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Everything posted by Mrnoitaull

  1. Vince is in excellent condition!
  2. Mrnoitaull

    Sell Me On....

    I actusllt thought the Beach was pretty good; great narration, cinmatography.. but that's just me
  3. Mrnoitaull

    Power Rangers

    I craved for the one on one duels where it would be pro vs. antogonist in the middle of nowhere. The spark fest and high jumps would usually end in a dramatic escape or forfeit Golden
  4. Mrnoitaull

    Angle vs. Lesnar

    I had a big argument over with a c worker today. Why I got so upset I dont know , but he said the only reason people want to see Angle is because he's been out of action. He also said that he is the most boring on the mic and wouldnt be in the top ten of wwe greatsest wrestlers...any way can all vote to represent what the poeple want Thanx
  5. Mrnoitaull

    A move that a wrestler does...

    Elbow drop=Dusty Punch=Billy Gunn sell a DDT=RVD Neckbreaer=Hurricaine
  6. Mrnoitaull

    22 Greatest Voices

    MTV just recently had a special on the topic: "22 Greatest Voices" in the past 20 years (?) and for those who have missed it , here's the list: 1. Mariah Carey 2. Freddie Mercury 3. Whitney Houston 4. Bono 5. Christina Aguilera 6. Alanis Morissette 7. Kurt Cobain 8. Björk 9. Celine Dion 10. Tupac Shakur 11. Michael Jackson 12. Chris Cornell 13. Eminem 14. David Bowie 15. Alicia Keys 16. Steven Tyler 17. Jewel 18. Thom Yorke 19. Mary J. Blige 20. Michael Stipe 21. Sade 22. Bruce Springsteen Now do you all think they left anyone out? or do you think one has gotten over the other. I personally think that Thom Yorke should have been alot over than he was, more like #11! but thats just me anyway , your thoughts
  7. Mrnoitaull

    Anybody see this happening???

    I totally see that happening!!!
  8. Mrnoitaull

    22 Greatest Voices

    I wasnt sure of it was 20 years or 22 years
  9. Mrnoitaull

    Kurt Angle's best match

    OK was this the match where Benoit lost by submission? IF so that's my vote
  10. Mrnoitaull

    Wrestling Nicknames

    I thought I was the only one to think that
  11. Mrnoitaull

    Official TNA Preview for 6/18/03

    According to CRedible/Lynn's past ECW matches, I see Lynn winning this match via Cradle Tombstone, but if not I at least see it getting pulled off. that and a reversed Tombstone
  12. Mrnoitaull

    Anybody see this happening???

    I wouldn't mind seeing Kane-Bautista II for Bautista's spot back (though I've seen the spoiler)
  13. Wow, Im in on that stipulation!!!!!
  14. oop,Eric's fumblin over words
  15. Chokeslam to Stone Cold
  16. HHH ripped off that Floetry song "..Big shitties..."
  17. Wow, Kane hit him with the tip the chair(aka the bone of the chair) That has to be painful!!!
  18. that was a nasty kick to the head \ Hey will we ever see Shane on TV again ??!
  19. Yeah I'm smelling Kane too RVD would be a curve ball!!!!
  20. T3=contradictory to T2
  21. Ha, Booker=1% I wonder why !!.......
  22. Aw Ric screwed up the Nuclear dropkick!!
  23. would be cool for the member to be Bautista either that or have the new member face Bautista in the future for his spot back MARK MY WORDS
  24. whoa, that was gruesome looking DDT Orton didnt let go !