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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    If we can be POSITIVE for a minute...

    I may be too optimistic, but I actually think with time Matt Hardy and John Cena can be main eventing PPV's with each other with Jericho, Benoit, Lesnar, Angle right there also. I think all these old stars will fade away in the near future, and the emergence of the good workers will come back and take over.
  2. LooseCannon25

    If we can be POSITIVE for a minute...

    I agree with Downhome......It seems like everyone is so freakin negative about EVERYTHING nowadays. Now i'm not saying you guys dont have a right to be negative, but this thread was for POSITIVE things. Then you got guys in here saying "boo hoo nothing is positive and im so glad that i stopped watching while its funny watching you try to justify.....etc.." If you dont wanna watch the product then DON'T. If you have nothing positive to say about the product then DON'T, but then don't post anything in here whining and bitching like you usually do. Save that shit for the 1000's of HHH hate threads. With that being said i think some postives are: 1) The production 2) The Rock's asshole heelish character 3) The wrestling on Smackdown
  3. LooseCannon25

    What/who is Mr. America?

    If it's gonna be Hogan then they're blatantly gonna make it obvious it's him for comedy.....besides its so obvious who Mr. America is...... "The Patriot" Tom Brandi.....err....umm....well, maybe not, but it would finally give him a good reason for buying the Patriot gimmick from Del Wilkes
  4. LooseCannon25

    What/who is Mr. America?

    I'd mark out if it were sting with a Red,White and Blue crow outfit, and stars and stripes face paint. It's Showtime.....uh.....in America.....folks!
  5. LooseCannon25

    WrestleMania buy rate

    When ALL of your freakin hype is on a battle of guys in their 50's, and one isnt even a wrestler you're not gonna get a good buyrate. IT seems that Vince always has to be involved at Wrestlemania, either in a match or run in......You guys may hate HHH, and Goldberg, but at least they're performers. Instead of a guy who can barely get off the air for a legdrop anymore and a guy who isnt even on the roster. They need to get their shit straight NOW or else next yeras mania will draw a .35
  6. LooseCannon25

    What/who is Mr. America?

    ehhhh......the possibilities are scary........Luger, Slaughter, Hogan under a mask I'd mark out if it were............Tiger Ali Singh!
  7. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    I'll be boooooooooock
  8. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    Wow, what a coincidence.....I was just checking out the Ultimate Muscle game coming out for Gamecube right now. Weird
  9. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    What chu talkin bout Willis?
  10. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    The cool badass before badasses were cool! The one and only Cobra Commander from GI JOE
  11. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

  12. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    No NES system was complete without your favorite helping robotic buddy and mine........that's right......R.O.B.
  13. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    Well of course i do...dant be reeeediculus!
  14. LooseCannon25

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (4-17-03)

    Heavens to Murgatroid!
  15. LooseCannon25

    New Backlash card

    Sean 'O Haire DOES use that line at the wrong time. I can just imagine a promo with Rikishi in the ring and him on the ramp...... Rikishi --- I'm gonna beat your ass down at Backlash boy. O'Haire ---- You probably COULD kick my ass Rikishi....but, hell, im not telling you anything you don't already know. Tazz ---- Uuuum............uh.........Cole.....did O'Haire just admit that Rikishi can kick his ass? Cole ----- How about that? He's getting into his head Tazz.....it's all a part of his plan to get into Rikishi's psyche!!!!!!! He's playing mind games with the Kish.
  16. 1) at Backlash 'd have Kevin Nash turn on HBK and Booker, and at the same time have Jericho try to stop them saying "thats enough", followed by a HHH, Nash, Flair beatdown on Jericho. This completes a double turn in which Nash would become heel and with his buddy HHH, and Jericho turn into a face with the potential to be the top star in the company. 2) I'd have the Rock beat Goldberg by DQ or something at Backlash and have him start a feud with HBK. I for one would love to see a Rock vs. HBK feud. I'd have the Rock go over at the next PPV and proclaim himself as the "Legend Killer" The Rock. 3) I'd seperate Kane and RVD as a tag team and have RVD built up as a upper card/main event threat. The guy is too over not to be at the top of cards. At the same time i would turn Kane heel and turn him into the more dark, tortured soul Kane with it. This would make him a monster again and maybe even be a threat for the World Title. 4) I'd bring back the U.S. Title so the midcarders and uppercarders can feud for it and have meaning in their rivalries. 5) I'd take guys not doing anything right now and pair them as tag teams. For example...........Maven/Snow, Hurricane/Hardy, Nowinski/Morely, Storm/Christian 6) I'd set certain guys as main event talent and they would be.....HHH, Booker T, RVD, Goldberg, The Rock, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho.
  17. My stuff: 1)Have Chris Benoit turn on Brock Lesnar on a coming addition of Smackdown complete with a german suplex on the announce table. This will put Benoit in his NATURAL character as a heel and have him look like a serious threat to LEsnar's title at the next PPV. 2) Build up the cruiserweight division as something serious and show 2-3 cruiserweight matches ever week on Smackdown, each match gets 10-15 minutes. You got Mysterio, Knoble, Moore, Tajiri, Funaki, Kendrick, Holly, and Nunzio....thats 8 cruiserweights......good amount. 3) Bring back the IC title to Smackdown so guys like John Cena, Eddie Guerrero, Rhyno, Kanyon, Edge can feud over it. 4) Turn Los Guerreros heel, and Nathan Jones heel. Jones can turn on Taker and beat him at a PPV match to build him up. 5)Start pairing up guys who arent doing much into tag teams.......like, for instance, Tajiri/Funaki, FBI, A-Train/Big Show, Kanyon/Moore.....there just arent enough teams right now on Smackdown and this could free up guys like Eddie Guerrero, Rhyno, Team Angle for much needed singles competitors. 6) Take Matt Hardy out of the Cruiserweight division and build him up as a high mid carder. The guys too good right now not to compete with the heavies. 7) Have Roddy Piper play a heel mentor to a stable.....you can have Sean O' Haire, Rhyno, Kanyon, John Cena and maybe even Matt Hardy taken under his wing. 8) and finally....focus on wrestling, wrestling, wrestling.....kinda like the way Smackdown was a few months ago with the great matches. I know you have to have SOME entertainment as well, but the main ingredient has to be in ring action.
  18. LooseCannon25

    Terra Ryzin' WWE

    Three weeks ago at Wrestlemania. Most title matches have things like that so acting like it's just for HHH is retarded Thats a stupid ass quote to make........When Rock vs. Stone Cold at WMX7 had no dq or basically ANY Stone Cold Match noone says anything.......when its Rock vs. Mankind in NO DQ noone says shit.......when it's Austin vs. Angle noone says shit.........Most WWE title matches have stipluations.........when its Benoit vs. Jericho, RVD vs. Guerrero, any TLC match where's the freakin complaining for that........i'm not the biggest HHH fan but this shit is getting ridiculous and idiotic already.
  19. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

    Anybody catch RVD saying "i'll be doing that shit tonight"......lol
  20. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

    Next week they're gonna be plugging the new Stone Cold hotline
  21. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

    You would think the fans would know by now that its not Stone Cold coming out when the glass shatters. dumb asses
  22. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

    Anybody else look at Test and think he would be better off playing Ivan Drago in a bootleg Rocky IV remake?