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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    The One and Only Nash Injury Pool

    I say tonight he walks down the aisle as Diesel.........walks up the steps into the ring and twists his ankle in the process, but he shakes that off. On his way to stepping over the top rope he pulls his groin.....but he's ok.........and when he does his Big Daddy Cool pose and the pyro hits, he doesnt expect it so he gets startled and his knee buckes and Nash tears his ACL stepping backwards. Then HBK walks in the ring while Nash is laying on the ground screaming in agony and cuts a promo about how the clique is standing tall and cant be taken down.
  2. LooseCannon25

    Do you thin Austin jobbing to Rocky...

    I taped the show last night and i just went back to look at it....after several time looking at it I still cant tell what the Rock is saying but the one thin i do notice which is both times Rock leaves austins laying body is "thank you man".............Honestly, It seems as if though Austin changed the finish and just layed down on the last Rock bottom. Even Rock while walking back to the dressing room seemed very emotional and greatful.
  3. LooseCannon25

    Tito Ortiz

    Tito Ortiz, first of all isnt bald he has platinum blonde hair......second of all is the most recognized guy in the UFC, and third of all hes not ducking Chuck Liddell as its being said they will fight at Next months UFC PPV. Hes a great striker, great takedowns and uses the gorund and pound style. I wouldnt mind seeing him in WWE as he could just about whoop anybody's ass in there with no problem
  4. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    Delayed cover...it doesn't count. Tell that delayed cover crap to Booker T after taking a Triple H pedigree
  5. LooseCannon25

    Who tried too hard to be cool..

    ----- Austin walking around in booty choker denim shorts with knee brace is NOT cool. ----- Shane McMahon trying to be a slang using smartass who looks like a bafoon every time he tries is NOT cool. ----- X-Pac coming down the aisle with his tongue flailing and his stupid seizure dance is NOT cool ----- Any wrestler who is shown walking into the arena with a fanny pack around their waste is NOT cool. ----- Shawn Michaels with his fuity tooty dancing and his lame ass faces in promos is NOT cool. ----- Hulk Hogan doing crotch chops, making up dumb names like "rockajabroni" "and EVIL genius mcmahon" while parading around the ring in Friggin TYE DYE pants, and a weight lifting belt is NOT cool. ----- And finally Rikishi dressed in Rikishi wear baggy gear, or doing the same tired dance thats been played out since 99 is NOT cool.
  6. Anybody else foresee Jones working security at events like that Big Jim guy in the past. I can just see the action spilling into the crowd and jones with his WWE Staff T Shirt and walkie talkie directing the crowd backwards looking all confused.
  7. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    I wanted Jericho to win also, and i think HBK tapping at the second walls would have been the perfect ending, as a matter of fact i expected him to tap. the sad thing is that the guy is loved by Vince......he beat 5 other guys in November to win the world title. He punks everybody out, and this is all what VINCE wants. Did i want HBK to win...hell NO.......If it were up to me then JEricho would be main eventing and going over at WM, ut for some reason McMahon doesnt think this guy is a real threat or main eventer. Even when he was the undisputed champ he was booked to look weak. So, if its between HBK superkicking Jericho to hell and punking him out like a birch or HBK winning with a roll up and getting punked out at the end to set up for the loss at the next PPV then i'll take the second option.
  8. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    Well you know when Angle barely kicks out and it fits in with the match that's fine. But HBK leaping to his feet after having his back worked on kind of negates anything Jericho did and made him look weak. Oh and.....hehe.....I love how you liked the match and your entitled to your opinion but if we didnt' like it then we must be a bitter smark who can't be entertained. I'm sorry if your tastes are different than mine. I'm so sorry for not liking something you liked. In the future Choken and Cannon I will email you after a match before I formulate my opinion so that I may see if I'm allowed to not like it. Excuse the fuck out of me. And I never said that the match wasn't entertaining. I was entertained during Jericho's near falls and stuff but whenever HBK would kip-up and not sell the back then my enjoyment would drop a bit. You know what Mighty, I agree with you 100% on the kip up thing. That should NOT have been done cause it killed the psychology of the back. You're absolutely right about that, but to me psychology unfortunately isnt as great science as it used to be because you got guys like RVD, Edge as well as others who do the same thing HBK did all of the time. See, the psychology in the Booker T/HHH was pretty damn good i think with Booker selling like a champ.
  9. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    Look, I like Jericho as much as anyone else. As a mtter of fact he's my favorite guy right now followed by Benoit, Guerrero, and MAtt Hardy. I just dont see what the big deal with him losing is. The match was great in my opinion, HBK busted his ass, if he gets one more win in probably his last WM then so be it...the guy broke his back by busting his ass in the ring for us and everyone. If Jericho would have beaten like a bitch and made to look like a fool in the end then i would have had a problem with it. but, Jericho came out looking good after the match and it looks like its gonna lead to him going over HBK in their next match. Now if, and when they fight gain if HBK goes over AGAIN i will have a big problem with that......but i think this could be the set up for a big Jericho win against HBK down the road whenever that may be.
  10. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    Destroy another mans career. How stupid are you to say that? did you forget who walked out with his head high and duked us all into a fake face turn. Take your smark glasses off fool, Wins and losses doesnt mean everything in pro wrestling. Jericho came out looking very strong tonight. Wake up man, you're embarrasing yourself.
  11. LooseCannon25

    Piper back for a while? Or one time gig?

    Did Piper have a Rikishi sized gut on him tonight or what........ I was almost as shocked with his gut then I was for seeing him......With that being said it was grea tto see the Hot Rod again and was a mark out moment for me. Even my girl was like "holy shit, it's Rowdy Roddy fuckin Piper...I havent seen him in years!"
  12. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    Some of you guys need to take the smark vision glasses off for a minute and enjoy the actual entertainment. Some of You guys could let a great match be played down as being just good just because you dont like one of the participants in that match. Is the guy (HBK) an asshole? probably.......Has he held people down in the past? definitely.....was his match with Jericho a great see saw battle with a lot of drama and excitement worthy of motn? You bet your ass! Give the freakin guy his props and stop being bitches about everything. He makes a comeback and it s a terrible "superman comeback", but yet when angle kicks out of an F5, or any smark darlings make a great comeback it's a "holy shit" moment. Be fuckin fair and call it the way it is.
  13. Jones is a weight lifter, not a wrestler. Take a look at how Joanie looked like a pregnant cow whenever she "wrestled" and you've got an idea of how disasterous that can be. Or take a look at anybody billed as "the World's Strongest Man" who wrestled. What are you talking about.......Mark Henry and Ken Patera were amazing performers in the ring. Those bearhugs and forearm smashes were breathtaking when Henry and PAtera did them
  14. It's sad too because the guy looks like a monster, has a great look, and seems to be very athletic and agile. MAybe its just one of those where some people cant perform under pressure in front of a large audience. If so this guy is in the WRONG business.
  15. They can just release the guy and say that he was just too dangerous and uncontrollable to be employed in the WWE. Then in a few months we see him interviewing people on Smackdown shows every week.
  16. LooseCannon25

    Wrestlemania opinions

    I think it was a great card which had some fantastic wrestling action. For any of those out there who think that HBK vs. Jericho wasnt a great match or didnt tell a great story you should really try looking at things with your biased thoughts of certain wrestlers away. I was at the edge of my chair from every near pin fall in the hbk/jericho. Even Hogan vs. McMahon was entertaining stuff for what it was. i have no complaints about the show, and though it was well worth the $40 bucks i didnt pay
  17. LooseCannon25

    Worst promos ever

    I say the worst i've ever seen was Jake "the Drunk Slob" Roberts at the Heroes of Wrestling PPV. It went like this: Interviewer ---- Jake Roberts, what is your plan for tonight when you step in the ring *Jake leaning on the poor bastard unable to stand onhis own* Jake ---- Well.........it's jush like being in a cashino. See in a cashino you always....have...to take a gamble. It's almost like with me. I'm like cashino cause when ya step in the ving with the shnake you could get bite. Me and my friend.......damien my friend.........my friend damien......etc. The guy just rambles on making no sense whatsoever
  18. LooseCannon25

    Worst promos ever

    Anybody remember the great Sid Vicious in WCW promo that went like this: Sid ----- "Kevin Nash, I have HALF the brain.....that you do" *Nash and Hall look at each and start laughing hysterically at what Sid just said to the point that they could barely finish the promo*
  19. LooseCannon25

    Worst promos ever

    Thanks a lot candadian chick for reminding me of that god awful RVD promo on Flair. Sometimes a promo is just so freakin bad that you just bust out laughing or you feel embarrassed for that person. RVD with his words and that dumb ass Flair strut was horrendous. Another terrible one i remember is when Sid Justice had been jealous of Hogan and turned heel, he was in the barbershop and just went nuts and tore everything apart. It would have been a pretty good intense promo.....................had it not been that Sid had baby powder all over his damn face when he was done and looking into the camera. That promo is on Wrestlemania 8 when they're getting ready for Hogan vs. Sid, and to tis day i die laughing when i watch it cause he just looks so retarded, he doesnt seem to even know he had the powder coevering his face, and you can hear people cracking up in the crowd. A true classic
  20. LooseCannon25

    Best/worst wrestler's props

    Best: 1)Big VAn Vader's mastadon helmet 2)HHH sledgehammer 3)Jim Cornette tennis racket 4)Macho King Randy Savage Septor 5)Undertaker's Urn 6)JAke Robert's Cobra Lucifer Worst: 1) Regal's Brass Knuckles 2) Giant Gonzales retarded gorilla suit 3) Aldo Montoya's mask 4) The Goon's ice skate boots 5) Papa Shango's skeletor stick 6) Eddie Guererro's Latino heat roses
  21. LooseCannon25

    My own What if...

    Hogan would have been an uppercard guy battling for the U.S Title , but thats it. Vince made Hogan what he turned out to be with all the hype and the national exposure. Vince would have probably made Savage his top guy or maybe even Orndorff.
  22. LooseCannon25

    D'Lo Interview

    The guy was very over in 98-99.......But, in the last few years hes been lost in the shuffle. Anybody remember the return on Raw he had in the blindfold match against Triple H. He was a surprise opponent, and the crowd reaction was one of the worst i've ever seen......i'm talking about COMPLETELY dead. Since then noone has given a fuck about him.
  23. LooseCannon25

    Would it be so bad if the WWE died ?

    I think it would be bad.....why? If WWE went under you think even 5% of these guys are gonna go to the indies or TNA to work for peanuts for the rest of their careers? You need to ask yourself this......if you're making anywhere from $250,000 - $900,000 a year in the WWE and it goes under would you be satisfied working for $20 - $200 a show. The second biggest company here, which is TNA, might be able to make a good payout for a few appearances but theres no way they can continually pay someone with a guaranteed contract to that type of money. The only place these guys would be able to go is Japan and that would do us NO good whatsoever. Territorial wrestling comapnies would come back like the 60's-80's and it would be like deja vu when another big promoter comes and expads the company to national. It would take a LONG time though. So, yeah i think it would be bad not just for wrestling, but think of all of the employees that would be jobless and have what they love doing taken away.
  24. LooseCannon25

    Storyline vs Wrestling

    I remember exactly what it was that got me into wrestling for good. It was WMIII and i was mostly anticipating the Andre vs. Hogan match, but when i saw Steamboat vs. Savage with all the great technical wrestling and near falls, i was hanging off my seat. That match hooked me for life
  25. guys.....thats not the real WWF belt. If you look on the top on top of the eagle it deosnt say WWF. You can go to different sites to have them custom made from the guy who originally made the real wwf belts and created the designs. the site is www.midwestwrestling.com