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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    Nah, i prefer the buffalo skin little jacket vest he had goin on there I agree saying the smartest thing is finally bringing up the young guys and giving them some good tv time. John Cena, Haas, Benjamin, Brock, Batista, Randy Orton, Doug Basham, Damaja (Danny Basham), Nowinski, Maven I believe all have some sort of potential....some may have A LOT of potential and could end up being big times players while otheres have MUCH LESS, but there's only one way to find out. I'd rather see those guys then Hogan, Piper, Nash, etc...
  2. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    LOL.....yes indeed. On the other hand, the guy has been there for 1 friggin week now. Damn people, give it a FEW weeks at least before you start talking about how WWE is destroying Ultimo Dragon.
  3. LooseCannon25


    AS, I like how you put words in my mouth......At any point did i say that he should squash the top stars in the company. By the way, If it's a 6 minute match it's not exactly a squash. The WWE doesnt have the tons of jobberlike WCW did. You seem to think the only choices are SQUASH and 20 MINUTE MATCH. Why can't he have a decent 5-7 minute match against a higher guy where he prevails?
  4. LooseCannon25

    No more Crash Holly

    Fuck that...i wouldnt wanna see them pursue to many other wrestlers outside of wwe, but elix skipper is the man. primetime has some awesome moves, and could be an awesome entry in the cw division. why the hell did they release him in the first place and ended keeping fuckin Bull Buchanan and Mark Jindrak
  5. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    Yeah, but that was a company that gave 1 guy a 3 Million dollar a year contract..........fuckin ridiculous
  6. LooseCannon25


    You have a point but it doesnt mean that he DOESNT love the business. There's no denying that the guy busts his ass and works through injuries. Wrestling is his life and you can see that
  7. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    I know i couldnt believe it either.......it doesnt seem to long ago when just about everyone was making AT LEAST $400,000
  8. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    Yeah, but with all his merchandise....T-shirts, Masks, Bobble Heads, DVD's and his ppv payoffs he probably AT LEAST doubles that amount
  9. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    Is that right? $80,000 for a year for these new guys. I know i hear Rey Mysterio signed for $75,000 when he came in. I can't believe that.....all the travel, on the road about 200-250 days a year, busting your ass every night......always hurt. For fuckin $80,000???? wow, and these guys don't have any merchandise either so i wonder what the upside is on their contracts.
  10. LooseCannon25


    say what you want about HHH but he makes a much better champion then Goldberg.........HHH loves the business and would probably die for it. Is HHH an asshole and politician? yes! But that still doesnt stop the fact that he's much more reliable than Goldberg. As far as changing Goldberg up in WWE he HAS been booked very badly. Why even change his entrance music? That was a part of him......his attire was his own changing because he was wearing those outfits in Japan before he joined WWE. However, this guy CANNOT put on 20 minute matches or talk on the mic? So what does WWE do.....the put him in long ass matches and have him cut promos......Brilliant. Sometimes I think Vince McMahon's 8 year old nephew is calling the shots.
  11. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    Yeah..............but i used to go to WWE NY...........the restaurant was awful with ridiculous prices and the store was nothing great.....but damn the club was pretty friggin good and i think they should have kept that part open because it was always packed with people when i went.
  12. LooseCannon25


    Basically the guy is a mark for his own character and needs to fuckin grow up. If he beats HHH for the title whats to say that he won't try to veto and bitch about anybody being put over him and will just walk away as the world champion, which will in the porocess make the whole company look bad. If he DOES win the title i have a feeling it'll be Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar in an Interpromotional match for both titles
  13. LooseCannon25

    The Last Notion of Genius

    Vince deciding to end the XFL after one year but in all seriousness.... Giving Jericho his own talk segment on Raw
  14. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    Ok sir....i'm sorry. I'll try not to be so foolish next time. You played me so badly dude........oh, by the way, what was your motive to play us out like that anyway? (This answer should be a good one for the bullshit detector)
  15. LooseCannon25

    Smackdown elevation

    Can we say CHOKE THE FUCK instead?
  16. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....i guess you got us huh Jericho....he he.......he......heh........eeeeeeeh
  17. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    Oh jesus..........see.....you could have just stayed quiet and left it at that,....but by saying you knew the whole time and just wanted to see our reaction, and also a comment like "it was fun playing you" completely gives away the fact that you didnt know what the hell was going on until i just about Spelled it out for you.
  18. LooseCannon25

    Smackdown elevation

    I believe he was responding to me and my "giving up"
  19. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    Eh ....you sure you knew it the whole time?
  20. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    I like ya so i'm gonna help you out here without giving you the answer.... HHH is a BIG guy...........HHH became very very big pretty quickly........HHH not too long ago had a thick full head of hair........HHH's hair began to thin and recede pretty quickly. Therefore.........
  21. LooseCannon25

    Smackdown elevation

    ehhh...never mind RRR
  22. LooseCannon25

    Smackdown elevation

    You said you weren't happy with my card and only wanted the good stuff...I assumed it was the Midget Match that turned you off so i offered to remove it from my mega card of WRestleMania past gimmick matches
  23. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    Dude....think about it really hard what Choken was implying with the genetics thing involving HHH. You caaaan doooo it
  24. LooseCannon25

    The WWE Contract Termination Game!

    I think so.............Gotta feel bad for him though
  25. LooseCannon25

    Smackdown elevation

    what? Is it the Midget Mixed tag team match? Fine, i'll get rid of that one