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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    Stone Cold taunting Kane

    To be honest if it leads to the return of old kane then im all for it. Old Kane > Corny Kane in my book. And if they wanted to give him a monster push with Old Kane then so be it. Nothing can be worse than Nash
  2. LooseCannon25

    Who is WWE's biggest jobber?

    yep, it's freakin sad that a guy with the talent, workrate, psychology of Jamie Knoble can be relegated to being a jobber. It's really not fair at all. They should just drop the trailor trash gimmick and let him be Jamie San again
  3. LooseCannon25

    Stone Cold taunting Kane

    McMahon: Austin...Austin.............Austin come back!!!.....Stone Cold............damnit.......Stone Cold, give me a stunner. *Austin pauses for a second and keeps walking* We pretty much saw the same thing with the only difference being that Austin got physical with Kane
  4. LooseCannon25

    Who is WWE's biggest jobber?

    there wa sactually a period where Spike was winning a few matches on heat...he beat guys like Rico, Richards, and a few jobbers.....i would say the biggest jobber in the WWE now is Steven Richards....the guy had a few wins on heat but now he doesnt even get a freakin entrance on Raw anymore. Besides him Justin Credible before he left was just a name jobber. He lost every single week on Heat for several months
  5. I agree with this.....and they did much better in his last reign with him defeating Benoit at Rumble in a no nonsense match. The world champion cant be a freakin joke
  6. LooseCannon25

    Reason for botched finish to RAW ME.

    If thats true...then Hebner is an even bigger asshole for forgetting the finish of the match, when its basically his ONLY job to do, and the fault is all on him now.
  7. LooseCannon25

    The Old School questions thread

    If i recall correctly the Flying Nuns had two matches in 2 weeks with Shotgun. The first week they were called the Flying Nuns, and the second week they changed the name to Sisters of Love
  8. LooseCannon25

    Jericho praised backstage

    Then I guess that Goldberg should go after all the guys that are talking behind his back to the sheets then. And Triple H should probably be allowed to get into fights with everyone on the roster. Hell, Zack Gowen has been on the show for two weeks or so and people are bad mouthing him for not making good enough facial expressions. Face it, in wrestling, its not what you do but who you are. Flip the positions around in this and the same people would be burying Goldberg regardless. The dude makes a very valid point . If it were the other way around we would all probably be killing Goldberg for being a troublemaker.
  9. LooseCannon25

    New Storm Commentary

    Good stuff by Storm again.......the travel life he has is living hell though. With that being said im going to MExico tomorrow.....kinda excited Anyway back to business. it seemslike Portland got a good show and i would never mind 3 and a half hours for a show, but i think hes right when he says 5 hours would be a bit too much.
  10. LooseCannon25

    Foley as Referee

    Now, dont get me wrong...i like Mick Foley just as much as the next guy, but am i the only one that thinks its kinda selfish (and smart at the same time) to return only when he has a new book coming out?
  11. LooseCannon25

    Reason for botched finish to RAW ME.

    Robinson, Patrick, Chioda are all good.....what happened to Tim White, i thought he was pretty good also. Robinson is the master of ref bumps. That apear he tool last night was lethal looking. I dont like how they all are booked to look like pussies but Hebner looks like the superman of all referees
  12. LooseCannon25

    Reason for botched finish to RAW ME.

    Would it have been so hard to whisper to Hurricane to pick the shoulder up? Wrestlers mess up alot but they have MUCH more to do. All a ref has to do is make sure the finish is orchestrated correctly. And he couldnt even improvise on that
  13. LooseCannon25

    Gracie vs Shamrock

    No, i wanst calling Severn or Shamrock a jobber.,......I meant that in the tournament you had guys like John Hess, Andy Anderson, Paul Varlens, Emmanuel Yarborough, Keith Hackney, Paul Herrera, Macias.....those guys were not very good MMA fighters back then. In todays era or even in their own era the bottom line is they were scrubs off the street.
  14. LooseCannon25

    Rock turned face?

    I think he was turned Face by default. He gets waaaaay to many cheers when he's a heel, same thing with Austin in when he had no choice but to turn face in 97. With that being said i think Rock will come back as heel in 6 months or so when he returns.
  15. LooseCannon25

    Jericho praised backstage

    As far as total package goes with wrestling, charisma, talking and promos there are not too many that are better than Jericho. I'd say he's top 10 in the world
  16. LooseCannon25

    Reason for botched finish to RAW ME.

    You know...not for nothing, but Hebner fucks up quite a lot for someone who is the senior official and been around for so long. I can't freakin stand him between that and making him look like some sort of tough guy all the time.
  17. LooseCannon25

    When Goldberg started his car

    Its amazing how that paint could dry completely in about 15 seconds.............was anybody else besides me hoping for that Goldberg would trip and fall on his face while he was running? I love bloopers
  18. LooseCannon25

    When Goldberg started his car

    I did think that....and i also noticed he backed up the car pretty slow........probably to be safe that what happened last time wont happen again
  19. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread - 6/2/03

    I seriously doubt he was supposed to kick out of the pedigree....no way.......Either Nash or HBK forgot to make the save there
  20. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread - 6/2/03

    Holy shit...i think someone was supposed to stop the count......you can hear Earl Hebner say "shit" after he counted 2
  21. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread - 6/2/03

    while he was walking down the aisle he put his hand on his heart and signalled to the sky, like heaven
  22. LooseCannon25

    Best of Raw 1 & 2

    I have 1 &2 on DVD as they came together.....i would definitely recommend it...but be warned if you are buying it to see anything before 1997 dont bother...everything is late 97 and on...but still good. Hell, the debut of Y2J is worth the price alone
  23. LooseCannon25

    Greatest Gimmicks in WWE(F) history

    I would have to go with the Waylon Mercy gimmick/character. I thought the gimmick was way ahead of its time and Dan Spivey played it perfectly. I know it's a rip off of the Cape Fear movie but nonetheless it was awesome stuff......right down to his haunting entrance music and faces...........Who else comes to mind?
  24. LooseCannon25

    FXW Blood Sweat and Beers match to d/l

    12 feet my ass.....that ring was morelike 9-10 feet. And the apron was the lowest i ever saw in my life...lol...they got some talent though
  25. LooseCannon25

    MMA June PPV Double-Shot

    Awesome preview RRR.........very well decribed. I'm pumped for both events almost equally. Maybe a bit more for Pride with Herring vs. CroCop and Coleman vs. Frye. Both events should be awesome though