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Everything posted by Mrnoitaull

  1. Mrnoitaull

    XMas Gifts for WWE Wrestlers

    Lance Storm:Rogaine Kane:Invisilgn braces Hurricaine:Invisilign braces Al..uhA-Train:Nads hair removing cream
  2. With this abumdance of "new talent" this year, I'd figure that more than just onw would be in the main event status( talkin about Brock). I kinda figured such John Cena was going nowhere fast when he had that bland push early in his debut. And Batista is one of our best talent that will be wasted if he doesnt progress fast. Smearing lightweights all over the ring will get you no where ask Bill Demott.. and that's no laughing matter!
  3. Mrnoitaull

    Rock expected back for much of 2003

    I think making The Rock into the "arrogant hollywood star" would be a perfect rating booster . For one , it'll bring back all those female semi-fans back to the show, and plus The Rock can play the "Prettyboy superstar" angle without losing character and turning cowardly *cough* Triple H *cough*
  4. Mrnoitaull

    2002 SmarK wrestling awards...

    Wrestler of the Year: Kurt Angle Tag-Team of the Year: Angle Benoit Match of the Year: Eddie vs. Edge @Smackdown NHB match Rookie of the Year: Brock Feud of the Year: Steph vs. Eric B. Best Face of the Year: Rey Mysterio Best Heel of the Year: HHH Most Improved Wrestler of the Year: Hurricaine Comeback of the Year: Scott Steiner Favorite wrestler of the Year: Hurricaine Most Hated wrestler(the person you hate the most): Jeff Hardy Un-Pushed wrestler of the Year: Billy Kidman Too-Pushed wrestler of the Year: Test Best promo man of the Year: Paul Heyman PPV of the year: Summerslam Biggest Shock of the Year:Brock F5ing Show Biggest Story of the Year: Austin Leaves Saddest Item of the Year: WWe Ratings downward spiral Storyline of the Year: Brock's rampage Best Moment of the Year: Rey an Edge win the Tag Titles Worst Moment of the Year:Big Show's title reign Worst Storyline of the Year: HHH/Vick Worst Feud of the Year: Rikishi/John Cena
  5. Mrnoitaull

    Kidman's New Theme

    I saw on WWE's site that You can download Kidman's theme if you Anthology. I have Anthology but not tha password that I was suppose to get fomr the package seein as how I through it away ( I know, dumb move) But is there any way I can get it / download it whatever ?!!....
  6. Mrnoitaull

    What can we believe ???

    Theres always the reruns before the show comes on which is like half an hour before Smackdown goes off.
  7. Mrnoitaull

    What can we believe ???

    Seing Josh commentating was the last straw!!The reason I am sayin that is because Tha whole get together at the end of the of the first season of TE has been useless seing as how finalists that are supposedly cut end up with contracts anyway. So I realized that the cuts are purely for show and is not what they really seem to be...Damn MTV reality shows!! Well gimme your imput
  8. Mrnoitaull

    What can we believe ???

    Oh, I agree with JOsh. I honestly thought he should've won seein as how ONE: we needed cruiserweights at that time and TWO:look at Maven's turnout. But another thing , how do u think is gonna win this season's contract??!
  9. OK think theres any chnce of the FBI '03 formation seeing as how we have Marmaluke Guido Stramboli and uh who ever else is italian. I mean we have had a drought of a descent stable since the Radikalz!
  10. Mrnoitaull

    the one and only smackdown thread

    Man, is Show ok after that horrible attempt to sell that overhead belly to belly ?!
  11. Mrnoitaull

    the one and only smackdown thread

    You all think there actually gonna put Josh in the ring in the future , or does he have as much hope as The Cat?!
  12. Mrnoitaull

    Thoughts on Week 24

    Hey can somebody describe Daniel's finisher "The Last Rites"?? and how do I get a pic an the bottom of my messages like that ?
  13. Mrnoitaull

    Totally off the subject

    How do you all get those pictures at the bottom of your messages ?!
  14. Mrnoitaull

    Who has had the most finishers?

    What was the Twin City Twister ?
  15. Mrnoitaull

    Who has had the most finishers?

    ok whats the difference between the Dreamer Driver and The Tommyhawk?
  16. Oh ok, I thought it was a brainbuster seein as how he he was ina suplex postion. Thanks for the clear up.Not realy used to seeing that move.
  17. OKay some of you may remember the Pay Per View where Dean Malenko faced Scoty@ Hotty. After constant rewinding, I couldnt see how Scotty was able to stand immediately after that Brainbuster from the turnbuckle. It sold too wel to enjoy when I first saw it !
  18. OKay some of you may remember the Pay Per View where Dean Malenko faced Scoty@ Hotty. After constant rewinding, I couldnt see how Scotty was able to stand immediately after that Brainbuster from the turnbuckle. It sold too wel to enjoy when I first saw it !
  19. Mrnoitaull

    If I were a wrestler...

    Amaze me with your idea of you as a wrestler. Gimme us the works:finisher,signatures,attire,music ,etc. Just be sensible.Spare us witht eh 897 finishers and virtually impossible manuevers( Crucifix powerbomb to brainbuster off the turnbuckle). The more logical the better. Hey, for all you backyarders( like me) you can even illustrate the gimmick you've once portrayed. Have fun
  20. I've seen my share of overdoing the bump of "The Impaler DDT" done so well by our former wwe superstar, Gangrel.
  21. Mrnoitaull

    What's a man without his "move"

    Who knows just that much more than I do about the Wreslers finisher names and Descriptions of the NWA? What I know so far: Siaki's "Siakakolypse" (rolling neckbreaker aka Test Drive/Roll of the Dice) Skipper's "PLay of the Day" (Modified Leg lock neckbreaker aka O Zone) Amazing Redd's "INfared"( Spinning Swaton Bomb) Styles' "Styles Klash"(Double leg-underhook faceplant) Lynn's Cradle Piledriver ...... and your typical ex-WWE Superstars but that's it So can you "help a brother out and bless with your knowledge of the NWA finshers and descriptions
  22. Mrnoitaull

    What's a man without his "move"

    got the Ace steel finisher what was Kash's'Money in the bag" and " Money clip"??
  23. Mrnoitaull

    What's a man without his "move"

    OK thanx I got those, now if you all know any of these familiar superstars finishers/descriptions: Tony Marmaluke Ace Steel Mortimer Plumtree Jimmy Rave Slash Joe Estrada Jimmy Yang ( well I know he has the "Yang Time" which I think the Swaton?") James Strom Brian Lee........