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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Jesus Christ, what NBC exec thought this was a good idea?
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    I volunteer to teach Maria how to perfect the Bronco Buster. I don't care how long it takes and how many times she has to do it to me, I will not stop until I am satisfied with her performance!
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Yeah, I think I prefer Melina's wrestling gear to her regular attire. Except for when it comes to the ring entrance.
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    No Daivari? Who the hell's going to translate for him?
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Oh Jesus Cena vs. Khali. God help us.
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Well it's not like Cena's been afraid to admit it when he got his ass kicked in a match.
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    The highlights sure did make it look like HHH did what he could to progress the storyline of the match. That's not a knock on HHH or anything. Just stating an opinion. Nice shot of Rosie.
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    BCS National Championship Game Thread

    Hell of a play fake by Baker on that TD.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    "I'm so good-uh I can squash people on one leg-uh!"
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    BCS National Championship Game Thread

    Well THAT didn't take long.
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    Obscure Videogames

    I could have seen it as a trilogy like the new series is. Four games stretched it out too much.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    Obscure Videogames

    I actually own all the American releases. Just got around to beating the first series a few days ago. I liked the series but 4 games might have been stretching it a bit far. The second series (.Hack//G.U.) may not have gotten terribly good reviews, but I like it quite a bit. They went with a steampunk-lite World this time, and the graphics are quite a bit better all round. Your character is an asshole, but I guess you have your trade-offs. Fortunately I haven't heard anyone as annoying as Mistryl in this one (Atoli is close though). The anime that came with the original series isn't that bad either.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    SmackDown Spoilers

    They oughta have Kennedy coming out next week for all the matches and finding ways to break up counts without getting DQ'd (putting a foot on the ropes, distracting the ref, etc.). Basically doing whatever it takes to keep his record. Have the Undertaker match last then the SECOND the time elapses Kennedy chairs the crap outta him. Just to be an even bigger dick.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Just thought I'd throw this out there: www.rightstuf.com is currently running 40% off all VIZ DVD's and a third off VIZ manga. This, of course, includes Bleach, Inu Yasha, and Naruto. Preorders are included in the special. Special runs through January 14th. Just in case someone's interested.
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    OAO 1/4 Impact Thread

    They'd have to have Dusty Rhodes to sell that event properly.
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    OAO 1/4 Impact Thread

    Should I feel guilty that I'm actually looking forward to Kevin Nash on a wrestling show? His PCS has been one of the better parts of the show on a consistent basis for the last few weeks.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    Pictures I Like

    That cameraman must be REAL uncomfortable.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Don't forget to constantly yell out "FOOT STOMPS!" whenever they're in a clinch.
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    But...but... Vince is a winner! Intangibles! SI cover! Rose Bowls!
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I can't believe UFC 69's going to be in Houston. I need to get some money. How quick can someone start selling crack and turn a profit? I'm just asking...
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    OAO ECW Thread for 1/2/07

    So, this guy's gimmick is that he's a vaguely retarded Russian MMA fighter? Perfect.
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    OAO ECW Thread for 1/2/07

    Oh geez they're bringing Brad back again? He and Taz are going to get into a fight at the announce table.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    OAO ECW Thread for 1/2/07

    Wow... Trinity will probably never have to worry about drowning.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    It just wouldn't be a Houston Texans season if we weren't stuck playing Cleveland again. What is this, the fourth year in a row?
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    This Week in College Football 1/1 - 1/7

    No need to make fun of some poor GMU graphic design major's work. Actually the lady explained it to me with a smack to the back of my head and a tale of fairies. Love the message and well wishes though from George Mason, that's classy. So how far up can Boise realistically go? I'd have to say 5 or 6. The only team they'll catch as of right now is OU. I don't know about Michigan. They'll take a hit, but I don't know how far they'll fall. LSU and Louisville play tomorrow, so they're still possibilities. Florida would have to get demolished. So, I'd say that barring a surprise result or two (voting and score), the absolute highest they'll probably end up is 6.