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Zetterberg is God

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Everything posted by Zetterberg is God

  1. Zetterberg is God

    American History X

    Write about the hyprocrisy of neo-Nazis (selling drugs, homosexual activity).
  2. Zetterberg is God

    Wrestlemania 2000 or No Mercy?

    I agree. It was very fun to put created belts on the line and have title histories for each belt. In the end though, No Mercy was the superior game, despite the massive slowdown and the glitches.
  3. Zetterberg is God

    MTV's Viva La Bam and WildBoyz

    Well if you knew about how CKY (the band) feels about MTV and Jackass, you'd know that they hate MTV and that would explain why they wouldn't want to be involved with this show. If you remember Jackass the show, the CKY band was never in any skits except for Jess, and that was only because it was footage from CKY. Deron was also in one skit but once again, it was CKY footage. Jess has already stated that he thinks that Jackass was nothing and CKY was the only thing he wanted to be involved with. With that said, I am also a huge CKY mark and I can't wait for this show to come on MTV Canada on November 23rd.
  4. Zetterberg is God

    Whatever happened to...

    http://pub68.ezboard.com/fundergroundsmark...tart=61&stop=80 Scroll almost to the end to see Inc's introduction and see some of the other people he's been.
  5. Zetterberg is God

    Whatever happened to...

    Yeah, but nobody really cares what happened to him Well if you did, ask Incadenza about it because apparently DJ Jeff is his creation. Maybe everyone already knew this but I sure as hell didn't.
  6. Zetterberg is God

    PPV Buy Rates at Scary Low

    I believe it was IYH: It's Time.
  7. Zetterberg is God

    HUGE *spoiler*

    I'll believe it when I see it. There's always talk of a Benoit title reign but that's all it is. There's nothing I'd like more than for this to be true but there was also a rumor of Eddie getting the shot and we all saw how that played out.
  8. Zetterberg is God

    Hi, I'm new here

    Here we go.
  9. Zetterberg is God

    Mcmahon/Turner feud

    I think he tried out but wasn't hired. Probably after his AWA run but I'm not sure on that. It's true. I believe that one time on Confidential they showed the actual try-out video.
  10. Zetterberg is God

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    I guess Hillshire Farms wasn't paying him enough so he had to get a second job.
  11. Zetterberg is God

    Recent purchases

    The Sopranos: Season 4
  12. Zetterberg is God

    Scott Weilland arrested

    How many chances do we give this guy? I don't care if he is a talented singer. He needs to be jailed for a while. Maybe then he'll learn (but probably not).
  13. Zetterberg is God

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    It's going to be at least a month or two. I only saw the Brock Lesnar DVD here this week, and that came out in August. Please don't say that. It's true. We always get screwed for DVD's here. If you think that's bad, we won't even have the Flair DVD until 2004.
  14. Zetterberg is God

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    It's going to be at least a month or two. I only saw the Brock Lesnar DVD here this week, and that came out in August.
  15. Zetterberg is God

    Raw rating drops

    That's just great. I guess McMahon's truly equal ratings.
  16. Zetterberg is God

    Holy Shee-AT

    Is this picture real? The head looks difference from the rest of the body, more like it was superimposed onto the body background. Then again, I'm no expert. I agree. That looks fake to me.
  17. Zetterberg is God

    Big Smackdown Spoiler

    I'm happy with this decision. Doesn't mean less McMahon on my TV but it will make SmackDown a lot more interesting.
  18. Zetterberg is God

    What were some concert events you attended

    -Weezer in April 2002. I'm a huge fan and they put on an unbelievable show. -The Tea Party in April 2002. Jeff Martin is an amazing guitarist and they put on an incredible 2 hour set. -Ozzy in June 2003. What can I say? It's FUCKING Ozzy.
  19. Zetterberg is God

    Road Warrior Hawk passes away

    Don't know if this was psoted yet: A few more notes on the death of Mike Hegstrand, Road Warrior Hawk, at the age of 46. He was packing up boxes as he was scheduled to move into a new house in Tampa, where he had been living for years, with his wife Dale. He said he wasn't feeling well at about 8:30 p.m. and said he wanted to take a nap and told his wife to awaken him at 1:30 a.m. so he could continue packing. When she went to check on him, he was dead. We haven't heard any preliminary diagnosis as to what happened him. We're looking for any news reports today on his death as I'm presuming in the Minneapolis and Tampa area a lot should be coming out. credit: wrestlingobserver.com
  20. Zetterberg is God

    Road Warrior Hawk passes away

    Well that was unexpected. RIP
  21. Zetterberg is God

    WM III

    I believe it was somewhere around 78,000.
  22. Zetterberg is God

    Give me your "I was there" list...

    -When Hogan jobbed to Jacques Rougeau at a house show -Montreal screwjob -Ice Storm 98 -Edge/Christian reuniting at a house show That's about it
  23. Zetterberg is God

    What WWE Pay Per Views have you Skipped?

    Well I only missed one (Unforgiven) due to a VCR mistake. But since I want to complete my collection, I'll be ordering No Mercy, even if it is complete crap.
  24. Zetterberg is God

    What happened to Bill DeMott?

    Wasn't he injured sometime early this year?
  25. Zetterberg is God

    Flair DVD Matches Announced
