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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Should foreign-born citizens be allowed to...

    You DON'T think that FDR was a good leader? That actually surprised me, too (figured Reagan). FDR isn't my fave (he didn't end the Great Depression, no matter how much credit he gets for it), but I wouldn't say he was a bad Pres. He probably was aiming at Hoover (who wasn't that bad, either. Heck, he kept Europe from starvation following WWI. He was just stuck with a financial crisis that nobody could figure out and no major war to revitalize the economy). -=Mike Whatever you might say about his presidency, in no way was he one of the worst. He was also a great leader, and seemed to be a source of inspiration during times when the country had needed it. I wasn't alive at the time, so I wouldn't know. What about Reagan does everyone favour? I've heard of people calling him the best president of the twentieth century, but there's never really an explanation given.
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Malcolm X......

    Mo Better Blues was good too, people forget about that one. Bamboozled had a good first hour, than it became all overly dramatic and shitty at the end, what with Mos Def kidnapping the tap dancer and such.
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Passion of the Christ

    Wonder if she'll like the three back to back Bod Spray commercials that are plaguing every damn movie that I've seen or several months Grandma: Uh, *Insert Downhome's real name here* Downhome: Yeah? Grandma....*whispers* I see black people!
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Malcolm X......

    Yeah, I figured it was a way of them apologizing, although I still think it's funny, in that they basically admitted that they were wrong.
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What does your name mean?

    Daniel - "God is my Judge" Origin is Hebrew (Naturally) Last name means "Strong Lion" or something along those lines, in a different language of course.
  6. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pat Buchanan sticks it to the neocons

    How is he racist? I'm not a fan or anything I've always just figured him to be ignorant, as opposed to ignorant and racist.
  7. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Malcolm X......

    Funny, if somebody said blacks girl were whores, I doubt it'd be looked on as being humorous. Even more ironic, the line wasn't meant to be funny. Ed Wood's films are more amusing. They're so bad they're funny. Spike's films are just plain bad. Unrelenting tedium. -=Mike Well, the 25th Hour was pretty good, so I dont think Lee is a horrible director... just more of a hit or miss... not Ed Wood, but definitely not Scorsese As for racism in films... I dont know. I agree it's probably there sometimes, I just dont make an issue out of it depending on the context... if a movie is blatantly racist and made as a way to completely degrade a certain race, like Birth of a Nation for example, then yes, thats wrong... but if a movie is just presenting a viewpoint in a certain context designed to inform the viewers of that, then I dont have a problem with it... basically, if it's racist propaganda, then you have a point My view on racism in films is this: If it wouldn't be acceptable should the races be reversed, then I have a problem with it. -=Mike Did that line come out of Spike Lee's mouth? No, it came out of a character in the movie. Does every character in the movie represent Spike's personal beliefs? No, they represent their own fictitious ones. Is Edward Norton a racist for doing what he did in the grocery star in "American History X"? Is Tony Kaye? No, they're playing characters, who probably do exist in real life, but aren't necessarily DIRECTLY a viewpoint on the part of the director. There may be some underlying message that is trying to be put across, but it's in a certain context and is displayed through events rather than dialogue. About the movie, I always found it funny that Denzel won for TD since he didn't win for Malcolm X. I thought Denzel was better in it than Russel in Beautiful Mind, but I liked Guy Pearce in Memento more than the both of them, although that probably has more to do with that movie being jaw droppingly awesome as opposed to anything else. I haven't done much research on it, so I can't really say who his killers were, but I would assume that it's NOI. From what is known black people shot him, and there weren't many black people in the CIA at the time. Also, I doubt it was his ex-hoodlum buddies since they would've shot him much longer before that if they really wanted to.
  8. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Should foreign-born citizens be allowed to...

    You DON'T think that FDR was a good leader?
  9. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Should foreign-born citizens be allowed to...

    I don't see the problem in yes. Saying no immigrants can run for president might take away a potentially great candidate. If someone who is an immigrant isn't a good fit, then they simply wouldn't be voted in. If you doubt their affiliations with the country, then just don't vote for them. A lot of other people would do the same and you wouldn't have to worry about them winning.
  10. Your Paragon of Virtue


    WHOOSH The extreme velocity of that going over his head has mussed his hair. He was being sarcastic, but I don't know if the two of you are just slow or are being sarcastic in response to his sarcasm by acting like asses, but that's doubtful. Or maybe RRR wasn't being sarcastic at all and I'm just a dipset? How embarrassing. DIPSHIT DIPSHIT DIPSHIT
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue


    WHOOSH The extreme velocity of that going over his head has mussed his hair. He was being sarcastic, but I don't know if the two of you are just slow or are being sarcastic in response to his sarcasm by acting like asses, but that's doubtful. Or maybe RRR wasn't being sarcastic at all and I'm just a dipset? How embarrassing.
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MLB 2004 Predictions

    Being a Jays fan, I'm curious as to what makes you so optimistic about their ability? Notice how I didn't say chances, since they are playing with the Bosox and Yankees.
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Peter Aerts vs Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams

    Does he have a legit wrestling background? I fail to see how he has a chance in hell of winning anyway. A straight up wrestler with minimal experience and a so-so pedigree, not to mention out of shape and broken down against someone who is still one of the premier kickboxers in the world? I fail to see it. The grappler won't ALWAYS win.
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Jake Roberts has starved Damien to death

    Credit: Mike Aldrin -- And the plot thickens.. Jake hasn't been known to lie in the past, so this is probably true.
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Peter Aerts vs Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams

    Is this with Inoki's group? If it is, then I can't see it, which is a shame, since I would've liked to see him knock "Dr. Death's" head clean off of his shoulders.
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    I can't listen to this album without crying.

    Sigur Ros - Untitled #1 (Vaka) is it for me. The fact that I've listened to it whenever I was depressed (Exaggeration, but you know) doesn't help.
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue


    Where did you read this? Do you know of any Canadian tour dates? Yes, I am aware that I don't really have to quote you.
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue

    There's dirt on your shoulder...

    That's because it has that incredibly unique Eminem-produced beat. Please tell me you didn't just put the words "unique" and "Eminem-produced beat" anywhere near each other, let alone the same sentence. That in itself is a joke. Em may be a talented lyricist, but when it comes to the production, the guy's beats are clones of each other (and that's not a good thing). I thought he was being sarcastic. "Incredibly unique" is what tipped it off. That song is pretty generic. Speaking of which, Eminem is coming out with a CD in March I believe. How well will that one sell?
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    San Francisco Officials Marry Gay Couples

    Yeah see that's what I thought. Yeah, you have the thesis near the beginning, but like you thought, I misunderstood you and thought you were talking about writing the paper, not the actual final paper. It's true; where's Arnold?
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What do you look like...

    Look on the bright side; if you want hairless pubes, you no longer need to worry about the itchy aftereffects.
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Best Ryan Adams Album

    The latest album he had was garbage, just terrible. I didn't listen to anything else he's put out though.
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    San Francisco Officials Marry Gay Couples

    Journalism class teaches you the opposite (establish your position at the start, then defend it). When you write a thesis, you gather evidence than you create it. It makes your research unbiased. I thought that was common knowledge? That's academic writing. Journalism isn't necessarily always academic writing. With the way everyone on the board complains about "biased sources", you'd think that we'd be better off if journalists decided to look at the whole story before making an opinion. I find the two similar anyways.
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What do you look like...

    It's okay to have eyebrows, dude. Yeah, I'd love to have eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair. But unfortunately my body said "NO HAIR FOR YOU" 4 years ago, and all my hair fell out. Except for some of my eyelashes, its not grown back since. If you don't mind me asking, how did that happen?