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Your Paragon of Virtue

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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue

  1. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The person above you thread!

    ^^^Probably attractive
  2. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Offical Audioslave hype thread

    I always get all these bands mixed up because of their names among other things. Isn't there some group called Audiovent or something? Anyway, I bring this up because it is one of the main reasons I put Madden on mute during the options screen, at least until I get to the actual game. Than I put it on mute again because of Al Michaels. God I love Madden...
  3. Your Paragon of Virtue


    I find it hilarious that you guys are planning like a month ahead for match so anticipated and hyped up that the WWE hasn't even mentioned it on TV yet. Than again, it will probably involve Torrie and Dawn Marie, meaning it will be one of the longest running feuds that they've had in awhile...
  4. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Most Overated WWE worker

    Might as well be the first to say it: They had ladder and Iron Man matches before he was doing them, and just because you're *booked* in one doesn't make you innovative. I also see that you have NEW JACK~! in your sig, along with a reference to fellatio and Hulk Hogan. Ah well.... I personally don't care about overratedness, I just go by who is worthless. We all know who the usual suspects are, so no need for me to repeat them.
  5. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Top 20 Favorite AJPW Matches of the 1990's

    Perhaps, but the idea of looking elsewhere didn't really enter my thought process, as I felt it was simpler to ask within the confines of this thread. It's not a matter of laziness, just one of ignorance on this particular topic. I was seeking an answer, and now I found it. End of story.
  6. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Top 20 Favorite AJPW Matches of the 1990's

    Just a simple question. No harm done after all.
  7. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Top 20 Favorite AJPW Matches of the 1990's

    Who was in the Can-Am Express? I think it's pretty obvious that it wasn't the same guys from the WWEEEEE, but I'm just curious to know who. On top of that, which Malenko are you talking about for Number Nine?
  8. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Royal Rumble

    To whomever said that the winner becomes the Number One Contender only started in 1993, I specifically remember watching Royal Rumble 1991, and hearing Gorilla Monsoon talk about how the winner will go on to Wrestlemania. The PPV was actually surprisingly decent, thanks to the fact that the Rumble never sucked back than, and a killer opening tag match.
  9. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Andre the Giant

    Even though he sucked, I still can't think of how you can *not* love the guy. In fact, I don't know many people that don't love him...
  10. Your Paragon of Virtue


    You should have Only thing I have, is uncontrollable at the stupidest things, during the worst times. On top of all this, I get dirty looks from everyone else there....
  11. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Edge's selling

    While I agree with you, I wouldn't call the latter *completely* worthless. It had its moments...
  12. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Well my band didn't get to play for the school.

    You can never get as blunt as "The Vagina Transplants", which is an obvious Punk name...
  13. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Your Measurements

    5'9-5'10 170 lbs Size 11 feet 34' waist I guess that makes me a little thin. Don't know the rest, but I am only sixteen, so whenever I eat a lot, my excuse is that "I'm a growin' boy." Or a "HOSS~! in waiting". But yeah, being skinny kinda does suck, but at least I don't suck at sports:D
  14. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The Gnomes...Strike Back

    I must say that you are one of the most creative hooligans I know. You should videotape these pranks and upload them onto kazaa. You could gain a cult following, like CKY or something....
  15. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Best candy to get on Halloween

    I hate candy, chocolate, chips and generally most other kinds of sweets. I only go out on halloween to cause trouble and solidify my position as a petty vandal...
  16. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Overrated Movies

    I know not many people praise either of these two, but they are *the* two worst movies that I have ever seen in my life, and if I don't hear other say the same, they are giving this shit way too much credit: 1) Bio-Dome 2) American Pie 2 (Won't even dignify it with a II)
  17. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Just for the sake of arguement...

    It's not a given rule. It's just someone's opinion. In general, the people who would argue Misawa or Kawada's case as being a better wrestler than someone such as Guerrero, would justify their opinion as opposed to the other guy, who would probably complain. Besides, an opinion is only worth it's own weight in justification. Everyone knows that ...
  18. Your Paragon of Virtue


    When I came in here, I thought it was one of those Stripper .gif's that you see pop up once in awhile. I thought you got to create one, as weird as it sounds. I didn't even know this had to do with comic strips until I clicked the link on this page. Hell, even if he mentioned that it was called "Fun In Jail", I still would have clicked on the link expecting soft core porn, although I would have been weary of what kind of porn goes on in jail... Needless to say, I was disappointed. Ah well. I guess that's the mind of a red-blooded, heterosexual teenage male for you...
  19. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Whats with the Brett Favre love on this board?

    How did Steve Young outshine him? I thought Favre knocked his ass out of the playoffs like three years in a row, and would have done it again if they weren't screwed by the officiating. Besides, Young wouldn't have a Super Bowl if Emmitt was EMMITT~! that year, like he truly should've been...
  20. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Just for the sake of arguement...

    Alright, thanks. I never put the tripod in, I just used the one from your Profile. Thanks again...
  21. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Just for the sake of arguement...

    My bad, I thought he wanted to keep the argument strictly NA, as he pointed that out a few times in the thread. But I tried to get to your site, but there's a gateway error. Is it down, or did the address change?
  22. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The New Nirvana Album

    I can barely explain it myself. Basically what I said at first, was that Nirvana would get lumped with all the garbage today, because most people can't tell the difference. It doesn't matter how good it is or would be, people would still put it in the same category as something like Puddle of Mudd or any of that crap. In other words, they have a vague opinion because they can't tell subtle differences. I know it sounds weird, but I used Radiohead as an example, showing that just because someone likes Radiohead, doesn't mean they aren't a dumbass. I always go back to Steve Austin: I'm sure his biggest fan is some loser piece of white trash, who doesn't appreciate why he's as great as he is. Hope you got the point now, I don't know if I explained it well. People can't tell the difference. Basically it.
  23. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Just for the sake of arguement...

    Well, the thread asked for US only, so that's what I gave. If it wanted foreign, I'd give that too.
  24. Your Paragon of Virtue

    The New Nirvana Album

    Yeah, but most people can't tell the difference anyway. I mean, not all people that like Radiohead like music that high-end. I know a few who like that stuff, but don't regard it as highly as *slipknot*. That's my point. It still wouldn't be appreciated. It would just be run of the mill, and lumped with the garbage.
  25. Your Paragon of Virtue

    Wn a night on the town with former WWeF star..

    Lugers financially secure, so he won't be doing this. Besides, he's always been in good shape, even if he wasn't very good in the ring.