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Everything posted by Cartman

  1. Cartman

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    Top this with a stellar O-line play and it's a nearly flawless game so far. Brady has ALL DAY to find someone open.
  2. Cartman

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    Please, someone tell me again how washed up Randy Moss is?
  3. Cartman

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    Typical NY. That was hard to watch really. Guy has all the heart in the world
  4. Cartman

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    108 Yard kickoff return to start the 2nd half for the Pats Talk about HUGE risk = HUGE reward. Guy was near the back of the endzone and I was yelling at my TV seeing him running out of it. Could have been real ugly if he got taken down at the 10 or so where someone missed a tackle.
  5. Cartman

    Rick Ankiel & HGH

    What do ALL these Athletes/Wrestlers have in common during their usage time? Injuries. Screw it. I'm all in favor of these guys doing whatever they need to do to recover faster and get back out on the field/ring quicker.
  6. Cartman

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    I think the Saints will still do very well this year, they just aren't going to beat the best teams in the AFC.
  7. Cartman

    NFL Week 1 Paneled Basement Party & Chat

    If it happened to Manning they would have thrown the guy out of the game and suspended him 3 games...
  8. Cartman

    SAW IV

    Oh geez fuck Donnie Wahlburg he's lucky he's doing anything that people pay to see.
  9. Cartman


    Ray, when someone asks you if you're a *God*, you say "YES"!
  10. Cartman

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    Ok there was ONE thing I didn't like about this movie. Fucking Cheerleader broads do NOT wear Slayer T-shirts!
  11. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    Hahaha, Yea that was fun but trust me shes a fucking cunt and deserves every bit of shit-on she gets Colorago St almost blew the game by nearly allowing a punt return TD. Saved by the punter.
  12. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    and Michigan will get the ball back with around 5 minutes left.
  13. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    I can't wait to go into work tuesday and shit on this bitch who went to Michigan
  14. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    Colorado St. needs to hold on to this game dammit
  15. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    Yea. Just sad to listen to him.
  16. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    REALLY old people who have a hard time speaking coherently should not be doing ESPN...
  17. Cartman

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    Wow App st. in the red zone again... EDIT: TD App. St. 28-14
  18. Cartman

    NFL Discussion Forumtable: 2007

    Yes "The Patriots" got busted One player gets caught and actually admits to it, whatever. 75% of the NFL uses this stuff and everyone has known this for years. Same with all sports. Rodney wanted to heal from his injuries quicker and did what he and everyone else in his situation would do to help their team. Doesn't make it right but lets not be stupid about attacking him or the Patriots organization when there are hundreds of other guilty athletes in every sports organization.
  19. Cartman

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    I dunno, I try not to think too much and just watch it for what it is. I liked it. I'm not a fan of the Halloween Original series of movies anyways so what do I know. Most horror movies are laugable shit anyways to me. I tend to like a bit of realism in my horror anyways. The whole "Boogeyman who can never be killed and just magically appears wherever to fuck people up" if fun too but meh. I'm a fan of HOTC and Devils Rejects too.
  20. Cartman

    SAW IV

    Just saw Halloween and there was a Saw IV trailer
  21. Cartman

    PlayStation 3

    PSN Tag is Theschill Only other online games I have at the moment besides Warhawk are Madden 08 and NCAA 08. I didn't buy the hard copy of the game because I already have a decent headset but i'm not sure if the darn thing even works for Warhawk. I an hear other people talking but whenever I hold down L3 and talk noone reply's The Mic definitely works when I set it up through the system setting so maybe people are just ignorant!
  22. Cartman

    PlayStation 3

    Warhawk rules. Pretty much a very watered down Battlefield but very balanced and much more fun to fly. Once there is more downloadable content added it will be even better than it already is. Well worth the 40 bucks.