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Everything posted by LooseCannon25

  1. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    I agree with you completely....goldberg does deserve some of the fault but not all of it. He has been presented softly right now. If they continue what they did Monday with him then he will get extremey over again. If Kurt Angle would headline Vengeance and it would do a bad buyrate then Anglesault would be complaining that the reason it didnt do good numbers was because Angle was booked badly. However, if people say Goldberg's numbers are bad because he was booked badly it's incorrect to AS and he's a complete failure. If that's not a double edge sword i dont know what is. BTW RRR, are you ready to see Vanderlei get his ass handed to him by The Rampage?
  2. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    Yeah, he didnt sell Rock's attacks well at all......he only did a fuckin 360 when Rock hit him on the head with a chair. and saying Nash did a better job on his ppv then Goldberg is such a ignorant statement i dont even have to justify it. You think Nash brought all those buy rates in? Negative, I say it was HELL IN A CELL that did the trick for that. Give Goldberg a HIAC match and the numbers would be different.
  3. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    But why would you keep him at the top of your card when he's essentially losing money for the company? If he's a shit drawer, then he shouldn't be at the top, no matter what. You don't see Mark Henry at the top of the card because he has a high priced contract, do you? No, but i see a guy named Triple H at the top of the card, the world champion, and he hasn't drawn shit in a year. You dont see them pushing HIS ass down the card.
  4. but, Rodney Mack sucks donkey balls. The guys moveset is worse than just about anyone else's in WWE. Why waste a huge thing like unmasking on his sorry ass?
  5. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    Look....I understand what you guys are saying......he's by no means a great wrestler and i'm not his greatest fan either. But, i think he gets a little unfair treatment here cause smarks are so deadset to be against anything he does. WWE invseted a lot of money towards him so what do you guys expect them to do? Job him out? If they can part ways with him without paying then thats great...money saved for them, but until then they have to do something with the guy at the top of the card.
  6. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    Ok, so it's Goldberg's fault for BackLash not drawing buyrates, but Rock doesnt get any fault? Was Rock not wrestling in that match also? Do you think it's fair to blame one guy and not blame the other? Whether he was brought in to bring in better buyrates has nothing to do with it. You're not the one who paid him. If he failed to bring buyrates...and Angle failed...and Lesnar failed......and HHH failed.....Hogan failed......Undertaker failed.....HBk failed......Rock failed.......Steve Austin failed..........then they all failed period. All failed equally. Goldberg didnt fail MORE than the others.
  7. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    So, the Rock wasn't booed against Hogan at Wrestlemania, and Lesnar at SummerSlam???? Are you forgetting that the Rock was away most of the time and didnt even compete in most PPV's? Wow, Goldberg didnt get a high buyrate so its his fuckin fault huh? Ok, if thats the argument then name me someone who IS drawing good buyrates these days in WWE
  8. Was Kane insanely over? No......but, he was much more over than Kevin Nash.....are you friggin people saying that you'd rather see Kevin Nash vs. HHH in a PPV main event than a HHH vs. Kane in a title vs. mask match in a ppv. And dont come with the "Neither, i'd rather see Jericho or RVD or Booker T in the main event" bullshit. It's either one or the other
  9. LooseCannon25

    My favorite squash match

    If Goldberg gets a big push based on MSG, I'm moving.* If they HAVE to push him, I can't WAIT for him to get booed out of the title match at Summerslam. That will make my day. *Fuck no. You might wanna start packing those bags now then.........cause i think this may have earned him a title run. And him getting booed out of SummerSlam would be no different then the Rock getting killed by the crowd last year at the same event. Does Rock suck too then cause he got booed?
  10. LooseCannon25

    A Quick question about Flair

    He does that as part of his gimmick. It's like he's too classy to go through the ropes himself so he makes someone else and scrubby like the ref hold the ropes for him.
  11. Could they make the ceiling higher though so RVD can do a frog splash without crushing HHH's throat.........eh.....wait a minute.....on second though, keep it exactly the same and put HHH in with RVD
  12. LooseCannon25

    Bad Morale in Smackdown Lockeroom

    I think it was Raven who said he makes more money on the indies then he did in the WWE. Also, isn't Crash Holly doing bouncing as a part time job because he's not making enough money? I sincerely doubt it. I think everyone would know that they got fired for disagreeing rather then getting fired because they suck. Vince would just be a huge prick anyways and bring the no compete clause out from the bottom of the contract, especially if they were fired for disagreeing with him. Negative, if they get fired the no complete clause is terminated just like the contract. They would be free to work wherever they want. Only if they would quit would the clause take effect
  13. LooseCannon25

    Angle Injured Again last night

    I sure ss fuck didn't think he'd be booked as the weak link of the face side. I thought they'd repay him by making him look SOMEWHAT COMPETANT. If he's gonna put his body through hell for THIS, then it's not worth it You know what.....you're absolutely right. I forgot that Brock had to save him all the time. They need to have Brock beatdown and have Angle clean house for a few weeks in a row now. To be honest though, i can't stand Angle as a face. He doesnt have the same cockiness and humor as when hes a heel
  14. that shit wasnt actually $1,000,000....more like $300,000. They should use it anually at Survivor Series [in very low toned voice} Elimiiiiiination Chaaaamber
  15. LooseCannon25

    Angle Injured Again last night

    I wouldn't mind if he said he was putting his body through this strictly for the money. But for him to say that he's doing this to himself for the company due to his love of the business, and then watch Vince and Co. piss all over him, UGH. I hope Karen gets him to quit. Uuuum......I dont think he's been used in the best way.....but, lets not exxagerate now. Cmon, piss all over him? Guys that are getting pissed on are Lance Storm, Steven Richards, Booker T, and RVD. Angle is not getting pissed on. The guy just came back like 3 weeks ago, did you think he was already gonna win the title?
  16. LooseCannon25

    Bad Morale in Smackdown Lockeroom

    That's what i think the WWE needs.......for 25-25 wrestlers to go up to Vince himself and say they've had enough of this bullshit. He will NOT fire all of them cause his business will dwindle badly. If they DID fire them then they would scatter in Indies all around the country. TNA probably couldnt even afford to pay 2 of them right now to any lengthy contract.
  17. LooseCannon25

    Angle Injured Again last night

    the fucked up part about is it that Angle is still rpetty young....isnt he only like 32 or something. Even if you're not a fan of his you gotta feel for all these damn injuries he's had.
  18. LooseCannon25

    Angle Injured Again last night

    Apparently he was eager to come back to this half assed push. He really isn't all that bright. Perhaps he did it......because, i dont know, he loves the business. It's his LIFE. He should have taken more time off though
  19. LooseCannon25

    Favorite Rocky movie?

    I got the Rocky DVD collector set and i have to say the best movie of them all is Rocky.....The original had the best storyline and drama. Rocky II would follow it as second.
  20. LooseCannon25

    People that cry during movies

    Nope.....i cried during freakin WhiteFang and i hate to see animals getting hurt or killed in movies. I also cried at Titanic in the theatre. I tried my hardest not to cry, i looked up towards the ceiling,but thta wasnt too smart cause the tears came rolling down like a faucet when i put my head back down. It's perfectly fine to cry at movies, If you have NO emotion there's a problem
  21. LooseCannon25

    Looking to deeply into it???

    LMAO....that actually happened for real?? Yes it did.......you think it's funny now.....go rent Royal Rumble 94 and listen to Undertaker's little speech before all this happens while he's in a casket. You'll laugh yourself to death
  22. LooseCannon25

    Bad Morale in Smackdown Lockeroom

    Here's how i feel about this shit. Zach Gowan can't act for shit and at the same time it's wrong to poke fun at his prosthetic leg every fuckin week on Smackdown cause Number 1 it takes up a huge amount of TV time, and number 2 it's not funny to continually make fun of someone's handicap every week on national TV. Vince McMahon is the biggest egomaniac in the history of the wrestling business. Bigger than even Hogan. He thinks just showing up on a TV screen and creating terrible storylines will magically make the show better and raise ratings. He thinks we all WANT to see him taking up more time on a wrestling show than any of his wrestlers. He thinks his ideas and presense will solve all problems when the reality is that it has made things much worse. The Mcmahon vs. Austin story was great compelling TV and pulled in huge ratings....but that was 5-6 fuckin years ago and the evil boss shit does NOT work anymore. His match at Wrestlemania getting ALL the hype, his 4-7 appearances every week on Smackdown is sickening. Nobody in the company is allowed to second guess his daughters awful booking even though its crystal clear that she sucks at her job. Vince's egotistical attitude and "i could give a shit what the fans think cause I decided what they wanna watch" is gonna lead to his eventual downfall. Maybe no time soon, but if shit continues this way it WILL happen. If there becomes another major promotion that competes with WWE then expect the WWE stars to flock out of there one by one just like this other company that did business the wrong way........that company was WCW and look where they are now
  23. LooseCannon25

    When did JR start to lose his mind?

    He changed when the emphasis was put on "ENTERTAINMENT"......i remember the first time i saw things go for the worse was in King of the Ring '99' when HHH interfered and costed the Rock his match against Undertaker. JR was all "That damn Triple H, he has no business being here....and now he costed the Rock the damn title. That son of a bitch.....that no good SON OF A BITCH!" I was crackinh up when he said that but that seems to be the point when he turned into crap with his overdramatizing and stupid one liners like "scalded Dog"
  24. LooseCannon25

    Greg Maddux and Javy Lopez

    Why? Tired of him kicking your ass all the time? I'm curious to know your feelings towards Tom Glavine, before this season and now. nah..........actually, almost every time he pitches against the Met's he gets his ass handed to him and is gone by the 4th inning. The Mets OWN Maddux. Besides, him i have no problems with any other Brave except Chipper Jones (due to Met Hostility ). I always respected Glavine, Smoltz, Millwood
  25. LooseCannon25

    Looking to deeply into it???

    Jericho needs to bring back the Fu-Man with the long sideburns from Royal Rumble 2000. That was some wicked shit. Anyway, every freakin female i know drools over the Rock. Even my girl.......so i was thinking of shaving my head, getting a few tattoos, building some muscle, and growing about 6-7 inches...........If Ya Smeeeeeeeeeeeeelllalalalalalallalalalala..oh fuck it