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Everything posted by Mrnoitaull

  1. that Kane theme vinette owned for its short period
  2. Is it just me , or does all flair opponents get the same order of offence: Flair flop, throw off the turnbuckle,etc?
  3. Man, did he save up for that one or what !!!!!
  4. Man , I get tired of Triple H and these "we're the only two that exist on earth now" speeches. It's now to the point where, you heard one of H's shoots, you've heard them all.
  5. The Edgecution!!!!!! oh wait sorry
  6. Edge turns tonight, folks. Any chance we might see Christian involved somehow? I'd mark to that
  7. Batman and Robin- and the sad thing is.. I liked it. The Reason I say this is because it was the adam west/punchline dialogue/typical sequences like that of the orignal tv show series with the Modern Special effects. I watched it this time not expecting it to be realistic nor believable, but just pleaseing to the eye and fitting to its reputation. Besides Freeze's suit looked sweet
  8. Mrnoitaull

    Most Underrated Match Ever

    I was there for the Jarret/Benoit match. It was amazing. uh and all the Jung Dragons/Thre Count matches
  9. Mrnoitaull

    Most Underrated Match Ever

    Im still stickin to this match between Gunn and HHH for the title a little after DX broke up ( the first time).
  10. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    Reigns is extremely horrible on selling
  11. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    OK, What was D Von'd hand signal about ? I wish he would go back to the protoplex
  12. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    The dudz just beat the hell outta Cena... doesnt look cool now does he?!
  13. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    Man , I love these packages !!!
  14. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    A real low blow for the real superkick I guess
  15. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    Just notcied Spike tryin to be bad @$$ with the bried blood above his lip.
  16. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    With Taker's "Jason" walk and JBL's handicapped excape , we would be here all day
  17. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    HeyI've heard that "You cant break my bones..." skit from somone before oh yeah Macho Man when he starred on Dexter Lab as Wrasslor I know, It's sad
  18. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    wow that body slam shot looked kinda nasty
  19. Mrnoitaull

    The OAO Smackdown thread for 08.19.04

    lol @ JBL 's hat on his Halo