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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's Ratings

    What about the advertisers that pay for the tv time during their show......don't you understand that the higher the rating and the higher the segment the more the WWE gets from anybody wanting to advertise.....are you really that clueless to say that means nothing?
  2. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's Ratings

    People who say ratings doesnt matter are clueless. Thats what gives them their price for advertisers based on the ratings and how well they're doing. That brings more revenue to the company than anything else. Stop hating people, the guy brings ratings to the show....just deal with it and stop always having a negative excuse when someone you dont like does something positive.
  3. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's Ratings

    Saying TV rating don't matter is like saying Revenue or Loss makes no difference to a company. The fact of the matter is that his segments are constantly among the highest rated on the show so therefore he's somewhat doing his job. Linda McMahon talks a lot of shit and is always dodging questions so i would love to see her eat some crow.
  4. LooseCannon25

    I don't know about you...

    Yeah, but on the other hand the World Tag Team Titles are the original WWE(F) Tag titles and have all the WWE history with them. It would be set up correctly if the U.S. and WWE Tag Team Champs were on Raw, and the I.C. and World Tag Titles on Smackdown.
  5. LooseCannon25

    The Unintentional Comedy King of WWE

    How about that promo on the barbershop right before WMVIII when he destroyed the set and had baby powder all over his face lookin like an asshole. You could hear several people laughing hysterically at him in the crowd
  6. LooseCannon25

    The Unintentional Comedy King of WWE

    That shit was hilarious....it was against the Acolytes and he slipped on the beer and didnt even break his fall at all. The dude fell straight on his ass hard.
  7. LooseCannon25

    The Unintentional Comedy King of WWE

    Somebody get my man the clip of Shockmaster's amazing debut. The funniest part was Ottman wiping his hands after he got back up and put his mask back on, and Heenan under his breath saying "oh noooooo.....oh no" I also would like to nominate good ol' Sid Vicious as a candidate. He messed up his lines on the mic more than anyone else ever i believe
  8. LooseCannon25

    *I might Order the show*

    Do it.....order it!!! How was that? convincing enough?
  9. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    I dont like Goldberg and think he's a super mark for his own character, but i also don't agree with Foley coming in and getting a title at one of the biggest shows of the year for WWE. It's like a slap in the face for the full time workers like Jericho, RVD, Booker T, and even a guy like Kane to be pushed to the side all the time.
  10. LooseCannon25

    Bull Buchanan

    Especially when it's corny a hell. Dude, when ita not funny get ready for the hit parade.
  11. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    heres some help.... Mick Foley, a former World, Tag, Hardcore Champion..all but the Hardcore title, Multi time. Goldberg... DIDN'T DO SHIT! and in terms of WWE/WWF if you don't make a name for yourself new in the WWE your history ain't SHIT And Goldberg getting a world title shot over anyone else in the company would be the worst kind of bullshit imaginable. Ok, so basically even though he hasnt wrestled in god knows how long as has been gone for so long it's ok cause he's won WWF titles before years ago. How idiotic is that?????? that's like saying Kevin Nash deserved a world title run cause he's a former WWF Champ, IC Champ, and Tag Champ..............so let me ask again since your logic is obviously as bad as WWE's......how does Mick Foley getting a title shot at Summerslam make sense?
  12. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Don't forget Austin was NEVER pinned by Rock until WMXIX. what's your point? Just saying there's been more one-sidedness of feuds. To be honest, the first time I read what you wrote I thought you said Foley/HHH was THE most one-sided feud ever. I see you said it was one of them, so my post was pretty much worthless. Sorry. It's ok...we all fuck up once in a while
  13. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Don't forget Austin was NEVER pinned by Rock until WMXIX. what's your point?
  14. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Next, after SummerSlam at Unforgiven it'll be HHH vs. Pat Patterson for the World Title.
  15. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    They can get rid of him without paying him....all they have to do is keep jobbing him until he gets fed up and afraid his character will be killed and he agrees to part ways with them.
  16. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    Geez..........HHH vs. Foley might be one of the most one sided fueds ever. The only time i remember Foley beating him was at Raw in 97 when he broke out the Cactus JAck character for MSG. Besides that its been all HHH
  17. LooseCannon25

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    and Mick Foley deserves the title shot instead of him? Someone help me understand this logic please
  18. LooseCannon25

    What about RVD?

    RVD is pretty much done on Raw.......the only thing i see for him is to feud with Chrisitan and once again beome the IC champ. Either that or trade him to Smackdown for A-Train
  19. LooseCannon25

    Mae Young

    JR would say that Austin was just having fun and caught up in the moment, and had to defend himself from pie crust getting on his lip. Meanwhile Test is just a bah gawd bully and had NO right doing what he did even though his boss ordered him to.
  20. LooseCannon25

    Am I the only one?

    I love Mick Foley and everything and think he was an amazing performer. Nobody can take away what he did and his sacrafice for his business, but after saying that he hates the direction the WWE is going in he always seems to come back just when he has a new book coming out. I think he's sort of a hippocrite, but at the same time a great business man....what do you guys think?
  21. LooseCannon25

    Rene Dupree

    Thats not roids......thats a natural physique for a 56 year old for crying out loud. I see guys his age with the same body all the time on the street
  22. LooseCannon25

    Rene Dupree

    mighty picky arent we? Ok im sorry...not muscle TONE...just muscle .....I wasnt referring to you by the way when i said that most people here think everyone is on roids...i see certain people here who point out many superstars if not most that are on roids on a constant basis.
  23. LooseCannon25

    Rene Dupree

    These guys think everybody here is on roids. If a guy has any muscle tone on his body he's on roids automatically. I'm still waiting for someone to say that Spike Dudley is on roids. Or that Matt Hardy is on roids cause he's bulked up a good amount over the last year or so.
  24. LooseCannon25

    Words of the day for WWE hierarchy

    Bad programming is bad enough, but on top of that we have to watch a guy like Vince McMahon constantly hogging up more TV time than any star on Smackdown. We also get to see Stephanie put herself in a program with Sable even though she hasnt been as bad as Vince. If thats not enough we get to see JR get his own freakin webpage with stupid content on it. Does Jericho, RVD, Christian, Booker T get their own webpage on RAW? No, Goold ol' head of talent relations Jim Ross is the one that gets the priveledge. I'm sorry i just felt the need to vent because these guys put themselves over than they put over their own superstars. Next thing you know Vince and Stephnie will get their own webpages and MAttitudes will be closed down. Enough is enough already.
  25. seriously....the guy has to go. He has absolutely nothing to contribute to wrestling broadcasting anymore besides talking about women and puppies. They can hire a horny 15 year old kid to do that job. They need someone to put wrestlers over and talk about the matches.......JR only does that for hosses. Bring back Heyman please