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Zetterberg is God

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Everything posted by Zetterberg is God

  1. Zetterberg is God

    DVD Releases for Jan and Feb...

    It's the damn Canadian ratings board and Koch's fault.
  2. Zetterberg is God

    Which Guns N' Roses song are you?

    Don't Cry.
  3. Zetterberg is God

    Chris Benoit will win the World title soon

    I hope to God Benoit wins the title at Backlash. I'll definetly be at Raw the next night as the Calgary crowd will most likely give him a monstrous ovation. Wrestlers don't win in their hometowns. I just don't see the logic then in having a PPV in Edmonton where Benoit is going to be featured in a prominent role and then lose. There are plenty of other places where they could hold Backlash, so the fact that it's in Edmonton says something. I'm not saying Benoit will win for sure but there has to be a reason why they booked the PPV there.
  4. Zetterberg is God

    Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses DVD Question

    For lazy people: http://www.highspots.com/www/stores_app/Br...3&item_id=10019
  5. Zetterberg is God

    Chris Benoit will win the World title soon

    I hope to God Benoit wins the title at Backlash. I'll definetly be at Raw the next night as the Calgary crowd will most likely give him a monstrous ovation.
  6. Zetterberg is God

    Greatest Unfinished ECW Angles/Storylines!!!

    I think the horrible reaction PE received upon returning pretty much killed that one.
  7. Zetterberg is God

    Chris Benoit will win the World title soon

    Well from what I've read, the whole plan was to have Benoit win the title at a PPV in Edmonton (most likely Backlash). However, WWE is apparently no longer holding the event in Edmonton so Benoit's chances just went down a bit.
  8. Zetterberg is God

    Maven taking time off

  9. Zetterberg is God

    Maven taking time off

    Best wishes to Maven during this difficult time for him and his family.
  10. Zetterberg is God

    Damn it's Cold

    But of course with Calgary's insane weather, we'll be at +2 by the end of the week.
  11. Zetterberg is God

    B2K Breaks Up

    Agreed. At least B2K knows they're a boy band. Too bad the same can't be said about Good Charlotte.
  12. Zetterberg is God

    WWE News from the 1/05 Observer

    -WWE in its internal marketing profiles listed the following as the ten biggest stars of the RAW and Smackdown brands. For RAW, it was Goldberg, Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Booker T., Randy Orton, The Rock, Trish Stratus, and Lita. For Smackdown, it’s Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, The Big Show, Bradshaw, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, and Sable. Kill me now.
  13. Zetterberg is God

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    A little belated but for X-Mas I/my brothers received for Gamecube NHL Hitz Pro, Tony Hawk's Underground, True Crime: Streets of LA and Need for Speed Underground.
  14. Zetterberg is God

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    Damn shame the Klique had to ruin that one.
  15. Zetterberg is God

    Slipknot, Metallica, GnR and..Britney?!

    Let's not forget they were pelted with rocks as well.
  16. Zetterberg is God

    Wilson from Home Improvement

  17. Zetterberg is God

    Explain THIS TO ME

    I didn't know that could happen in imaginary relationships.
  18. Zetterberg is God

    The Believer

    I saw this movie and it's very good. The speeches given by Gosling in this film are absolutely incredible despite their message.
  19. Zetterberg is God

    Aaaah! Where do I find those forum pics?

    I believe it was the opening party for WWF New York. The best part of that pic is HHH trying his hardest to get into it.
  20. Zetterberg is God

    The OAO Armageddon PPV Thread- 12/14/03

    Jesus H. Christ. I thought he was off to Hollywood for a while. So of course give him the belt. Bravo Trips, the wedding is paying off already.
  21. Zetterberg is God

    Eddie Guerrero injured

    - Eddie Guerrero injured his arm in his match at the Smackdown taping. I won't spoil what went on due to this not being a spoiler post but at the time he was working with Charlie Haas. However, there is much more to this. There has been tension building up for a while between Chavo + Eddie Guerrero and Shelton Bejamin + Charlie Hass. Both sides haven't been getting along well backstage. Word has it that Chavo was instigating a little bit and during the match things got a little heated. Eddie had a sore arm going in to the match and hurt it while in match with Charlie. Later on after the match, Eddie and Charlie went at it backstage. It didn't last long and was broken up rather quickly. Many backstage felt that Eddie was the aggressor and Charlie was right for defending himself. WWE officials and management have taken Eddie's side saying that the veterans should be respected. [Credit: 1wrestling]
  22. Zetterberg is God

    Smackdown non-spoiler

    You guessed right and not to spoil anything, but apprently he gets some good rhymes in.
  23. Zetterberg is God

    What ever happened to Diesel?

    That post hurt me more than anyone else. It hurts, bad. Saskatchewan rulz. If it rules so much, then how come so many damn people from Saskatchewan move to Calgary?
  24. Zetterberg is God

    The best of 2003

    Out of the CD's I bought this year, The Mars Volta's De-Loused in the Comatorium is unquestionably the best.
  25. Zetterberg is God

    Brock And Sable Sitting in a Tree?

    Billy Gunn is slated to return in December?