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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Jazz Essentials

    I always thought that Tom Waits was fairly close to jazz, especially since he has "miserly old bastard" voice down pat. Lou Coltrane would be a good place to start for sure...
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    More bad news

    I am very sorry as well, but this brings up an interesting point; would you rather die, or live the rest of your life as a vegetable calling the attention of all those that live around you? If he had just suffered some sort of mental or physical handicap because of it, that wouldn't be as bad, since he would still have the chance to live a "normal" life. But if he is really going to live the rest of his life with no idea of what's going on around him, I would rather have them pull the plug, regarding if I was in that situation. So how do all of you feel? It's a complicated issue I think....
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Christian Music

    Please don't judge Christianity based on this idiot. To take his beliefs as the "word of God" regarding an entire community/people/whatever is just as narrow-minded as he is.
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue


    There are two sides, as I know of a few people who are healthy because they don't overdo it. While it is terrible for your body, if you don't go too heavy, it may not show any side-effects at all. Of course, the chances of that happening are slim to none, so don't risk it and don't do it. Just run and work out, that should be good enough, because if you've just started, than odds are you haven't even reached your max yet..
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    PRIDE 24 "Cold Fury III" Results

    Man, I knew he had a brother, but still, it's hard when you scroll down the page too fast. In hopes of contributing something to this thread, I'll say it's funny hearing about how they don't spar, since when they do, and it's time to stop, they just keep kicing each others' asses. Good stuff.
  6. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What is your ethnicity?

    ....now I can REALLY picture you looking like Vin Diesel
  7. Your Paragon of Virtue


    I remember taking forever to finish Tomb Raider on PS, only to be rewarded with Lara Croft jumping around like an idiot.
  8. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What is your ethnicity?

    100% Tamil, as in Sri Lanka, born in Germany, moved to Canada when I was like a few months old and I've been living here ever since. Yeah.
  9. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Bill DeMott or Batista......

    Most of these "pushes" have originated from RR 1994. I guess that tells you something. It is my favourite rumble, as everything was original at the time, including the finish. Now, the rumble is screwed over all the time, and just because someone wins it, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will be going to Wrestlemania. Also, I thought the Undertaker thing was cool at the time (I was seven). Where was I? Oh right, I think Test is getting the "Diesel" push, while Lesnar is probably getting the "Bret" push. Who knows, maybe DIESEL will get the "Diesel" push...
  10. Your Paragon of Virtue

    My Email account was hacked...

    Thanks for changing it APO (At least I think it was APO). I don't really care enough to deactivate the other one, but I would if I knew the proper address to send it to. Oh well I suppose it doesn't matter now. Thanks for the help to all those who delivered...
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue

    My Email account was hacked...

    It pisses me off a ton, as now I've got to change everything, and I never saved my contact list for msn, and now it's all gone. It happened to a few other people I know, how about anyone here? Also, that was the email I put for this site in my profile or whatever. Anyone know how I can change all that? Thanks for any help, and if this is in the wrong forum(it does seem general), please change it.
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    My Email account was hacked...

    Don't get that... ANyways, APO, it was nothing more than a pain in the ass. Of course, there's a matter of privacy, because now he can read all the mail I've had. It happened to few other people in my school, and the guy does indeed go to my school. I never understood the fun in hacking, and after talking to this guy for a bit, I now know who does. I mean, the guy was a pretty big loser. He IMed other people on my msn list, mostly girls, asking them for sex or other such nonsense. One girl started talking to him, just messing with him, and now he's obsessed with her, probably due to desperation and lack of contact with women in the first place. He probably has a sheltered life. If you don't believe me, just look at this: Me - " I don't care who you are. Seriously, you're probably a nobody anyway. I just want to be able to save my contacts on a list so I don't have to waste five minutes adding them manually." Him - "no, im not the only one usin g this email, a few of my budies have it too. lol, ur in trouble, were gonna hav som fun;)" I than called him a loser or something, causing him to go offline and probably cry. I had to re-read that a bit just to actually understand how pathetic this guy was. It's that simple. I still can't believe someone tried to intimidate me by hacking my MSN account. He probably thought he was badass. Oh well. Anyways, I just changed it all up and took care of most everything. So I have my contacts and made sure most people on my list knew to ignore him. So yeah, APO, I'm going to PM you and ask about changing my email for this site. It's not so bad, at least he provided an unintentional laugh...
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Eminem hate...

    That's basically what I'm trying to get at; he seems amazing compared to other mainstream rap, but how can he not? He's talented, but he seems like too much of a cartoon character, and tongue in cheek bands generally have a short shelf life. But most kids tend to actually take him seriously, and regardless of what you might think, most kids DO change the way they look on life after listening to him.
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Eminem hate...

    How can you tell that he is a horrible human being from meeting him once? We all have bad days... Personally, I don't like him. I think he tries to act shocking for the sake of shocking people, as opposed to just being himself. He likes to have fun, and is very tongue in cheek, meaning I'm NOT supposed to take him seriously. That's something that most of his fans fail to recognize. Also, contrary to what was said earlier, that's the reason I dislike him, not because he's popular. Whoever used that as an excuse, why don't you use a valid argument, as opposed to just making half-ass assumptions. We already had a pretty big debate on this board about the reasons why most people tend to like stuff that's not mainstream. No need to rehash that theory again, because you'll probably be proven wrong again. But I digress. I like hip-hop, I just like stuff that's deeper, like Mos Def, Dalek, Talib Kweli, etc. Missy Elliot's most recent CD smoked the Eminem Show too. Eminem isn't meant to be taken seriously...
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Get This...

    Do you live anywhere in Minnesota? I remember reading Tom Zenk's site, and how so many graduates went on to become famous pro wrestlers, or at least relatively famous...
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Shit You Listened to Today

    I was working all day at home on school shite, hence why I listened to so many albums and also why I may have posted more today than I normally would have.
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Would You?

    ^^^Same. I think we are need of some more tweeners, in order to bring out different answers for the same picture. I mean, is anyone really that desperate to have sex with the dumpy fat chick?
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue

    PRIDE 24 "Cold Fury III" Results

    Is there a reason for *two* Nogueira fights?
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Would You?

    Well, the first one is a lesbian which is why I mentioned that...
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Our Lady Peace

    I hate these guys. I also hate the fact that when most Americans on TV or something think of Canadian music, these fuckers pop up. Ah well. I still find it hard to believe that Serena Williams digs these guys...
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Would You?

    Those two were obvious, but I always felt that the pictures that created the best reactions were ones that towed the line so to speak. It's pretty easy to find hot people on these things, because they are probably porn sites trying to advertise. Suffice it to say, here's one that you couldn't get even if you wanted.... http://members.msn.com/?mpp=4263~4AAAtAAAA...ju685JWHg$ Here's one that you could easily get, but probably would not want for obvious reasons http://www.msnusers.com/mypicture?user=426...nZ4c1oyGo$
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Would You?

    http://members.msn.com/?mpp=2260~4AAAAAAAW...&mid=2260&kpp=3 http://members.msn.com/?mpp=2260~4AVAAAAAA...&mid=2260&kpp=3 I missed the greatness of this thread when it first came around, so I'm trying to revive with these two...
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    What does your member name mean?

    HEY! I'm Asian too, but I always hated that term because it gives the impression that all Asians look the same, when it's probably the most diverse as opposed to other continents. Anyway, my name is taken from Jericho back when he was simply amazing on the mic. I took this as well because it was pretty funny to have others ask me what "paragon" meant. Most thought it was related to my similar sounding last name. It's tongue in cheek, although it's funny to have people actually think I'm that conceited.
  24. Your Paragon of Virtue

    If the Smart Marks was a school.......

    I don't know about this board, but I'm in real life exactly what NoCalMike is talking about...
  25. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Toy Soldiers/Iron Eagle

    I really dig Toy Soldiers, and have watched it countless times. I'm fairly indifferent to Iron Eagle though...