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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    SNL last night..

    Sorry guy, it sucks a monstercock these days... But, Ive only seen a few of the pathetic sketches...Saturday nights are usually kinda social. I didn't say anything, but I too find it odd that the guy spends every Saturday night watching this show. I'm not one to judge or anything, but still. At least SK or whomever is the latest wrestling geek only has to stay home on MONDAY nights.
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    SNL last night..

    When in doubt, just attack the credibility of the person whose opinion differs from yours. Of course, bringing up no points but an SK-ish PBP "review" of the show will probably not help your case, but meh. Seriously, it sounds like you took their criticism too seriously with that line. I know these SNL actors are your good friends and everything, but really, take it easy.
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Bible is literally true.

    Okay, but you can't set up a system where actions can't earn your salvation but they can lose it. That's contradictory. If works are things you do because of your salvation, then you already have it before you start, as evidenced by Jesus taking on all sin. I don't quite understand your last sentence. If your salvation is already there, what exactly are works counting for? Everybody's equal to God, which leads me to: I differ with you here. She IS my sister regardless of what she believes. There's no hoping. Atheist, Jew, Wiccan... even if they've got something wrong they're still my brothers and sisters. And ultimately the only justice is either acceptance into heaven or some place which purifies the soul or reincarnation... turning away from God is the biggest of sins but it's a sin nonetheless... which the Resurrection took away. I can't see God placing someone in hell, only the person choosing hell. Oh and I don't question your service, SP, I was incorrectly sensing a lack of perspective re: living the message. IDRM, care to elaborate how Catholic practices change the big picture? He means his *actual* sister obviously. He was talking about personal things so he brought up that particular personal factoid.
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Maddox Commentary-Christopher Reeve was an asshole

    Well Bush isn't a fan of stem cell research or whatever, which Reeve believe could have helped him. I guess what he's trying to say is that Reeve (I don't know, I'm guessing) felt that as a result Reeve was blaming Bush for keeping him in a wheelchair or something. And that article is like a year old. It isn't like he wrote it now (although I wouldn't put it past him).
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    I think Sean's point was that if you don't understand the seriousness of the war and its effect on people around the world, to not only have but encourage an "I don't give a shit" attitude is pretty irresponsible. The last point seems to just ask them to educate themselves on the seriousness of the matter and then see how they feel about it.
  6. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Laws or issues that you support or want adopted

    There's a movie coming out soon titled "The Motorcycle Diaries" detailing his life, although surely in a positive light as a revolutionary. What many people don't realize is his influence, along with Castro's, is the cause of a great deal of many of the revolutions and guerillas you see in Central and South America nowadays, and even worse was Che's death has been spinned since then to make him a martyr of a revolutionary cause. Then all these braindead teenage twats in America see a t-shirt with his face on it and think it'd be cool to wear it, mindless of who the person is or what he may have stood for. *sigh* I always thought it was because he felt the need to help out the poor or fight for those that couldn't fight for themselves, and were living in poverty? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems pretty noble in and of itself.
  7. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Laws or issues that you support or want adopted

    Question for V-X: I'd like to know more about how Fidel/Che fucked over South America, or was it just Fidel once Che died? Inform me, everyone seems to love Che these days.
  8. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pitchfork Media lists top 50 worst guitar solos

    So I take it by crap you mean "simple". If so, I agree, because I'd rather listen to the "solo" (lead guitar/whatever) from Teen Spirit than a bunch of that awful Wanking Phish or Grateful Dead crap. Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia are/were both extremely good guitarists... I never said that they weren't talented.
  9. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pitchfork Media lists top 50 worst guitar solos

    So I take it by crap you mean "simple". If so, I agree, because I'd rather listen to the "solo" (lead guitar/whatever) from Teen Spirit than a bunch of that awful Wanking Phish or Grateful Dead crap. Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia are/were both extremely good guitarists... I never said that they weren't talented.
  10. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Bible is literally true.

    I was talking to a teacher about Purgatory, and apparently not only does no one go straight to Heaven, but very few are even lucky enough to make it to Purgatory. He feels that regardless of whether or not you're a Christian, the purity of your soul and character dictate whether you even get a chance in purgatory, but no one goes straight to Heaven. It's a scary thought for me personally, that even if I am a Christian, I might still wind up in Hell.
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pitchfork Media lists top 50 worst guitar solos

    So I take it by crap you mean "simple". If so, I agree, because I'd rather listen to the "solo" (lead guitar/whatever) from Teen Spirit than a bunch of that awful Wanking Phish or Grateful Dead crap.
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pitchfork Media lists top 50 worst guitar solos

    What if it's a bad solo fitting bad music?
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pitchfork Media lists top 50 worst guitar solos

    running your guitar through an effects box and making squeal while you do a bunch of slides and shit does not equal innovative. He is...passable on guitar, and it is embarassing that he's listed as a guitar 'hero' I was about to say the same thing, and in a recent review of the latest Zach De La Rocha single, they ripped on him for his guitar work again. A bit of deja vu there, reading your post.
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pitchfork Media lists top 50 worst guitar solos

    I hated that Pulling Teeth "song" and agreed with their reasoning behind putting it on the list. I mean, they made an exception for it, and even pointed out that the bass is still a guitar. You could be technical and say that ruins the credibility of the list, but really, it is just a way of sticking on another crappy solo on there. Either way, the list is just talking about how solos are most of the time unnecessary and are just used as a bit to show off. They have no place and are just a bunch self-mastorbatory riffs with no place within the structure of the song. Sometimes, a solo can really lift a song and serve as a catalyst, but a lot of times guys just use it to fuck around. With that said, I don't know if the songs on the list fall under that category, since I haven't heard most of them. Most of the music I listen to doesn't involve lots of solos anyway, except for the occasional metal album, none of which are prominent enough to be featured on this list, so I don't really care.
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Letters from the troops

    Try this one instead: http://www.celsius4111.com/ There's nothing that actually talks about the movie though, except for the trailer. I'd like to actually see some sort of synopsis/message or whatever.
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    Just out of curiousity, for the outspoken Republican voters in the thread/folder, would there be a democratic candidate that you might consider voting for had they won the nomination or whatever?
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Websites with free mp3's

    Anyone here know of good torrent sites where full albums are available for d/l? I only know of suprnova, which is a good one but not for really obscure stuff. I'm looking for a place that doesn't even have to be all that elitist, just say, to the level of a XTC or so.
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Bible is literally true.

    Heh, don't worry about it, I'm just worried if you have forgotten what it was we were talking about, it's been months since the discussion.
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    This is Becoming a Problem

    sounds like a gay porno movie Never seen a gay porno movie, so I'll bow to your expertise. -=Mike IMPLYING SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT= HOMOZ BASHING = BANN PLZ~!
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    This is Becoming a Problem

    As much as you guys like to take pointless jabs at him, do you expect him to believe it when there's not one post in here that holds evidence outside of your mouths, err, posts? Until you provide a source...a CREDIBLE source that actually uses some reasoning as to show that the DNC or Kerry or Edwards are behind all of this then he, and I, will believe it. God forbid we don't believe everything you say. I should also point out that GreatOne is ridiculously good at creating straw men.
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Inoue to TNA

    I never watch TNA or NJPW these days, but I would've tuned in if all of a sudden ENSON~! decided to step into the world of professional wrestling. I always assume that all Japanese fighters have done at one point or another and can go back to it. Alas, it was not to be.
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Bible is literally true.

    As lame as this is gonna sound, if there was no suffering, we'd already be in Heaven. I think that's part of the reason that bad things happen - without bad things, we couldn't appreciate good things, because then they'd just be things. Wrong. Good is fulfillment of being, to be completely good is to be a complete being, like God. Evil is a lack of being, when we commit evil acts we take away from our own being. We strive to be like God, so when we do good acts we complete our being, to be like Him. That's the rough of it anyway. I can't remember how to properly put it, and if anyone is interested I could link up an explanation. The main problem I see with the "without suffering you wouldn't have compassion" explanation or whatever it is, is that what about in Heaven where there's no suffering? Does that mean that there is no joy too? What about those that die young, or those who never experience happiness. Do they not realize what joy feels like for eternity? EDIT: I realize that I didn't quite explain how the evil acts could co-exist with the idea of God. So I will point out that God created us whole, but we rejected him through the story of Adam and Eve due to our tendency to sin, so we chose evil and chose to deplete ourselves of his Goodness. So really, He is the Ultimate Good, and we choose to be evil thanks to our free will, and have slowly created a mess for ourselves through our evil choices, creating a void in ourselves. If we didn't fall from His Hand we would not be in this situation, so God can exist while there is evil in this world. His Grace is what helps us overcome our selfish tendency to sin and do the right thing, to put it simply.It's not about creating suffering to co-exist with joy so we know the effects of both.
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Talib Kweli

    This is pretty good I thought. I d/l it a couple of months ago but never really got to it. Needless to say, I think it's as good if not better as Quality. Of course, it's pretty much a bootleg so I think some more editing will take place or whatever, but most of the tracks on it are pretty damn good. Some memorable lines too, which is what I like about Talib the most. He raps about SOMETHING, and is clever about it too. In response to Jay-Z's line about him on the Black Album: If lyrics sold, I'd probably be just as rich and famous as Jay-Z. That's pretty funny, because he comes off offended that Jay-Z would even insinuate that he had his skills, so he very subtly tells him to fuck off haha. It's fucking brilliant I say, and the whole album is filled with stuff like this. Whenever this comes out, buy it. Or d/l it now if you're a cash-strapped young lad like me.
  24. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Interesting read from Vince Russo

    Maybe it's because I'm a Christian, but while there were flaws with it I still think it wasn't that bad. He's still full of himself, and I don't know how genuine he is with it, but it seems to have caused a very real change in him, at least, as his writing would have you believe. I am just interested to know when he wrote this and in what timeframe did all of these things happen.
  25. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Dr. Phil

    So the ten year old kid decides to go on national TV and get embarrassed for something that he's completely unaware of?