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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    Who's HHH bury next?

    Actually if anything i would say that Bischoff did that for HHH's benefit cause when he made it no dq and FCA it allowed Flair and Orton to interfere willingly and make it 3-1 legally. That was my take on it
  2. LooseCannon25

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    He sold it a lot longer than two minutes. This isn't getting us anywhere, though. I tell you what. Let's continue this after we witness his next match. Deal I'll be pointing out his non selling next monday also...be ready cause i'll be comin for ya
  3. LooseCannon25

    RAW 6/30/03

    The Adrian Adonis 2.0 gimmick isnt working at all for Rico.........is there something in his contract that syas he HAS to have a gay gimmick in order to be in WWE
  4. LooseCannon25

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    Did you not see him limping and holding it AFTER it was worked on? I admit it no-sold during the final part of the match. But he didn't totally no-sell it or forget about it. Wow, you're right.....he did sell it for like 1 minute and a 1/2 after his leg got worked on....it wasnt until about 2 minutes after that it completely slipped his mind that his leg was getting worked on......you're right, he did a pretty good damn job in selling tonight *sarcasm*
  5. LooseCannon25

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    Again, I have to disagree. I think he sold the leg a lot. IMO, RVD is better at selling than people make him out to be. I would like someone to explain to me how he sold A LOT tonight and was better than most give him credit for. When you're jumping around and throwing kicks and top rope moves and chasing people without the slightest limp right after they worked on your leg for 5 minutes, that is NOT proper selling. It's noselling and make EVERYONE look bad. And i dont wanna hear "he sold while his leg was getting worked on" because a damn 7 year old can sell a bodypart that is getting worked on.
  6. LooseCannon25

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    I think it's funny how some people said that it was HHH's fault because he was DELIBERATELY exposing his weakness by working on the leg and he shouldnt have done that. That's such a stupid statement. Vince : I want noone working on any of RVD's body parts because he can't sell that well. So no working on limbs from now on.
  7. LooseCannon25

    Who's HHH bury next?

    Speaking of Goldust....where in the hell has he been. I know he was on Heat on Sunday, but why hasnt he been on Raw lately
  8. LooseCannon25

    Who's HHH bury next?

    AS seems to think that since the beltshot was legal that it takes away from the impact of the blow...good thinking there buddy
  9. LooseCannon25

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    His total nonselling was disgusting to see
  10. LooseCannon25

    RAW 6/30/03

    I have to agree and say Raw sucked donkey balls tonight. Just about everything was shitty and nothing good came out of it at all. The biggest problems: Rico's gimmick ---- The overly gay thing is just stupid and more exxagerated then even Adrian Street. If he's trying to use it to get into the opponents mind then i'm sorry but it's already been done by a guy named Goldust. Hurricane/Spike ---- Spike Dudley sucks ass and everyone knows it. A stupid pairing that can kill his heat completely if he teams with Spike one more time. Booker T ---- Really now, how many times are they gonna fuck this guy over. He continously gets screwed week in and week out. Enough is enough already. Jericho/Test --- Please keep chris Jericho away from Test and the tag match was horrible. So, is Steiner feuding with BOTH Jericho and Test now? It doesnt make sense. Screwjob Endings --- Maybe one is ok, but cmon, how many of these did we see tonight. One thing that bothers me is no heel can seemingly win clean. Fuck it I really didnt like anything about Raw. It was so jumbled up that it looks like it was put together at the last second.
  11. LooseCannon25

    RAW 6/30/03

    The thing is....you might wanna get the date right before you post this. 5/30/03 was 1 month ago
  12. LooseCannon25

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    You gotta be friggin kidding me saying its not RVD's fault for NOT selling the leg. It doesnt matter what his damn moveset is. When your leg is worked on you HAVE to sell it. It IS his fault that he's too one dimensional to sell a body part injury. You're saying that it's not his fault that he did dropkicks, chase after Flair, several top rope moves, kicks AFTER having the leg worked on. Thats just being sloppy and lazy on his part and thats why he'll never be a world champion.
  13. LooseCannon25

    Your Fantasy Warfare

    the REAL INVASION card (WWF vs. WCW vs. ECW) Stone Cold vs. Goldberg Hall/Nash vs. Benoit/Jericho The Rock vs. Sting Kurt Angle vs. RVD Undertaker vs. Booker T HHH vs. Rhyno Hardy Boyz vs. Jung Dragons Rey Mysterio vs. Billy Kidman
  14. LooseCannon25

    SD better make room for Fuck Goldberg

    Uuuum....anybody ever think that they actually might have him go OVER Brock if this happens....oh nooooooooooooo....it better not!!!!
  15. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    So, you're saying Big Show is a nice heel? With all the shit you talk about him? And if so why can't Booker be built up then
  16. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    is Angle vs. Brock right now not a face/face feud? Can you explaint he difference between them and Booker T please If it wasnt successfull for Jericho then why is so over.....I dont think anyone will have a problem buying it if Jericho won the World Title.
  17. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    Don't want Steiner or FGB anywhere near Kurt's neck. It's stupid to turn Booker now. RVD is long gone. He's been ruined. Kane sucks. they're professionals....they wont injure Kurt on purpose...you cant handpick who to wrestle ......Besides when did Goldberg or Steiner injure someones neck? Kanes better than Nash Nobody said anything about turning Booker T RVD can be built back up.....It was successful for Jericho
  18. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    If HHH leaves Booker T, Kane, RVD, Goldberg, and even Steiner (heel) can be built back up By the way....i'd rather see Kane vs. RVD then HHH vs. KEvin Nash
  19. LooseCannon25

    Your Favorite

    Since everybodies admitting theirs here it goes..... I marked for the entire DUNGEON OF DOOM and also Adam Bomb both face and heel
  20. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    hmmmm.....i guess i was the only one who thought it was a good idea. Sorry guys
  21. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    But, i just said that it would be perfect for Angle especially with HHH being rumored to leave RAW....Angle would completely avoid HHH
  22. He looks like an asshole......nuff said
  23. LooseCannon25

    The Perfect Trade

    But, if HHH leaves Raw for Smackdown it would avoid Kurt getting the HHH treatment
  24. LooseCannon25

    Tryout Match

    Game, you said that the Steiners are hated for the most part....i'm telling you Steiner was very good in his prime. Brock messing up a spot......a SSP with the other guy 3/4 from the ting away from him nonetheless, was just that. A botched spot. It happens to EVERYONE. To judge him because of that missed spot is foolish
  25. LooseCannon25

    Tryout Match

    I like Spanky vs. Jody Fleish in ROH