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Everything posted by LooseCannon25
Oh yeah? I dare anyone here to find Waylon Mercy vs. Diesel from Superstars in 1995
I think he's talking about the match where Spanky had these neon yellow cargo shorts on, and American Dragon had some red generic k-mart pants on where dragon finishes with a dragon release suples followed by a unique upside down fullnelson while Spanky is laying down face first.
I remember that...........the only reason is because the main character on the show was the guy from the movie Just one of the Guys.......ok, so maybe i'm corny. Anyway, that show was dreadful and the cross promotion was terrible as well.
That was some funny shit.........when he was in the ring he reminded me of Tyson saying "cold Stone" and "Shanw Michaels is a young up and comer"
The Steiners haven't always been shit there buddy......Scott was considered one of the best workers in the world until those injuries started settling in. If you think Lesnar isnt good and has no talent then you haven't been watching. Being an amateur wrestler means you're legitimately a good wrestler. Lesnar, Benjamin, Haas, Angle, and Scott Steiner in the past are all very good wrestlers. I don't think Cena is bad and im not white.....it's pretty ignorant to bring races into this. Your "most people that like him are white" statement is pretty friggin dumb.
I agree that Low Ki isnt all that, but i disagree with WWE cutting their talent in OVW. Guys like Nick Dinsmore, Doug Basham, JOhn Cena, Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas are all good workers and they came from OVW.
It's fucked up too cause i can totally see that happening: Wrestlers meeting: HHH: I just want you guys to know that i'm leavingfor Smackdown after SummerSlam RVD: (Quietly) Dude, yes, finally...this is totally the best news i've heard in a while. HHH: But, i'll be back in time for survivor series RVD: (Very Loudly) Fuck, dude HHH: Hey Rob, i'll be working a program with you when i come back. I'll probably be going over. RVD: Whatever dude
Eh, it's a little too......wait it's WAY too late for him to save face. He should have put someone over almost a year ago and again 3 months ago but refused to do so. He doesnt give a fuck what the boys think. He's the most powerful employee in the company right now
Yeah, and Vince thought Katie Vick was a success at the beginning. Part of me wants Goldberg to fail, not because he's from WCW but because he comes off as an egotistical jerk who's not very good. But part of me wants Goldberg to succeed, and thus become a success for the WWE. What I think they should do: have him job to Jericho at SS, which will get Jericho over big time, and then start fresh with him, building him up not as an unbeatable giant but as a skilled tough guy who starts picking up victories. The problem is they didnt pay Goldberg all that money to have him job and put guys over. Now, if they were parting ways with him that would be a different story and i'd be all for it. I'll tell you this though......if they decided to part ways and AFTERWARDS they scheduled Goldberg to lose at SummerSlam i bet he'd just walk out like a dick.
Never speak bad of Waylon Mercy.....the man would have been an icon if not for damn Spivey getting injured and retiring. Matt Hardy was a jobber for YEARS. I remember him always getting a punch or two in and trying something like an asai moonsault and getting clobbered.
I honestly think that HHH will finally drop the title at SummerSlam and then move over to Smackdown following it for a nice september buildup for the beautiful wedding he and steph will have. If this is true this will be Steph's 3rd fuckin TV marriage and the first 2 ended up being disasters. Not, to mention she was a witness in the gay wedding one, so Steph will be involved in 4, count em, 4 weddings on TV with the first 3 going bad.
He'll look like an extra large version of Stone Cold
Thats what i said maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I wouldnt mind seeing Brock turn heel and screwing Angle over at Vengeance leading to a cage match at SummerSlam.
First things first......xavier is not very good at all....he may be one of the most overrated indy performers out there. Elix Skipper ---- Great ability and his matrix out of a pin is awesome, but sadly his voice will stop him from getting a WWE contract. he sounds sissier than Mike Tyson. Amazing Red ---- WWE already has a guy like that in Mysterio, and Mysterio is better imo. Red is just spot after spot after spot. I like the guy but no way will WWE sign him Christopher Daniels --- It boggles my mind why he hasnt been signed yet. The guy is great in the ring and also great on the mic which is unsual because in the indys you dont see many great performers on the mic. I think before it's all said and done he will get signed by WWE, but will get the Knoble treatment. AJ Styles --- Without the doubt the best chance of anyone to get signed, as a matter of fact already got offered but for a measly $500 a week turned them down. He's got the look, very good in ring, high flyer, not bad on the mic, and tremendous charisma. He'll be in WWE before 2004 ends. All in all WWE fans would love watching these guys for a change and would welcome it and want more. IT's a very exciting style and as long as they dont blow many spots and look crisp they'll get over with the crowd.
You can just have Angle vs. Brock at Vengeance end up being a double DQ or double KO....and then at Summerslam: Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar (2 out of 3 falls, no dq no countout)
You want to improve the card.....then CANCEL it Nah, here's my card WWE Title Match Brock Lesnar(face) vs. Kurt Angle(face) Mr America vs. Big Show U.S. Title Final Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy WWE Tag Title Match Tajiri/ Eddie Guererro vs. Haas/Benjamin John Cena vs. Spanky WWE Cruiserweight Title Match Rey Mysterio vs. Billy Kidman Ultimo Dragon vs. Jamie Knoble Rhyno vs. Sean O' Haire
It would be very simple for them.... 1)HHH loses the title at SummerSlam 2) One night on Smackdown Steph is getting threatened or beaten and HHH comes out of nowhere to save the day. 3)HHH realizes he still loves Stephanie and proposes to her again in Sept. and she accepts. 4)HHH and Steph are married on Smackdown in Oct. It's very simple for them to do
I've said this many times, but I just really don't like the idea of a cruiserweight division. To me, it's full of people who have decided that they can't win the heavyweight belt. It's a consolation prize. I dont see why anyone would have a problem with a cruiserweight division. It's like in boxing having Lennox Lewis fight someone like Arturo Gatti.....it's too much of a difference. There is a CW division because the guys are too small to challenge for the Heavyweight belt. There are different divisions in boxing, mma, wrestling.
As far as getting rid of hosses I would efinitely get rid of Nathan Jones because he's always completely lost in the ring and hes a headache backstage. As bad as he is he's got to have some set of balls to threaten to quit if he wasnt pushed. Batista --- If pushed properly he's got the look and is agile enough to get over and be passable. He was impressive as Leviathon. Big Show --- They actually made him look credible for once and it worked as hes seen as a threat. H'es not as bad as people say he is. A-Train - Has a decent moveset especially for a hoss, and busts his ass every night out there. Just give him a new outfit and he'll be good for midcard feuds. Taker - No one can deny he's still very over. He doesnt bother me right now in the midcard feuding with FBI. DEmott- I heard he's coming back as Hugh Morris. Anything to get rid of the bully gimmick and hes not offensive either.
To be honest i'd much rather see Angle vs. Brock go at it at a big ppv like SummerSlam. Eh, on the other hand they could have just had Brock vs. Benoit, or maybe even Brock. vs. Cena rematch instead of sticking Big show in every Smackdown title match. Billy Gunn winning the U.S. Title........jesus...........this guy must have supreme dick sucking skills cause he's had more fuckin chances and failed pushes than anyone else ever in WWE. What the hell do they see in this guy? Bad Blood's low buyrate would be the only good news, and the thing that makes it good is that maybe WWE will sometime soon see the fuckin light and stop the dumb segments and hoss pushing. Also, Jim Ross couldn't leave or step down from his position soon enough for me. He's the mastermind behind bringing in or pushing these hosses constantly.
I've had to watch this dude get a tremendous amount of tV time every single week since he made his debut. More TV time than the world champion and all the other top superstars week in and week out. It would be one thing if the gy was entertaining, but he cannot cut a promo or act for his life. He probably is even worse than Test with his dumb facial expressions and robotic speaking. If you saw Smackdown tonight and were paying attention to Zack Gowan while Vince Mcmahon was talking to him in the ring, you could see that it looks like he was trying to remember his lines instead of reacting what was being said to him. I heard the guy can wrestle and even saw a match of his in TNA, but of course in the WWE you can't be pushed at what you're good at. In about 2-3 months now he has yet to have a match. Please spare me from this shitty angle, and shitty acting and lets see some more in ring action
Um, why would i be in denial. I could care less whether all or non of them were on the juice. Nobody said steroids makes people bad, just an assumption on your part. All i'm saying is that it's silly to think all these guys are on steroids cause they've gotten bigger. By the way, Kurt angle was already losing his hair back in 2000...........You might wanna rent Royal Rumble 2000 where he fights Tazz, and you can clearly see his hairline receding back then from the front.
Because this is WWE, and in WWE you're not allowed to ask anything that questions logic and just go with the flow that doesnt make any sense to begin with.
I'd have to also say Tony Montana............sometimes i get a little too into it and will talk like that for a whole freakin day or so "What's for fuckin dinner you fuckin pelican?"
I understand that and you're being kind of foolish by missing my point. I'm saying why can't you guys believe that ALL they do is hit the gym and bust their asses without they do anything else. And don't try to tell me how steroids work bro, i know first hand about them from friends that used them. To say they are on roids because their physiques is as idiotic on your part as anything else being said.