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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Wow, Why is Test one of the photographers. And Mickie has an amazing ass
  2. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Did you just include JR with Hogan, Hart and OTHER BIG stars?????
  3. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    what and replace him with Todd Grisham or Coach? Are you crazy? Ummmm....Cole, Tazz, Styles, JBL?
  4. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    They could have put Flair and Carlito over anyone else tonight....but they decided to do it against the best tag team in the company.
  5. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    They really need to give JR the rest of the night off. He sounds like a robot.
  6. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Thank you very much Lashley
  7. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    She could chomp down on me with that jaw anytime she wants
  8. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    How much trouble did Road Warrior Animal get in for messing up at the Pre Mania 22 Battle Royal? So, you're comparing a PRE Mania battle royal to National TV live on the biggest Raw of the year traditionally? Yeah, ok
  9. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Kendrick is in big big trouble if they were meant to win this match.
  10. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    It's a battle royal. Who busts their ass? Like Shawn cares. He realized in the middle of the match, he doesn't give a fuck. Smart. Uuum, kayfabe wise they've been getting pounded all this time. Shouldn't have done that shit in the beginning? Makes no sense
  11. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    so lemme see if I got this straight......HBK and CENA bust their ass for about 30 minutes and then HBK decides "fuck it, let me make the past half hour meaningless and eliminate myself from winning"
  12. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Uemployment line. What, they got rid of him? Yea he got fired.........drug policy. He showed up to Raw last Monday whacked of his head so much so they wouldn't let him on TV and fired him basically on the spot. Damn, I didn't even hear about it. That sucks cause he's pretty good. Here's to hoping he can clean himself up first and foremost.
  13. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Uemployment line. What, they got rid of him?
  14. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    I think they've had more commercials than teams involved in the battle royal....jeez
  15. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Where's Joey MErcury?
  16. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    I tell you what.......If HBK/Cena beats this second tier of teams, they would have beaten 19 teams in one night in 2 battle royals. Even by WWE standards that would be absolutely ridiculous and pathetic.
  17. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    so, like, what was the point of that battle royal? Too remind everyone that the superpowers are unbeatable?
  18. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Why's that? It makes sense that an idiot wrestling savant would navigate towards an '80s wrestling star. How about the fact that Eugene nearly killed Duggan not too long ago when he jumped him after a match?????
  19. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    For those that didnt watch Mania yesterday, Elijah Burke had the gayest cowboy stripper entrance outfit on last night. MAde HBK's look very macho. It was bizarre
  20. LooseCannon25

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Good lord.....how fuckin stupid is it to come back with every team in the battle royal and the match started when we dont even know what the teams are?
  21. LooseCannon25

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Too harsh in my opinion. MVP did just fine, and I don't remember Benoit favouring his arm much at all. Another 5 or 10 minutes and it would have been much better, and shown MVP in a better light. I'd like to know if redbaron51 had his eyes covered in the Benoit vs. MVP match, because MVP did a good job and was very nifty with the chain wrestling. He looked very solid, imo.
  22. LooseCannon25

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Yeah, when I saw that I liked it a lot. Makes Booker look less cowardly and willing to do what's right even though he's a heel. Just because someone is a heel doesn't mean they have to be a chickenshit that doesn't give a shit about their loved ones.
  23. LooseCannon25

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    How about that monster pop for Kennedy when he won MITB. He's on his way to blowing up.
  24. LooseCannon25

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Yeah I'm glad I didn't miss out on those lights. My $50 was well spent afterall. There's always gonna be negative people like you that shit on everything. Unfortunately for you, you feel that spending the $50 was a waste. Sucks to be you.
  25. LooseCannon25

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Dickhead Diesel was one of the best characters ever. Much much better than his face character.