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Everything posted by Mrnoitaull

  1. Mrnoitaull

    Rap/Hip hop Link game

    Black Rob- "If I should die before I wake"
  2. Mrnoitaull

    Rap/Hip hop Link game

    Thought I'd start a link game jus cus'... but anyway I wanna start with Scarface Link form song to song with rappers or singers.... ...and it has to be up to seven people before it comes back around So Imma start with = Scarface
  3. Mrnoitaull

    Estrada's recent Finsher

    Fisherman Suplex slam,From Shinbreaker to Angle Slam ... I've heard those but can anyne like put it in..like..."Finishers for Dummies" term. I'm still not picturing the move.
  4. Mrnoitaull

    Kid Kash's Move

    Er..wait ,it was more like a release suplex in mid air or something. correct me if Im wrong.
  5. Mrnoitaull

    Kid Kash's Move

    Hey I actually remember when EZ Money debuted in WCW ..as Jason Jett. He had the eact same mach against Kwee Whee as he did against Kid Kash in ECW:Powerbomb to Hurricaineranna of Top trnbckl....and it ended with that Suplex to Powerbomb,which he called the "Crash Landing" in WCW. Ez must've creographed that match himself(like just about all his matches)
  6. Mrnoitaull

    Kid Kash's Move

    Hasnt Kidman used the "Bankroll"before. I think he has (of course against his cruiserweight peers)?Its like DVD to that knee drop,right?
  7. Mrnoitaull

    AMW and The Double Team Move

    Since we're on the subjest of naming moves, I heard that Jorge did a pretty coool finisher on Disgrace last night, can anyone describe it ?
  8. I didnt see TNa , but I read that Estrada did a pretty sweet move . Can anyone( that saw it) describe what it was ?
  9. Mrnoitaull

    How has Wrestling Influenced You?

    Never listened to Rock/Metal 'til I became a wrestling fanatic. Now Im almost half an half with my rock and rap cds. Im in college for Creative Writing(angle writer), JOurnalism and Film and Video It's got me bad , I've devoted my self to become a talent scout and/or booker/writer. Even own my own fed! *shew*
  10. Mrnoitaull

    Who is the worst actor in WWE?

    Man I screwed up names pretty bad but yall get my point .
  11. Mrnoitaull

    Who is the worst actor in WWE?

    Chuck Poulumbo-Always managed to screw up what little dialogue he was given Benoit-I dunnno, just never really convinced me . Steiner-was and always will be a shape.Rick wasn't any better though. But I agree with Andrew on the whole "vinny Mac'' piece,was irregular but still delivered a preety good point. oh and uh I'm not to satisfied with Shwan Micheals either *ducks* takes too long to get to the point. I know your suppose to lead on but COME ON!!!
  12. Mrnoitaull

    Its me agin with the questions

    I havent seen NWATNA since the WWE brands were split(..pray for me) So I wanted to know the finishers(description) for the following: Shark Boy John London SAT ( both) David Flair ..uh that's it for right now thanx
  13. Mrnoitaull

    Weird sounds wrestlers make during matches...

    Saturn used to make the noise of a distressed pig ; like a whine or inpersonation of a alarm( thus his theme music... conscidence?)
  14. Mrnoitaull

    The Best "Seller"

    Yet another topic: Whos sells the best bell ringer ?! An' IM not talkin about just WWE , but anywhere. NOw I dont know too much of Indy Feds ( like I matter) but give us your top three! Me Top three are: 1) Tony Marmaluke 2)RVD 3)Jamie KNoble honorable mentions:Kurt Angle,Hurricaine and yes.. Bubba Ray Dudley
  15. Mrnoitaull

    If you were a wrestler..

    My biggest concern would be not to botch a single spot -and- pulling off the nastiest bumps everytime!!!!!!!!
  16. Mrnoitaull

    Who would you get rid of from the roster?

    Hey didnt Bill Demott get fired once before. Him and Chavo., when they were with the invasion angle? there really isnt a place for Demott. He's just squashing people and gettin nowhere . But I disagree with Kidamn leaving.Justin Cred an Jeff should return to rehab and work out a gimmick.. maybe even formin a tag ......
  17. Mrnoitaull

    Dont Try This at Home

    I've never seen it . What si the " dont try this at home" clip?
  18. Mrnoitaull

    What do you hate about

    -Kurt Angle nothing wrong here -Chris Benoit horrible mic skills,needs to acutally wrestle like a tech an not like he's tryin to fake one -Matt Hardy Literally standing still in the mid carding area -Eddy Guerrero kinda lost in the storyboarding,waste of talent -Chris Nowinski *see Matt hardy -Brock Lesnar The MOnster gimmick well get old soon
  19. Mrnoitaull

    favorite/worst Wrestler

    Fav:Hurricaine/Kidman Least:Jeff/'Kishi(washed up)
  20. Mrnoitaull

    My predictions for 2003

    Lately my predictions for title turnovers and angle changes have been surprisingly accurate. There for I want to display my predictions due to my recent observations: *Because of his belief of constant failure and jeopardizing his tag teamate, I think Goldust is gonna be MIA for a couple of weeks to return to his former gimmick,the old school "The American Dream" Dustin Runnels and pbbly fued with his teamate Booker T. *Rock's reign of being "The People's Champion" may come to an end when he returns with his new perspective on wrestling. The new age of superstardom may reutrn only to become one the most dominant heels of the year. *Hope for all our italian jobbers for Gui..uh..Nunzio is here and there maybe a new stable in town . *Team Angle=Team Excellence=Champs sooner than you think Ill put my other predictions up but I gotta come back ..gimme your imput!or predictions.
  21. Mrnoitaull

    SD thoughts and whatnot

    Hey wasnt Shan suppose to become Hurry's sidekick at one point? that wouldve been a perfect gimmick for him. Or even better, Crash joins as well , he already plays the whole "action figure" angle.
  22. Mrnoitaull

    The Best Never Seen !

    I wantchu guys pick three of who's WWE's best talent that's wasted so horibbly or is barley seen. I know recently there's been an upscale of that list , but give your top three of the list and why .
  23. Mrnoitaull


    I might be late but isn't WWE's contract expiring next year for Smackdown ? So that's more than an excellent idea, And look at this, NWA can finally get their cable debut they they've been workin for for so long !
  24. Mrnoitaull

    The Best Never Seen !

    I would kinda give it to Tajiri but He has the tendence to react a lil too early in the ring like with bumps. It's as if he's scared ( I mean he's ECW alumni for godsake) Have you ever seen him take a frog splash ?!
  25. Mrnoitaull

    The Best Never Seen !

    My top three are : Lance Storm Billy Kidman Hurricaine