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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    The quote thing kept screwing up on me SP's brought it up in countless arguments, threads concerning abortion being the most obvious example. Fair enough, while I think abortion is wrong personally, I have no scientific evidence to prove that and won't tell someone else what they can or cannot do. 9/11 was a big one. Reversion was probably just weakness. I want to believe. That's interesting. Many people, myself included, rest easier knowing that there is some sort of life after death. I can’t fathom being nothing, or being wiped away from existence. That’s just a concept that I have trouble grasping, to think that I have no soul. To me personally, nothing is 100% certain, and I believe that there is more of a chance of God existing as opposed to him, well, not existing. Albert Einstein himself said that the more he discovered about the universe, the stronger his belief that there existed a higher power of sorts. Yup. Supernatural salvation is worthless. The only salvation that matters is the kind you earn. I agree that we all have to do something in our own lives that makes it worthwhile, something that makes a difference. BUT I believe that Jesus dying was a supernatural event and the like, and that he did die bearing our sins. Doesn't necessarily mean that we can just do whatever the fuck we want though. Your beliefs seem to present the idea of a more Naturalistic Jesus, ever heard of the Jesus Seminar? Yup. It doesn't matter whose son he was. The only thing that matters is what he did. Agree, many of us just happen to believe that he is the Son of God. It helps his credibility I guess you can say. I don't think Pilate was executed; wasn't he just recalled at some point? Anyway, no - Socrates said that it was the man who put someone to death unjustly who was more wretched than the man put to death unjustly. Therefore, in terms of wretchedness: Pilate > Jesus Okay, I understand. I just misread the quote. But what's the point of saying that Pilate is more wretched than Jesus? What does that all mean? I wouldn't say "credible;" they were written over half a century after his death at the very least. But they are superb moral guides for the most part. Actually, I beg to differ. While the Gospels really do contain great examples of how one should live their life, there are many reasons as to why they are generally considered to be credible, especially when compared to other documents considered credible generally written around the same time. Naturally, it's not 100% certain like I said before, because if it was, than we'd all believe it. But I always say, I'll believe in what I feel requires the least faith, and after doing much research myself, Christianity (based on the Gospels and their teachings) seems to require the least. If you don't believe me, I'd be glad to offer up explanations for any doubts you might have. Goes for anyone else in the thread as well.
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    MTV Bash

    Who's going to be roasting him, fans or people that he's dated? I'm assuming it will just be some guy...
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue


    Sociology major are you?
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Worst MMA cut I have ever seen...

    What the *fuck* happened to Kanyon?!
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    This is an honest question; do you really have some sort of problem with me? It seems like when you get the chance you try to get a dig at me, and show it off to others. Your first insult told me that I should keep the oral sex in PM, whereas it was simply a compliment towards her. Than, you pull this nonsense and call me a bitch for trying to have an intelligent discussion with her. Have I ever said anything that necessarily agreed with her attacks against SP in the thread? Nope, I'm just trying to turn this thread into something meaningful. I also vaguely recall you calling me one of the worst posters of the forum in a thread you started awhile back, probably trying to get people to agree with you once more. Again, people called it a failure and said it wasn't entertaining. I was happy when I was indirectly listed as one of the reasons as to why you left the board. Than you came back. If you're going to try to throw something my way, please try and make it sound intelligent, because it gets tiring listening to you babble on and on, in the effort to flame me. It's not working. Really. Want to try and say something worthwhile? Or are you going to keep on with the shitty flaming? Seriously, I'm curious as to why you seem to have this sort of issue with me. By the way, I wasn't using the Purgatory thing as a way to knock the church, just as an interesting factoid. The church still did that after the Dark Ages ended however. Of course, common misconception is to group the Dark Ages with the ENTIRE Middle Ages, when in fact they ended around the time of Charlemagne's reign. But he was French, and they never get any credit, so people tend to forget that part. Just to point out, I still think Spiderpoet is a pretty cool guy, since he's never done anything to me.
  6. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    Reply coming later tonight or early tomorrow. I've still got to get through sixteen briefing papers today. Just wanted to explain that last line and repost the rest so you'd know I'd be getting to them - I'm enjoying the conversation. Anyway, the thing about the Pope's shit - the Catholic church actually saved it, dried it, wrapped it in gold foil and sold it as indulgences in the middle ages. I don't have a reference with me right now but I'll find it before my next reply. I look forward to hearing it, and while selling the pope's shit may elicit a response of "What the hell are you thinking?", the selling of days off in purgatory during the middle ages is even more disgusting, as it's insulting to think that the richer you are, the better off you are in the afterlife. But I'm sure we all knew that already
  7. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Greatest Show on Paper just gets Better

    "Giant Hunters"? Good thing Minotauro can kick ass, he's no Arona on the mic...
  8. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    Next time you give cunnilingus to another poster, have the fucking decency to do it in PM. She's married remember? Happily I presume. In four pages, you seem to be the only one who had enough of a problem with this to make a point of it. Calm down homey. Anyways, back to the actual discussion... "Not really. I was brought up as a Jesuit and that's what I've been most of my life, excepting some fairly lengthy periods of atheism and agnosticism. Christianity is a neoplatonic religion in its essence and that's what makes it palatable to me once you take the people out - because the people make it insane. It embarrasses me to share the religion with idiots, morons, borderline psychotics like SpiderPoet who constantly go on about "supernatural warfare" and "supernatural events" they "personally experienced" and could only repel by "calling on Jesus" and using "the power of his name." Like I'm so fucking sure the fucking Prince of Darkness decided to come after his fucking soul. But because he's so fucking important Jesus stretched forth His Hand and Saved him by His Grace, thus condemning the rest of us to an everlasting hell of darkness and wailing and gnashing of teeth while he TELLS us about it OVER AND OVER AND FUCKING OVER AGAIN. Goddamn delusional halfwit." I too believe that God isn't the type toe get personally involved in our earthly matters, I don't remember what the term was. I also feel that I shouldn't shit on someone who feels differently, because it's normal for one to turn to prayer in times of need. It sort of pisses me off when people exploit God and Jesus to help them with their daily problems and downplay their significance, but they have a different set of beliefs than I, so I won't chastize them for it. Unless he brought that up in argument I don't think that you should criticize him for it. If you don't mind me asking, what was the cause for you to become atheist, and to revert back? "Anyway, no, Christianity isn't the same as other religions because 1) Jesus lost 2) Jesus offered salvation to everyone, regardless of birth or sin (We'll skip over Matthew 15:24 because he admitted he was wrong anyway.) The first reason matters because it demonstrates absolutely that there is a higher principle than self-preservation: the son of God should have been able to do anything, anything at all. Kill the people who wanted to crucify him, change their minds, convert them on the spot, show them the truth - anything. But he didn't, because self-determination trumps everything, and consequently overcoming your limitations means nothing if you're helped in any way by a supernatural agency. Those who were saved weren't saved by Jesus but by themselves. Jesus was just an example. It doesn't matter who his father was; he demonstrated anew what Socrates had argued, and demonstrated, about 400 years ago: it is worse to commit evil than it is to suffer it. It is better to fail and die than it is to redeem by force, or through immoral means: "In battle it is often obvious that you could escape being killed by giving up your arms and throwing yourself upon the mercy of your pursuers, and in every kind of danger there are plenty of devices for avoiding death if you are unscrupulous enough... but I suggest, gentlemen, that the difficulty is not so much to escape death; the real difficulty is to escape from doing wrong, which is far more fleet of foot. I, the slow old man, have been overtaken by the slower of the two, but my accusers, who are clever and quick, have been overtaken by the faster - by iniquity. When I leave this court, I shall go away condemned by you to death, but they will go away convicted by truth herself of depravity and wickedness." - Plato, Apologia" Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you're essentially saying that you felt that we are not saved by Jesus in a supernatural sense, but just by his example of death? Are you trying to say that we should follow him by example, as opposed to believing that he did hold some supernatural power in bearing our sins? In a sense, does that mean that you are straying from the basic concept that he is the Son of God, or just the concept that he died for our sins? That's a pretty challenging statement to make. "Socrates delves further into this fact in the Gorgias, when Polus says "Surely it is the man unjustly put to death who is pitiable and wretched." and Socrates replies, "Less so than his slayer, Polus, and less than he who is put to death justly." and then proceeds to prove it point by point. In other words, Jesus lost deliberately in order to serve as an example of this truth. Mohammed, on the other hand, won - and he did so through immoral means, by breaking treaties, forcibly converting others, and subjugating "unbelievers." And of course the Jews are still waiting for their Messiah who will convert everyone, finally, to a perfect and unanimous worship of God. Excuse me if I don't hold my breath, but at least they don't think that being chosen means they have to make people recite the Torah at the point of a sword. Or by flying aeroplanes into buildings." Okay, now you're REALLY confusing me. Jesus was unjustly put to death, would that make him more wretched than Pilate or any of those guys? "I agree with the underpinnings of Christianity cited above. I do not agree with the ridiculous belief that an omnipotent God would be so pathetic and powerless that he'd create a hell in the first place ("And I know of the future judgment,/How dreadful soe'er it be,/That to sit alone with my conscience/Will be judgement enough for me." - CW Stubbs), let alone petty enough to consign anyone to it for not believing in him. I know plenty of moral atheists, and any God who'd damn them because they don't give a shit about the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14) is a God who can go straight to hell himself. I don't believe in the vast majority of Church doctrine, all that shit about going to hell if you fuck before you get married, or fuck someone with the same genitalia as you. I still go to Mass because I like the music, and because it gives me a chance to think. On occasion the preachers even say something worth listening to, and if they don't I sometimes waylay them afterwards and make them look silly and ignorant for the amusement of my archbishop. I despise the Catholic church, like most Catholics do to at least some degree." I agree with you on the hell thing. Personally, I don't believe there is a hell because if God is all-understanding, than he should be able to comprehend all the problems that one has which causes them to do such wrongful things. Thus, that would make him imperfect and petty. The argument should end there really. Reason + Faith = I know a moral mUslIm man who is a better person than I, and I couldn't imagine him burning in hell while I get to live in "eternal bliss". I also agree that the Old Testament is fairly useless, BUT the Four Gospels are excellent, credible sources of the life of Jesus. I don't understand the reasons as to why people bash them so much, and if they did a little research instead of using "logic", than they'd see that the Gospels are pretty damn good as far as biographies of Jesus go. "But at least they aren't literally selling the Pope's shit anymore." *Scratches head*
  9. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The One &Only Beer/Booze reviews thread

    I *never* drink alcohol, but it's pretty damn interesting how deep you people can get in dissecting the pros and cons of each drink, including all of it's affects. And all this time I thought you just used it for a buzz.....
  10. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Rappers you would not fuck with.....

    I wouldn't mind fighting a dead guy, doesn't seem that hard... I am pretty sure Kid is on one of those Fake Talent shows, where people take someone else' song, but they sing it as opposed to lip synching it. He's lost the wicked bad hairstyle, so he gets no love from me.
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    Read a little further Angel, to understand what I meant.
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    I feel the same way. I'm just wondering what Marney believes, since she's the most intelligent Christian on the board, and probably more intelligent than most Christians I know in my own life.
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    I feel the same way. I'm just wondering what Marney believes, since she's the most intelligent Christian on the board, and probably more intelligent than most Christians I know in my own life.
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    Hey now, I'm not attacking her or anything, I'm just legit curious. It seems as if you guys are making me out to accuse her of not being a "real" Christian or something.
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    Sacrifice eh? Can you delve further into that? So does that mean that you prefer the lifestyle of Christianity as opposed to it's issues regarding faith and a belief in Jesus Christ and all that? I assume that means that you don't find much of a difference between most religions, but just that the idea of the power of sacrifice has brought you to follow out Christianity. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    I don't feel like going through the trouble of explaining it at this hour, and odds are you'll all brush it off anyway, but it's generally the new "hip" thing for most Christians to believe today. But that's not what I meant, just a lack of a better word. I meant you're one of the few Christians whose beliefs seemingly contradict almost anything there is to say about traditional Christian morality. So that's why I was wondering why you seem to attack the core beliefs of Christianity in most of your posts, yet you go to mass every sunday where those beliefs are reinforced?
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Greatest Show on Paper just gets Better

    I guess I'm not the only one who uses that for the wink thing, only to end up with a disappointed smiley. Sak has stated that he has been training for six hours a day, NOT in the Takada Dojo, and he has made statements where he has actually talked some trash. He mentioned something about getting his two wins back and than some. With all that said, I still can't imagine him tapping out Silva. But he really should've won the fight with Elvis, which humbled him, and he may surprise. I still expect Silva to TKO him within the first five minutes though. Yoshida will probably choke out Tamura, but we've already said enough about that situation. I expect Arona to beat Jackson by submission, most likely a keylock or armbar. There's too much hype on Jackson, and I believe that Arona's ground skills are something that Rampage has never come across. To me, this is the best fight of the first round, with the seeds 1 and 3 squaring off (at least by Vegas oddsmakers). I still think Jackson will rip apart in the pre-fight interview though. Liddell will use all of his intangibles to beat Overeem, who just doesn't seem to have 'it'. He doesn't have that edge that seperates a good fighter from a great fighter. Chuck learned a hard lesson against Randy, and has probably been training for this GP longer than anyone else has. Odds for Pride Total Elimination: 101 Kazushi Sakuraba 9.25 102 Hidehiko Yoshida 5.40 103 Vanderlei Silva 4.15 104 Quinton Jackson 4.00 105 Chuck Liddel 5.00 106 Ricardo Arona 4.50 107 Alistair Overeem 7.25 108 Kiyoshi Tamura 10.50 Interesting to say the least....
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Worst MMA cut I have ever seen...

    I knew it was a picture of a 5'9 man who's nicknamed the Beast, before I entered the thread. It was funny to see him complain about the fight being stopped, and how he didn't know that until the winner was announced. What a foo'.
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christianity &c

    Just out of curiousity, Marney, most of your posts regarding religion seem to be ANTI-Christianity, so it kind of surprises me when you state that you're a Jesuit (I asked before). Since I don't know many who understand the "science compliments religion" belief, can you explain to me your belief system? It seems fascinating to be sure. I'm born a Roman Catholic, and while I still partake in many of the traditions, I'm pretty much a non-denominational Christian now. Just to point out
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Word association thread

    Who the hell started this thread? A fucking number? That's fucking trippy man...
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    It's official: Britney Spears is NOT a virgin~!

    Women bring the whole slut thing on themselves. It's their mindset that has created the image of a slut, whereas the guy's mindset and "beliefs" work him out to be a hero of sorts. I don't know why, but I also recall TSA calling that Jubuki character a loser who is probably still a virgin, implying that as a loser he is a virgin. That would also imply that the more women that he slept with, the more of a "hero" he'd be. Seems a little hypocritical, since you indicated that you disliked the very notion that the more notches on a man's belt, the bigger man he is.
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Rollingstone Magazine

    What's with all the Rammstein love? Does the fact that the lead singer sticks a flaming spiked dildo up his ass on stage make it an experience to savour?
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Trish punks a wrestling website

    Yeah seriously, all this pseudo-mod shit being accompanied by the "You're not a mod, stop telling him what to do" is annoying. What do you care? If you really take this shit seriously enough, than just wait for whomever it is that's supposed to tell him, which is an actual mod. But than a mod should be telling you this, I just felt like it didn't have to resort to such *extreme* measures. Eventually, someone will else will tell me not to "scold" you guys, than someone else, than someone else, till a mod actually comes in and cleans the motherfucking shit out of this house like Hogan on "Evil Foreign Wrestler Day". For real.
  24. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Original Split Show Draft

    I would point out the irony of a SOH mark saying that D'Lo Brown sucks, but than I would be banned for flame baiting. So nope, won't say it.
  25. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The official "Nik Johnson is my anal lover" thread

    I think most people here pissed on TheGayme too quickly. Rob took his comments too literally instead of attacking what he was actually trying to say. It almost seemed as if you were trying to cop out of the argument or something. Than again, I never saw the original thread, so I don't know who really looked like an ass.