Your Paragon of Virtue
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Everything posted by Your Paragon of Virtue
All I have to say is: "Gay Mezger is my bitch!"
It's funny that everyone was buying something for someone else, hmm. I actually bought a Limp Bizkit album.. but this really was for a friend. Honest. I swear. No lie.
While I can think of some more, this guy's got it down pretty good. Even though I'm in high school, I tend to eat in class from time to time. I guess that would make me the "Loud mouth chick with a fat face". Except I'm not a loud mouth, I'm definitely not a chick, and I don't have a fat face. Uhh, yeah.
So one friend in Toronto said this? ONE friend? *Gasp*, it must be true than. I know about ten people who went who would have cheered louder than they did for Hogan, and unless you live in Canada, you don't realize how popular Bret Hart is among casual fans and probably most smart marks as well.
Directv is your answer. A wide variety of free football, movies, and wrestling is your ticket out of Cowboys/Texans hell. It's probably cheaper than whatever fee you're paying for cable now anyway. On a side note, you basically echoed my feelings expressed in a previous post about football broadcast coverage. Except I insulted Terry's shitty acting gig, not his quips about hair. Meh.
Bah, my brother wanted them to lose too. But he makes up piss-poor excuses, instead of, you know, actually admitting he doesn't like the Bills anymore. His main excuse: " I want the special teams to do bad, so they can fire their special teams coach. I only want them to improve." bullshit, sez I. About the Bucs Defense, I know that they are the heart, but they generally do breakdown near the end of the season, and when they are finally worn down, what do the Bucs have? The worst QB depth chart in the league, the most underutilized star wide receiver, and an overrated coach. This leads to an first round playoff exit, almost guaranteed. I always thought that the Fox guys generally don't know what they're talking about, except for Howie Long. Than again, Terry Bradshaw just ignores him to praise Doug Flutie and hype shitty 1800 Collect commercials. That's what I'm guessing anyway. I like ESPN as there are so many different guys, and so many different perspectives from people who actually sound like they know what they're talking about. That's just my opinion though...
I knew that would come up, but the Pack has a solid one. You're probably referring to the Bills, and yes, it's odd considering how good their defense was for the past few years. I'm still disappointed in the fact that they barely beat the Texans, yet outplay the Broncos. It's mindboggling. At least their offense provides for some exciting games...
I'm hoping for Drew to take the Bills to the Super Bowl. Suffice it to say, I will be waiting awhile... The Bucs and The Dolphins are in on the biggest joke in the league, as they provide their fans with hope throughout the beginning of the year, posting records like 5-1, or what have you. They use their quick defense to outhustle other teams. Problem? Their quick defense is also a SMALL defense, and they get worn down by the end of the year, fall to 10-6, MAYBE 11-5, and eventually get knocked out of the first or second round. Miami has a trend of squeaking out a close victory in the opening round that gives people a heart attack, than getting the Godawful shit kicked out of them in Round Two. It's like a scientific law or something, I swear it's been happening the past four years, except for last, when they just got the shit kicked out of them in the first round. Ahh well, the Bucs still suck all across the board, and are just lucky to have had some soft competition...
I always thought that skull cracking, hair thrusting, box rocking metal was that crap like Def Leppard or Lynard Skynard or some shit like that. We all have seven posts sometime in our stay here, and please tell me what your favourite NFL team is so I can quietly deconstruct them, and explain why Brett Favre probably owns them and than some. As an aside, Green Bay isn't even my favourite team(2nd), Buffalo is(Much heartbreak there). I was actually thinking of putting a Jim Kelly lithograph there, haha, but godd sense prevailed. Makes sense I suppose. I don't know anyone who's into hiking, camping, and the whole outdoor adventure thing. I thought you meant that you weren't very sociable, like people who die from too much PC games, hehe. My bad. I didn't think I insulted you, I just made what I thought was an honest assessment. Just miscommunication I suppose. In keeping with the theme of the thread, what is your favourite NFL team?
I could have sworn that Shawn got his ass kicked in 1995, but maybe that's just me.
Am I supposed to feel insulted? I'm not sure of the seriousness of your comments. I can't tell to be honest. Besides, DMB is just a radical change from what I regularly listen to. I resent that comment, along with the fact that I am not a presumptuous nitwit. I always thought Metal Ed was everything that you weren't. Ah well. On a side note, how do you get laid if you don't go outside very much? Unless you don't than never mind....
Maybe I should go to one of their concerts than...
Just wondering as to how the people on the board feel about them. I never have seen them mentioned, so I'm guessing they are unpopular on the board. I think they're good and everything, as individually they're pro, and I generally like the overall sound of the new album, Busted Stuff. Anyway, your thoughts?
After reading that CynicalProfit dude talk about being picked on because you were a: "christian(well that is a choice but its not your choice what your parents are and teach you to be as well)". I would like to point out that while being raised as one, I am a Christian because I want to be one. Also, I am sick and tired of the stereotype that somewhat religious people are less intelligent than those that aren't at all. This is normally spewed by people that are atheist, but feh I don't care. Anyways, I've never experienced a problem because I wasn't white OR black, nor because of the fact that I am a Christian. I've heard people spew bullshit like there is no God, that opinion being bullshit since it was coming from some pimply faced loner only angry due to the fact that he was, well, a pimply faced loner. Maybe I just go to a good school, I don't know, but anybody who I know that's really nice and acts like it(sort of like the "fat" girl you speak of), gets that attitude in return. So please don't base your whole outlook on life because a few people treated you like shit after you were "nice". I don't know about you, but telling people "you're responsible for the world being fucked up...ASS~!" doesn't sound like being nice to me. Oh yeah, I'm in Gr.11 now, and while Gr.9,10 was alright due to good friends and healthy dosage of the opposite sex, this year will probably rule it, if only due to the CKY stuff that me and some other guys have been spreading throughout the school. That shit's hilarious. Don't take this personal or anything, but you haven't tried hard enough Profit if cheering up made you more cynical than ever.
Have you ever been a fan of any kind of heavy music? I ask "have you ever" because I doubt you are now... Where did you get the idea to call yourself "kinetic"? It sounds like a cool name, but I'm guessing that it would be cooler if there was some reasoning behind it...
I understand the "frat boy" thing, because most of their audience falls in that demographic. But than I think there is more to them than that. For an odd comparison, mostly teenage girls dug the Beetles, but that's no knock on their greatness. it just means they appealed to more than one crowd. Besides, that still doesn't change all the other stuff I listed, about them being generally great musicians, and anyone who picks up a bass, drumset, violin, etc. looks to them as an example of how to play. They remind me of Rush in that aspect, who were pretty damn good a long time ago. Maybe the core of their audience is the frat boy thing, but than again I'm sure you can find a huge fan of Steve Austin who doesn't know diddly-shit about "rasslin", so to speak....
Every time I see Aaron in a video, he curls into a fetal position, than whines about how his parents hated him or something. I'm still pretty surprised that they've been selling this crap for about two albums now, soon to be a third, and yeah I am that sure it will sell again. It reminds me of this Six Degrees of Separation thing I heard on the local Edge102 radio station a couple of days ago: Jonathan Davis discovered Fred Durst after he sent him some demo tape, than I'm sure that Fred discovered Staind, who discovered Puddle of Mudd but I'm not sure, it could have been the other way around. Anyhoo, either way the next band was Nickelback, who than discovered Death of a Hero. The coincidence? All of these bands suck horribly and like it, although I admit to kinda liking Puddle of Mudd That being said, Wes may owe it to Fred for discovering him and making him a “star’, but he owes the entire grunge scene sooooooo much more than humanly possible. This stuff is eight years too late, but than again maybe that's why I like it... Btw Corey, how is the metal scene in Mass.? The one here in Toronto is not too good. Every time I go to these metal festivals my friends play in, I notice that most of the bands are hit and miss. Rarely is there a band that really stands out. Generally, they all have this image of rage and INTENSITY~! and shit, like what they think it's supposed to be due to what they see on TV, when they should just be doing whatever they want and liking it. Textbook example was one group who wore slipknot masks and shirts, what a fuckin' joke that was….
Dave's got a really good voice, he writes great songs, they've got one of the best drummers on the planet, the bassist isn't one of the best but he's still pretty damn good, and the other two guys are classically trained and professional. That being the violinist and saxophonist. They all pretty much grew as jazz musicians, which is a testament to their individual abilities. They play a variety of music, from jazz to R&B to funk to folk to whatever. It's not even watered down like Kid Rock or any other shit like that. As a live band, it's "fun" like Brian put it, and than some. Their audience is diverse, showing the variety of music they play, and most people that like them are musicians, showing that the people that do like them know a thing or two about music itself. So yeah, that's why I like them. That, and the fact that it's not crappy pop marketed by a pretty face. Ok, really pretty, but crappy pop nonetheless...
They aren't really a "jam" band, since they don't actually jam. Also, the guys in DMB are much better at playing their own instruments than Phish. Dave writes better songs too. They kick ass live(in a non-metal sort of way), and they also play fairly different stuff all around on their albums. Dave Matthews has a really good voice too.
I've hated Staind ever since I heard Aaron Lewis botch "Black" as horribly as he did. Ok I lied, I hated them long before that as well...
Well, you did a great job of expressing your opinion. Oh wait, no you didn't