenge for the rubber match between Zack and Bohemoth has been laid out. Perhaps Zack is out here to make it all official. COACH Man, I hope so! Zack slaps some hands on the way to the ring, in a pretty good mood it would seem after his exploits last week. He also carries a little bit of a limp, no doubt from those same exploits. Entering the ring, Zack takes the microphone from Buffer and calls for some decorum. "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" ZACK Thank you. You know, I'm sore as all hell right now so you'll forgive me if I seem a little subdued tonight. Last week, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, myself and Bohemoth picked up where we left off at AngleMania VII and we tore the house down in a whole other continent. The crowd, seemingly in agreement, applaud. ZACK We tore the house down in Belfast and we tore the hell out of each other again. The only difference was... this time, it was MY hand raised in victory. "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" ZACK That's unfortunately not why I'm out here though. You see last week was intended to be the final chapter of this rivalry between me and big Bohemoth. We had unfinished business from AngleMania to take care of and I'm not talking about wins and losses or anything like that. That night, Bo was the better man. Simple as that. Last week, I was the better man. The business that was left unfinished was the business of showing respect to an opponent after the fight of your life. That's what this is supposedly all about. That's how it started. Respect. And TWICE now Bohemoth, you have disrespected me. At AngleMania, I accepted defeat like a man and extended my hand to you, only for you to turn on your heels and walk away. Last week in Belfast, I gave you the opportunity to make up for your mistake. And again, you turned and you bolted. You didn't accept you defeat like a man. COACH Zack questioning Bo's manhood? Them's strong words. ZACK So now, because of that, this issue between us rolls on and on. Bohemoth, this issue will not end until you show me the respect that I hold towards you... because I WILL NOT LET IT! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" ZACK Bohemoth, the scoreboard now reads "Bo- One, Zack- One". You better belie... *BbwWbAhmotherfuckerLlIiiBbbEErRrAATtTeeyYyOUUurRrMmmMmMiIInNnDddDd!!* COLE UH-OH! Zack trails off as "Liberate" powers through the arena and predictably enough, the suited and booted Bohemoth marches to the ring! Not looking entirely surprised, Zack folds his arms as Bo jogs up the ring steps and hits the ring. The crowd can't agree on how to react to The Meterosexual Monster, smattering of boos here, smattering of cheers there. Either way, Bohemoth doesn't seem too bothered as he grabs his own microphone and squares up to Zack. BOHEMOTH I wondered how long it'd take you to start boasting about last wee... ZACK There's nothing to boast about since I didn't accomplish what needed to be accomplished! BOHEMOTH You know what Zack, how about you cut the crap here and tell things like they really are. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!" An intrigued Zack motions for Bo to 'go ahead'. BOHEMOTH First of all, I don't know what the hell your obsession with this handshake is. And quite frankly I don't care. You better let some air outta that overinflated head of yours and realise that you aren't quite as important around here as you think you are. You've got some big opinion of yourself if you think 'shaking Zack Malibu's hand' is some sort of prize to be cherished. Hell I'm sure there's plenty of guys in the back waiting desperately for you to extend that hand out to them and pass this imaginary torch so they can finally bend down and kiss them feet of yours, but guess what... I ain't one of them! ZACK Clearly not. BOHEMOTH No, and I ain't the only one. Fact is Zack, you claim to be this big 'locker room leader'. You're calling yourself The Franchise. I've heard guys calling you 'the conscience' of the OAOAST. But that's bull. Ever since AngleMania I've had plenty of guys come up to me and say they'd have done the same damn thing in my situation that I did. ZACK What, guys like Alfdogg!? Guys like Landon Maddix maybe!? These are the people who's opinions matter to you all of a sudden? BOHEMOTH I don't give a crap about what Alfdogg, Maddix or anybody thinks. All I care about is what I think. And I think this whole 'respect' spin is nothing but bull. The fact is, you're just worried about losing face because finally there's somebody with the balls to not be in complete reverence to almighty Zack Malibu. Zack laughs that comment off, a laugh which doesn't last long as he's soon back to glaring at Bohemoth. BOHEMOTH You know what I think the problem really is? ZACK What's that then? BOHEMOTH The real problem is, you think that you're the poster boy for the OAOAST... but the fact is, you're just an attention whore who craves the spotlight of being number one! And that's why you keep putting yourself in the position to defend the company all the time whenever any minor threat pops up. You're so used to everybody treating you like the hero, you've forgotten what it's like in the real world. That maybe not everybody feels the same way. And when somebody comes up and doesn't treat you like the hero you claim to be, your ego can't handle it! A tense few moments of staring down breaks out after that. ZACK My ego, huh? MY ego? Let's talk about you bigman, who turns from an ice-cool monster to a pissy little bitch in the space of one loss! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ZACK You want to know why they call me the 'poster boy'? It's because I've been on the posters, in the main-events, selling the tickets, shifting the merchandise and moving the DVDs FOR [i]SIX[/i] YEARS NOW!!! "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" "ZACK!" ZACK I earned every compliment I've ever gotten in this business. And you wanna know how? Through RESPECT! Sure, I've gone through times where I've been an absolute ass. Put it down to youth, put it down to whatever. The fact is, nobody was calling me 'poster boy' or 'franchise' back then except me. It sounds a hell of a lot more credible when it's coming from other people. And that only comes when they respect you. I respect you. Even after all this. I respect your ability. I respect the fact you're willing to stand on your own two feet. Truth be told, I respect the fact that you want to take 'my spot' and be the man around here. I even respect the fact you've got the balls to come out here and say what you're saying to my face... wrong as you may be. Zack bravely takes a step closer to Bohemoth and risks getting laid out for his trouble. ZACK But what I DON'T respect is the way you can't handle the fact I'm still top dog and you're not. BOHEMOTH You might be top dog still to YOUR people, Malibu. But everybody knows I beat you at the big show and you just need to step aside. ZACK You know what Bo, despite what you think I don't care about being a 'hero'. What I do care about is this company. And I care about it too much to step aside for somebody like you who hasn't proved you're ready for it. Beating me is one thing. Earning the respect that these people have for me is, as you can tell by the boos you got when you walked out here, another story! Bohemoth's supporters quickly voice themselves in protest, to which Zack's respond with the boos. ZACK So I'll tell you what, we're one and one and I know AngleSault wants to put us together one more time to settle this for good. You want it. And so do I. So let's cut past the bureaucracy and get this made official. You and me, Sunday at School's Out, one on one. Challenge issued, Zack extends his hand to Bohemoth, who takes a moment to think about it. COLE There's the challenge. COACH Are we gonna see it though? After some deep thought Bo finally smiles, reaching out... BOHEMOTH You're on. ...and NOT shaking Zack's hand, AGAIN, instead walking off to the back. COLE Wow! COACH Man, Bo won't even shake Zack's hand to accept his challenge, that's commitment! COLE But he did accept the challenge and we will see the final installment this Sunday night! Zack/Bohemoth 3, at School's Out, what a war it's going to be!! Zack can only smile at the shunned handshake as he watched Bohemoth head off backstage, not giving Zack a second look. Still, having gotten what he wanted, Zack seems happy enough and salutes the Hartford fans before he too leaves, although with a noticeable shake of the head.
  15. King Cucaracha

    HD: Jade vs. Malaysia

    We're set for action again on HeldDOWN~!, as "Date With The Night" by the YeahYeahYeahs hits and the crowd respond with cries of "YEAH...YEAHYEAH!" (I'm sure I've used that line before, but whatever.) for the return of Jade Rodez! In the same pink tracksuit as always she walks out onto the stage, greeting the welcoming response with a little shyness but a smile nonetheless. BUFFER The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Grand Rapids, Michigan... JJJAAAAAAAAADDEEEEEE... RRRROOOOOOOOODDEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Happy to be back, Jade waves to the crowd as she makes her way gracefully into the ring. COLE First time we've seen Jade on HeldDOWN~! in a while, in person at least. She's been busy in Los Angeles getting to know Krista a little better, but now with Krista in action it's time for the prodigal daughter to return. COACH Well, last time we saw her she was getting royally bitchslapped by Mackenzie DeCenzo. Let's see if she's learnt anything from mommy. Jade starts to warm up in her corner, as the sound of a whip cracking starts up "Wild Side" by Motley Crue. Suddenly the mood in the arena changes, firstly to one of anger directed at Jock Mulligan, then fear for Jade's well-being as he leads out his new squeeze, the mighty Malaysia Nerdly. Carrying her cat o' nine tails, Malaysia raps it across the palm of her hand, perhaps a preview of what's to come. BUFFER And, introducing her opponent. Being accompanied to the ring by "MR. DICK", JOCK MULLIGAN! She hails from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... MMMMAAAAALLLAAAAYYYYYSSSIIIIIAAAAAAAA... NNEEEEERRRRRRDDLLLLLLYYYYYY!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Jade might just have picked the wrong week to come back. Few would envy having to face the ultimate combination of beauty and beatdowns. Striding up the ring steps, Malaysia goes to step into the ring. But referee Charles Robinson won't allow her to, until the whip is out of her hands and in Jock's for 'safe keeping'. COLE Our first official look at Malaysia. And her man, Jock Mulligan, at ringside, ahead of his match with Jade's uncle Leon in 3 nights at School's Out. COACH I wonder if Mr. Dick will poke his head in dur... COLE Okay, okay, enough! *DINGDINGDING!* Whip or not whip, Jade knows she's in trouble. Malaysia smiles as she sees the fear in Jade's eyes behind the guard that she's putting up nervously waiting to lock-up. COLE I think Jade just now realising what she's gotten herself into. Malaysia takes a step forward and Jade quivers a little, before getting her nerve back and going for a lock-up. But Malaysia simply reaches out and grabs her by the wrist. With a wristlock, Malaysia swings Jade around and around like a ragdoll until she falls to her knees in pain. Picking her back up, Malaysia then drags Jade forward into a short arm shoulder tackle! "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!" The back of Jade's head bounces off the mat violently and she tries to crawl for the ropes. Malaysia stops her by standing on her neck though. MR. DICK That's right baby, punish her! COACH Mr. Dick, standing proud right now! COLE Would you stop with that already? The mighty Nerdly sister eventually lets Jade up and takes her other to the ropes. Threading her through the middle, she pulls back on a chinlock with Jade all tied up in the ropes! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" Malaysia breaks on four, but enjoyed hearing Jade's tortured screams so much that she can't resist doing it again! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" Again she breaks before a DQ. Jade slumps to the mat and Malaysia makes a nonchalant cover... 1... 2... Shoulder up! Turning Jade over, Malaysia pins a knee in the back and pulls back on the hair! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" Malaysia proves she knows the rules of wrestling again. Breaking the hold, she looks at the strands of blonde hair around her fingers and licks her lips, before striking poor Jade in the chest with an open hand. COLE Look at that smile on Malaysia's face. That is sick. COACH Oh boy is it ever. Irish whip by Malaysia now... but she ducks her head and gets caught with a desperation DDT from Rodez!! The crowd cheer with renewed hope as she makes a quick cover... 1... 2. No! QUICK kickout! Still grimacing in pain, Jade gets back to her feet first and meets Malaysia with a forearm. A second. And a third. They have barely any effect on the powerful Malaysia though, so Jade is forced to come off the ropes. A running forearm still doesn't put the freak of Nerdly nature down. Hitting the ropes again, Jade takes off looking for a crossbody, but is caught with ease! Malaysia carries Jade in her arms, before delivering a big Fallaway Slam!! COACH Oh wow, she just shut her down. COLE What power from Malaysia. And a great wrestling move, she's come fully prepared for life in the OAOAST. COACH Unlike each of her other siblings so far. Malaysia slowly collects Jade and drags her torturously up by the hair, to the complaints of referee Robinson. With Jade on her knees, Malaysia clubs her in the back. Butterflying the arms, she then executes an effortless suplex and covers... 1... 2... NO! COLE Give Jade some credit though, she's not giving this one up without a fight. Malaysia pulls Jade back up again with a sick smile on her face, tugging on her hair again. The yelps of pain just seem to get Malaysia going and she SLAMS Jade face-first into the mat. By the hair, back up... and again face-first back down violently! Mr. Dick applauds on the outside as he and Malaysia exchange a seductive look from across the ring. COACH Hmm, maybe Malaysia might be rubbing off on Mr. Di... COLE CONTROL YOURSELF! With Jade down and checking her nose isn't busted open, Malaysia stands over her lower back, still looking at Jock. Reaching back, she hooks her arms underneath Jade's ankles. Malaysia then stands upright and leans forward, bending Jade up in an Inverted Boston Crab!! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" *TAPTAPTAP!* *DINGDINGDING!* Jade doesn't last long in the hold, tapping out after mere seconds as her spine threatens to snap in half! Malaysia refuses to break the hold however and drops to one knee to even further apply pressure! COLE Come on, the match is over, break the hold already! With no break coming, the referee calls for the bell again... but he needn't worry, as out rushes LEON RODEZ to come to Jade's aid! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Leon dives into the ring and shows none of his usual gentlemanly conduct as he pulls Malaysia off of his [s]sister[/s] niece. Angrily, Malaysia whips around and goes to hit Leon, but he just about holds her at arms length... allowing MR. DICK to sneak into the ring and attack from behind! He nails Leon in the back of the head with his boot, then hooks up Leon in a full nelson and delivers PURE PENETRATION!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Ah, it was a set-up! And Leon just got planted. COACH He got drilled by Mr. Dick! Jock jumps to his feet and puts the boots to Leon some more despite the damage being done, while Malaysia's stalking keeps Charles Robinson away. Once he's done being a dick, Mr. Dick finally leaves Leon with a slap to the face and a warning of more to come at School's Out, before shoving Robinson on his ass (just to be a dick, natch) and leaving the Rodezes laying. COLE Mr. Dick has sent a message, just 3 nights from School's Out. But it'll be man to man, face to face on Sunday, so we'll see how he fares then, won't we. COACH I think we just saw proof positive... Mr. Dick is one dick that can't be beat! COLE You're horrible.
  16. King Cucaracha

    HD: Melody/Maggie segment

    Back we go to the relative calm of the OAOAST dressing rooms, where the living embodiment of nerd chic Melody Nerdly is sat alone in the mass Love Generation Air Express dressing room, pitting her wits against Dr. Kawashima and his Brain Training program on Nintendo DS (Proud sponsors of OAOAST School's Out 2008!). Her attempts to increase her brain power are hampered somewhat by Maggie Nerdly entering the room, forcing her to put the DS to one side for a moment. MAGGIE Hey. MELODY Oh hey Maggie. MAGGIE So, no Leon? MELODY No, he went off to talk to Jade about five minutes ago. But if you want, I can pass on an m s g to him when he gets back? MAGGIE Nah, that's cool 'sis. It's you I wanted to talk to actually. Taking a step forward, Maggie stands right over her big sister and daringly points a finger in her face, taking Miss Melody aback. MAGGIE You better back the hell off from Leon or I swear, I will fly back to Edmonton and I will take your mint condition Star Trek Enterprise model out of the packaging! Very uncarefully! Melody stutters as she tries to summon up a response to this crazy accusation. Once she gets over her initial surprise, she stands up angrily. MELODY Leon is my friend, okay? MAGGIE Lemme make this real crystal for ya, k? [b]Stay. Away. From Leon.[/b] MELODY Look, I don't know who you've been listening to or what you're hearing, but you're way off. MAGGIE You bought the domain Leonrodez.com! MELODY Yeah, well, it was a cobweb. What the hell's gotten into you? You really think that I'm trying to steal him away from you? W slash e! I can't believe you're listening to these lamewads... yeah, I said it! Lamewads! You really believe people like Jock over your own sister? MAGGIE It's not just Jock though, is it? Even Jade reckoned you were getting all cosy with him recently. And I reckon she might just be right, because when Jock's being Mr. Dick, he sure ain't been slow in running to your rescue, has he!? MELODY Listen, don't go taking your little relationship problems out on me, okay? MAGGIE :O Suddenly Maggie lunges for Melody, who defensively does the same. The two sisters end up with full handfuls of each other's hair and no plans on letting go until it's pulled out from the roots. Shrill screams sound out from both, which apparently alerts the passing members of D*LUX, who spring in through the dressing room door and quickly try to pry them apart. Eventually they manage to do so, with each Nerdly sister coming away with strands of hair around the fingers to remember each other by. MAGGIE What the hell is your damn problem!? MELODY Remember the time I caught you with Timmy Johnson three days before your Sweet Sixteen party!? I came to pick you up at the school gates and we ended up having that massive fight in the playground where I totally would have kicked your ass if somebody hadn't called the cops to have me arrested? MAGGIE Just because you couldn't get laid in high-school, Little Miss Band Camp! Anyway, of course I remember, but why are you bringing that previously unmentioned incident up now? MELODY Because I want a rematch!! The two Nerdlys try to get at each other again, but Tyler and Shayne show herculean strength to keep them apart. MAGGIE Fine, we'll see how much you can flirt with my boyfriend with one eye and no front teeth! SHAYNE Say what now? MELODY Ten years older and ten years better, [i]little[/i] sis. MAGGIE That's not what Timmy Johnson thought! MELODY AAAAAHHHHHHHH!! Again Maggie and Melody try and lunge at each other, but are again held back by Tyler and Shayne who are beginning to regret jumping in in the first place. Tyler manages to get Maggie out the door and quickly slam it shut on her (not before saying "sorry about this" to his best bud's girlfriend, of course) before the fight can restart. With Maggie gone, Melody sits sadly back down while Shayne and Tyler stand around awkwardly. SHAYNE So... seen Leon around? Melody gives Shayne a cold stare as we go back to the arena.
  17. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Two relegations in a row? Risky, but tempting.
  18. King Cucaracha

    English Football

    Boy, that was no fun at all. We really didn't deserve it with the way we played in the second half. But a win is a win. Especially against Chelsea. And now, we wait until August. Or find someone to randomly support in the Euros, I guess. Shows what I know. Good job I kept that fiver where it was.
  19. King Cucaracha

    BOOKING FOR 5/***23*** HD

    Malaysia Nerdly debuts vs. Jade Rodez
  20. King Cucaracha

    School's Out

    OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship Tha Puerto Rican © vs. Landon Maddix vs. Todd Cortez Entrance set-up, since we never seem to do one anymore... the full ramp I usually forget all about, with the entrance way being two big green doors leading out of the front of 'OAOAST HIGH SCHOOL', the brick building taking up the middle of the set with two big screens at either side and metal panels underneath. As you come out of the doors, there's a small set of steps before you get to the ramp, railings at the sides. At the bottom of the steps there are also two small statuettes of 'Principal AngleSault'. There'll also be a playground down at ground level next to the stage which'll be there for something TBA. Basically, walking through the entrance = leaving the school building = School's Out! This is clever.
  21. King Cucaracha

    Attn. tony

    So, this is like, some sort of basketball thing?
  22. King Cucaracha

    Jonathan Coachman leaving WWE for ESPN

    ...I like Tony Schiavone.
  23. King Cucaracha

    Zack vs. Bo II

  24. King Cucaracha

    feedback for the 5/15 show

    ME, in!
  25. King Cucaracha

    OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 5/15/08

    COLE It's main-event time here in Belfast. But right now, we'd just like to take a second to thank all of the great fans who've come out and supported us during our tour of Europe. We've seen some great sights and met some great fans over the past month. It's been a blast. COACH Oh yeah. Just great. Go jetlag! COLE Well, most of us at the OAOAST would like to thank our European fans, anyway. And what better way to sign off on this tour than with, not only an AngleMania rematch earlier, but a big tag team match, with School's Out implications. The three participants in the main-event of School's Out in ten days time have finally taken shape. We've had shared number one contenderships, various stipulations, masked men, threatened suspensions... it's all been a confusing issue, thanks mainly to Landon Maddix. But now we know for sure, it'll be a Triple Threat Match for the OAOAST World Title, the confusion can now make way to competition. COACH Well, we'll see. I'm sure Landon's still got something to say about what happened last week. COLE Not sure what you're talking about Coach. You heard PRL earlier, Cortez was with him all last Thursday. COACH What happened earlier was a travesty. Isn't giving someone a false alibi a criminal offence anymore? This is another reason why police should watch wrestling a little more. The kinda crap that goes on around here... "PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!" ...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Megalomaniac" powers out through the arena again and it's clear Landon hasn't used the time since he last stepped out into the arena to relax. Still with a face like thunder, Landon doesn't bother with his usual grand entrance and stomps like a bad-tempered child to the ring, angrily swatting away a "R.A.P KILLS" sign thrust in front of his face in the aisleway. BUFFER The following tag team contest is your HeldDOWN~! main-event of the evening, set for one fall! Introducing team number one. First, accompanied to the ring by MEGAN SKYE! From Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain... weighing two hundred, eight pounds. He is the leader of Cucaracha Internacional and the former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion... LLLAAAAAAAAANNDDOOOOONN... "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXX!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Landon paces around the ring while Megan sets herself in the corner, figuring if she hasn't been able to calm her man down by now she's not going to, period. COLE When Landon touched down in Belfast, he had one thing on his mind, carrying through his threat of landing Todd Cortez with a thirty day suspension for using the Riot Act Plus in the OAOAST. But things didn't quite go as he expected, thanks to Tha Puerto Rican, who definately made up for his mistake at The Milan Spectacular. COACH Mistake? Come on, you don't buy that! COLE I buy that Landon manipulated PRL to get Cortez disqualified, as part of his big plan to get a share of the number one contendership. And I also buy that, although Todd lost his one on one match at School's Out, PRL made sure he wouldn't lose his title shot altogether. With Landon still pacing "Oh No" hits and out marches his thorn in the side of so long, Todd Cortez. The Urban Legend walks through the sparkles of his pyrotechnics and down to the ring, where Landon is doing his best to stare him down, showing no emotion either way towards La Cucaracha. BUFFER Hailing from Hollywood Boulevard... he weighs in at two hundred, twenty six pounds... "THE URBAN LEGEND"... TTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD... CCOOOOOOOOORRRRRRTTEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Landon whispers something in Buffer's ear. BUFFER ...and, he also represents Cucaracha Internacional! That serves to get under Cortez's skin, as intended no doubt, as Landon quickly bails from the ring when Todd slides in. Landon tells Todd "not to forget it, pal", while The Urban Legend stands gazing over the ropes right by his supposed 'boss'. COLE Cortez is, whether he likes it or not, under Landon's orders. But that won't be the case in ten days time. COACH It will be if he knows what's good for him. It's time for Cortez to finally fall in line! "THE CHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP..." *DUN DUN* "...IS..." *DUN* "...HERE!" With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance and the PRL and "Know Your Role 2000" begins playing, to the delight of the Belfast crowd. The lights go down in the arena. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" in tune with the beat of the song, while smoke fills the entryway and spotlights circle around and around the arena. A few seconds pass and then Tha Puerto Rican power walks to the ring with the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship now draped over his shoulder. PRL stops as he gets to ringside though, not intending on hitting the ring just yet now Landon has slid back in and stands side by side with Cortez. BUFFER And introducing the opponents... first, from San Juan, Puerto Rico... weighing in at two hundred, twenty pounds. He is the reigning One And Only AngleSault Thread WORLD Heavyweight Champion... ladies and gentlemen, this is... THA PUUUUUEEEEEEEERRTOOOOOOOO RRIIIIIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" PRL smells the Irish electricity in the air and nods his head approvingly. COACH Well I hope PRL's happy with what he did earlier. COLE He looks it. COACH Okay, let me rephrase that. I hope PRL's still happy with what he did earlier once School's Out is over. I doubt it somehow. Suddenly, a piano plays a melody causing the crowd to cheer loudly and a smile to appear on PRL's face. COLE Well, whadda you know! The lights go down in the arena, turning back on in tune with the melody. "COME ON!" *BOOM~!* Pyro explodes, leaving behind fire that burns on both sides of the entrance stage. "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil’ Jon and Pitbull starts playing as Colombian Heat rushes out onto the stage, getting the crowd fired up. Heat runs to both sides of the entrance stage and fires that section of the arena up. Heat raises his hands, acknowledging the fans before hand-slapping his way down the aisle. BUFFER And his tag team partner! Originally from Bogotá, Colombia, but now residing in Miami, Florida. He weighs in at one hundred and eighty pounds... the OAOAST United States Heavyweight Champion... CCOOOOOLLLLLLLOOOOOOOMMMMMBBIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAANN... HHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAATT!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER And, together, they are... THE BADD BOYZ!!!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Alright! The World Champion and the United States Champion, teaming up here tonight in Belfast! Badd Boyz, Whatcha Gonna Do!? COACH Vomit. As Heat reaches ringside he slaps PRL on the back and The Badd Boyz smile up at Landon and Cortez. Removing their seperate title belts, PRL and Heat set them down at ringside. Heat jumps impatiently on the spot as PRL counts them down, from 3 to 1, at which point they collectively hit the ring! *DINGDINGDING!* Landon immediately jumps PRL, while Heat manages to get to his feet and meet Cortez with right hands, a slugfest ensuing between the two. Shoving PRL outside, Landon follows and their fight goes to the floor. Meanwhile, Heat gets the upper hand on Cortez and shoots him off the ropes. Cortez ducks a clothesline, then catches Heat with his head down and hoists him up, hooking for a powerbomb. Hanging onto the right leg Heat refuses to go up though and counters with a backdrop. Cortez hangs on as well, pulling Heat down with a sunset flip, only for the US Champ to roll through to his feet with a basement dropki... NO! Cortez drops down, avoiding the feet. Both men scramble back to their feet... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and Cortez connects with a knifedge chop! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Heat comes right back. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" But so does Cortez. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Chop by Heat. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Chop by Cortez. COLE We've got a fight in the ring and we've got one right by us, LOOK OUT! *THUD!* Sofa Central is a person larger as Landon reverses an attempted whip by the World Champion and PRL goes crashing hip first into the side of the announce table!! PR goes flying over the table and into the sofa, laid out right by the gleeful Coach. Back in the ring meanwhile, the exchange of strikes has come to an end thanks to three well placed kicks from Cortez. Backing Heat up against the ropes, Cortez delivers a European uppercut. He then sends Heat off, setting himself for a backbody drop... but Heat LANDS ON HIS FEET! Getting his footing, Heat manages to bypass Cortez as he charges in, then catches him off the ropes with a picturesque standing dropkick! Cover... 1... 2... No! Heat watches Cortez to his feet and prepares to unleash his own educated feet. The US Champ delivers a kick to the chest. And a second. Getting his forearms up, Todd manages to block a third though. Quickly The Urban Legend stomps on Heat's left foot. And as Heat instinctively grabs his throbbing foot, Cortez catches him hopping around and sweeps out the standing leg from underneath him! Cover by Cortez... 1... 2... No! Side headlock applied by Cortez. Heat delivers elbows to the ribs to break free and hits the ropes, swinging and missing with a clothesline, getting caught instead with a Backslide... 1... 2... Heat kicks out and grabs hold of Cortez, turning him into a Backslide instead... 1... 2... No! COLE Are we on? Guys in the truck? ... COLE Apparantly we are on, but Coach isn't. Can't argue with that! With a succession of elbows, Heat subdues Cortez. The United States Champion then goes to hit the ropes again... but runs right into a Dropsault from Landon Maddix!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Calling the shots now, Landon gets Cortez to assist him in pulling Heat back up. The uneasy team-mates try to do so, but Landon's insistence in clubbing Heat in the back on the way up makes it harder for Todd to do as he's told. Eventually they get Heat up and shoot him off the ropes. That's as far as the tag team cohesion goes, as Landon connects with a dropkick while Cortez connects with a back elbow instead. COLE Cucaracha Internacional, not exactly in synch. Petulently, Landon holds his hands on his hips while Cortez gets on with things with a cover... 1... 2... No! Clearly Maddix isn't happy and instead of getting on with things, his already shortened temper causes him to get on Todd's case. The two go nose to nose as Landon reads his partner the riot act (no pun intended). As they argue, it allows Tha Puerto Rican to slide back into the ring and slam their heads together with the classic DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER~! COLE PRL introducing his two School's Out opponents to one another, as if they needed it! Nursing his hip a little, PRL goes right after Landon, laying into him with right jabs. "YYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" As PRL goes to work though, Cortez creeps up behind him and spins him around into right hands of his own! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" From behind, Heat blindsights Todd with a double axehandle, referee Mike Chioda with no control whatsoever at the moment. All four men in and brawling. Eventually Cortez and Landon get the better of PRL and Heat respectively and pull off stereo irish whips. The two number one contenders get momentarily distracted with each other though and get wiped out, as PRL and Heat come back with stereo flying forearms and stereo kip-ups back to their feet! COLE The Badd Boyz are bringing it in Belfast! COACH -cking headset on, right the HECK now! Oh! Thanks guys. Damn PR pulled one of my cables out Michael! COLE Ever get the feeling somebody's trying to tell you something? Maddix has had enough and rolls to the outside, throwing his hands up in frustration. The Badd Boyz leave him go and take over on Cortez. A double irish whip sets up a double elbow, showing that they are in synchronicity at least. With Cortez down, Heat bounces off the ropes and does a SHIMMY~!, dropping a knee to the face. Seconds later, PRL follows up off the same ropes, shakes his shoulders, dusts his right shoulder off and drops the fist! COLE Shaky Leg Kneedrop and a Five Knuckle Shuffle! COACH The two most ridiculous moves in the OAOAST... at least now the Riot Act Plus is banned, anyway. Holding his hands up PR accepts he shouldn't be in the ring and heads to the corner. That leaves Heat to make the cover... 1... 2... No! Front facelock applied, Heat brings Cortez into the corner and allows the World Champion to tag in. PRL quickly climbs to the top, "smelling the electricity" again before dropping The People's Axe across the lower back of Cortez. Spinning Todd around, PRL then unloads with a succession of punches. Backing Todd up against the ropes, he sends him for the ride with an (northern) irish whip. Leapfrog by PRL! Reverse leapfrog! And an armdrag, patented PRL as he hangs onto an armbar. PRL then takes Cortez back to the corner for another tag. COLE Quick tags by The Badd Boyz now, cutting the ring in half on The Urban Legend. Heat takes over with a kick to the ribs and irish whips Cortez. Emulating his partner, he pulls off a leapfrog. Cortez puts on the brakes right behind Heat this time. But Heat has eyes in the back of his head and delivers the Pele Kick before Todd can strike!! DON WEST OH, THE PELE! HE GOT HIM WITH THE PELE MIKE! UNBELIEVABLE, HE CAN HIT IT FROM ANYWHERE AND OH MAN THIS CROWD IS GOING AB-SOLUTELY WILD! MIKE TENAY Zetroc is Cortez spelled backwards! ...uh, cover by Heat! 1... 2... Kickout! Pulling Cortez back up, Heat fires off a couple of quick kicks to the body. With Cortez softened up, Heat then runs the ropes... ...but gets a knee in the back from the outside from Landon! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE There's a cheapshot! Heat stumbles off the ropes, but instead of capitalising Cortez turns to his corner and asks Landon what the hell he's doing! Another brief arguement breaks out between the two, until Heat shakes off the knee and knocks Landon off the apron with a dropkick! But Heat then turns around and gets takes off his feet with an STO by Cortez! 1... 2... No! Getting back up, Cortez again yells at Landon for his unwanted help as he climbs back to the apron. Landon responds by tagging himself in and putting the boots to Colombian Heat. COACH Cortez better learn to accept help if he wants to be World Champion at School's Out. COLE What makes you think he needs help to do so? COACH He's Todd Cortez, of course he needs Landon's help. That's Todd Cortez in a nutshell. Taking out his frustrations for the first time legally, Landon sends Heat into a neutral corner. Full head of steam, he follows up with a leaping forearm smash in the turnbuckles. Grabbing hold of the head, Landon then runs Heat right back to the opposite corner and face-first into the top turnbuckle pad. Down goes Heat and Landon turns to PRL, mouthing off to draw the World Champion into the ring. Referee Chioda steps in and sure enough, Maddix chokes Heat across the middle rope behind his back to a disapproving look from Cortez in the corner. PRL is sent back to the corner and Chioda turns around to see Landon still in the act... "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FO..." ...and Landon is happy to break clean, having had the choke on for a good ten seconds already. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" COACH I can't understand a word of this Irish 'brogue'. They all sound permanently drunk, which is of course very possible. Pulling Heat off the ropes, Maddix slams the US Champion down in the centre of the ring. Landon then tags in Cortez and calls for him to bodyslam him. A tempting prospect, indeed. Cortez scoops Landon up and the Belfast crowd holler for him to slam La Cucaracha down onto the mat. But Todd shows enormous restraint and instead slams Maddix onto Heat's chest... although definately with some added vigour. Landon kinda regrets his idea as he rubs his back, while Todd makes the cover... 1... 2... Broken up by PRL! Cortez glares at the World Champion as he leaves the ring, the glaring getting under PRL's skin and he enters the ring to ask what The Urban Legend's problem is. In the backdrop to all this, Landon quickly enters the ring, leaping onto Heat's chest with a double stomp and dropping out with a back senton for good measure! COLE A perfect example of Landon and Todd's relationship, right there. Maddix using an unwitting Cortez to get an advantage. COACH Now I know Cortez ain't the brightest bulb, but 'unwitting'? Is that called for? As Cortez turns around, Landon urges him to go for a cover. Smelling a rat, Todd doesn't do so and instead tags in Landon to finish his dirty work himself... 1... 2... No! "LET'S GO HEAT!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" Maddix traps Heat in a rear chinlock, but the chanting seems to awaken something in the Colombian and his body starts to shake with energy. Shaking his head 'no', Landon tries to keep Heat down. But Heat fights to his feet and with fists shaking, he delivers an elbow to the gut. A second. And a third, freeing himself. Heat then hits the ropes and comes charging back, only to get swept up into the air and Samoan Dropped! COACH He learnt that one from Faqu! Reaching back, Landon hooks a leg... 1... 2... Kickout! Another tag is made and Landon again calls the shots as the former Martial Law pick Colombian Heat back up. They send him off the ropes and with some very awkward teamwork they throw a double clothesline... ducked! Heat comes off the opposite ropes and Landon and Todd try again. But Heat dives forward across the joined hands, breaking the double-line and sending Landon and Cortez into a collision of heads! COLE OH! Great thinking by Heat! Cortez and Landon stumble around dazed and start arguing again, as Heat rolls to his corner and GETS THE TAG! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE There's the tag! COACH Come on Landon, take control! Springing off the apron, PRL leaps to the top rope and wipes BOTH opponents out with Flying Clotheslines! Scrambling to his feet, he ducks a shot from Landon and unloads with a succession of punches until La Cucaracha is sent sprawling through the ropes to the floor. PR then cuts Cortez off and spins him into a corner. The World Champion stomps a mini mudhole in the chest of The Urban Legend before sending him coast to coast and across the ring. Following in, PR takes flight and crushes Cortez with a Stinger Splash! Out staggers Cortez, into an Enziguri! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout! The World Champion picks Cortez back up and whips him to the ropes. He goes up for a leapfrog... NO! SITOUT SPINEBUSTER!! COLE Great counter by Cortez!! 1... 2... No! Both PRL and Cortez are slow to their feet now, which allows Landon to come back in with forearms to The P.R Menace. Referee Chioda tries to get him leave, but he's not listening. Putting the badmouth on the World Champion, Landon looks for an irish whip... but PRL reverses... KICK! *WHAM!* CAPPA KILLA!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Out of the ring bounces Maddix, PRL all fires up and yelling obscenities at La Cucaracha... before turning around into a goozle and the URBAN ASSAULT!! COLE Cortez may have him! 1... 2... SAVE BY HEAT!! COLE No! Todd Cortez, half a second away from pinning the World Champion! Heat clubbers away on Cortez before sending him for the ride to the corner. Todd gets his foot up in the corner however, then charges off the ropes. Dazed, Heat staggers out into the centre and into the path of the HOLLOW POOOOOOOIIIIII... ...NO! HEAT SIDESTEPS! Hitting the middle rope, Cortez pushes himself away and walks right into the waiting arms of Colombian Heat who drives him face-first to the canvas with a Flatliner! COLE How's that Pimp Juice taste? Heat turns Cortez over and goes for the pin, but referee refuses to count since the Colombian isn't the legal man. So, instead he jumps back up and runs the ropes, coming back with a front roll with the 'Where The Hood At?'... ONTO THE KNEES!! "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH How's that broken back taste? COLE That doesn't even make sense. Out rolls Heat, while Cortez picks himself back up. Waiting for him is PRL, spinning The Urban Legend around and unloading with a punch. Another. And another. And another. Stop, spit... and a final big left hand! Cortez wobbles but doesn't go down, so PRL runs the ropes and dares Todd to Dodge THIS, BITCH~! He doesn't and gets a foot in the face for his trouble. PRL I'M GOIN' UP! "YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!" Tha Puerto Rican quickly grabs the nearest limb and drags Cortez into position. Once he's got The Urban Legend where he wants him, Tha Puerto Rican then exits the ring and climbs the top rope. The crowd stands up and cheers wildly, getting behind their World Champion. PRL stands up on the top rope, removes his elbow pad, and throws it down on the mat. PR motions to the crowd, and then leaps off the top rope, doing the “Up yours!” hand gesture in mid-air... ...AND HITS THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW DROP!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH Can I get a lawsuit on that? You know what, nevermind, just add it to the pile. PRL jumps back to his feet and signals that "THAT'S IT!" COLE PRL looking to end this one. Grabbing hold of Cortez by the head, PRL hooks on the front facelock and reaches up for a grab of the tights for leverage on the lift. But Cortez spins out and by the wrist, he pulls the World Champ towards him AND NAILS HIM WITH A THRUST KICK UNDER THE JAW!! On the outside meanwhile, Colombian Heat gets dropped with a CUCARACHA CUTTER ON THE RAMPWAY!! Cover by Cortez in the ring... 1... 2... NO! Cortez stands back up and encourages PRL to his feet. The P.R Menace is unsteady on his feet still and walks right into a boot, Cortez dragging him right into a standing headscissors instinctively. COLE Oh no, he can't do this... COACH Go ahead, do it! Realising quickly that a Riot Act is out of the question, Cortez adapts and picks PRL up for a Powerbomb. PRL rains down punches to the top of the head to counter though, pushing himself out in front and onto his feet. Cortez swings and misses with a clothesline, then turns around and gets caught for the LATIN SLA... ...NO! Cortez elbows himself free and picks PRL up for the Powerbomb again. PRL again rains down with the punches to try and save himself. But Cortez suddenly falls backwards and sends Tha Puerto Rican crashing face-first into the top turnbuckle!! "OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!" PRL staggers back off the buckles and gets caught with a German Suplex, with a bridge! 1... 2... NO, KICKOUT! COLE Nice couple of moves there. Only two, but PRL is in trouble with Colombian Heat seemingly out of it in the aisleway. COACH It's School's Out come early. He's all alone with Landon and Cortez. And he's not gonna win! Back up, PRL falls into a corner groggily. In runs Cortez looking to connect on a clothesline in the corner, but PRL comes to life and sidesteps, causing Cortez to crash into the corner. His corner, as it turns out, when Landon jumps to the apron and slaps Todd in the back to initiate a blind tag. Landon quickly gets back down to the floor as PRL lands a clothesline on Cortez though. COLE Referee saw that tag I think, but I'm not so sure Landon wants it anymore. Bringing Cortez out of the corner, PRL looks to deliver the P.R Nightmare again. Cortez shoves him off and backwards into the ropes. Back comes PRL with a clothesline again, ducked by Todd, but PRL stops in his tracks... KICK! *WHAM!* CAPPA KI... ...NO! Cortez shoves PRL off again. PRL stops short of the ropes... ...but Landon leaps to the apron from nowhere and hangs him over the top rope!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Damnit, Landon from the outside! Away from the ropes staggers Tha Puerto Rican and Cortez, having not seen Landon's involvement, quickly capitalises. He delivers a thrust kick to the gut, then picks PRL up over his shoulder. Reaching up, he inches his hands up around PR's chin and hovers him over the canvas... before popping him backwards into a neckbreaker from off the rack!! COLE NECKWRECKER! COACH But wait, because the best is yet to come! Before Cortez can get the cover, in slides Landon like a thief in the night. He hauls PRL quickly back to his feet and hoists him up into the fireman's carry, Cortez looking on stunned as Maddix throws the World Champion up... ...and CRACKS HIM WITH THE KNEE ON THE WAY DOWN!! COACH GO TO SLEEP~! COLE You've gotta be kidding me! As the referee tries to explain that Landon's legal to Cortez, he gets a loud and clear visual message as Landon hooks up both legs of PRL and pins him down with all he's worth, Megan counting along on the floor... 1... 2... 3!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Landon Maddix pins the World Champion! *DINGDINGDING!* "Megalomaniac" cues up, Colombian Heat falling short of the save and falling dejectedly off the apron. Jumping to his feet, Landon's mood does a complete 180 as he rolls out of the ring and dives into the arms of Megan to celebrate his big victory. Still stunned, Cortez looks on trying to take in what just happened with victory stolen from right under his nose. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of TODD CORTEZ and LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX... CUCARACHA INTERNNAAAAACCIIIIIIOOOOOOOOONNAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE I think Cortez might have had PRL beat. But we'll never know, thanks to Landon Maddix! Yet again he profits from Todd's hard work... and is this a prelude of what's to come at School's Out!? Landon and Megan continue to savour the victory, with their 'tag team partner' certainly not happy about how it went down. Todd stands with hands on hips, looking down at the flat out World Champion. PRL is knocked loopy from the G2S and stares up at the Belfast lights, with Landon beaming away at the scene. COLE Landon Maddix is standing tall tonight. Will this be a sign of things to come? Will the plan come together again in ten nights time? From Belfast, we thank you for joining us. Next week, we return home to the US and tensions will for sure be running high! Goodnight, we'll see you next week from Hartford! COACH HOLLA! FADE OUT.