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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Philosophy Help

    It's not like a deep essay, it's just a simple answer to the question. I'd be able to make the analogy if I at least knew the answer to this one. But I don't, so I can't.
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pride Bushido Results...

    Thanks for the link. Mucho appreciation.
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Sell me on Hating Linkin Park

    Brutal death wouldn't be what it is without growling vocals. It's the only suitable thing that goes with the music. The bonus cd on the new Morbid Angel album illustrates this pretty well. They put a bunch of riffs, and incomplete songs, etc, just to show what their thought process was, and it just doesn't work without the vocals. Traditional singing would completely amputate all of brutal death's appendages. There's no way to have these blistering riffs and drum fills with someone just going la-dee-da over it. The only band I can think of to successfully be heavy as a motherfucker, and still easy to listen to would be Acid Bath, but they're not a death band by any stretch of the term. Also, I always grin when I see someone make a blanket statement about death vocals, like it's all the same guy or something. Different singers use different amounts of clarity, for example, With stuff like Nile and Mortician, it's the deep brutal gurgling type growls..guys like Chris Barnes have more of a harsh barking type sound, Nasum's similar to that, only way easier to pick out, then there's bands like Converge that are sick-heavy, only scream. There's variation, and almost none of it is melodic because it's not supposed to be melodic. It's distorted for a reason. I wasn't talking about the way they sang, just the lyrics they use. Most of it seems to be just as tired as Linkin Park's and such. I can't imagine a guy like James Labrie singing on a Slayer album. I really can't.
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pride Bushido Results...

    A luchadore MMA fighter? WOW. alt.binaries.mma Thanks. Now if only I knew how to use a newsgroup....
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Vader in the WWF

    When I watched the WWF back than, I had no clue as to what Hulk was doing with Vader in WCW, and didn't care. When he had arrived, I just wanted to see him run through everyone on his way to the WWF Title. Didn't happen. The Hulk Hogan thing didn't ruin his credibility in the WWF in my opinion.
  6. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Where do you work?

    Just out of curiousity, how does one apply for a job at the CIA? It's not like you can just visit Monster.com or anything... Me? I'm just a high school senior. I turned down a job that paid twelve dollars an hour, flexible hours for my school schedule, and a chance for promotion.
  7. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Pride Bushido Results...

    It should be on most P2P networks by now. I'm downloading it right now on Emule, but it's 1.29 GB and will take a while. Any good reviews of the show other than on sherdog? How are the downloads at emule? I'm worried about using P2P programs that are prone to have viruses, shareware and all sorts of other crap. Am I safe with Emule? I'm pretty sure it's like an offshoot of Edonkey, yet don't know exactly. Any newsgroups out there? How's the availability, and download speed?
  8. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Cro Cop vs. Nogueira

    The other thing is, most people that have a lot of posts are pretty stupid, and anything that is relatively intelligent is usually dumbed down with "ORTIZ IS THE BEST FAGZ~!" or "SILVA LOST TO BELFORT AND ORTIZ HES NOT THE BEST". The whole concept of logic was thrown out the window with that last one. *Visits www.mma-fighter.com*
  9. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Cro Cop vs. Nogueira

    Along with the Ortiz fans, the Silva fans, the belfort fans, and generally anyone who's ever joined that board for the sole purpose of discussing MMA. I would also like to say that "nuthugger" is the stupidest term I've ever heard, and is used way too often over there. Don't get me started on the hyprocisy of that either.
  10. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Dog Chews off Crippled Boy's Fingers

    Standard procedure for any animal that consumes human flesh. Whoops, my bad for being illiterate.
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Dog Chews off Crippled Boy's Fingers

    So wait, they're not even going to get rid of this dog? Normally the kid would be pretty traumatized, but I guess this kid's pretty mature, or something. He's got a cool name too. Still feel bad for him though, so much shit has happened to him and he's only six.
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Sell me on Hating Linkin Park

    I meant like the Death Metal stuff (forgive me if I'm getting the wrong category here). Stuff like Cannibal Corpse and Slayer. I think most of Iron Maiden and Metallica's stuff is pretty cliched, but I don't want to get into that argument here, so I won't.
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Sell me on Hating Linkin Park

    Quick question, just to play devil's advocate; you seem to knock on their lyrics, as well as Saliva. But when have any of the guys from Slayer or any other *real* metal bands ever said something deep and profound? That's lost on me.
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Quick question; for foul balls on a count that already has two strikes, what do they count it as when they do the pitching breakdown? I ask because I only strikes and balls, but the strike stat could be misleading if that would be the case. I ask because of Walker's ten pitch at bat from the first inning. I've always wondered it anyways.
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Makes sense, but aren't they under different ownership now?
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    So was it the buying of the players, or the letting go?
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Pardon my ignorance, but can you guys give me a full explanation as to how Florida raped the game, I mean, was it basically them buying a bunch of players for a World Series ring than disbanding them a year later? It's still amazing that those guys had enough chemistry even though they had never played together before.
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One of those Personal Questionaires

    I did what I normally do for these kinds of questions; all true, so at least I'm bound to get some of them right.
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    PHIL 104 Homework assignment

    Normally I don't really feel for a person's real life story here on the board, as most of the time it seems to be trivial stuff. But in your case, man, that's a pretty hard-hitting story, and all I wanna know is what happened afterwards, both with her and with your own life knowing that a "potential" son of yours was aborted.
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Since as we all know, the kid was responsible for allowing eight runs. If anything, y'all should be lynchin' A-Gon, which is yet another in the long line of jokes made about him back when he played here in the Tdot. Glad to see he's keeping busy...
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

    Don't forget Game Six, when Joe Carter ended the Series with a Home Run. Best moment for me as a baseball fan, even if I was kind of young to appreciate it. Don't forget Robbie Alomar back against Oakland in '92, where he hit the home run and carried the bat halfway to first. Good times. Wish the Blue Jays today had that kind of character. Chalk me up hoping for a Marlins win, not because I particularly like them, but because I am a Pudge mark. Bet you didn't know that they existed did ya? If anything though, like everyone else I do NOT want to see the Yanks play in the World Series again.
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The writing team

    The worst actor ever being one of the best WWF writers ever? Probably not.
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Flair DVD Matches Announced

    Have to disagree with you there. I think that this was a good, not great match. I haven't seen it in a long time, and didn't watch it when it first came out, as I only watched WCW later on, so that might be why I don't like it that much. I am not that emotionally attached to the storyline either. But really, I don't think it deserves all the praise that it gets.
  24. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What's the Point?

    Alright. Paragon mentioned in this thread that Bruiser shouldn't complain since he doesn't bring the content. In return, I replied in this thread, that he did. Its really not that hard to understand. Sometimes you are just so hard up to rip on people. But I'll take it...I'll go toe to toe with you if you want. I'm bored. I never said he didn't bring the content, just for what he whines about. Which is true. Arguing over it would be an exercise in futility however, so I'm dropping it.
  25. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What's the Point?

    You're right; I haven't. As for Banky, I don't knock TSM at all. Certain threads I find boring, so sometimes I either call it out or just leave. I happened to find your "Banky's Dead Part 53" boring, so I just made a post about it. If you're using countless other posts as an example, than I must say that I don't really know enough about them, or don't care enough to keep track. All I can say is that I'm sure there's others who can account for the fact that I try to bring up discussion. If you don't agree, than you don't. I could go on about the lack of MMA content in the Misc. Folder, but what's the point? It wouldn't do much, as if I was really hard-pressed for content I could go elsewhere, which is what it all boils down to. If Bruiser wants some discussion, he can find it somewhere. He can't force a bunch of people on a message board to discuss something that they probably don't care about. If people in LSD don't care about porn discussion, than they don't (just an example, no need to tell me you haven't bothered in six months). If people at TSM don't dig MMA, than so be it. I could read news at Sherdog, and post there too. They're ridiculously dense, but that's cool. It's all good. If you come to a messageboard expecting profound effects on your life, than you will be sorely disappointed.