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King Cucaracha

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Everything posted by King Cucaracha

  1. King Cucaracha

    Complete Raw spoilers

    There not so desperate that they are re-hashing a storyline from a few months back are they? Not so much rehashing as playing off of it. I'm sure JR will have or in the future will make reference to them not being guys you can trust, 'just look at what happened with the Hardys'. It's actually (potentially) good continuity.
  2. King Cucaracha

    The One and Only KC Thread~!

    You should all be bowing down to the King. Or something. I dunno, 3 posts isn't good enough, that's all I know. I guess I should have thought of something relevant before posting but whatever. Buy me something.
  3. King Cucaracha

    AngleSlam 2007 feedback

    The 3-Way. Is. Done. There is a God and he's an OAOAST mark! Normal service may now be resumed.
  4. King Cucaracha

    Complete Raw spoilers

    Actually, you know what, it's going to be Coachman. Because he 'looks up' to Vince.
  5. King Cucaracha

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    *People like that who'd never draw any interest of money. *opens up can of worms*
  6. King Cucaracha

    Complete Raw spoilers

    What do you look up at when you're in a wrestling ring? Rafters. It can only be STING! Honestly, the clue's probably just a way of trying to throw everybody off the scent. 'Things are looking up' could just mean 'hey, it's actually someone positive', which could in turn mean 'hey, it's someone who I, an uninformed outsider, believe to be good but will actually be your worst nightmare'.
  7. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    If guys are having to get painkillers and steroids with possible views to using them for pain related issues, surely it'd be a better idea to have guys work less shows rather than more?
  8. King Cucaracha

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    As regards to Rave, I never really got the love for him out of context. Much like BJ Whitmer, he's a solid but pretty much unspectacular worker who never really did anything for me personality wise and never impressed in-ring consistently. Then they paired him up with Nana and that covered up his main weakness, on the microphone. His feud with AJ and with GenNext elevated him, his feud with Punk seemed to actually make him a genuine top guy in ROH. Then Nana went and they turned Rave into this Randy Orton type character, only without the facekick o'doom and with the heelhook o'doom and I stopped caring again. If they sign Prince Nana, I will watch every Impact from start to finish. Otherwise, Rave's destined to be lost in the shuffle.
  9. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    They were good opening match level act to get the crowd going. They got the 'Godfather pop', and that was it. It's no big loss to see them gone. Hmm, disagree. They were really over last week. Granted, even Miz can get people waving and jumping up and down while standing in the crowd, but still, last week they looked like genuine top team material with the crowd around them. The catchphrase was getting over and would have sold a lot at the merch tables I'm sure had they released a t-shirt in time. And for a WWE team, they were acceptable. Had this been a month ago it wouldn't have been a big loss. It's definately a loss now though. CRYME TIME: Money, Money? DIXIE CARTER: Yeah yeah!
  10. King Cucaracha

    ECW/Smackdown Spoilers for the 9/4 and 9/7 airings

    See, this is why I'm not a big Punk fan anymore. Because so many of his fans are ungrateful, irrational whiners who will apparantly never be satisfied. So he won the title a few weeks earlier on TV? So what!? I think we're all in agreement that the guys on the suspension list should be punished ASAP, whether we like them or not. Maybe they're going to take time with the World and WWE Title involved guys, maybe they consider the ECW Title less important and able to deal with quickly. Is that right? Probably not. But I can see the logic. What percentage of the fanbase would be purchasing Unforgiven for Punk vs. Morrison and that alone? Honestly? 5%, maybe 10% at a stretch? It was expandable, just like Umaga and Hardy will be Monday. I've been following Punk's career for 7 years now. He's made it to where he is through hard work and he deserves his moment. He's a 'World' Champion in the WWE. And you don't even have to pay to see it happen. So for crying out loud, quit bitching about every decision made in Punk's career and maybe grateful he's even got the opportunity to be where he is in the first place and ENJOY something for once?
  11. King Cucaracha

    Booking 4 9/6/HD

    One way or another, the AS 3-Way is going up and I'll stick at least the ending in this week too so we can get back on track. Thus, we'll hear from Landon and maybe others. Btw, as far as my big rant last week, it wasn't meant to come off as such. I think every show from Syndicated to AS has been at least a day late or had an element a day late and it's getting to the point where we either say 'okay, show's on Friday' or 'okay, show's on Thursday and that's a deadline'. I probably should have been a little clearer, it won't be uber-strict every week or anything, it's just as case of establishing we do have a deadline and that in the future, if we have anything that's going to be late for some reason, we should really try and say ahead of time to give everyone a fair shake (like me asking for an extra day for AS).
  12. King Cucaracha

    AS:Maddix vs. Malibu vs. PRL

    Okay, I don't know what the deal is with EWC. I'll take this over the weekend and hopefully have it done by Monday so we can get this out of the way.
  13. King Cucaracha

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    Actually, Vince said himself on RAW, he was only 50. And if this situation tells us anything, it's to trust Honest Vince on his word. Honestly though, I don't see that it's neccessarily going to be a huge dent in the shows in terms of numbers. There's ways around it. ECW only has an hour TV time anyway and enough guys left to be relatively undamaged. With RAW and Smackdown, if they can find two/four guys capable of a long, epic match, they can just pair them up and tell them to tear the house down for 30/40 mins. That eats up a few segments. Plus, you've got the jobber route, bring in some guys from OVW or whatever local indy and feed them to the roster guys (ie. Mark Henry). Throw in some video packages, some diva matches, try and get Austin or Foley or whomever in for a segment. The problem is obviously who's suspended, not how many. But I don't see as the TV shows will be a lot worse off for the 30 days, it's the PPV I'd be more worried about.
  14. King Cucaracha

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    I'm glad somebody brought this up. All this talk of this being WWE's death knell or something is really ridiculous but it might be a little uncomfortable were Vince's name to come up in one of these scandals or tested positive or something. And I'm surprised the media hasn't tried to 'uncover' all these comments, like Randy and the stuff in the magazine and the comments about Masters when he was slimming down. I mean, usually the media'll jump at the chance to smear someone or something they percieve to be the bad guy. It's not like it's 'send in an undercover report' stuff, it's on their TV show and in their own magazines for crying out loud. And not to be pessimistic, but I'm in the 'I wouldn't rule anyone out' camp. Some people still seem to be naturally assuming only guys with huge muscles are on steroids. As others have explained better than I could, there's far more to it than that.
  15. King Cucaracha

    HD: My stuff for the week

    * SWOOSH * Back to live HD and Nathaniel Black nods as the footage ends. MAGGIE (clearly distracted) So... uh... have you ever met Simon Cowell? BLACK (ignoring Maggie) I told you all at Syndicated, I was gonna kick some arse and take some names for the way this bloody company treated me like a steamin' pile of dog crap when I was here first time. Jamie O'Hara, of all the tossers in this locker room, you're the one I 'ate the most. So, it starts with you, 'mate'. Yeh, you may be not be a Yank. You may be 'British', but you sure as heck ain't a British wrestler! I warned ya in WDW, my mission in the US was to prove British wrestling is the best wrestling. That Britain is the best, period. And so long as glorified circus acts like you are walkin' 'round representin' England, I'm wastin' my pissing time. I'm 'ere to set an example. And if it's through you, all the better. MAGGIE Nathaniel, that was bitching. Thanks. Scowling, Nathaniel marches off, leaving Maggie free to scuttle back over to where Leon Rodez continues to stand by. MAGGIE Okay, so, where were we? LEON Oh. Sorry for interrupting by the way. MAGGIE No problem. That guy stunk of lager for some reason. LEON Fantastic. So, anyway, you know the past few months have been really rough for me and I haven't been myself. Infact, I'm not sure I've been myself since you've been in the OAOAST. And, you know, Jade's finally seen the light, thank God, so... I'm finally in a good place again. And it occured to me the other day that the past few weeks, you've been trying to interview me and I was giving you a little short-shrift. MAGGIE Oh, well, totally understandable... LEON No. Look, that's not me, you know. To be that way to someone who's just trying to do their job. Let's face it, when I go to the bank or I'm trying to order at the Diary Queen, there's some people who aren't so great at what they do but I'm pleasant and courteous to them. And yeah, I'm not a huge fan of DMV workers or the IRS. But they're doing their job. Besides, technically, we're colleagues. You know about The Love Shack, right? Oh, who am I kidding, how could you not! It's award winning you know. MAGGIE I think I saw one where you made fun of Marv and Mel. Awkward moment!! MAGGIE It's okay though, I do it all the time. They're total dorks! Phew! LEON Oh, totally! (forced laugh) Listen, the point is, I know what it's like trying to do your job. I'm part of the interview personality community and as part of that community, I should have went the extra mile to show solidarity with you, my bretheren. And for not doing that, I apologise. So, to make it up to you, I was thinking... maybe, dinner? After the show? You know, a little get together with the interviewers kinda thing? JOSH MATTHEWS (off-screen) Ooh, I'll come! LEON Sorry Josh, you're more of an 'orally based journalist' than an interviewer buddy! Maybe some over time. (to Maggie) So, that sound good? Maggie takes a second to think about it before shrugging. MAGGIE Sure, why not. LEON Great! See you real soon. As Maggie walks off, curling a finger through her hair with a big smile on her face, Leon stays ice cool leaning up against the wall. LEON And that's why guys without a match come to every show. ..... That and the fines. JOSH MATTHEWS (off-screen) Were you talking to me? LEON No Josh, just thinking aloud! Send your mom my love when you see her next, hey? Ooohhhh, #Wake up Maggie I think I got somethin' to say to you!# Leon struts away as we go back to wherever Patty damn well wants! You know, I don't know why I've posted it in three parts but, oh well...
  16. King Cucaracha

    HD: My stuff for the week

    One after the other please. As is. MAGGIE What's on and popping, Maggie Nerdly here hanging out with the OAOAST's answer to Maggie Thatcher herself, Nathaniel Black. What's the deal lime sauce? Black, who has been standing with a smug grin on his face, looks at Maggie in confusion. BLACK Are you on drugs, lass? MAGGIE What makes you say that? BLACK Well, you're young. You're a blone Yank airhead. Lohan. Spears. Ringin' any bells? MAGGIE Nooo, never! My mommy loved me. You know what they say, Hugs Not Drugs. Plus, I'm Canadian. So, anyway, down to business, we've got some footage to show the good people of TV land from our weekend show. I think it's called Syndicated, or OAOAST Pro, or Wrestling Superheroes... I dunno, nobody seems to be sure. But anyway, it's footage involving you. We're gonna see Jamie O'Hara wrestling that my fellow Canadian crumpet Mister James Blonde, from last Saturday night on the 'Road To AngleSlam special'. And... *ahem!* MAGGIE ...uh, and you make a little cameo appearance along the way, which... *AHEM!* MAGGIE ...you're not a ventriloquist, are ya? BLACK No. MAGGIE In that case... Maggie looks around for the source of the throat clearing. Nothing to the left, but to the right stands LEON RODEZ, waving coyly. Pointing to herself to check if it's she he's trying to get the attention off, Maggie gives him a quick thumbs-up and turns to the camera as if nothing happened. MAGGIE Okay, roll footage!
  17. King Cucaracha

    HD: My stuff for the week

    * SWOOSH * Courtesy: OAOAST Syndicated Snap suplex by O'Hara! SCHIAVONE O'Hara, mounting a real comeback here! O'Hara hops up quickly, stomping Blonde back down and making sure he's firmly down. He then sets, readying himself before springing off the mat and tumbling... WITH A SHOOTING STAR PRESS!?! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" 1... 2... Kickout! Furious, O'Hara glares at Mickey Jay as he gets back up, waiting for Blonde. On the outside, Faqu continues to watch on stoicly. SCHIAVONE O'Hara has to stay on the attack here, Blonde is visably reeling. Picking himself up in the corner, sudden fear strikes Blonde as The Birmingham Bad Boy sprints towards him... ...sidestep... ...O'Hara lands on the middle rope safely though. With a quick spring, he then vaults backwards, moonsaulting... onto his feet! Blonde is able to sidestep the 'sault too though and as O'Hara lands, a short knee to the ribs slows the human speedball down. Resting against the turnbuckles for a second, Blonde eventually goes up onto the middle rope, drawing O'Hara into a stinging right hand and hooking on a front facelock. Blonde then takes off, spiking O'Hara on his head with a Tornado DDT! VENTURA From Vancouver With Love, not a lot of love for O'Hara though. All pain. With O'Hara down, Blonde slows the pace down a little by taking a breather, before making a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Pulling O'Hara up, Blonde nails a right hand and then a second before pushing O'Hara into the ropes, sending him across the ring. As he hits the ropes though, O'Hara manages to hook his arms over the top rope and halt his momentum... only for Blonde to charge in anyway and clothesline O'Hara up and over the top. However, he doesn't notice O'Hara grabbing the top rope and levering himself onto the apron and turns his back to motion to the crowd, leaving himself open for a springboard missile dropkick from O'Hara! Sprawling forward, Blonde ends up tumbling out through the ropes and to the floor, while O'Hara tries to regain his senses. VENTURA Not a good place to be against this guy. Slowly Blonde pulls himself up on the outside. In the ring meanwhile, the same can be said for O'Hara, who has Blonde in his sights. Moving Mickey Jay aside, O'Hara takes a run-up, before cartwheeling across the ring and tumbling up, over, out and WIPING OUT BLONDE WITH A SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP~! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE Put that one on the highlight reel! VENTURA They didn't do that kinda thing in my day, Schiavone. The crowd applaud O'Hara, as he and Blonde lie in a mangled heap on the arena floor. Meanwhile, referee Mickey Jay begins his count on both men. O'Hara rolls to his knees, trying to shake out the cobwebs after taking a pretty rough landing on the floor himself. Watching from a few feet away is Faqu, standing menacingly cracking his knuckles. SCHIAVONE I still don't understand what right that monster has to be out here. He can't have a manager's license and he's obviously got a vested interest in proceedings. VENTURA Schiavone, get with the times. Manager's licenses are out, crazy gymnastic flips are in. Pulling himself up, O'Hara turns and looks suspiciously at Faqu. He's not afraid to mouth off to the big Samoan as he begins to pull his opponent to his feet. But his divided attentions cost him, as Blonde suddenly charges The Birmingham Bad Boy backwards, driving his spine into the ring apron! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Backing up, Blonde waits for Jamie to step forward before driving him backwards into the ring apron a second time. SCHIAVONE Blonde, buying himself some time here after that dive he absorbed. Blonde rolls O'Hara in at six to break the count. With that dealt with, Blonde takes a moment to turn and hurl abuse at the ringside fans before climbing back to the apron and waiting on O'Hara to get up. O'Hara slowly gets to his feet, turning towards Blonde who latches onto his head, bringing his throat down across the top ring cable. The 5'9 Brit is propelled off his feet from the momentum of the move and lands with a thud. Blonde stops for a second to get himself together before then entering the ring, waiting for Jamie to get back up. He gives the immortal signal that it's OVAH~! and the crowd quickly rally behind O'Hara to recover. SCHIAVONE The Canadian with those hands twitching, he's stalking O'Hara, looking for the Illegally Blonde here it looks like. As the shaken O'Hara pushes back onto his feet, it's the signal for Blonde to make his move. He grabs the arm and tries to sink in the cobra clutch immediately... ...NO! O'Hara rolls out behind, leaping onto Blonde's shoulders and taking him over with a quick victory roll... 1... 2... 3!!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" VENTURA Woah! SCHIAVONE He got him, out of nowhere! As Blonde sits up with his eyes bugging and two fingers brandished at the referee, O'Hara turns to the crowd and nods his head, as if to say he knew he'd win all along. He wouldn't feel quite so smart though if he realised NATHANIEL BLACK had just rolled into the ring and was measuring him for a LARIAT!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE What the hell is this now!? VENTURA It's a bonus! Be grateful Schiavone. Black jumps up and puts the boots to O'Hara, quickly joined by Blonde who is still fuming over the defeat. The duo stomp away on O'Hara as Faqu enters the ring too, scaring off referee Mickey Jay. Calling off the attack, Black drags O'Hara off the canvas to club him with a European Uppercut! And another! Noticing a fourth man in the ring, Black then throws O'Hara away... *WHAM!* ...into a BRUTAL Samoan Drop from Faqu!! "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA That's three hundred plus pounds right there coming down on your chest, an easy way to collapse a lung or two! SCHIAVONE Jesse, this is ridiculous! This is three on one, there's no need for this! As Faqu pulls himself back up, Black walks over to the fallen Birmingham Bad Boy. Standing over him, the badmouth is put on O'Hara by the thick accented Cockney... before a hard *SLAP!* puts an exclamation point on the message. Black then raises his arms in the air, as Blonde continues to insist he got a shoulder up on two to anyone who'll listen.
  18. King Cucaracha

    PWG: 2007 Battle Of Los Angeles thread

    Uh, did I miss something? I thought TNA guys weren't able to work PWG?
  19. King Cucaracha

    ROH CAGED RAGE results

    So Evans' stable is going to be made up of fliptastic indy guys? I guess my prediction of PAC might not be that far off the mark.
  20. King Cucaracha

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    That was my first thought too. Aside from that, not too bad. Except, the past two times they've been on RAW they've been sans masks, correct?
  21. King Cucaracha

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    They have to buy their own health insurance. Bob is right, WWE does not provide health insurance, or any other kind of benefits, but WWE wrestlers do make good enough money to be able to get their own insurance. A stiff boot did it? Did Danielson not protect himself? Did he just take the boot face first? Just speculation on my part, but it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case. My first thought was a forearm that was too hard or a kick that was too hard. They'd have been working a NOAH style match so probably wouldn't have been holding anything back.
  22. King Cucaracha

    Project 161

    Marek and Tyler are a couple of young indy guys based out of the Midwest, trained by Danny Daniels. Tyler was Jimmy Jacobs' tag partner on WSX on MTV. And going by track-record, probably yeah. Either work the site or worked shoot nobody outside of the shit gives a shit about.
  23. King Cucaracha

    BOOKING 4 THE 8/30/HD

    Seeing as AS still isn't up, I say we postpone HD until Friday on the previso that if you don't get your stuff in on time (me included), it's not going in the show anymore.
  24. King Cucaracha

    Angleslam Booking Thread

    EWC checked with me and said he'd be finishing it. So, should be done any time in the next month.